22 research outputs found

    The Transfer of the Ferredoxin Gene From the Chloroplast to the Nuclear Genome Is Ancient Within the Paraphyletic Genus Thalassiosira

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    Ferredoxins are iron-sulfur proteins essential for a wide range of organisms because they are an electron transfer mediator involved in multiple metabolic pathways. In phytoplankton, these proteins are active in the mature chloroplasts, but the petF gene, encoding for ferredoxin, has been found either to be in the chloroplast genome or transferred to the nuclear genome as observed in the green algae and higher plant lineage. We experimentally determined the location of the petF gene in 12 strains of Thalassiosira covering three species using DNA sequencing and qPCR assays. The results showed that petF gene is located in the nuclear genome of all confirmed Thalassiosira oceanica strains (CCMP0999, 1001, 1005, and 1006) tested. In contrast, all Thalassiosira pseudonana (CCMP1012, 1013, 1014, and 1335) and Thalassiosira weissflogii (CCMP1010, 1049, and 1052) strains studied retained the gene in the chloroplast genome, as generally observed for Bacillariophyceae. Our evolutionary analyses further extend the dataset on the localization of the petF gene in the Thalassiosirales. The realization that the petF gene is nuclear-encoded in the Skeletonema genus allowed us to trace the petF gene transfer back to a single event that occurred within the paraphyletic genus Thalassiosira. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the need to reassess the taxonomic assignment of the Thalassiosira strain CCMP1616, since the genes used in our study did not cluster within the T. oceanica lineage. Our results suggest that this strains' diversification occurred prior to the ferredoxin gene transfer event. The functional transfer of petF genes provides insight into the evolutionary processes leading to chloroplast genome reduction and suggests ecological adaptation as a driving force for such chloroplast to nuclear gene transfer

    The parasite Trichomonas vaginalis expresses thousands of pseudogenes and long non-coding RNAs independently from functional neighbouring genes

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    BACKGROUND: The human pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis is a parabasalian flagellate that is estimated to infect 3% of the world’s population annually. With a 160 megabase genome and up to 60,000 genes residing in six chromosomes, the parasite has the largest genome among sequenced protists. Although it is thought that the genome size and unusual large coding capacity is owed to genome duplication events, the exact reason and its consequences are less well studied. RESULTS: Among transcriptome data we found thousands of instances, in which reads mapped onto genomic loci not annotated as genes, some reaching up to several kilobases in length. At first sight these appear to represent long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), however, about half of these lncRNAs have significant sequence similarities to genomic loci annotated as protein-coding genes. This provides evidence for the transcription of hundreds of pseudogenes in the parasite. Conventional lncRNAs and pseudogenes are expressed in Trichomonas through their own transcription start sites and independently from flanking genes in Trichomonas. Expression of several representative lncRNAs was verified through reverse-transcriptase PCR in different T. vaginalis strains and case studies exclude the use of alternative start codons or stop codon suppression for the genes analysed. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that T. vaginalis expresses thousands of intergenic loci, including numerous transcribed pseudogenes. In contrast to yeast these are expressed independently from neighbouring genes. Our results furthermore illustrate the effect genome duplication events can have on the transcriptome of a protist. The parasite’s genome is in a steady state of changing and we hypothesize that the numerous lncRNAs could offer a large pool for potential innovation from which novel proteins or regulatory RNA units could evolve. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-906) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    A Novel Eukaryotic Denitrification Pathway in Foraminifera

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    Benthic foraminifera are unicellular eukaryotes inhabiting sediments of aquatic environments. Several species were shown to store and use nitrate for complete denitrification, a unique energy metabolism among eukaryotes. The population of benthic foraminifera reaches high densities in oxygen-depleted marine habitats, where they play a key role in the marine nitrogen cycle. However, the mechanisms of denitrification in foraminifera are still unknown, and the possibility of a contribution of associated bacteria is debated. Here, we present evidence for a novel eukaryotic denitrification pathway that is encoded in foraminiferal genomes. Large-scale genome and transcriptomes analyses reveal the presence of a denitrification pathway in foraminifera species of the genus Globobulimina. This includes the enzymes nitrite reductase (NirK) and nitric oxide reductase (Nor) as well as a wide range of nitrate transporters (Nrt). A phylogenetic reconstruction of the enzymes' evolutionary history uncovers evidence for an ancient acquisition of the foraminiferal denitrification pathway from prokaryotes. We propose a model for denitrification in foraminifera, where a common electron transport chain is used for anaerobic and aerobic respiration. The evolution of hybrid respiration in foraminifera likely contributed to their ecological success, which is well documented in palaeontological records since the Cambrian period

    Denitrification in foraminifera has ancient origins and is complemented by associated bacteria

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    Benthic foraminifera are unicellular eukaryotes that inhabit sediments of aquatic environments. Several foraminifera of the order Rotaliida are known to store and use nitrate for denitrification, a unique energy metabolism among eukaryotes. The rotaliid Globobulimina spp. has been shown to encode an incomplete denitrification pathway of bacterial origins. However, the prevalence of denitrification genes in foraminifera remains unknown and the missing denitrification pathway components are elusive. Analysing transcriptomes and metagenomes of ten foraminifera species from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone, we show that denitrification genes are highly conserved in foraminifera. We infer of the last common ancestor of denitrifying foraminifera, which enables us to predict further denitrifying species. Additionally, an examination of the foraminifera microbiota reveals evidence for a stable interaction with Desulfobacteracea , which harbour genes that complement the foraminifera denitrification pathway. Our results provide evidence that foraminiferal denitrification is complemented by the foraminifera microbiome. The interaction of Foraminifera with their resident bacteria is at the basis of foraminifera adaptation to anaerobic environments that manifested in ecological success within oxygen depleted habitats

    Two novel heteropolymer‐forming proteins maintain the multicellular shape of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120

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    Polymerizing and filament-forming proteins are instrumental for numerous cellular processes such as cell division and growth. Their function in stabilization and localization of protein complexes and replicons is achieved by a filamentous structure. Known filamentous proteins assemble into homopolymers consisting of single subunits – for example, MreB and FtsZ in bacteria – or heteropolymers that are composed of two subunits, for example, keratin and α/ÎČ tubulin in eukaryotes. Here, we describe two novel coiled-coil-rich proteins (CCRPs) in the filament-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (hereafter Anabaena) that assemble into a heteropolymer and function in the maintenance of the Anabaena multicellular shape (termed trichome). The two CCRPs – Alr4504 and Alr4505 (named ZicK and ZacK) – are strictly interdependent for the assembly of protein filaments in vivo and polymerize nucleotide independently in vitro, similar to known intermediate filament (IF) proteins. A ΔzicKΔzacK double mutant is characterized by a zigzagged cell arrangement and hence a loss of the typical linear Anabaena trichome shape. ZicK and ZacK interact with themselves, with each other, with the elongasome protein MreB, the septal junction protein SepJ and the divisome associate septal protein SepI. Our results suggest that ZicK and ZacK function in cooperation with SepJ and MreB to stabilize the Anabaena trichome and are likely essential for the manifestation of the multicellular shape in Anabaena. Our study reveals the presence of filament-forming IF-like proteins whose function is achieved through the formation of heteropolymers in cyanobacteria

    Currency, Exchange, and Inheritance in the Evolution of Symbiosis

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    Highlights: Inspired by the evolution of eukaryotic organelles, we propose a conceptual framework to study the evolutionary and ecological drivers of symbiosis, including three main elements: a currency, mechanisms of currency exchange, and inheritance. Currency in symbiosis is the type resources that species in a beneficial symbiosis gain from their partner. Currency exchange is a complex process that requires molecular adaptations in one or both partners. We identify two distinct but not mutually exclusive initial evolutionary imperatives for the establishment of symbiosis, termed currency first, in which the initial interaction stems from a common currency exchange between the interacting partners to complement their environmental requirements, and transmission first, in which stable transgenerational transmission precedes the evolution of currency exchange. Symbiotic interactions between eukaryotes and prokaryotes are widespread in nature. Here we offer a conceptual framework to study the evolutionary origins and ecological circumstances of species in beneficial symbiosis. We posit that mutual symbiotic interactions are well described by three elements: a currency, the mechanism of currency exchange, and mechanisms of symbiont inheritance. Each of these elements may be at the origin of symbiosis, with the other elements developing with time. The identity of currency in symbiosis depends on the ecological context of the symbiosis, while the specificity of the exchange mechanism underlies molecular adaptations for the symbiosis. The inheritance regime determines the degree of partner dependency and the symbiosis evolutionary trajectory. Focusing on these three elements, we review examples and open questions in the research on symbiosis

    Why it is time to look beyond algal genes in photosynthetic slugs

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    Eukaryotic organelles depend on nuclear genes to perpetuate their biochemical integrity. This is true for mitochondria in all eukaryotes and plastids in plants and algae. Then how do kleptoplasts, plastids that are sequestered by some sacoglossan sea slugs, survive in the animals' digestive gland cells in the absence of the algal nucleus encoding the vast majority of organellar proteins? For almost two decades, lateral gene transfer (LGT) from algae to slugs appeared to offer a solution, but RNA-seq analysis, later supported by genome sequencing of slug DNA, failed to find any evidence for such LGT events. Yet, isolated reports continue to be published and are readily discussed by the popular press and social media, making the data on LGT and its support for kleptoplast longevity appear controversial. However, when we take a sober look at the methods used, we realize that caution is warranted in how the results are interpreted. There is no evidence that the evolution of kleptoplasty in sea slugs involves LGT events. Based on what we know about photosystem maintenance in embryophyte plastids, we assume kleptoplasts depend on nuclear genes. However, studies have shown that some isolated algal plastids are, by nature, more robust than those of land plants. The evolution of kleptoplasty in green sea slugs involves many promising and unexplored phenomena, but there is no evidence that any of these require the expression of slug genes of algal origin

    Red and Problematic Green Phylogenetic Signals among Thousands of Nuclear Genes from the Photosynthetic and Apicomplexa-Related Chromera velia

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    The photosynthetic and basal apicomplexan Chromera velia was recently described, expanding the membership of this otherwise nonphotosynthetic group of parasite protists. Apicomplexans are alveolates with secondary plastids of red algal origin, but the evolutionary history of their nuclear genes is still actively discussed. Using deep sequencing of expressed genes, we investigated the phylogenetic affinities of a stringent filtered set of 3,151 expressed sequence tag-contigs by generating clusters with eukaryotic homologs and constructing phylogenetic trees and networks. The phylogenetic positioning of this alveolate alga was determined and sets of phyla-specific proteins extracted. Phylogenetic trees provided conflicting signals, with 444 trees grouping C. velia with the apicomplexans but 354 trees grouping C. velia with the alveolate oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus, the latter signal being reinforced from the analysis of shared genes and overall sequence similarity. Among the 513 C. velia nuclear genes that reflect a photosynthetic ancestry and for which nuclear homologs were available both from red and green lineages, 263 indicated a red photosynthetic ancestry, whereas 250 indicated a green photosynthetic ancestry. The same 1:1 signal ratio was found among the putative 255 nuclear-encoded plastid proteins identified. This finding of red and green signals for the alveolate mirrors the result observed in the heterokont lineage and supports a common but not necessarily single origin for the plastid in heterokonts and alveolates. The inference of green endosymbiosis preceding red plastid acquisition in these lineages leads to worryingly complicated evolutionary scenarios, prompting the search for other explanations for the green phylogenetic signal and the amount of hosts involved

    Plastid-bearing sea slugs fix CO2 in the light but do not require photosynthesis to survive

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    Several sacoglossan sea slugs (Plakobranchoidea) feed upon plastids of large unicellular algae. Four species--called long-term retention (LtR) species--are known to sequester ingested plastids within specialized cells of the digestive gland. There, the stolen plastids (kleptoplasts) remain photosynthetically active for several months, during which time LtR species can survive without additional food uptake. Kleptoplast longevity has long been puzzling, because the slugs do not sequester algal nuclei that could support photosystem maintenance. It is widely assumed that the slugs survive starvation by means of kleptoplast photosynthesis, yet direct evidence to support that view is lacking. We show that two LtR plakobranchids, Elysia timida and Plakobranchus ocellatus, incorporate (14)CO2 into acid-stable products 60- and 64-fold more rapidly in the light than in the dark, respectively. Despite this light-dependent CO2 fixation ability, light is, surprisingly, not essential for the slugs to survive starvation. LtR animals survived several months of starvation (i) in complete darkness and (ii) in the light in the presence of the photosynthesis inhibitor monolinuron, all while not losing weight faster than the control animals. Contrary to current views, sacoglossan kleptoplasts seem to be slowly digested food reserves, not a source of solar power