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    Production d'hydrogĂšne en boucle chimique

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    La production propre d’hydrogĂšne est un des enjeux majeurs actuels de l’industrie en raison de l’importance grandissante de ce gaz dans les secteurs chimique, pĂ©trolier, Ă©nergĂ©tique ou des transports. En effet, l’hydrogĂšne peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© directement dans les moteurs Ă  combustion interne ou encore dans les piles Ă  combustible pour produire de l’électricitĂ©. Si l’utilisation d’hydrogĂšne est propre puisque les rejets associĂ©s sont essentiellement de l’eau, il convient de considĂ©rer l’ensemble du cycle de vie de ce gaz. Actuellement, environ 90 % de l’hydrogĂšne produit dans le monde vient de la combustion de ressources fossiles et est donc responsable d’émissions de gaz Ă  effet de serre. Les principaux procĂ©dĂ©s de production sont des technologies basĂ©es sur la combustion et se rĂ©sument essentiellement au reformage du mĂ©thane Ă  la vapeur, Ă  la gazĂ©ification du charbon et Ă  l’oxydation partielle d’hydrocarbures. Toutes ces technologies sont matures et largement utilisĂ©es dans les raffineries, dans l’industrie des engrais ou dans la chimie de type GTP (Gas-to-Product). Les normes environnementales de plus en plus strictes imposent aux acteurs industriels des rĂ©ductions des Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre (de CO2 notamment). Diverses technologies existent ou sont encore au stade de dĂ©veloppement dans les laboratoires de recherche et sont classĂ©es en technique de capture en prĂ©combustion, postcombustion ou oxycombustion. Parmi ces techniques, la combustion en boucle chimique fait figure de favori car ce procĂ©dĂ© sĂ©pare de façon inhĂ©rente le CO2 des gaz diluants comme l’azote. Le concept repose sur l’utilisation de matĂ©riaux pouvant transporter l’oxygĂšne entre deux zones rĂ©actives, typiquement deux rĂ©acteurs en lits fluidisĂ©s circulants. L’air et le combustible ne sont alors jamais en contact et c’est au porteur d’oxygĂšne d’assurer l’apport nĂ©cessaire d’oxygĂšne pour la rĂ©action. Ce doctorat se concentre sur la production d’hydrogĂšne par boucle chimique. Nous avons pour cela mis au point un montage expĂ©rimental afin de pouvoir Ă©tudier les diverses rĂ©actions mises en jeu. Classiquement, les rĂ©actions gaz-solide sont Ă©tudiĂ©es en balance thermogravimĂ©trique. Cet outil trĂšs utile offre cependant un mauvais contact gaz-solide et a le dĂ©savantage d’ĂȘtre peu reprĂ©sentatif des procĂ©dĂ©s rĂ©els, surtout ceux conduits en lits fluidisĂ©s. C’est donc afin de s’approcher des conditions d’opĂ©rations de la boucle chimique qu’un microrĂ©acteur a Ă©tĂ© couplĂ© Ă  un spectromĂštre de masse afin de suivre au mieux l’aspect transitoire des rĂ©actions gaz-solide. Les expĂ©riences se sont concentrĂ©es sur un porteur placĂ© dans un tube de vii quartz sur lequel divers gaz rĂ©actifs Ă©taient envoyĂ©s alternativement afin de simuler les cycles redox. Ce projet comporte un volet expĂ©rimental assez important puisqu’il a fallu mettre au point et caractĂ©riser le montage expĂ©rimental. Si le dĂ©but du projet se dĂ©roulait en lit fixe, nous avons par la suite optĂ© pour une opĂ©ration en lit fluidisĂ© afin d’éviter les gradients de tempĂ©rature au sein du lit de particules. En effet, la fluidisation assure un bon mĂ©lange des poudres tout en offrant un bon contact gaz-solide. Ce projet de doctorat comporte deux volets : - un volet technologique appliquĂ© Ă  la recherche des conditions optimales pour produire de l’hydrogĂšne en boucle chimique et Ă  l’étude des rĂ©actions mises en jeu - un volet expĂ©rimental consacrĂ© Ă  l’étude du systĂšme rĂ©actionnel. Cette thĂšse de doctorat s’appuie sur trois articles qui ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©s dans des journaux spĂ©cialisĂ©s Ă  comitĂ© de relecture, et un brevet. Le premier article intitulĂ© Hydrogen production through chemical looping using NiO/NiAl2O4 as oxygen carrier, a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© dans le journal Chemical Engineering Science, en mars 2011. Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d’essais expĂ©rimentaux visant Ă  produire de l’hydrogĂšne Ă  partir de mĂ©thane en utilisant l’oxyde de nickel comme porteur d’oxygĂšne Ă  des tempĂ©ratures de l’ordre de 800 °C. Les tests expĂ©rimentaux ont Ă©tĂ© conduits en microrĂ©acteur opĂ©rĂ© en lit fixe, couplĂ© Ă  un spectromĂštre de masse en ligne. Nous avons rĂ©ussi Ă  dĂ©montrer dans ce travail qu’en contrĂŽlant l’état d’oxydation du porteur d’oxygĂšne (NiO), il Ă©tait possible de choisir entre oxydation totale et partielle du mĂ©thane. En limitant la quantitĂ© d’oxygĂšne Ă  environ 30% de la capacitĂ© maximale du porteur, l’oxydation Ă©tait alors partielle, produisant ainsi de l’hydrogĂšne. NiO supportĂ© sur NiAl2O4 est facilement rĂ©-oxydĂ© dans l’air. Un nouveau procĂ©dĂ©, visant Ă  produire l’hydrogĂšne via la boucle chimique, est aussi prĂ©sentĂ© dans cet article. Nous nous sommes concentrĂ©s sur l’aspect Ă©nergĂ©tique de la production de H2. En effet, une des problĂ©matiques industrielles de la production de H2 rĂ©side dans l’endothermicitĂ© des rĂ©actions mises en jeu. Le procĂ©dĂ© dĂ©crit dans notre article est athermique et se sert de la chaleur dĂ©gagĂ©e pendant l’oxydation du nickel pour compenser l’endothermicitĂ© des rĂ©actions conduites dans le rĂ©acteur Ă  combustible (oxydation du mĂ©thane par NiO et reformage Ă  la vapeur). Le procĂ©dĂ© dĂ©crit est capable de produire 31 kg/s d’hydrogĂšne pour une circulation de solide de 1000 kg/s. Une Ă©tape de rĂ©action de water gas shift conduite en aval peut amĂ©liorer la production d’hydrogĂšne de 2.6 kg/s. viii Dans le prolongement de cet article, un brevet conjointement dĂ©tenu avec l’entreprise Total a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ© (brevet FR 2956656 / WO 2011104648 / publiĂ© le 28 aoĂ»t 2011). L’invention est basĂ©e sur un procĂ©dĂ© en boucle chimique conduit en mode batch, se servant des divers Ă©tats d’oxydation d’un porteur d’oxygĂšne afin de conduire plusieurs rĂ©actions dont : une oxydation exothermique du porteur, une Ă©tape de combustion avec production de CO2 et une Ă©tape de reformage Ă  la vapeur. Le porteur d’oxygĂšne est aussi utilisĂ© comme porteur d’énergie. L’invention se distingue des technologies existantes par la division de la phase de rĂ©duction du porteur en deux Ă©tapes (combustion complĂšte puis vaporĂ©formage). Le second article intitulĂ© Steam carbon gasification of a nickel based oxygen carrier, a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© en avril 2011 dans le journal Fuel. Cet article soulĂšve une problĂ©matique qui n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© abordĂ©e dans la boucle chimique, celle du dĂ©cokage des porteurs d’oxygĂšne Ă  base de nickel (qui sont d’ailleurs considĂ©rĂ©s comme les plus prometteurs). Le nickel est bien connu en reformage du mĂ©thane Ă  la vapeur ou dans d’autres procĂ©dĂ©s catalytiques industriels. En effet, dĂšs que du nickel mĂ©tallique est disponible (Ni0), le mĂ©thane se craque catalytiquement pour produire de l’hydrogĂšne et du carbone solide qui vient se dĂ©poser sur le porteur. Le nickel est un des porteurs les plus prometteurs pour la boucle chimique, dĂ» Ă  des performances toutes particuliĂšres en terme de conversion du mĂ©thane, de stabilitĂ© mĂ©canique et de capacitĂ© de transfert d’oxygĂšne. Les expĂ©riences conduites dans le micro-lit fluidisĂ© sur NiO/NiAl2O4 et des clichĂ©s pris au microscope Ă©lectronique, ont montrĂ© que du carbone pouvait s’accumuler sur la surface du solide. Nous avons caractĂ©risĂ© ces formations de carbone et nous fournissons une solution pour rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer ce porteur d’oxygĂšne : la gazĂ©ification du carbone Ă  la vapeur. Les tests rĂ©alisĂ©s aux alentours de 800 °C dĂ©montrent que la vapeur rĂ©agit avec le carbone pour fournir un mĂ©lange Ă©quimolaire de CO et de H2. La totalitĂ© du carbone peut d’ailleurs ĂȘtre enlevĂ©e par cette technique. Nous avons aussi dĂ©montrĂ© que l’eau pouvait Ă©galement rĂ©-oxyder le Ni en NiO, mais que cette rĂ©action Ă©tait insuffisante pour le rĂ©-oxyder entiĂšrement. En reformage en boucle chimique (i.e. production d’hydrogĂšne et/ou de gaz de synthĂšse), ce nettoyage Ă  la vapeur est une amĂ©lioration du procĂ©dĂ© puisqu’un mĂ©lange CO/H2 est produit. Sans nul doute, une gazĂ©ification du carbone Ă  l’air est plus performante, mais encore une fois, le problĂšme de la dilution d’oxydes de carbone dans l’air se posera. Cette solution ne pourra donc pas ĂȘtre retenue pour une application en boucle chimique et on prĂ©fĂ©rera la gazĂ©ification du carbone Ă  la vapeur. Les rĂ©sultats de cet article apparaissent ix fondamentaux puisque le porteur doit impĂ©rativement ĂȘtre dĂ©barrassĂ© du carbone avant d’entrer dans le rĂ©acteur Ă  air, d’aprĂšs les fondements mĂȘmes de la boucle chimique. Un chapitre intermĂ©diaire basĂ© sur les observations rapportĂ©es dans les articles 1 et 2, Ă©tudie la cinĂ©tique transitoire de la rĂ©duction de NiO par le mĂ©thane dans le contexte du reformage en boucle chimique. L’étude se divise en deux parties. La premiĂšre se concentre sur les rĂ©actions impliquant le mĂ©thane et qui sont catalysĂ©es par le nickel mĂ©tallique. En effet, le nickel a ceci de particulier qu’il catalyse la rĂ©action de gaz Ă  la vapeur (water gas shift) et de reformage (steam reforming). Les valeurs des paramĂštres cinĂ©tiques dĂ©terminĂ©s pour ces rĂ©actions catalytiques sont ensuite intĂ©grĂ©es dans la modĂ©lisation de la cinĂ©tique transitoire de la rĂ©duction de NiO par CH4. Sur la plage de tempĂ©rature testĂ©e (750 – 850 ÂșC), la conversion de mĂ©thane passe par un maximum aprĂšs une pĂ©riode d’induction de quelques secondes. Les trois moments distincts de la rĂ©duction de NiO (pĂ©riode d’induction, pĂ©riode d’émission d’eau et de CO2, pĂ©riode d’émission de H2 et dans une moindre mesure de CO) sont bien reprĂ©sentĂ©s par le modĂšle qui comporte 8 rĂ©actions : - 4 rĂ©actions gaz-solide dont le mĂ©canisme est de type contraction gĂ©omĂ©trique - 2 rĂ©actions catalytiques i.e. reformage du mĂ©thane et water gas shift suivant un mĂ©canisme de type LM-HW - 1 rĂ©action de dĂ©pĂŽt de carbone et de sa vaporisation par la vapeur Les paramĂštres cinĂ©tiques des diverses rĂ©actions sont reportĂ©es et ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©s d’aprĂšs les donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales recueillies dans le micro-lit fluidisĂ©. L’analyse des rĂ©sultats fait ressortir que les rĂ©actions gaz-solide sont en gĂ©nĂ©ral peu sensibles Ă  la tempĂ©rature contrairement aux rĂ©actions impliquant le carbone. Le mĂ©canisme rĂ©actionnel indique que l’oxydation du mĂ©thane passe par une production d’hydrogĂšne. Cet hydrogĂšne pourra ensuite ĂȘtre oxydĂ© par une rĂ©action gaz-solide ou bien par water gas shift. Le troisiĂšme et dernier article est lĂ©gĂšrement diffĂ©rent des deux premiers et s’intitule Kinetics of copper-iron based oxygen carriers for hydrogen production by chemical looping water splitting. L’article a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© dans le journal International Journal of Hydrogen Energy le 9 Mai 2012. Celui-ci se concentre toujours sur la production d’hydrogĂšne en boucle chimique, mais cette foisci, la source de l’hydrogĂšne est l’eau, et non un combustible fossile. Le procĂ©dĂ© est basĂ© sur 2 rĂ©acteurs, exactement de la mĂȘme façon qu’en combustion (ou en reformage) en boucle x chimique. Le combustible rĂ©agit avec un porteur d’oxygĂšne produisant H2O et CO2, pour ensuite ĂȘtre transportĂ© dans le rĂ©acteur d’oxydation. À la place de l’air, c’est l’eau qui rĂ©-oxyde le porteur, produisant ainsi de l’hydrogĂšne. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© cette rĂ©action d’oxydation dans le micro-lit fluidisĂ© Ă  des tempĂ©ratures comprises entre 500 et 800 °C. Peu de porteurs d’oxygĂšne sont capables de rĂ©agir avec l’eau. On recense le zinc, le fer, le nickel, le cuivre et le manganĂšse. MĂȘme si nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© dans le deuxiĂšme article que le nickel mĂ©tallique peut ĂȘtre oxydĂ© par la vapeur d’eau, nous nous sommes concentrĂ©s sur le cuivre et sur le fer. Des porteurs Ă  base de cuivre et/ou de fer ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©s suivant deux mĂ©thodes, i.e. la coprecipitation et l’imprĂ©gnation Ă  humiditĂ© naissante. L’oxyde de cuivre a la particularitĂ© de rĂ©agir de façon exothermique avec le mĂ©thane. CombinĂ© Ă  un autre mĂ©tal qui rĂ©agit de façon endothermique, ce porteur mixte permettra de limiter les hausses et chutes de tempĂ©rature dans les deux rĂ©acteurs. Les solides ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s dans le micro-lit fluidisĂ© couplĂ© au spectromĂštre de masse. Les donnĂ©es recueillies ont permis de dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres cinĂ©tiques de la rĂ©action de production d’hydrogĂšne Ă  partir de l’eau. Nous avons appliquĂ© des mĂ©thodes classiques de dĂ©termination des mĂ©canismes rĂ©actionnels mis en jeu (Hancock et Sharp). Le porteur mixte cuivre-fer prĂ©parĂ© par coprecipitation (Fe-Cu CoPr) s’est montrĂ© moins performant que celui prĂ©parĂ© par imprĂ©gnation Ă  humiditĂ© naissante (Fe-Cu IWI) en termes de vitesse de rĂ©action. Les Ă©nergies d’activation pour la dĂ©composition de l’eau en hydrogĂšne ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es en utilisant le modĂšle de nuclĂ©ation d’Avrami pour le porteur mixte prĂ©parĂ© par coprecipitation (46 kJ/mol), tandis qu’un modĂšle de sphĂšre contractante reprĂ©sente mieux les donnĂ©es obtenues pour le porteur mixte prĂ©parĂ© par imprĂ©gnation (51 kJ/mol). Cet article est le premier Ă  traiter d’un porteur mixte Cu-Fe en boucle chimique ainsi que la dĂ©termination des paramĂštres cinĂ©tiques en micro-lit fluidisĂ©. Nous nous sommes concentrĂ©s sur l’oxydation des oxydes infĂ©rieurs de fer et de cuivre puisque leurs rĂ©ductions ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© largement discutĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature. La production d’hydrogĂšne n’est pas encore un procĂ©dĂ© mature; cependant les travaux effectuĂ©s lors de ce doctorat ont permis d’obtenir des preuves de faisabilitĂ©. Les donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales et les donnĂ©es cinĂ©tiques obtenues dans notre micro-lit fluidisĂ© sont cruciales pour l’avancĂ©e de la technologie et le passage aux essais sur une unitĂ© pilote. Que l’hydrogĂšne vienne d’un combustible ou de l’eau, le coeur du procĂ©dĂ© reste le porteur d’oxygĂšne. ---------- Clean production of hydrogen is one of the greatest challenges of many petro-chemical companies as well as major oil and gas players. H2 is used in many sectors as a reactant and can also be directly used in I.C. engines or in fuel cells with a high electrical yield (up to 70 %). H2 is considered as a clean fuel, because it produces only water as a by-product. However, an assessment of the whole life cycle shows that 90 % of the hydrogen produced is derived entirely or partially from fossil fuels. The major mature processes are in fact combustion-like technology combining a fuel with an oxidative reactant. Steam methane reforming, coal gasification and partial oxidation of hydrocarbons are the most important processes. These different technologies are employed in refineries, the ammonia process or in the GTP (Gas-to-product) industry. Since they are based on hydrocarbons, these processes are responsible for CO2 emissions. Recently, environmental norms have become more strict, leading to increased incentive to reduce GHG emissions. The main issue related to carbon capture comes from the dilution of CO2 in exhaust gases and consequently carbon capture techniques are being developed. One of the most promising solutions to this problem is chemical looping. This method is based on materials that serve as oxygen shuttles to bring oxygen from air to the fuel. Thus direct contact between air and the fuel is avoided and complete carbon oxide capture can be achieved without significant energy penalty. Typically, the process consists of two fluidized bed reactors where the oxygen carrier circulates between an oxidation and a reduction zone. This Ph.D. project focuses on applying the chemical looping technology to produce hydrogen. We developed a special experimental apparatus designed to mimic large scale operational conditions A micro reactor was coupled to an online MS to investigate transient gas-solid reactions. Originally, we intended to use a fixed bed reactor but changed to a fluidized configuration to reduce temperature gradients and improve gassolid contact. The O-carrier was placed in a quartz tube and reacted by alternating different gas to simulate redox cycles. A quite significant part of the Ph.D. project was focused on the reactor’s characterization. This doctoral project has two main constituents: - an experimental section in which we focused on the adjustment and the characterization of the experimental apparatus xii - a technical section in which we studied hydrogen production through chemical looping. The original research papers and the patent that constitute this thesis, are based on results derived through the developed set-up, but are applied to hydrogen production via chemical looping technology. The first article entitled "Hydrogen production through chemical looping using NiO/NiAl2O4 as oxygen carrier", was published in Chemical Engineering Science, in March 2011. This paper presents experimental results obtained in the vicinity of 800 ÂșC regarding the production of hydrogen from partial oxidation of methane with nickel as oxygen carrier. The tests were carried out in our micro reactor operated in fixed bed at a GHSV of about 11 200 h-1. We demonstrated that by controlling the global oxidation state of the carrier, it was possible to choose between total and partial oxidation. When limiting the global oxidation state of the O-carrier to below 30 % of the total oxygen capacity, oxidation was partial and thus produced hydrogen. NiO mixed with the inert spinel support NiAl2O4 was easily reconstructed to its original state with air. An innovative process is also presented to produce hydrogen with no energy penalty, where the nickel carrier also serves as a catalyst for steam methane reforming. The process is capable of producing 31 kg/s of hydrogen for a solid circulation of 1000 kg/s. A water gas shift (WGS) carried out down-stream can improve by 2.6 kg/s the global production of hydrogen. A patent written jointly with Total (Patent FR 2956656 / WO 2011104648) was published in August 2011. The invention is based on a chemical looping process that uses different oxidation states of an oxygen carrier to carry out different reactions: an exothermic oxidation with air or with pure oxygen, combustion of a fuel with production of CO2 and a steam reforming step. The oxygen carrier is also used as an energy carrier. The invention differs from known technology by the fact that the reduction phase of the carrier is carried out in two separated steps (combustion and them steam reforming). The second article, named "Steam carbon gasification of a nickel based oxygen carrier" was published in Fuel, in April 2011. This article presents coke-removing of an oxygen-carrier as a particular issue that has never been explained in the chemical looping literature. Ni-based catalysts are common to a number of processes including steam methane reforming, methane cracking or hydrogenation. However, like many metal based catalysts used in the oil/gas industry, fouling is often cited as a major industrial issue. Ni-based oxygen carriers are promising xiii candidates for Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR i.e. H2 production) due to a combination of excellent methane conversion performance, mechanical stability and oxygen transfer capacity. However, experiments conducted on NiO/NiAl2O4 in a micro-fluidized bed reactor show that methane forms coke on active nickel sites and can deposit on NiO/NiAl2O4 (60 wt.% NiO) in the fuel oxidation phase. In subsequent tests, water vapour was fed to the coked Ni oxygen carrier producing a highly concentrated stream of CO/H2 (1/1). Water vapour is an effective oxidant for Ni(0) but is insufficient to entirely re-oxidize the oxygen carrier from Ni to NiO. In CLR applications, including a water treatment step can improve overall performance by removing deposited carbon and producing a concentrated stream of CO and H2: all carbon and oxygen atoms are essentially converted into CO. Steam carbon gasification (SCG) is an efficient alternative to air gasification for Ni-based oxygen carriers which, contrary to chemical looping principles, involves diluting carbon oxides with nitrogen. Without doubt overall performance of SCG is poorer than classical air regeneration in terms of kinetics, but it efficiently reduces carbon oxide emissions. Removing carbon from the oxygen carrier prior to entering the air reactor is relevant to chemical looping applications since it is related to its intrinsic concepts. An additional chapter based on the experimental observations reported in both articles 1 and 2, investigates the transient kinetics of the NiO reduction by methane, for CLC or CLR applications. The study is divided into two sub-sections that look into the catalytic reactions on one hand and the transient NiO reduction on the other hand. In fact, metallic nickel is well known to be an active catalyst for steam methane reforming and water gas shift. Kinetic parameters are determined and included in a more general transient kinetic model that represents well the reduction of NiO by methane. Over the tested temperature range (750 - 850 ÂșC), methane conversion reaches a maximum after a relatively short induction period. The three moments of the reaction (i.e. methane break through, H2O and CO2 emission, H2 and CO emission) are well represented by the following kinetic model: - 4 gas-solid reactions based on geometric contraction - 2 catalytic reactions i.e. steam methane reforming and water gas shift according to a LM-HW type of mechanism - 1 coking reaction and 1 steam carbon gasification reaction xiv Kinetic parameters are reported and have been estimated based on experimental data obtained in a micro fluidized bed. The results highlight the fact that gas-solid reactions are not very temperature sensitive with pretty low activation energies. On the contrary, carbon related reactions appear to be more temperature dependant. The mechanism that describe well the experimental data, suggests that methane oxidation goes through hydrogen production as a first step. The produced hydrogen can then undergo another gas-solid reaction or the catalytic water gas shift. The third and last article is slightly different compared to the two other and is entitled "Kinetics of mixed copper-iron based oxygen carriers for hydrogen production by chemical looping water splitting". The articl

    Facteurs influençant positivement l installation en médecine générale libérale chez les internes et les jeunes médecins récemment installés en RhÎne-Alpes (étude qualitative par focus groups et entretiens semi-dirigés)

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    L installation est peu prisĂ©e des internes de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale, comme en tĂ©moigne le faible nombre d installations aprĂšs la thĂšse, pourtant les jeunes mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes ne sont pas opposĂ©s Ă  ce mode d exercice. L objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de mettre en Ă©vidence les facteurs influençant positivement la volontĂ© de s installer en libĂ©ral chez les internes et jeunes mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes. Une Ă©tude qualitative a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par des entretiens collectifs d internes de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale, et individuels de mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes rĂ©cemment installĂ©s en RhĂŽne-Alpes. L Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite en recherche de variation maximale, suivant un guide d entretien, et jusqu Ă  saturation des donnĂ©es. Neuf mĂ©decins et 28 internes ont Ă©tĂ© inclus entre avril et dĂ©cembre 2012. L analyse a mis en Ă©vidence cinq thĂšmes : le rĂŽle des stages ambulatoires pour la formation dĂ©cisionnelle et technique, l apport des remplacements pour le choix du type d exercice, la place de l histoire personnelle et des projets familiaux, l envie d un exercice mĂ©dical en groupe, modulable et diversifiable, enfin, le rĂŽle attractif du mĂ©decin de famille, acteur de santĂ© sur un territoire. Ces thĂšmes rendent l installation envisageable, Ă  condition qu une opportunitĂ© soit prĂ©sente. Parmi ces facteurs, plusieurs peuvent servir de base Ă  des interventions, en pĂ©dagogie et sur le plan rĂ©glementaire. Les internes et les jeunes mĂ©decins ont des opinions et expĂ©riences positives sur l exercice libĂ©ral. Les facteurs mis en Ă©vidence doivent ĂȘtre prĂ©sents au cours des Ă©tudes afin de favoriser la culture de l installation chez les futurs gĂ©nĂ©ralistes.Private practice is not popular among residents, referring to the small number of those who choose in private practice after graduating their MD. However, young general practitioners are not strictly against this kind of practice. This study aimed at pointed out factors that had a positive impact on the wish to settle in private practice among residents and junior general practitioners. A qualitative study was conducted, using focus groups for general medical practice residents and individual interviews with physicians who recently settled in the Rhone-Alpes region. Interviews were designed to obtain maximum variation and following an interviewer s guide, until saturation of data. Nine physicians and 28 residents have been included from April through December 2012. The analysis brought up five themes : the role of practical internships to acquire decisional and technical skills, the contribution of replacements in the choice of future mode of practice, the role of personal history and family projects, the specific qualities of group practice, combining modularity and versatility, and the appealing function of family doctor, in charge of public health in an area. All these themes make private practice acceptable, if an opportunity exists. Among those factors, many can be used for changing teaching methods and legislative framework. Residents and young general practitioners have positive opinions and good experiences about private practice in primary care. Pointed out factors must become part of medical training, in order to promote the culture of private practice among future general practitioners.GRENOBLE1-BU MĂ©decine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Response of bats and nocturnal insects to urban green areas in Europe

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    Animal biodiversity in cities is generally expected to be uniformly reduced, but recent studies show that this is modulated by the composition and configuration of Urban Green Areas (UGAs). UGAs represent a heterogeneous network of vegetated spaces in urban settings that have repeatedly shown to support a significant part of native diurnal animal biodiversity. However, nocturnal taxa have so far been understudied, constraining our understanding of the role of UGAs on maintaining ecological connectivity and enhancing overall biodiversity. We present a well-replicated multi-city study on the factors driving bat and nocturnal insect biodiversity in three European cities. To achieve this, we sampled bats with ultrasound recorders and flying insects with light traps during the summer of 2018. Results showed a greater abundance and diversity of bats and nocturnal insects in the city of Zurich, followed by Antwerp and Paris. We identified artificial lighting in the UGA to lower bat diversity by probably filtering out light-sensitive species. We also found a negative correlation between both bat activity and diversity and insect abundance, suggesting a top-down control. An in-depth analysis of the Zurich data revealed divergent responses of the nocturnal fauna to landscape variables, while pointing out a bottom-up control of insect diversity on bats. Thus, to effectively preserve biodiversity in urban environments, UGAs management decisions should take into account the combined ecological needs of bats and nocturnal insects and consider the specific spatial topology of UGAs in each city.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Damage in duplex steels studied at mesoscopic and macroscopic scales

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    Different experimental approaches have been performed in order to extract damage at several scales. In this paper two experimental methods are treated. Neutron diffraction coupled with tensile test has been performed to study damage at mesoscopic scale. At macroscopic scale, classical tensile test has been used to extract damage effects, from material hardening evolution. Optical measurements and particular data treatment have been used in order to correct data for the necking phenomenon at large deformation, for each experimental method. Damage process in duplex steels has then been analysed at both macroscopic and mesoscopic scales using scale transition models. Eventually, investigations at those scales have been compared to understand correlation between mesoscopic and macroscopic behaviour of our material

    Wild bee larval food composition in five European cities

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    Urbanization poses threats and opportunities for the biodiversity of wild bees. At the same time, cities can harbor diverse wild bee assemblages, partly due to the unique plant assemblages that provide resources. While bee dietary preferences have been investigated in various studies, bee dietary studies have been conducted mostly in nonurban ecosystems and data based on plant visitation observations or palynological techniques. This data set describes the larval food preferences of four wild bee species (i.e., Chelostoma florisomne, Hylaeus communis, Osmia bicornis, and O. cornuta) common in urban areas in five different European cities (i.e., Antwerp, Belgium; Paris, France; Poznan, Poland; Tartu, Estonia; and Zurich, Switzerland). In addition, the data set describes the larval food preferences of individuals from three wild bee genera (i.e., Chelostoma sp., Hylaeus sp., and Osmia sp.) that could not be identified to the species level. These data were obtained from a Europe-level study aimed at understanding the effects of urbanization on biodiversity across different cities and cityscapes and a Swiss project aimed at understanding the effects of urban ecosystems in wild bee feeding behavior. Wild bees were sampled using standardized trap nests at 80 sites (32 in Zurich and 12 in each of the remaining cities), selected following a double gradient of available habitat at local and landscape scales. Larval pollen was obtained from the bee nests and identified using DNA metabarcoding. The data provide the plant composition at the species or genus level preferred by each bee. These unique data can be used for a wide array of research questions, including urban ecology (e.g., diversity of food sources along urban gradients), bee ecology (characterization of bee feeding preferences), or comparative studies on the urban evolution of behavioral traits between urban and nonurban sites. In addition, the data can be used to inform urban planning and conservation strategies, particularly concerning flower resources (e.g., importance of exotic species and, thus, management activities). This data set can be freely used for noncommercial purposes, and this data paper should be cited if the data is used; we request that collaboration with the data set contact person to be considered if this data set represents an important part of the data analyzed in a study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species

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    Aim: Effective policy and management responses to the multiple threats posed by invasive alien species (IAS) rely on the ability to assess their impacts before conclusive empirical evidence is available. A plethora of different IAS risk and/or impact assessment protocols have been proposed, but it remains unclear whether, how and why the outcomes of such assessment protocols may differ. Location: Europe. Methods: Here, we present an in-depth evaluation and informed assessment of the consistency of four prominent protocols for assessing IAS impacts (EICAT, GISS, Harmonia and NNRA), using two non-native parrots in Europe: the widespread ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and the rapidly spreading monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Results: Our findings show that the procedures used to assess impacts may influence assessment outcomes. We find that robust IAS prioritization can be obtained by assessing species based on their most severe documented impacts, as all protocols yield consistent outcomes across impact categories. Additive impact scoring offers complementary, more subtle information that may be especially relevant for guiding management decisions regarding already established invasive alien species. Such management decisions will also strongly benefit from consensus approaches that reduce disagreement between experts, fostering the uptake of scientific advice into policy-making decisions. Main conclusions: Invasive alien species assessments should take advantage of the capacity of consensus assessments to consolidate discussion and agreement between experts. Our results suggest that decision-makers could use the assessment protocol most fit for their purpose, on the condition they apply a precautionary approach by considering the most severe impacts only. We also recommend that screening for high-impact IAS should be performed on a more robust basis than current ad hoc practices, at least using the easiest assessment protocols and reporting confidence scores.This study is a joint effort from a workshop organized under COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology Actions Parrotnet (ES1304) and Alien Challenge (TD1209). We would also like to thank two anonymous referees for helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. D.S is currently funded by a Marie SkƂodowska‐Curie Action under the Horizon 2020 call (H2020‐MSCA‐IF‐2015, grant number 706318) and acknowledges the Danish National Research Foundation for support to the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (grant number DNRF96). J.C.S. was supported by funds from the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Spanish Research Council (CGL‐2016‐79568‐C3‐3‐P)

    Dynamiques spatiale et démographique de la pie bavarde Pica pica en France : implications pour la gestion

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    Urbanization offers new ecological niches for the establishment of life in cities, leading ecologists to question about the processes shaping the distributions of species. Basically, some animals and plants may fail to occupy urban habitats but other ones succeed better in exploiting resources. The black-billed magpie is a good example of such an adaptation to cities in Europe. Surprisingly, the magpie is also declining at countryside in France contrary to urban populations. What factors and mechanisms explain the difference of dynamics between habitats? This is the first goal of my thesis. Actually, the magpie is known to predate birds at nest leading humans to control magpie populations to conserve biodiversity. Evidences of the impact of magpies on prey conservation in cities are still weak, yet its density is increasing. The second issue of my thesis concerns the evaluation of the impact of the magpie expansion on bird biodiversity and to plan efficient programs of control if necessary.Globally, I found out that dynamics of magpie populations depend on the level of landscape urbanisation and on the level of control activities through trapping in France. Cities improve the amount of food sources leading to a better fecundity of pairs in cities. At countryside, the trapping would lead to a decrease of the survival of populations and its decline. The carrion crow, that predates and competes with magpies, would be harmless.Finally, I experimentally proved that the elevated magpie densities in urban parks are not a threat for bird conservation. In any cases, magpie populations need to be monitored because prey-predator interactions are evolving. Optimal strategies to control populations through trapping activities are proposed if necessary.La ville est un habitat ‘neuf', dynamique et encore peu Ă©tudiĂ©, le plus souvent sous l'angle des communautĂ©s d'espĂšces et peu sous celui des populations. Souvent traitĂ© comme une matrice hostile au vivant, cet habitat est pourtant propice Ă  la colonisation et au maintien d'espĂšces comme la pie bavarde. Ce travail traite des causes et des consĂ©quences de la colonisation et de l'Ă©tablissement rĂ©cents de la pie en France dans les paysages urbanisĂ©s. Elle part d'une question locale sur le contrĂŽle des populations dans les parcs urbains (DĂ©partement de la Seine-Saint-Denis) car la pie est un prĂ©dateur de passereaux au nid et ses forts effectifs en ville inquiĂštent. Mais si globalement les effectifs de pies sont en croissance en ville, ils seraient aussi en dĂ©clin Ă  la campagne. Les 2 objectifs de cette thĂšse ont donc Ă©tĂ© de comprendre ce contraste d'Ă©volution des populations entre ville et campagne et d'Ă©valuer l'impact de la pie sur la conservation des autres espĂšces d'oiseaux.Nous montrons l'influence de l'habitat le long d'un gradient urbain sur le fonctionnement spatial et la dĂ©mographie des populations de pies. La croissance des effectifs en ville implique une meilleure fĂ©conditĂ© et la disparition locale des populations Ă  la campagne serait due Ă  une baisse de la survie des populations. A la campagne, nos rĂ©sultats tendent Ă  prouver les effets nĂ©gatifs du piĂ©geage. Nous montrons aussi les effets de la qualitĂ© de l'habitat notamment au travers de la nourriture apportĂ©e par l'homme en ville. En revanche, la corneille noire, une espĂšce en croissance et le principal compĂ©titeur et prĂ©dateur de la pie, n'aurait pas impact sur la dynamique d'Ă©volution des pies en France.Quelles implications pour la gestion des populations de cette espĂšce considĂ©rĂ©e comme ‘nuisible' ? Quelles sont les consĂ©quences de l'expansion rapide de la pie dans les parcs urbains sur l'avifaune native ? TestĂ© par un retrait expĂ©rimental de pies, nous ne montrons pas d'impact de ce prĂ©dateur sur les populations et les communautĂ©s d'oiseaux. A l'avenir, si le contrĂŽle des populations de pies Ă©tait nĂ©cessaire, nous prĂ©sentons les meilleures stratĂ©gies de piĂ©geage afin de permettre un contrĂŽle local des effectifs sans compromettre la conservation de cette espĂšce en France
