40 research outputs found

    City Elections in Kuban (Spring — Autumn 1919)

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    The article is devoted to the elections to the city councils of the Kuban Territory, which took place in the spring and autumn of 1919. The author dwells in detail on the Kuban electoral law, according to which, for the first time in Russia, a rather rare electoral system — раnаchage — was used, and on the results of its application. Election campaigns in Yekaterinodar and other cities of the region are considered, the results of voting and the composition of councillors are analyzed. By the example of Yekaterinodar, the difference in electoral preferences of residents of “bourgeois” and “proletarian” regions is shown, as well as the influence of the educational and property level, occupation on the political preferences of the townspeople. Special attention is paid to the story of the murder in the editorial office of the newspaper “Utro Yuga”, which was caused by the struggle between moderately socialist electoral associations, and one of the immediate reasons was S. Ya. Marshak's election poems. The general results of the elections show that in most cities of the region the victory was won by the “right” homeowners' lists, but the author believes that the reason for this was not so much a change in the mood of the masses as the absenteeism of the left and centrist electorate

    P. B. Struve’s Activities as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the South of Russia (1920)

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    The article is devoted to the activities of P. B. Struve as head of the foreign relations department of the government of the South of Russia in the spring and autumn of 1920. It is indicated that Struve, having become one of the closest assistance of Baron P. N. Wrangel, pursued a “leftist policy with his right hands” and played an important role in the recognition of the Crimea by the French authorities. Various stages of Struve’s activity in his post, connected both with his stay in the Crimea and with trips to Western Europe, are consistently considered. Using various sources, primarily press materials and memoirs of contemporaries, the author clarifi some important aspects of Struve’s activities at the head of the Crimean Foreign Ministry, as well as his position on Polish and Ukrainian issues. Criticism of Struve’s activities by the National Bolsheviks and “defeatists” who advocated an alliance with Poland against Soviet Russia is presented. According to the author of the article, despite the fact that Struve’s views on foreign and domestic policy have undergone certain changes (especially in comparison with the statements he made at the turn of 1919-1920), the basis of his views remained unchanged

    The Ukrainian People’s Gromada in the Civil War: Ukrainian Conservatives, Russian Statists, or Little Russian Patriots?

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    The article was submitted on 17.07.2020.Статья посвящена Украинской народной громаде (УНГ) – организации малороссийских помещиков, игравшей заметную роль в политической жизни Украины и Юга России в годы Гражданской войны. Украинская историография рассматривает УНГ как организацию украинских консерваторов и отводит ей ключевую роль в гетманском перевороте апреля 1918 г. Распространено мнение, что Громада прекратила свое существование сразу же после прихода к власти гетмана П. П. Скоропадского. Цель работы – рассмотреть масштаб участия Громады в перевороте 1918 г., временные границы ее существования и вопрос о том, можно ли поставить под сомнение национально-этнический характер организации. В статье с привлечением немецких источников и свидетелей событий (воспоминаний П. П. Скоропадского) доказывается, что Громада была не движущей силой переворота, а всего лишь организацией, готовившей списки кандидатов в новое правительство. Впервые вводимые в научный оборот источники из Центрального государственного архива высших органов власти и управления Украины и Гуверовского архива показывают деятельность УНГ летом 1918 – весной 1919 г. Бежав в Одессу из Киева после прихода к власти Директории, руководители Громады приняли активное участие в местных политических интригах, попытались всячески отмежеваться от своей связи с гетманом Скоропадским и проектом Украинской державы. Вожди УНГ, ранее позиционировавшие себя как украинских самостийников, заявляли, что они не украинцы, а малороссы и «русские государственники». В статье предложено объяснение того, чем руководствовались участники УНГ, несколько раз переходившие из русского лагеря в украинский и обратно за сравнительно короткий промежуток времени. С опорой на исследования в области «nationalism studies» делается вывод, что для членов Громады были характерны традиционные представления о нации (в данном случае – как о корпорации малороссийских дворян), что вкупе с желанием приспособиться к изменяющейся политической конъюнктуре и стремлением отстоять свои привилегии и экономические интересы предопределяло переход от украинских националистов к русским, не трактуя эти действия как национальную измену. Изучение данной темы позволяет обратиться к вопросам поведения малороссийского дворянства в условиях Гражданской войны и его попыток встроиться в украинский или русский национальные проекты.This article is devoted to the Ukrainian People’s Gromada (UPG), the organisation of Little Russian landlords which played a prominent part in the political life of Ukraine and South Russia during the Civil War. Ukrainian historiography treats the UPG as an organisation of Ukrainian conservatives and assigns it the key role in the Hetman coup d’état of April 1918. There is also a widespread opinion that the Gromada was dissolved immediately after Hetman P. P. Skoropadsky took power. This work aims to reconsider traditional views on UPG and, with reference to new archival sources, prove the following: the role of the Gromada in the coup d’état was exaggerated considerably; the UPG continued to exist after Skoropadsky took power; and one can doubt the “Ukrainian” nature of the organisation, despite its name. Based on Skoropadsky’s memoirs and the accounts of other witnesses, as well as some German sources, the author proves that the Gromada was not the leading force in the coup d’état, but only the organisation which prepared lists of candidates to be included in the new government. The sources kept in the Central State Archives of the Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine and the Hoover Institution Archives that are devoted to the activities of the UPG from the summer of 1918 to the spring of 1919 have not been made public previously. After the directorate seized power, the leaders of the Gromada fled from Kiev to Odessa. There they took part in local political intrigues and tried to distance themselves from Hetman Skoropadsky and the project of the Ukrainian state. The UPG leaders, who had previously viewed themselves as Ukrainian “samostiyniks”, now proclaimed that they were not Ukrainians, but Little Russians and “Russian statists”. An attempt is made to analyse the reasons why UPG members moved from the Russian political camp to the Ukrainian one and back several times in a comparatively short period. Based on research in the field of “nationalism studies”, the author concludes that the Gromada members had traditional, pre-modern views on the nation (in this case as a corporation of Little Russian nobility), which, together with their desire to adapt to the ever-changing political situation and fight for their privileges and economic interests, made it possible for them to keep joining Russian and Ukrainian nationalists interchangeably without perceiving their actions as national treason. The study of this topic makes it possible to address the Little Russian nobility’s behaviour in the Civil War and their attempts to integrate into Ukrainian or Russian national projects.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-09-00414 «“Богдановцы против мазепинцев”: русское движение Киева в 1917–1919 гг.»

    Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Interactions at MiniBooNE Confront Cross Section Monte Carlos

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    Neutrino oscillations have been established in solar and atmospheric neutrinos, but a third signal from the LSND experiment is incompatible with three Standard Model neutrinos. The MiniBooNE experiment can confirm or refute the LSND signal with 1E21 protons on target. While working towards the oscillation result, MiniBooNE will accumulate more than 1E6 neutrino interactions in the 0 to 2 GeV range which will greatly increase the world's knowledge of neutrino cross sections in this energy regime. Preliminary results on the MiniBooNE muon neutrino charged current quasi-elastic analysis are presented and compared to the NUANCE, NEUT, and NEUGEN cross section Monte Carlos.Comment: Proceedings for the NuInt04 Conference, 7 pages, 10 figure

    Low-Energy Hadron Production Data and Current Status of CERN Measurements

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    Data on low-energy hadron production in collisions of nucleons, pions and kaons with light nuclei are needed for many astrophysical and accelerator applications. Modern simulations have reached a level of accuracy that the lack of detailed understanding of hadron production processes has become one of the most important limitations to further improvements. After giving some examples of hadroproduction processes in astrophysics and neutrino experiments we briefly review existing fixed-target data on light nuclei. Preliminary results and prospects of current CERN measurements (HARP, NA49) are discussed.Comment: Invited talk given at XIII ISVHECRI, Pylos (Greece), Sept. 2004; 8 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    Hadron formation and attenuation in deep inelastic lepton scattering off nuclei

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    We investigate hadron formation in deep inelastic lepton scattering on N, Kr and Xe nuclei in the kinematic regime of the HERMES experiment. The elementary electron-nucleon interaction is described within the event generator PYTHIA while a full coupled-channel treatment of the final state interactions is included by means of a BUU transport model. We find a good agreement with the measured charged hadron multiplicity ratio RMhR_M^h for N and Kr targets by accounting for the deceleration and absorption of the primarily produced particles as well as for the creation of secondary hadrons in the final state interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; revised and extended version, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Antiproton Production in p+Ap+A Collisions at AGS Energies

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    Inclusive and semi-inclusive measurements are presented for antiproton (pˉ\bar{p}) production in proton-nucleus collisions at the AGS. The inclusive yields per event increase strongly with increasing beam energy and decrease slightly with increasing target mass. The pˉ\bar{p} yield in 17.5 GeV/c p+Au collisions decreases with grey track multiplicity, NgN_g, for Ng>0N_g>0, consistent with annihilation within the target nucleus. The relationship between NgN_g and the number of scatterings of the proton in the nucleus is used to estimate the pˉ\bar{p} annihilation cross section in the nuclear medium. The resulting cross section is at least a factor of five smaller than the free pˉp\bar{p}-p annihilation cross section when assuming a small or negligible formation time. Only with a long formation time can the data be described with the free pˉp\bar{p}-p annihilation cross section.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Semi-Inclusive Lambda and Kshort Production in p-Au Collisions at 17.5 GeV/c

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    The first detailed measurements of the centrality dependence of strangeness production in p-A collisions are presented. Lambda and Kshort dn/dy distributions from 17.5 GeV/c p-Au collisions are shown as a function of "grey" track multiplicity and the estimated number of collisions, nu, made by the proton. The nu dependence of the Lambda yield deviates from a scaling of p-p data by the number of participants, increasing faster than this scaling for nu<=5 and saturating for larger nu. A slower growth in Kshort multiplicity with nu is observed, consistent with a weaker nu dependence of K-Kbar production than Y-K production.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, formatted with RevTex, current version has enlarged figure catpion