445 research outputs found

    Successful Percutaneous Renal Artery Angioplasty and Stenting for Acute Oliguric Renal Failure in a Solitary Functioning Kidney Caused by Takayasu's Arteritis

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    Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a nonspecific, chronic and stenotic panarteritis which usually involves the aorta and its major branches. Corticosteroid and immunosuppressants are recommended to manage the acute inflammatory phase, but their long term benefits are uncertain. Blood pressure (BP) control during the chronic phase of TA is essential to preserve renal function, which is associated with the patient's long-term prognosis and survival. Revascularization in organ damaging arterial stenosis with percutaneous angioplasty (PTA)/stenting or bypass surgery have been accepted as established treatment options in chronic complicated phase of TA. We present a case of a 31-year-old female patient with a two-day history of sudden onset oliguria and generalized edema whose acute oliguric renal failure was successfully reversed following PTA and stenting in a solitary functioning kidney with critical renal artery stenosis (RAS) caused by TA

    Host Biomarkers Are Associated With Response to Therapy and Long-Term Mortality in Pediatric Severe Malaria.

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    Background. Host responses to infection are critical determinants of disease severity and clinical outcome. The development of tools to risk stratify children with malaria is needed to identify children most likely to benefit from targeted interventions.Methods. This study investigated the kinetics of candidate biomarkers of mortality associated with endothelial activation and dysfunction (angiopoietin-2 [Ang-2], soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1 [sFlt-1], and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [sICAM-1]) and inflammation (10 kDa interferon γ-induced protein [CXCL10/IP-10] and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 [sTREM-1]) in the context of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm trial evaluating inhaled nitric oxide versus placebo as adjunctive therapy to parenteral artesunate for severe malaria. One hundred eighty children aged 1–10 years were enrolled at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital in Uganda and followed for up to 6 months.Results. There were no differences between the 2 study arms in the rate of biomarker recovery. Median levels of Ang-2, CXCL10, and sFlt-1 were higher at admission in children who died in-hospital (n = 15 of 180; P < .001, P = .027, and P = .004, respectively). Elevated levels of Ang-2, sTREM-1, CXCL10, and sICAM-1 were associated with prolonged clinical recovery times in survivors. The Ang-2 levels were also associated with postdischarge mortality (P < .0001). No biomarkers were associated with neurodisability.Conclusions. Persistent endothelial activation and dysfunction predict survival in children admitted with severe malaria

    Rethinking the "mirroring" hypothesis: implications for technological modularity, tacit coordination, and radical innovation

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    Studies of the 'mirroring' hypothesis have demonstrated the relationships between technological modularity and explicit coordination, yet little is known about the 'mirroring' relationship between technological modularity and tacit coordination, and how the 'mirroring' relationship may affect radical innovation. This paper contributes to the 'mirroring' hypothesis by identifying the interaction mechanisms embedded in and surrounded over the mirroring relationships. Using survey data of 121 high-tech firms in China, our study indicates that technological modularity enhances interfirm tacit coordination between module-makers ('mirroring' hypothesis), and will also positively influence radical innovation ('outcome' hypothesis). Moreover, tacit coordination negatively moderates the impact of technological modularity on radical innovation ('interaction' hypothesis), indicating that the 'mirroring' relationship may offset the benefit obtained from modularization. It also suggests that, in a high-technology industry in underdeveloped areas, tacit coordination could lead to exposure of hidden knowledge, thus lowering module-makers' motivation for technology breakthrough

    Topography-derived wetness indices are associated with household-level malaria risk in two communities in the western Kenyan highlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transmission of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>generally decreases with increasing elevation, in part because lower temperature slows the development of both parasites and mosquitoes. However, other aspects of the terrain, such as the shape of the land, may affect habitat suitability for <it>Anopheles </it>breeding and thus risk of malaria transmission. Understanding these local topographic effects may permit prediction of regions at high risk of malaria within the highlands at small spatial scales.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hydrologic modelling techniques were adapted to predict the flow of water across the landscape surrounding households in two communities in the western Kenyan highlands. These surface analyses were used to generate indices describing predicted water accumulation in regions surrounding the study area. Households with and without malaria were compared for their proximity to regions of high and low predicted wetness. Predicted wetness and elevation variables were entered into bivariate and multivariate regression models to examine whether significant associations with malaria were observable at small spatial scales.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On average, malaria case households (n = 423) were located 280 m closer to regions with very high wetness indices than non-malaria "control" households (n = 895) (t = 10.35, p < 0.0001). Distance to high wetness indices remained an independent predictor of risk after controlling for household elevation in multivariate regression (OR = 0.93 [95% confidence interval = 0.89–0.96] for a 100 m increase in distance). For every 10 m increase in household elevation, there was a 12% decrease in the odds of the house having a malaria case (OR = 0.88 [0.85–0.90]). However, after controlling for distance to regions of high predicted wetness and the community in which the house was located, this reduction in malaria risk was not statistically significant (OR = 0.98 [0.94–1.03]).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Proximity to terrain with high predicted water accumulation was significantly and consistently associated with increased household-level malaria incidence, even at small spatial scales with little variation in elevation variables. These results suggest that high wetness indices are not merely proxies for valley bottoms, and hydrologic flow models may prove valuable for predicting areas of high malaria risk in highland regions. Application in areas where malaria surveillance is limited could identify households at higher risk and help focus interventions.</p

    Mapping product and service innovation: A bibliometric analysis and a typology

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    Research conducted in the innovation field lags behind organizations’ general technological development and innovativeness. Literature that previously depicted innovation types in developed markets is markedly different from progressively publicized emerging market innovation types. While capital-abundant firms tend to engage in respective pioneering and incremental innovation loops, resource-constrained firms and firms in emerging countries may partially free-ride on existing products and services through innovations such as copycat and frugal. To date, there have been no attempts to holistically consolidate product and service innovation types into one overarching typology. Using novel methods of text mining and co-citation analysis, this study systematically maps three decades of product and service innovation scholarship to provide a typology of eight major product and service innovation types. This is further supported by case study analysis to demonstrate how these innovation types fit into the cost vs market novelty matrix. This study is unique in its methodological proposition to systematically review the innovation scholarship of more than 1,400 articles through comprehensive, quantified, and objective methods that offer transparent and reproducible results. The study provides some clarity regarding the classifications and characteristics of the innovation typology