112 research outputs found

    Light deflection by gravitational waves from localized sources

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    We study the deflection of light (and the redshift, or integrated time delay) caused by the time-dependent gravitational field generated by a localized material source lying close to the line of sight. Our calculation explicitly takes into account the full, near-zone, plus intermediate-zone, plus wave-zone, retarded gravitational field. Contrary to several recent claims in the literature, we find that the deflections due to both the wave-zone 1/r gravitational wave and the intermediate-zone 1/r^2 retarded fields vanish exactly. The leading total time-dependent deflection caused by a localized material source, such as a binary system, is proven to be given by the quasi-static, near-zone quadrupolar piece of the gravitational field, and therefore to fall off as the inverse cube of the impact parameter.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX 3.0, no figur

    Advantages of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the orthodontic treatment planning of cleidocranial dysplasia patients: a case report

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    Our aim was to discuss, by presenting a case, the possibilities connected to the use of a CBCT exam in the dental evaluation of patients with Cleidocranial Dysplasia (CCD), an autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia with delayed exfoliation of deciduous and eruption of permanent teeth and multiple supernumeraries, often impacted. We think that CBCT in this patient was adequate to accurately evaluate impacted teeth position and anatomy, resulting thus useful both in the diagnostic process and in the treatment planning, with an important reduction in the radiation dose absorbed by the patient

    Polyethylene Oxidation in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evolution and New Advances

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    Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) remains the gold standard acetabular bearing material for hip arthroplasty. Its successful performance has shown consistent results and survivorship in total hip replacement (THR) above 85% after 15 years, with different patients, surgeons, or designs

    Shape evolution in the neutron-rich osmium isotopes:Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of Os 196

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    The shape transition in the neutron-rich Os isotopes is studied by investigating the neutron-rich 196Os nucleus through in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy using a two-proton transfer reaction from a 198Pt target to a 82Se beam. The beam-like recoils were detected and identified with the large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer PRISMA, and the coincident γ rays were measured with the advanced gamma tracking array (AGATA) demonstrator. The de-excitation of the low-lying levels of the yrast-band of 196Os were identified for the first time. The results are compared with state-of-the-art beyond-mean-field calculations, performed for the even-even 188-198Os isotopes. The new results suggest a smooth transition in the Os isotopes from a more axial rotational behavior towards predominately vibrational nuclei through triaxial configurations. An almost perfect γ-unstable/triaxial rotor yrast band is predicted for 196Os which is in agreement with the experimentally measured excited state

    Search for 22^{22}Na in novae supported by a novel method for measuring femtosecond nuclear lifetimes

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    Classical novae are thermonuclear explosions in stellar binary systems, and important sources of 26^{26}Al and 22^{22}Na. While gamma rays from the decay of the former radioisotope have been observed throughout the Galaxy, 22^{22}Na remains untraceable. The half-life of 22^{22}Na (2.6 yr) would allow the observation of its 1.275 MeV gamma-ray line from a cosmic source. However, the prediction of such an observation requires good knowledge of the nuclear reactions involved in the production and destruction of this nucleus. The 22^{22}Na(p,γp,\gamma)23^{23}Mg reaction remains the only source of large uncertainty about the amount of 22^{22}Na ejected. Its rate is dominated by a single resonance on the short-lived state at 7785.0(7) keV in 23^{23}Mg. In the present work, a combined analysis of particle-particle correlations and velocity-difference profiles is proposed to measure femtosecond nuclear lifetimes. The application of this novel method to the study of the 23^{23}Mg states, combining magnetic and highly-segmented tracking gamma-ray spectrometers, places strong limits on the amount of 22^{22}Na produced in novae, explains its non-observation to date in gamma rays (flux < 2.5x10410^{-4} ph/(cm2^2s)), and constrains its detectability with future space-borne observatories.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Broken seniority symmetry in the semimagic proton mid-shell nucleus <sup>95</sup>Rh

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    Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in the semimagic ( N = 50 ) nucleus 95Rh have been performed by means of the fast-timing technique. The experiment was carried out using γ -ray detector arrays consisting of LaBr3(Ce) scintillators and germanium detectors integrated into the DESPEC experimental setup commissioned for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Phase-0, Darmstadt, Germany. The excited states in 95Rh were populated primarily via the β decays of 95Pd nuclei, produced in the projectile fragmentation of a 850 MeV/nucleon 124Xe beam impinging on a 4 g / cm2 9Be target. The deduced electromagnetic E2 transition strengths for the γ -ray cascade within the multiplet structure depopulating from the isomeric Iπ = 21 / 2+ state are found to exhibit strong deviations from predictions of standard shell model calculations which feature approximately conserved seniority symmetry. In particular, the observation of a strongly suppressed E2 strength for the 13 / 2+ → 9 / 2+ ground state transition cannot be explained by calculations employing standard interactions. This remarkable result may require revision of the nucleon-nucleon interactions employed in state-of-the-art theoretical model calculations, and might also point to the need for including three-body forces in the Hamiltonian

    The shape of the <i>T</i><sub>z</sub> = +1 nucleus <sup>94</sup>Pd and the role of proton-neutron interactions on the structure of its excited states

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    Reduced transition probabilities have been extracted between excited, yrast states in the N = Z + 2 nucleus 94Pd. The transitions of interest were observed following decays of the Iπ = 14+ , Ex = 2129-keV isomeric state, which was populated following the projectile fragmentation of a 124Xe primary beam at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung accelerator facility as part of FAIR Phase-0. Experimental information regarding the reduced E2 transition strengths for the decays of the yrast 8+ and 6+ states was determined following isomer-delayed Eγ1 − Eγ2 − △T2,1 coincidence method, using the LaBr3(Ce)-based FATIMA fast-timing coincidence gamma-ray array, which allowed direct determination of lifetimes of states in 94Pd using the Generalized Centroid Difference (GCD) method. The experimental value for the half-life of the yrast 8+ state of 755(106) ps results in a reduced transition probability of B(E2:8+ →6+ ) = 205+34 −25 e2fm4 , which enables a precise verification of shell-model calculations for this unique system, lying directly between the N = Z line and the N = 50 neutron shell closure. The determined B(E2) value provides an insight into the purity of (g9/2)n configurations in competition with admixtures from excitations between the (lower) N = 3 pf and (higher) N = 4 gds orbitals for the first time. The results indicate weak collectivity expected for near-zero quadrupole deformation and an increasing importance of the T = 0 proton-neutron interaction at N = 48

    Fast-timing measurements in <sup>96</sup>Pd:improved accuracy for the lifetime of the 4<sup>+</sup><sub>1</sub> state

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    Direct lifetime measurements via γ–γ coincidences using the FATIMA fast-timing LaBr3(Ce) array were performed for the excited states below previously reported isomers. In the N = 50 semi-magic 96Pd nucleus, lifetimes below the I π = 8+ seniority isomer were addressed as a benchmark for further analysis. The results for the I π = 2+ and 4 + states confirm the published values. Increased accuracy for the lifetime value was achieved for the 4 + state.peerReviewe

    Pair neutron transfer in 60Ni+116Sn probed via gamma-particle coincidences

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    We performed a gamma-particle coincidence experiment for the 60Ni+116Sn system in order to investigate whether the population of the two-neutron pick-up channel leading to 62Ni is mainly concentrated in the ground state transition, as has been found in a previous work. The experiment has been performed by employing the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer coupled to the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) demonstrator. The strength distribution of excited states corresponding to the inelastic, one- and two-neutron transfer channels has been extracted. We found that in the two-neutron transfer channel the strength to excited states corresponds to a fraction (less than 24%) of the total, consistent with the previously obtained results that the 2n channel is dominated by the ground to ground state transition