82 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un plan de marketing para mejorar el posicionamiento en el mercado del hotel Gran Sipán en la ciudad de Chiclayo

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    Uno de los objetivos de la presente tesis es elaborar estrategias de marketing que sirvan de guía al Hotel frente a la competencia, aprovechando las oportunidades del mercado, para el logro del mismo se aplicara el Marketing Mix, tomando en cuenta las 4ps ya que el uso de estas cuatro palabras es de gran importancia en lo que se refiere al lanzamiento, desarrollo de un nuevo servicio, o reposicionamiento, son cuatro palabras que aunque parecen simples, anteriormente eran vitales para que la estrategia del producto funcionara y llegara al posicionamiento deseado. Nos basamos también en encuestas, las mismas que han sido dirigidas a los clientes del Hotel para poder conocer sus opiniones y percepciones, encuestamos también a los turistas nacionales y receptivos que llegan a la Ciudad de Chiclayo para tener un conocimiento del tipo de Hospedaje que ellos requieren y por ultimo entrevistamos al Gerente General del Hotel Gran Sipán para conocer la situación actual del Hotel. Debemos tomar en cuenta que el cliente es la base fundamental para la puesta en marcha de una empresa, es por eso que decidi elaborar un plan de marketing para poder atraer más clientes al Hotel brindándoles servicios que satisfagan al consumidor, con el fin que no recurran a la competencia.Tesi

    CF2 transcription factor is involved in the regulation of Mef2 RNA levels, nuclei number and muscle fiber size

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. CF2 and Mef2 influence a variety of developmental muscle processes at distinct stages of development. Nevertheless, the exact nature of the CF2-Mef2 relationship and its effects on muscle building remain yet to be resolved. Here, we explored the regulatory role of CF2 in the Drosophila embryo muscle formation. To address this question and not having proper null CF2 mutants we exploited loss or gain of function strategies to study the contribution of CF2 to Mef2 transcription regulation and to muscle formation. Our data point to CF2 as a factor involved in the regulation of muscle final size and/or the number of nuclei present in each muscle. This function is independent of its role as a Mef2 collaborative factor in the transcriptional regulation of muscle-structural genes. Although Mef2 expression patterns do not change, reductions or increases in parallel in CF2 and Mef2 transcript abundance were observed in interfered and overexpressed CF2 embryos. Since CF2 expression variations yield altered Mef2 expression levels but with correct spatio-temporal Mef2 expression patterns, it can be concluded that only the mechanism controlling expression levels is de-regu-lated. Here, it is proposed that CF2 regulates Mef2 expression through a Feedforward Loop circuit.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad español (MINECO) BFU2010-19551 to M

    The impact of a multidisciplinary team intervention on medication prescription in nursing homes in Catalonia

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    Revisión del uso de medicamentos; Residencias de ancianos; Equipo de atención al pacienteRevisió de l'ús de medicaments; Residències d'avis; Equip d'atenció al pacientDrug utilization review; Nursing homes; Patient care teamBackground: In response to the rising population of nursing home residents with frailty and multimorbidity, optimizing medication safety through drug utilization review and addressing medication-related problems (MRPs) is imperative. Clinical decision support systems help reduce medication errors and detect potential MRPs, as well as medication reviews performed by a multidisciplinary team, but these combined assessments are not commonly performed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact on medication plans of a multidisciplinary team intervention in nursing homes, by analyzing the medication plan before and after the intervention and assessing whether the recommendations given had been implemented. Methods: A multicenter before-after study, involving five nursing homes, assessed the impact of a multidisciplinary team intervention, to estimate effectiveness related to the review of the prescribed medications. The follow-up period for each patient was 12 months or until death if prior, from July 2020 to February 2022, and involved 483 patients. The clinical pharmacologist coordinated the intervention and reviewed all the prescribed medications to make recommendations, focused on the completion of absent data, withdrawal of a drug, verification of whether a drug was adequate, the substitution of a drug, and the addition of drugs. Since the intervention was performed during the COVID-19 pandemic, optimization of psychotropic drugs and absorbent pads were limited. Results: The intervention had an impact with recommendations given for 398 (82.4%) of the patients and which were followed by 58.5% of them. At least one drug was withdrawn in 293 (60.7%) of the patients, with a mean of 2.3 (SD 1.7). As for the total of 1,097 recommendations given, 355 (32.4%) were followed. From the intervention, antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, statins, and diuretics were the most frequently withdrawn. Conclusion: The findings underscore the impact of targeted interventions to reduce inappropriate medications and enhance medication safety in nursing homes. The proposed recommendations given and followed show the importance of a multidisciplinary team, coordinated by a clinical pharmacologist, for a patient-centered approach to make medication reviews regularly, with the help of clinical decision support systems, to help reduce potential MRPs and polypharmacy.The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was funded by the Mutual Medical Scholarship of the year 2022

    The impact of a multidisciplinary team intervention on medication prescription in nursing homes in Catalonia

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    Tesis per compendiBackground: In response to the rising population of nursing home residents with frailty and multimorbidity, optimizing medication safety through drug utilization review and addressing medication-related problems (MRPs) is imperative. Clinical decision support systems help reduce medication errors and detect potential MRPs, as well as medication reviews performed by a multidisciplinary team, but these combined assessments are not commonly performed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact on medication plans of a multidisciplinary team intervention in nursing homes, by analyzing the medication plan before and after the intervention and assessing whether the recommendations given had been implemented. Methods: A multicenter before-after study, involving five nursing homes, assessed the impact of a multidisciplinary team intervention, to estimate effectiveness related to the review of the prescribed medications. The follow-up period for each patient was 12 months or until death if prior, from July 2020 to February 2022, and involved 483 patients. The clinical pharmacologist coordinated the intervention and reviewed all the prescribed medications to make recommendations, focused on the completion of absent data, withdrawal of a drug, verification of whether a drug was adequate, the substitution of a drug, and the addition of drugs. Since the intervention was performed during the COVID-19 pandemic, optimization of psychotropic drugs and absorbent pads were limited. Results: The intervention had an impact with recommendations given for 398 (82.4%) of the patients and which were followed by 58.5% of them. At least one drug was withdrawn in 293 (60.7%) of the patients, with a mean of 2.3 (SD 1.7). As for the total of 1,097 recommendations given, 355 (32.4%) were followed. From the intervention, antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, statins, and diuretics were the most frequently withdrawn. Conclusion: The findings underscore the impact of targeted interventions to reduce inappropriate medications and enhance medication safety in nursing homes. The proposed recommendations given and followed show the importance of a multidisciplinary team, coordinated by a clinical pharmacologist, for a patient-centered approach to make medication reviews regularly, with the help of clinical decision support systems, to help reduce potential MRPs and polypharmacy

    Performance of chromatographic method for the stability study of microencapsulated shark liver oil using chitosan acetate

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el desempeño del método para la cuantificación de la vitamina A en el aceite microencapsulado, empleando acetato de quitosana y maltodextrina como agentes encapsulantes, así como estudiar la estabilidad del aceite microencapsulado. Materiales y métodos: Los parámetros evaluados se correspondieron con lo establecido internacionalmente para este estudio: especificidad, exactitud y precisión. El estudio de estabilidad se realizó durante 12 meses a temperatura ambiente (30 ± 2 OC) y 70 ± 5 % de humedad relativa, evaluándose en el tiempo la eficiencia de encapsulación, aceite superficial, pérdidas por desecación, contenido de vitamina A y conteo microbiológico. Resultados: Se demostró que el método evaluado fue específico, preciso y exacto para la determinación del contenido de vitamina A en la mezcla de aceite microencapsulado. Los resultados demuestran que el aceite microencapsulado tiene un comportamiento estable en cuanto a los indicadores evaluados, evidenciándose la protección ofrecida por los componentes de la pared de las microcápsulas. Conclusiones: El método empleado en la cuantificación de la vitamina A en el aceite microencapsulado resultó específico, exacto y preciso, demostrándose su aplicabilidad para el control de calidad y estudio de estabilidad. El aceite microencapsulado con acetato de quitosana y maltodextrina como agentes encapsulantes, es estable física, química y microbiológicamente, durante 12 meses.Purpose: To evaluate the performance of the method for the quantification of vitamin A in the microencapsulated oil using chitosan acetate and maltodextrin as encapsulating agents, and to study the stability of microencapsulated oil. Materials and methods: The evaluated parameters were in accordance with international standards among those that we can mention: specificity, accuracy and precision. The stability study was carried out for 12 months at room temperature (30 ± 2 ° C) and 70 ± 5% relative humidity, the following parameters were evaluated: capsulation efficiency, loss on drying, superficial oil, vitamin-A content and microbiological count. Results: It was demonstrated that the evaluated method was specific, precise and accurate for the determination of vitamin A in the microencapsulated oil. The results demonstrate that the microencapsulated oil has a stable behavior in terms of evaluated parameters, showing the protection provided by the components of the wall material. Conclusions: The method used in the quantification of vitamin A in the microencapsulated oil was specific, accurate and precise, for what can be an employee in the quality control and stability study. The microencapsulated oil with chitosan acetate and maltodextrin as encapsulating agents turned out to be physically, chemically and microbiologically stable for a period of 12 months.Sin financiació


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    Este documento trata acerca de las mediciones de luz realizadas a un dispositivo de fototerapia diseñado en el Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida (ITM). La finalidad del dispositivo es para ser usado como fuente de fototerapia para tratar la ictericia neonatal. Las características del diseño fueron obtenidas de documentos científicos, normas y hojas de datos relacionados con el tema de la Fototerapia en el recién nacido.Las principales características para el diseño fueron la longitud de onda de la luz emitida, el área iluminada y la Iluminancia (lux) que se refiere a la cantidad de flujo luminoso que incide sobre una superficie por unidad de área.Se presentan brevemente las etapas de diseño del prototipo, así como el procedimiento de medición realizado para obtener las características de iluminancia del dispositivo

    Antibodies to endothelial cells in Behçet's disease: cell-binding heterogeneity and association with clinical activity

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    OBJECTIVES--To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of antibodies to endothelial cells (aEC) from large vessel and from microvasculature in a group of patients with Behçet's disease (BD) to determine the relationship of these antibodies with clinical and laboratory features of the disease. METHODS--Thirty patients with BD were prospectively and consecutively studied. The aEC were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using endothelial cells derived from human umbilical vein (large vessel) as well as from retroperitoneal adipose tissue (microvasculature). RESULTS--Fifteen patients (50%) had aEC, either directed to large vessel [8(26%) patients] or microvascular [13(43%) patients] endothelial cells. The percentage of active patients was significantly higher in the aEC-positive group [12(80%) patients] compared with the aEC-negative group [5(33%) patients] (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS--Patients with BD have a high prevalence of aEC when microvascular endothelial cells are used in the assay. These antibodies seem to be a marker of disease activity in this condition, previously considered as negative for autoantibodies

    Opportunistic detection of atrial fibrillation in subjects aged 65 years or older in primare care: a randomised clinical trial of efficacy. DOFA-AP study protocol.

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    Clinical Practice Guidelines recommend using peripheral blood pulse measuring as a screening test for Atrial Fibrillation. However, there is no adequate evidence supporting the efficacy of such procedure in primary care clinical practice. This paper describes a study protocol designed to verify whether early opportunistic screening for Atrial Fibrillation by measuring blood pulse is more effective than regular practice in subjects aged 65 years attending primary care centers.post-print290 K

    Recomendaciones de manipulación doméstica de frutas y hortalizas para preservar su valor nutritivo

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    The health benefits of daily consumption of at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables are well documented. The World Health Organization (WHO) public health goal, established in 600 grams per person/day, is not achieved in Spain, so it is important to improve access to these foods, maintain their potential nutritive value and overcome barriers for their consumption. The objectives of this paper are: facilitate responsible decision-making regarding health; maximize the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables, help overcome barriers for fruit and vegetables consumption and report on how their storage at home, their handling and cooking affect to nutritional value of fruit and vegetables.In order to minimize nutrients loss and improve their bioavailability during fruit and vegetables handling, the Association for the promotion of fruit and vegetables “5 a day” (Spain) recommends: avoid prolonged storage of fruit and vegetables in the fridge; use layers and outer leaves; peel and/or cut them just before consumption; wash the whole pieces and then chop them; controlling the soaking time of cut pieces; prefer cooking techniques that do not require direct contact with water; a shorter cooking time, less loss of nutrients; the correct frying retains nutrients very well, although it is a technique of which should not be abused; add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to the cooking water if it does not change the taste and dish acceptance; use the water of cooking to elaborate other foods (e.g. sauces, soups, purees, etc.) except those coming from chard, spinach or beets. The “5 a day” Association (Spain) recommends increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, and state that theloss of nutrients during their home handling should not be understood as a barrier for their consumption.El beneficio para la salud del consumo diario de al menos 5 raciones entre frutas y hortalizas está bien documentado. En España no se alcanzan los 600 gramos por persona y día que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en sus objetivos de salud pública, por lo que es importante mejorar el acceso a estos alimentos, aprovechar su potencial nutritivo y salvar las barreras para su consumo. Los objetivos de este documento son: facilitar la toma de decisiones responsables con la salud; aprovechar al máximo el valor nutritivo de frutas y hortalizas; ayudar a salvar las barreras para su consumo e informar sobre cómo afecta la conservación, manipulación y cocinado domésticos a su valor nutritivo.Para minimizar la pérdida de nutrientes y mejorar su biodisponibilidad durante la manipulación de frutas y hortalizas, la Asociación para la promoción del consumo de frutas y hortalizas “5 al día” (España) recomienda: evitar almacenamientos prolongados en el refrigerador; aprovechar las capas y hojas exteriores; pelar y/o cortar el alimento justo antes de consumirlo; lavar las piezas enteras y trocearlas posteriormente; controlar el tiempo de remojo de las piezas cortadas; preferir técnicas de cocinado que no requieran contacto directo con el agua; a menor tiempo de cocción, menor pérdida de nutrientes; la fritura correcta conserva muy bien los nutrientes, aunque no debe abusarse de esta técnica; añadir un chorrito de vinagre o de zumo de limón al agua de cocción; aprovechar el agua de los vegetales cocidos para elaborar otros alimentos (ej.: salsas, sopas, purés, etc.), excepto la de acelgas, espinacas o remolacha. La Asociación “5 al día” recomienda aumentar el consumo de frutas y hortalizas, y considera que la pérdida de nutrientes durante su manipulación doméstica no debe entenderse como una barrera para su consumo

    Recomendaciones de manipulación doméstica de frutas y hortalizas para preservar su valor nutritivo

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    El beneficio para la salud del consumo diario de al menos 5 raciones entre frutas y hortalizas está bien documentado. En España no se alcanzan los 600 gramos por persona y día que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en sus objetivos de salud pública, por lo que es importante mejorar el acceso a estos alimentos, aprovechar su potencial nutritivo y salvar las barreras para su consumo. Los objetivos de este documento son: facilitar la toma de decisiones responsables con la salud; aprovechar al máximo el valor nutritivo de frutas y hortalizas; ayudar a salvar las barreras para su consumo e informar sobre cómo afecta la conservación, manipulación y cocinado domésticos a su valor nutritivo. Para minimizar la pérdida de nutrientes y mejorar su biodisponibilidad durante la manipulación de frutas y hortalizas, la Asociación para la promoción del consumo de frutas y hortalizas"5 al día" (España) recomienda: evitar almacenamientos prolongados en el refrigerador; aprovechar las capas y hojas exteriores; pelar y/o cortar el alimento justo antes de consumirlo; lavar las piezas enteras y trocearlas posteriormente; controlar el tiempo de remojo de las piezas cortadas; preferir técnicas de cocinado que no requieran contacto directo con el agua; a menor tiempo de cocción, menor pérdida de nutrientes; la fritura correcta conserva muy bien los nutrientes, aunque no debe abusarse de esta técnica; añadir un chorrito de vinagre o de zumo de limón al agua de cocción; aprovechar el agua de los vegetales cocidos para elaborar otros alimentos (ej.: salsas, sopas, purés, etc.), excepto la de acelgas, espinacas o remolacha. La Asociación"5 al día" recomienda aumentar el consumo de frutas y hortalizas, y considera que la pérdida de nutrientes durante su manipulación doméstica no debe entenderse como una barrera para su consumo