360 research outputs found

    Die implizite Sprachauffassung in ausgewÀhlten Werken Hölderlins.

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    RESUMEN Worin besteht die Sprachauffassung Hölderlins? Diese Frage ist nicht neu. Auch liegen schon lange zahlreiche Antworten vor. Neu an der vorliegenden Arbeit ist aber, dass hier die Antwort nicht in den theoretischen Arbeiten Hölderlins ĂŒber Poetologie bzw. Philosophie gesucht wird, wo man sie vernĂŒnftigerweise zuerst vermuten wĂŒrde, denn das hat man auch schon zur GenĂŒge gemacht, sondern hier wird sie in Hölderlins literarischer Praxis gesucht, in der manchmal unbewussten und manchmal bewussten Anwendung der AusdrĂŒcke, die etwas mit dem Begriff 'Sprache' zu tun haben. Dementsprechend muss die vorige Frage d.h. die zentrale Frage, welche die vorliegende Arbeit leitet eingeschrĂ€nkt und umformuliert werden: Welche Bausteine der hölderlinischen Ideologie zum Thema 'Sprache' können in seinen literarischen Texten aufgespĂŒrt werden? Im Schnittpunkt von Literatur und Linguistik wird versucht, anhand einer eingehenden Korpusanalyse den Begriff 'Sprache' bei Hölderlin zu untersuchen. Der Begriff wird nicht im Sinne der strukturalistischen semantischen Wortfelder erforscht das wĂ€re eine linguistische Perspektive , sondern eher aus einer literaturwissenschaftlichkognitivistischen Perspektive, auf der Suche nach der transzendentalen Wichtigkeit des Sprechens und Schweigens bei Hölderlin, d.h. auf der Suche nach der Rolle der Sprache beim Aufbau seiner begrifflichen Weltanschauung, die besonders bei Hölderlin eine wesentliche Grundlage der Thematik und der rhetorischen Mittel seiner literarischen Texte darstellt. Die philosophische Seite dieses Punktes wird dabei außer Acht gelassen, denn die vorliegende Arbeit beschrĂ€nkt sich zunĂ€chst auf die praktische Auslegung konkreter Texte und dann auf die Klassifizierung der daraus gewonnenen Ergebnisse. Daraufhin werden Schlussfolgerungen gezogen, die etwas mehr Licht auf die literarischen Motive der Texte Hölderlins werfen und das Endergebnis der vorliegenden Arbeit darstellen werden. Zusammenfassend kann man die vorliegende Arbeit durch folgende Merkmale charakterisieren: ● wissenschaftliche Grundlegung: Die bei der Analyse berĂŒcksichtigten literaturwissenschaftlichen und linguistischen Theorien werden zunĂ€chst erlĂ€utert und problematisiert. ● methodologische Strenge: Die Kontextualisierung wird strikt von der eigentlichen Analyse getrennt. Die EinfĂŒhrung in das fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis nötige Hintergrundwissen gehört nicht in dasselbe Kapitel wie die Korpusanalyse. Auf diese Weise lĂ€sst sich eine weniger arbitrĂ€re Auslegung der Texte erzielen. ● Analyse der in den Texten impliziten Bedeutungen: Die Texte dĂŒrfen diesmal sozusagen selbst zu Wort kommen. Im Englischen wird dieser Vorgang close reading genannt. ● linguistisch gestĂŒtzte literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung: u.a. spielen die Theorie der Prototypen und die der PrĂ€suppositionen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Analyse. ● Fokussierung auf die Sprachauffassung: Alle anderen Themen, Beziehungen und Wechselwirkungen werden wo möglich beiseite gelassen. Keine dieser Eigenschaften ist an sich neu, wie weiter unten ausgefĂŒhrt wird. Neuartig ist aber, dass sie alle zugleich auf ein und dieselbe Studie angewandt werden. Das Ergebnis ist ebenfalls neuartig: Aus den Texten gehen bestimmte Vorstellungen hervor, die von einer Analyse herrĂŒhren, die mit linguistischer GrĂŒndlichkeit durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Die analysierten Textstellen werden nach den aus ihnen selbst gewonnenen Vorstellungen sortiert. Dann werden die verschiedenen Vorstellungen systematisch nach ihrer eigenen Beschaffenheit angeordnet, so dass eine begriffliche Konstellation, eine Sprachideologie ersichtlich wird, die als ein reines Destillat aus den literarischen Werken Hölderlins ohne Interferenzen durch textĂ€ußere Faktoren betrachtet werden darf und somit aus einer neuen Perspektive Aufschluss ĂŒber die schon vielfach untersuchte Sprachauffassung Hölderlins gibt. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________What does Hölderlin think about language? This dissertation doesn't look for the answer in Hölderlin's theoretical essays, but in his conscious or unconscious use of expressions that have something to do with the notion of language. Thus the former question, which is the lead aim of this dissertation, can be reformulated and specified as follows: Which elements of Hölderlin's ideology about language can be found in his literary texts? On a point of contact between Literature and Linguistics, Hölderlin's notion about language is analyzed on the base of a thorough corpus analysis. This notion isn't studied as a structuralistic semantic field, because that would be just a linguistic perspective, but it is studied from a literary and cognitivistic perspective, looking for the transcendental importance of speaking or of silence for Hölderlin, i.e. looking for the role that language plays in building his way of understandig life, which is for Hölderlin a central theme in his literary texts and also one of his fundamental rhetorical resources. The philosophical aspect of this issue has been left apart, for this dissertation just makes first of all a practical interpretation of the selected texts and afterwards the results are classified. The next step are the conclusions that allow to understand Hölderlin's literary themes a little bit better. And at that point this dissertation comes to an end

    Evaluation of strategies for preservation of microalgae Chlorella

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    [EN] The biomass obtained from microalgae, such as Chlorella, is used to make dietary products, supplements and pharmaceuticals. However, microalgae are produced very far from consumption places. One of the most usual distribution forms is as a dry product, a process that entails high production costs and leads to the loss of certain nutritional properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate alternative preservation strategies for microalgae Chlorella other than dehydration and freezing. To that end, sterilization, acidification, and packaging material were analyzed during 2 months of storage under different temperature and light exposure conditions. The results showed that color was modified considerably by sterilization, regardless of light exposure and type of package, whereas citric acid preserved color, especially at low storage temperatures. Furthermore, the study shows that acidification with 3.5% of citric acid and vacuum packaging are the recommended treatment for microalgae, without the need for cold storage. Practical applicationsStabilization of microalgae Chlorella from production to consumption places could increase the possibilities of commercialization of this product, recently labeled superfood by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. In order to preserve all their nutritional properties for at least 2 months, acidification with 3.5% of citric acid and vacuum packaging are the recommended treatments, without the need for cold storage.The review of this paper was funded by the Universitat PolitÚcnica de ValÚncia, SpainCastelló Gómez, ML.; Pariente, G.; Andrés Grau, AM.; Ortolå Ortolå, MD. (2017). Evaluation of strategies for preservation of microalgae Chlorella. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 42(2):1-8. doi:10.1111/jfpp.13518S1842

    Emotional priming effects during Stroop task performance

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    The ability to make decisions within an emotional context requires a balance between two functionally integrated neural systems that primarily support executive control and affective processing. Several studies have demonstrated effects of emotional interference presented during an ongoing cognitive task, but it is unclear how activating the emotional circuitry prior to a cognitive task may enhance or disrupt the executive system. In this study we used fMRI to examine the effects of emotional priming on executive processing during a number Stroop task. Our results indicated that during trials with less executive requirements, there was a greater aversive emotional attenuation effect in a network of regions including the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC), insula and cingulate gyrus. This attenuation effect was counteracted during trials with increased executive demand, suggesting that while pre-activation of the emotional system may lead to an automatic attenuation of activity in multiple regions, requirements for executive function may override the aversive emotional attenuation effect. Furthermore, this override effect was found to be associated with faster reaction times during executive processing. These findings demonstrate that activity in the vlPFC, cingulate and insula is dynamically adjusted in order to optimize performance, and illustrate the importance of the timing of each system’s engagement in determining how competing cognitive and emotional information is processed

    Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity of opioid and psychostimulant drugs

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    Substance abuse and addiction are the most costly of all the neuropsychiatric disorders. In the last decades, much progress has been achieved in understanding the effects of the drugs of abuse in the brain. However, efficient treatments that prevent relapse have not been developed. Drug addiction is now considered a brain disease, because the abuse of drugs affects several brain functions. Neurological impairments observed in drug addicts may reflect drug-induced neuronal dysfunction and neurotoxicity. The drugs of abuse directly or indirectly affect neurotransmitter systems, particularly dopaminergic and glutamatergic neurons. This review explores the literature reporting cellular and molecular alterations reflecting the cytotoxicity induced by amphetamines, cocaine and opiates in neuronal systems. The neurotoxic effects of drugs of abuse are often associated with oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis and inhibition of neurogenesis, among other mechanisms. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie brain dysfunction observed in drug-addicted individuals may contribute to improve the treatment of drug addiction, which may have social and economic consequences.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6SYS-4S50K2J-1/1/7d11c902193bfa3f1f57030572f7034

    Obra completa

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    Contiene: Poesia. I. Volar ; La inquietud en calma ; Jo sense tu ; On vaig, senyor? ; Aires de cançó ; Goig ; Esparses ; Braçat ; Poema dramàticament esperançat. II. Home ; Jo, cap de casa ; D'amar-te, amor ; Silenci ; Jo també tinc set ; Gran Sonata de la Pàtria ; Schumann, el piano i yo ; 50 anys del 7 d'octubre ; Soc qui soc ; Maror ; Vinatea ; Cantata valenciana de l'anima del cor ; InÚdites, diverses, disperses i rares / edició, estudi introductori i notes de Ricard Bellveser -- Prosa. I. Flexions i reflexions ; Memories d'un important sense importància ; Proses en carn ; Confesión con Ausiàs March ; Miscelànea. II. Artículs periodístics / Vicent Ll. Simó Santonja (coord.

    Would a student midwife run postnatal clinic make a valuable addition to midwifery education in the UK? - A systematic review

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    Background – There is growing evidence in the UK that some National Health Service improvements, particularly in the postnatal period, are having an impact on the quality and variety of student midwives’ clinical experiences, making it challenging for them to meet the standards set by the regulatory body for midwives and receive a licence to practice. A possible solution to this may be the introduction of a Student Midwife integrated Learning Environment (SMiLE) focusing upon the delivery of postnatal care (PN) through a student run clinic Objective - To identify the current state of knowledge, regarding the educational outcomes of students who engage with student run clinics (SRC) and the satisfaction of patients who attend them Search strategy - BNI, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE were searched for articles published until April 2014. Selection criteria - Studies nationally and internationally, that were carried out on healthcare students running their own clinics. Outcome measures were the evaluation of educational outcomes of students and client satisfaction were included Data collection and analysis - Data were extracted, analysed and synthesised to produce a summary of knowledge, regarding the effectiveness of SRC’s Main results - 6 studies were selected for this review Authors conclusions – The findings that SRC can offer advantages in improving educational outcomes of students and provide an effective service to clients is encouraging. However, given the limited number of high-quality studies included in this review, further research is required to investigate the effectiveness of SR

    Systematic review of communication technologies to promote access and engagement of young people with diabetes into healthcare

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    Background: Research has investigated whether communication technologies (e.g. mobile telephony, forums, email) can be used to transfer digital information between healthcare professionals and young people who live with diabetes. The systematic review evaluates the effectiveness and impact of these technologies on communication. Methods: Nine electronic databases were searched. Technologies were described and a narrative synthesis of all studies was undertaken. Results: Of 20,925 publications identified, 19 met the inclusion criteria, with 18 technologies assessed. Five categories of communication technologies were identified: video-and tele-conferencing (n = 2); mobile telephony (n = 3); telephone support (n = 3); novel electronic communication devices for transferring clinical information (n = 10); and web-based discussion boards (n = 1). Ten studies showed a positive improvement in HbA1c following the intervention with four studies reporting detrimental increases in HbA1c levels. In fifteen studies communication technologies increased the frequency of contact between patient and healthcare professional. Findings were inconsistent of an association between improvements in HbA1c and increased contact. Limited evidence was available concerning behavioural and care coordination outcomes, although improvement in quality of life, patientcaregiver interaction, self-care and metabolic transmission were reported for some communication technologies. Conclusions: The breadth of study design and types of technologies reported make the magnitude of benefit and their effects on health difficult to determine. While communication technologies may increase the frequency of contact between patient and health care professional, it remains unclear whether this results in improved outcomes and is often the basis of the intervention itself. Further research is needed to explore the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of increasing the use of communication technologies between young people and healthcare professionals

    Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis

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    Background: The aim was to identify and evaluate existing patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for use in patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) to inform the selection for use in surgical practice. Methods: Two systematic reviews were conducted: a systematic review to identify valid, reliable and acceptable PROMs for patients with AAA and a qualitative evidence synthesis to assess the relevance to patients of the identified PROMs items. PROMs studies were evaluated for their psychometric properties using established assessment criteria and their methodological quality using the COSMIN checklist. Qualitative studies were synthesised using framework analysis and identified concepts were then triangulated using a triangulation protocol with the item concepts of the identified PROMs. Results: Four PROMs from three studies were identified in the first review; the SF-36, the Australian Vascular Quality of Life Index, the AneurysmDQoL and AneurysmSRQ. None of the identified PROMs had undergone a rigorous psychometric evaluation within the AAA population. Four studies were included in the qualitative synthesis, from which 28 concepts important to patients with an AAA were identified. The AneurysmDQoL and the AneurysmSRQ together provided the most comprehensive assessment of these concepts. Fear of rupture, control, ability to forget about the condition and size of aneurysm were all concepts identified in the qualitative studies but not covered by items on the identified PROMs. Conclusion: Further research is needed to develop PROMs that are reliable, valid and acceptable to patients for use in surgical practice for AAA

    The lived experience of working with people with eating disorders: A meta-ethnography

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    Objective Working with people with eating disorders (EDs) is known to elicit strong emotional reactions, and the therapeutic alliance has been shown to affect outcomes with this clinical population. As a consequence, it is important to understand healthcare professionals' (HCPs') experiences of working with this client group. Method A meta‐synthesis was conducted of qualitative research on HCPs' lived experiences of working with people with EDs. The results from the identified studies were analyzed using Noblit and Hare's meta‐ethnographic method. Data were synthesized using reciprocal translation, and a line of argument was developed. Results Thirty‐seven studies met the inclusion criteria. Reciprocal translation resulted in a key concept: “Coping with caring without curing.” This was underpinned by the following third‐order concepts: (a) “The dissonance and discomfort of being a helper struggling to help,” (b) “Defending against the dissonance,” and (c) “Accepting the dissonance to provide safe and compassionate care.” These concepts were used to develop a line‐of‐argument synthesis, which was expressed as a new model for understanding HCPs' experiences of working with people who have an ED. Discussion Although the conflict associated with being a helper struggling to help led some HCPs to avoid and blame people with EDs, others adopted a compassionate stance characterized by humanity, humility, balance, and awareness
