278 research outputs found

    El Chancro Carbonoso de "Quercus" III: dispersión de ascosporas del agente causal

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    Se ha realizado un seguimiento de la descarga y dispersión de ascosporas de Biscogniauxia mediterránea, agente del Chancro Carbonoso de los Quercus, en condiciones naturales, desde diciembre de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2003. Para ello, se ha utilizado un capturador volumétrico (Burkard'), situado junto a ramas de alcornoque (Q. súber) con estromas carbonosos maduros. El análisis de los datos de esporulación mostró que la lluvia es la variable con mayor influencia en la descarga de ascosporas, aunque no se registró relación entre la cantidad de ascosporas descargadas y la cantidad de precipitación. Aunque la lluvia es necesaria para provocar la descarga de ascosporas, su principal vehículo de dispersión ha resultado ser el viento, y no el agua

    El Chancro Carbonoso de "Quercus" I: distribución y caracterización del agente causal

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    El Chancro Carbonoso está causado por el ascomiceto Biscogniauxia mediterránea. A partir de los años 80 su incidencia se ha asociado a los procesos de decaimiento que sufren los Quercus en la cuenca mediterránea. En España aparece principalmente en masas viejas de encina y alcornoque sobre pies decrépitos. Se ha determinado que la falta de vigor del huésped, independientemente de su edad, es el factor decisivo en la aparición del estroma carbonoso en condiciones de campo; formación que no está asociada a la presencia de exudados por parte de la planta huésped. A partir de las muestras obtenidas de árboles afectados, fundamentalmente Quercus spp., en Andalucía y otras localizaciones, se ha obtenido una colección de aislados monoascospóricos. La caracterización morfológica de sus colonias y la caracterización microscópica de las estructuras de reproducción sexual y asexual, han mostrado la alta variabilidad de las poblaciones naturales del hongo. Aunque las características de los aislados concuerdan con la descripción de la especie B. mediterránea, las dimensiones de las ascosporas no encajan plenamente en ninguno de los rangos establecidos para las tres variedades descritas en esta especie, poniendo en duda la validez de este criterio para discriminar variedades, al menos en aislados españoles

    Reverse magnetic anomaly controlled by Permian igneous rocks in the Iberian Chain (N Spain)

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    Two important reverse dipolar magnetic anomalies in the Iberian Chain (Spain) are located over Permian igneous rocks. A detailed study of one of them, the Loscos magnetic anomaly, where the geological structure is well constrained, reveals that the source of the anomaly must be a reverse remanent magnetisation carried by igneous rocks, acquired during the period of the Kiaman reverse magnetic superchron. Magnetic and gravimetric detailed survey (with 50 new gravimetric measurements and 8 main magnetic profiles -six of them N–S and the rest E–Wwith a total length of 40km), together with a study of the petrophysical characteristics of igneous materials, data processing and interpretation (upward continuation, 2.5D modelling, etc.) allowed to characterize qualitatively the anomaly and its source. Two overlapping anomalies with different wavelength were identified, indicating the presence of a shallower strongly altered igneous body with heterogeneous magnetic properties, and a deeper, large igneous body, responsible for the main, long-wavelength anomaly

    Review of the Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician (pre-Sardic) stratigraphic framework of the Eastern Pyrenees, southwestern Europe

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    The Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician successions exposed in the Eastern Pyrenees are updated and revised based on recent U-Pb zircon radiometric ages, intertonguing relationships of carbonate-dominated strata, and onlapping patterns marking the top of volcano-sedimentary complexes. A stratigraphic comparison with neighbouring pre-Variscan outcrops from the Montagne Noire (southern French Massif Central) and Sardinia is related to i) the absence of Cadomian deformation close to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary interval; ii) the presence of an episodic, Cadomian-related, acidic-dominant volcanism related to carbonate production punctuating the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, similar to that recorded in the northern Montagne Noire; and iii) the lack of Guzhangian (Late Cambrian Epoch 3) regressive shoal complexes present in the Montagne Noire and probably in Sardinia

    Review of the Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician (pre-Sardic) stratigraphic framework of the Eastern Pyrenees, southwestern Europe

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    The Ediacaran-Lower Ordovician successions exposed in the Eastern Pyrenees are updated and revised based on recent U-Pb zircon radiometric ages, intertonguing relationships of carbonate-dominated strata, and onlapping patterns marking the top of volcano-sedimentary complexes. A stratigraphic comparison with neighbouring pre-Variscan outcrops from the Montagne Noire (southern French Massif Central) and Sardinia is related to i) the absence of Cadomian deformation close to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary interval; ii) the presence of an episodic, Cadomian-related, acidic-dominant volcanism related to carbonate production punctuating the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, similar to that recorded in the northern Montagne Noire; and iii) the lack of Guzhangian (Late Cambrian Epoch 3) regressive shoal complexes present in the Montagne Noire and probably in Sardinia

    El acondicionamiento ambiental y la conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico

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    La investigación en el campo de la rehabilitación necesita del desarrollo del conocimiento de las técnicas de acondicionamiento ambiental, y homogeneizarse así con el estado actual del conocimiento de las técnicas constructivas y estructurales y, en general, de la patología de la edificación. En este artículo se destaca cómo los problemas más graves de la rehabilitación de edificios, al menos conceptualmente, no se encuentran en el campo estructural ni en el constructivo (que ya ofrecen una gama amplia de soluciones) sino en el del acondicionamiento ambiental en todas sus vertientes: acústico, lumínico, higrotérmico y de calidad del aire

    Correlation between preoperative CT scan and lung metastases according to surgical approach in patients with colorectal cancer

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    Introduction: The number of lung metastases (M1) of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) in relation to the findings of computed tomography (CT) is the object of study. Methods: Prospective and multicenter study of the Spanish Group for Surgery of CRC lung metastases (GECMP-CCR). The role of CT in the detection of pulmonary M1 is evaluated in 522 patients who underwent a pulmonary metastasectomy for CRC. We define M1/CT as the ratio between metastatic nodules and those found on preoperative CT. Disease-specific survival (DSS), disease-free survival (DFS), and surgical approach were analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier method. Results: 93 patients were performed by video-assisted surgery (VATS) and 429 by thoracotomy. In 90%, the M1/CT ratio was =1, with no differences between VATS and thoracotomy (94.1% vs 89.7%, p = 0.874). In the remaining 10% there were more M1s than those predicted by CT (M1/CT > 1), with no differences between approaches (8.6% vs 10%, p = 0.874). 51 patients with M1/CT > 1, showed a lower median DSS (35.4 months vs 55.8; p = 0.002) and DFS (14.2 months vs 29.3; p = 0.025) compared to 470 with M1/CT = 1. No differences were observed in DSS and DFS according to VATS or thoracotomy. Conclusions: Our study shows equivalent oncological results in the resection of M1 of CRC using VATS or thoracotomy approach. The group of patients with an M1/CT ratio >1 have a worse DSS and DFS, which may mean a more advanced disease than predicted preoperatively. Introducción El número de metástasis pulmonares (M1) de carcinoma colorrectal (CCR) en relación con los hallazgos de la tomografía computarizada (TC), es objeto de estudio. Métodos Estudio prospectivo y multicéntrico del Grupo Español de Cirugía de las metástasis pulmonares del CCR (GCMP-CCR). Se evalúa el papel de la TC en la detección de M1 pulmonares en 522 pacientes intervenidos de una metastasectomía pulmonar por CCR. Definimos como M1/CT al cociente entre los nódulos metastásicos y los hallados en la TC preoperatoria. Se analizó la supervivencia específica de enfermedad (SEE), la supervivencia libre de enfermedad (SLE) y el abordaje quirúrgico mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier. Resultados En 93 pacientes se utilizó la cirugía videoasistida (VATS) y 429 toracotomías. En un 90% el cociente M1/TC fue =1, sin diferencias entre VATS y toracotomía (94,1 vs. 89,7%; p = 0,874). En el 10% restante existían más M1 que las predichas por la TC (M1/CT > 1), sin diferencias entre abordajes (8,6 vs. 10%; p = 0,874). Cincuenta y un pacientes con M1/CT > 1, mostraron una menor mediana de SEE (35,4 vs. 55,8 meses; p = 0,002) y SLE (14,2 vs. 29,3 meses; p = 0,025) en comparación con 470 con M1/CT = 1. No se observaron diferencias en la SEE y la SLE según VATS o toracotomía. Conclusiones Nuestro estudio muestra unos resultados oncológicos equivalentes en la resección de M1 de CCR mediante abordaje VATS o toracotomía. El grupo de pacientes con un cociente M1/CT > 1 presentan una peor SEE y SLE, pudiendo significar una enfermedad más avanzada de la predicha preoperatoriamente

    La seca de encinas y alcornoques en Andalucía : decaimiento y enfermedad

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    El decaimiento forestal es una enfermedad de etiología compleja, resultado de la acción de un número variable de factores bióticos y abióticos que causan un deterioro gradual y general de los árboles afectados, hasta su muerte. Los factores implicados en el decaimiento de los Quercus en Andalucía son factores predisponentes de tipo selvícola, alteraciones climáticas como factor incitante, y plagas y enfermedades como factores contribuyentes. Entre las enfermedades implicadas en Seca de los Quercus destacan, por orden de importancia, la podredumbre radical causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi, los chancros de tronco y ramas causados por Botryosphaeria spp. y el chancro carbonoso causado por Biscogniauxia mediterranea. No obstante, las dos primeras enfermedades tienen una especial incidencia en distintas zonas de Andalucía de forma independiente, no asociadas al decaimiento. En el presente artículo se exponen las medidas de control disponibles contra estas enfermedades de los Quercus y se plantea la necesidad de disponer de un diagnóstico preciso en cada caso para abordar dicho control con garantías, ya que no cabe encontrar soluciones únicas que resulten eficaces con independencia de la naturaleza del problema._____________________________________The forestry decline is a complex disease, as a result of the action of a changeable number of biotic and abiotic factors that cause a gradual and general deterioration of the affected trees, until their death. The factors involved in the Quercus decline in Andalusia are predisposing factors like silvic, climatic alterations as inciting factor, and insect pest and diseases as contributing factors. Between the diseases involved in oak decline stand out, in order of importance, the root roting caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi, the chancres of trunk and branches caused by Botryosphaeria spp. and the charcoal canker caused by Biscogniauxia mediterranea. Nevertheless, the first two diseases have a special effect on different zones of Andalusia in different ways, not associated with the decay. In this article we expose the available tools of disease control. We emphasizes the need of having a precise diagnosis in every case to approach the control with guarantees, since there is no chance of finding only one efficient solution regardless of the nature of the problem

    Naturally-occurring iron minerals as inexpensive catalysts for CWPO

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    This work explores the potential application of naturally-occurring minerals as inexpensive catalysts in heterogeneous Fenton, namely catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO). The availability, low cost and environmentally friendly character of those materials make them interesting candidates for such application. The performance of magnetite, hematite and ilmenite as CWPO catalysts has been tested under different working conditions, which include temperature (25–90 °C), H2O2 dose (250–1000 mg L−1) and catalyst concentration (1–4 g L−1). The operating temperature plays a key role on the rate of H2O2 decomposition so that with magnetite H2O2 conversion after 4 h increased from 8 to 99% by increasing the temperature from 25 to 90 °C. Based on the reaction mechanism proposed, a kinetic model was developed which successfully described the experimental results on H2O2 decomposition. The catalytic performance of the minerals tested at temperatures above the ambient was demonstrated using phenol (100 mg L−1) as target pollutant. Unprecedented efficiencies of H2O2 consumption, higher than 80% were achieved, allowing high oxidation and mineralization, i.e. complete phenol conversion and almost 80% TOC reduction at 75 °C with a catalyst loading of 2 g L−1 and the theoretical stoichiometric amount of H2O2 for complete mineralization of phenol (500 mg L−1). Magnetite is particularly attractive, since it showed the highest activity and can be easily separated from the liquid phase given its magnetic properties. All the minerals tested suffered low iron leaching and magnetite and hematite showed a good reusability upon three consecutive runs. However, in this case long-term durability is not a crucial issue, given the availability and low cost of these mineralsThis research has been supported by the Spanish MINECO through the project CTQ2013-4196-R and by the CM through the project S2013/MAE-2716. M. Muñoz thanks the Spanish MINECO for a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación postdoctoral contract (IJCI-2014-19427

    Emplacement and Deformation of Mesozoic Gabbros of the High Atlas (Morocco): Paleomagnetism and Magnetic Fabrics

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    A paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric study is performed in Upper Jurassic gabbros of the central High Atlas (Morocco). These gabbros were emplaced in the core of preexisting structures developed during the extensional stage and linked to basement faults. These structures were reactivated as anticlines during the Cenozoic compressional inversion. Gabbros from 19 out of the 33 sampled sites show a stable characteristic magnetization, carried by magnetite, which has been interpreted as a primary component. This component shows an important dispersion due to postemplacement tectonic movements. The absence of paleoposition markers in these igneous rocks precludes direct restorations. A novel approach analyzing the orientation of the primary magnetization is used here to restore the magmatic bodies and to understand the deformational history recorded by these rocks. Paleomagnetic vectors are distributed along small circles with horizontal axes, indicating horizontal axis rotations of the gabbro bodies. These rotations are higher when the ratio between shales and gabbros in the core of the anticlines increases. Due to the uncertainties inherent to this work (the igneous bodies recording strong rotations), interpretations must be qualitative. The magnetic fabric is carried by ferromagnetic (s.s.) minerals mimicking the magmatic fabric. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) axes, using the rotation routine inferred from paleomagnetic results, result in more tightly clustered magnetic lineations, which also become horizontal and are considered in terms of magma flow trend during its emplacement: NW-SE (parallel to the general extensional direction) in the western sector and NE-SW (parallel to the main faults) in the easternmost structures