812 research outputs found

    Sodium Entry during Action Potentials of Mammalian Neurons: Incomplete Inactivation and Reduced Metabolic Efficiency in Fast-Spiking Neurons

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    SummaryWe measured the time course of sodium entry during action potentials of mouse central neurons at 37°C to examine how efficiently sodium entry is coupled to depolarization. In cortical pyramidal neurons, sodium entry was nearly completely confined to the rising phase of the spike: only ∟25% more sodium enters than the theoretical minimum necessary for spike depolarization. However, in fast-spiking GABAergic neurons (cerebellar Purkinje cells and cortical interneurons), twice as much sodium enters as the theoretical minimum. The extra entry occurs because sodium channel inactivation is incomplete during the falling phase of the spike. The efficiency of sodium entry in different cell types is primarily a function of action potential shape and not cell-type-specific differences in sodium channel kinetics. The narrow spikes of fast-spiking GABAergic neurons result in incomplete inactivation of sodium channels; this reduces metabolic efficiency but likely enhances the ability to fire spikes at high frequency

    Synaptic NMDA receptor activity at resting membrane potentials

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    NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are crucial for glutamatergic synaptic signaling in the mammalian central nervous system. When activated by glutamate and glycine/D-serine, the NMDAR ion channel can open, but current flux is further regulated by voltage-dependent block conferred by extracellular Mg2+ ions. The unique biophysical property of ligand- and voltage-dependence positions NMDARs as synaptic coincidence detectors, controlling a major source of synaptic Ca2+ influx. We measured synaptic currents in layer 2/3 neurons after stimulation in layer 4 of somatosensory cortex and found measurable NMDAR currents at all voltages tested. This NMDAR current did not require concurrent AMPAR depolarization. In physiological ionic conditions, the NMDAR current response at negative potentials was enhanced relative to ionic conditions typically used in slice experiments. NMDAR activity was also seen in synaptic recordings from hippocampal CA1 neurons, indicating a general property of NMDAR signaling. Using a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, we measured responses to stimulation in layer 4 at individual synaptic sites, and Ca2+ influx could be detected even with AMPARs blocked. In current clamp recordings, we found that resting membrane potential was hyperpolarized by ∟7 mV and AP firing threshold depolarized by ∟4 mV in traditional compared to physiological ionic concentrations, and that NMDARs contribute to EPSPs at resting membrane potentials. These measurements demonstrate that, even in the presence of extracellular Mg2+ and absence of postsynaptic depolarization, NMDARs contribute to synaptic currents and Ca2+ influx

    Spinning Down a Black Hole With Scalar Fields

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    We study the evolution of a Kerr black hole emitting scalar radiation via the Hawking process. We show that the rate at which mass and angular momentum are lost by the black hole leads to a final evolutionary state with nonzero angular momentum, namely a/M≈0.555a/M \approx 0.555.Comment: 4 pages (including 3 postscript figures), Revtex, uses epsf.tex, twocolumn.sty and header.sty (included). Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Do semiclassical zero temperature black holes exist?

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    The semiclassical Einstein equations are solved to first order in ϵ=ℏ/M2\epsilon = \hbar/M^2 for the case of a Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole perturbed by the vacuum stress-energy of quantized free fields. Massless and massive fields of spin 0, 1/2, and 1 are considered. We show that in all physically realistic cases, macroscopic zero temperature black hole solutions do not exist. Any static zero temperature semiclassical black hole solutions must then be microscopic and isolated in the space of solutions; they do not join smoothly onto the classical extreme Reissner-Nordst\"{o}m solution as ϵ→0\epsilon \to 0.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, minor changes and corrections, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    The dS/CFT Correspondence and the Big Smash

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    Recent observations suggest that the cosmological equation-of-state parameter w is close to -1. To say this is to imply that w could be slightly less than -1, which leads to R.Caldwell's "Phantom cosmologies". These often have the property that they end in a "Big Smash", a final singularity in which the Universe is destroyed in a finite proper time by excessive *expansion*. We show that, classically, this fate is not inevitable: there exist Smash-free Phantom cosmologies, obtained by a suitable perturbation of the deSitter equation of state, in which the spacetime is in fact asymptotically deSitter. [Contrary to popular belief, such cosmologies, which violate the Dominant Energy Condition, do not necessarily violate causality.] We also argue, however, that the physical interpretation of these classically acceptable spacetimes is radically altered by ``holography'', as manifested in the dS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that, if the boundary CFTs have conventional properties, then recent ideas on "time as an inverse renormalization group flow" can be used to rule out these cosmologies. Very recently, however, it has been argued that the CFTs in dS/CFT are of a radically unconventional form, and this opens up the possibility that Smash-free Phantom spacetimes offer a simple model of a "bouncing" cosmology in which the quantum-mechanical entanglement of the field theories in the infinite past and future plays an essential role.Comment: 22 pages, clarification of triple analytic continuation, additional Comments added in the light of hep-th/020724

    Halogen Oxidation Reactions of (C5Ph5)Cr(CO)3 and Lewis Base Addition To [(C5Ph5)Cr(Îź-X)X]2: Electrochemical, Magnetic, and Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of [(C5Ph5)CrX2]2 and (C5Ph5)CrX2(THF) (X = Cl, Br, I). X-ray Crystal Structure of [(C5Ph5)Cr(Îź-Cl)Cl]2

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    The 17-electron complex (C5Ph5)Cr(CO)3 reacts with halogens (C6H5I•Cl2, Br2, and I2) in C6H6 to yield the dimeric oxidation products [(C5Ph5)Cr(m-X)X]2 as thermally stable solids. Reactions with other chlorinating agents similarly yield [(C5Ph5)CrCl2]2. An X-ray crystal structure of [(C5Ph5)Cr(m-Cl)Cl]2 was obtained. The magnetic properties of the Cl2 bridged dimer have been determined and modeled using the usual isotropic hamiltonian which yields J/k = –30 K. Low-temperature (77 K) Raman spectra of solid [(C5Ph5)CrX2]2 (X = Cl, I) allow assignments to be made for the metal-ring and metal halogen stretching modes in the low frequency region (\u3c 600 cm-1). Tetrahydrofuran (THF) cleaves these dimers to yield complexes of the form (C5Ph5)CrX2(THF)

    Standalone vertex nding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011
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