115 research outputs found

    Aggregated proteins in schizophrenia and other chronic mental diseases: DISC1opathies

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    Chronic mental diseases (CMD) like the schizophrenias are progressive diseases of heterogenous but poorly understood biological origin. An imbalance in proteostasis is a hallmark of dysfunctional neurons, leading to impaired clearance and abnormal deposition of protein aggregates. Thus, it can be hypothesized that unbalanced proteostasis in such neurons may also lead to protein aggregates in schizophrenia. These protein aggregates, however, would be more subtle then in the classical neurodegenerative diseases and as such have not yet been detected. The DISC1 (Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1) gene is considered among the most promising candidate genes for CMD having been identified as linked to CMD in a Scottish pedigree and having since been found to associate to various phenotypes of CMD. We have recently demonstrated increased insoluble DISC1 protein in the cingular cortex in approximately 20% of cases of CMD within the widely used Stanley Medical Research Institute Consortium Collection. Surprisingly, in vitro, DISC1 aggregates were cell-invasive, i.e., purified aggresomes or recombinant DISC1 fragments where internalized at an efficiency comparable to that of α-synuclein. Intracellular DISC1 aggresomes acquired gain-of-function properties in recruiting otherwise soluble proteins such as the candidate schizophrenia protein dysbindin. Disease-associated DISC1 polymorphism S704C led to a higher oligomerization tendency of DISC1. These findings justify classification of DISC1-dependent brain disorders as protein conformational disorders which we have tentatively termed DISC1opathies. The notion of disturbed proteostasis and protein aggregation as a mechanism of mental diseases is thus emerging. The yet unidentified form of neuronal impairment in CMD is more subtle than in the classical neurodegenerative diseases without leading to massive cell death and as such present a different kind of neuronal dysfunctionality, eventually confined to highly selective CNS subpopulations

    Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 overexpression disrupts hippocampal coding and oscillatory synchronization

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    Aberrant proteostasis of protein aggregation may lead to behavior disorders including chronic mental illnesses (CMI). Furthermore, the neuronal activity alterations that underlie CMI are not well understood. We recorded the local field potential and single‐unit activity of the hippocampal CA1 region in vivo in rats transgenically overexpressing the Disrupted‐in‐Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) gene (tgDISC1), modeling sporadic CMI. These tgDISC1 rats have previously been shown to exhibit DISC1 protein aggregation, disturbances in the dopaminergic system and attention‐related deficits. Recordings were performed during exploration of familiar and novel open field environments and during sleep, allowing investigation of neuronal abnormalities in unconstrained behavior. Compared to controls, tgDISC1 place cells exhibited smaller place fields and decreased speed‐modulation of their firing rates, demonstrating altered spatial coding and deficits in encoding location‐independent sensory inputs. Oscillation analyses showed that tgDISC1 pyramidal neurons had higher theta phase locking strength during novelty, limiting their phase coding ability. However, their mean theta phases were more variable at the population level, reducing oscillatory network synchronization. Finally, tgDISC1 pyramidal neurons showed a lack of novelty‐induced shift in their preferred theta and gamma firing phases, indicating deficits in coding of novel environments with oscillatory firing. By combining single cell and neuronal population analyses, we link DISC1 protein pathology with abnormal hippocampal neural coding and network synchrony, and thereby gain a more comprehensive understanding of CMI mechanisms

    Endothelial LRP1 transports amyloid-β1-42 across the blood-brain barrier

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    According to the neurovascular hypothesis, impairment of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) in brain capillaries of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) contributes to neurotoxic amyloid-beta (A beta) brain accumulation and drives Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. However, due to conflicting reports on the involvement of LRP1 in A beta transport and the expression of LRP1 in brain endothelium, the role of LRP1 at the BBB is uncertain. As global Lrp1 deletion in mice is lethal, appropriate models to study the function of LRP1 are lacking. Moreover, the relevance of systemic A beta clearance to AD pathology remains unclear, as no BBB-specific knockout models have been available. Here, we developed transgenic mouse strains that allow for tamoxifen-inducible deletion of Lrp1 specifically within brain endothelial cells (Slo1c1-CreER(Tz) Lrp1(fl/fl) mice) and used these mice to accurately evaluate LRP1-mediated A beta BBB clearance in vivo. Selective deletion of Lrp1 in the brain endothelium of C57BL/6 mice strongly reduced brain efflux of injected [I-125] A beta(1-42). Additionally, in the 5xFAD mouse model of AD, brain endothelial-specific Lrp1 deletion reduced plasma A beta levels and elevated soluble brain A beta, leading to aggravated spatial learning and memory deficits, thus emphasizing the importance of systemic AD elimination via the BBB. Together, our results suggest that receptor-mediated A beta BBB clearance may be a potential target for treatment and prevention of A beta brain accumulation in AD

    Proteomic Studies Reveal Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 as a Player in Both Neurodevelopment and Synaptic Function

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    A balanced chromosomal translocation disrupting DISC1 (Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1) gene has been linked to psychiatric diseases, such as major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Since the discovery of this translocation, many studies have focused on understating the role of the truncated isoform of DISC1, hypothesizing that the gain of function of this protein could be behind the neurobiology of mental conditions, but not so many studies have focused in the mechanisms impaired due to its loss of function. For that reason, we performed an analysis on the cellular proteome of primary neurons in which DISC1 was knocked down with the goal of identifying relevant pathways directly affected by DISC1 loss of function. Using an unbiased proteomic approach, we found that the expression of 31 proteins related to neurodevelopment (e.g., CRMP-2, stathmin) and synaptic function (e.g., MUNC-18, NCS-1) is altered by DISC1 in primary mouse neurons. Hence, this study reinforces the idea that DISC1 is a unifying regulator of both neurodevelopment and synaptic function, thereby providing a link between these two key anatomical and cellular circuitries.This research was funded by ERANET-NEURON, grant DISCover (National funding institution grants: ISCIII PI09/2688 and BMBF 01EW1003, respectively, to J.R.R. and C.K.), and grants from the DFG (Ko1679/3-1), NARSAD 2013 Independent Investigator Award #20350 and EU-FP MC-ITN "IN-SENS" #607616) (C.K.); The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2011-30494 and BFU2017-86692-P, partially funded by European Union regional funds (FRDER)); the Departments of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek) and Innovation Technology of the Government of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (R.M.K. and I.G-E.); and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2013-45014-R, A.G., SAF2011-30494 (R.M.K. and I.G-E.))S

    An unpredicted aggregation-critical region of the actinpolymerizing protein TRIOBP-1/Tara, determined by elucidation of its domain structure

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    Aggregation of specific proteins in the brains of patients with chronic mental illness as a result of disruptions in proteostasis is an emerging theme in the study of schizophrenia in particular. Proteins including DISC1 (disrupted in schizophrenia 1) and dysbindin-1B are found in insoluble forms within brain homogenates from such patients. We recently identified TRIOBP-1 (Trio-binding protein 1, also known as Tara) to be another such protein through an epitope discovery and proteomics approach by comparing post-mortem brain material from schizophrenia patients and control individuals. We hypothesized that this was likely to occur as a result of a specific subcellular process and that it, therefore, should be possible to identify a region of the TRIOBP-1 protein that is essential for its aggregation to occur. Here, we probe the domain organization of TRIOBP-1, finding it to possess two distinct coiled-coil domains: the central and C-terminal domains. The central domain inhibits the depolymerization of F-actin and is also responsible for oligomerization of TRIOBP-1. Along with an N-terminal pleckstrin homology domain, the central domain affects neurite outgrowth. In neuroblastoma cells it was found that the aggregation propensity of TRIOBP-1 arises from its central domain, with a short “linker” region narrowed to within amino acids 324–348, between its first two coiled coils, as essential for the formation of TRIOBP-1 aggregates. TRIOBP-1 aggregation, therefore, appears to occur through one or more specific cellular mechanisms, which therefore have the potential to be of physiological relevance for the biological process underlying the development of chronic mental illness

    Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 regulates the processing of reelin in the perinatal cortex

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    Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) is a prominent gene in mental illness research, encoding a scaffold protein known to be of importance in the developing cerebral cortex. Reelin is a critical extracellular protein for development and lamination of the prenatal cortex and which has also been independently implicated in mental illness. Regulation of reelin activity occurs through processing by the metalloproteinases ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5. Through cross-breeding of heterozygous transgenic DISC1 mice with heterozygous reeler mice, which have reduced reelin, pups heterozygous for both phenotypeswere generated. Fromthese,we determine that transgenic DISC1 leads to a reduction in the processing of reelin, with implications for its downstream signalling element Dab1. An effect of DISC1 on reelin processing was confirmed in vitro, and revealed that intracellular DISC1 affects ADAMTS-4 protein, which in turn is exported and affects processing of extracellular reelin. In transgenic rat cortical cultures, an effect of DISC1 on reelin processing could also be seen specifically in early, immature neurons, but was lost in calretinin and reelin-positive mature neurons, suggesting cell-type specificity. DISC1 therefore acts upstream of reelin in the perinatal cerebral cortex in a cell type/time specific manner, leading to regulation of its activity through altered proteolytic cleavage. Thus a functional link is demonstrated between two proteins, each of independent importance for both cortical development and associated cognitive functions leading to behavioural maladaptation and mental illness

    Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) Overexpression and Juvenile Immune Activation Cause Sex-Specific Schizophrenia-Related Psychopathology in Rats

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    Synaptic pruning is a critical refinement step during neurodevelopment, and schizophrenia has been associated with overpruning of cortical dendritic spines. Both human studies and animal models implicate disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) gene as a strong susceptibility factor for schizophrenia. Accumulating evidence supports the involvement of DISC1 protein in the modulation of synaptic elimination during critical periods of neurodevelopment and of dopamine D2-receptor-mediated signaling during adulthood. In many species, synaptic pruning occurs during juvenile and adolescent periods and is mediated by microglia, which can be over-activated by an immune challenge, giving rise to overpruning. Therefore, we sought to investigate possible interactions between a transgenic DISC1 model (tgDISC1) and juvenile immune activation (JIA) by the bacterial cell wall endotoxin lipopolysaccharide on the induction of schizophrenia-related behavioral and neurochemical disruptions in adult female and male rats. We examined possible behavioral aberrations along three major symptom dimensions of schizophrenia including psychosis, social and emotional disruptions, and cognitive impairments. We detected significant gene–environment interactions in the amphetamine-induced locomotion in female animals and in the amphetamine-induced anxiety in male animals. Surprisingly, gene–environment interactions improved social memory in both male and female animals. JIA alone disrupted spatial memory and recognition memory, but only in male animals. DISC1 overexpression alone induced an improvement in sensorimotor gating, but only in female animals. Our neurochemical analyses detected sex- and manipulation-dependent changes in the postmortem monoamine content of animals. Taken together, we here report sex-specific effects of environment and genotype as well as their interaction on behavioral phenotypes and neurochemical profiles relevant for schizophrenia

    Quinpramine Ameliorates Rat Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis and Redistributes MHC Class II Molecules

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    Activation of inflammatory cells is central to the pathogenesis of autoimmune demyelinating diseases of the peripheral nervous system. The novel chimeric compound quinpramine—generated from imipramine and quinacrine—redistributes cholesterol rich membrane domains to intracellular compartments. We studied the immunological and clinical effects of quinpramine in myelin homogenate induced Lewis rat experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN), a model system for acute human inflammatory neuropathies, such as the Guillain-Barré syndrome. EAN animals develop paresis of all limbs due to autoimmune inflammation of peripheral nerves. Quinpramine treatment ameliorated clinical disease severity of EAN and infiltration of macrophages into peripheral nerves. It reduced expression of MHC class II molecules on antigen presenting cells and antigen specific T cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Quinpramine exerted its anti-proliferatory effect on antigen presenting cells, but not on responder T cells. Our data suggest that quinpramine represents a candidate pharmaceutical for inflammatory neuropathies

    Pharmacological prion protein silencing accelerates central nervous system autoimmune disease via T cell receptor signalling

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    The primary biological function of the endogenous cellular prion protein has remained unclear. We investigated its biological function in the generation of cellular immune responses using cellular prion protein gene-specific small interfering ribonucleic acid in vivo and in vitro. Our results were confirmed by blocking cellular prion protein with monovalent antibodies and by using cellular prion protein-deficient and -transgenic mice. In vivo prion protein gene-small interfering ribonucleic acid treatment effects were of limited duration, restricted to secondary lymphoid organs and resulted in a 70% reduction of cellular prion protein expression in leukocytes. Disruption of cellular prion protein signalling augmented antigen-specific activation and proliferation, and enhanced T cell receptor signalling, resulting in zeta-chain-associated protein-70 phosphorylation and nuclear factor of activated T cells/activator protein 1 transcriptional activity. In vivo prion protein gene-small interfering ribonucleic acid treatment promoted T cell differentiation towards pro-inflammatory phenotypes and increased survival of antigen-specific T cells. Cellular prion protein silencing with small interfering ribonucleic acid also resulted in the worsening of actively induced and adoptively transferred experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Finally, treatment of myelin basic protein1–11 T cell receptor transgenic mice with prion protein gene-small interfering ribonucleic acid resulted in spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Thus, central nervous system autoimmune disease was modulated at all stages of disease: the generation of the T cell effector response, the elicitation of T effector function and the perpetuation of cellular immune responses. Our findings indicate that cellular prion protein regulates T cell receptor-mediated T cell activation, differentiation and survival. Defects in autoimmunity are restricted to the immune system and not the central nervous system. Our data identify cellular prion protein as a regulator of cellular immunological homoeostasis and suggest cellular prion protein as a novel potential target for therapeutic immunomodulation