42 research outputs found

    Gravedad y levitación en la obra de Eduardo Chillida

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    [EN] Eduardo Chillida thinks that it’s absolutely necessary to talk about weight and gravity when we refer to sculpture. If something is in the space, it’s because of its weight, because it’s affected by the gravitation law. Even the objectsGidea of Chillida drawn by pencil will suffer the gravitation effects, and will look for their stability using other elements of the composition. But to talk about gravitation is not to put a big amount of material in direct contact to the ground. It’s just the opposite. The author tries to avoid the effect of gravitation to do its presence even stronger. To do that, he will use the force of levitation, a force that acts in the opposite sense of gravitation, and links the element to the sky and not to the ground. Gravitation vs levitation is like body vs soul. The final objective of this fight between gravitation and levitation is to reach the balance. But this balance won’t refer only to a balance of forces, but also to a form balance based in the search of extremes that will lead to a bigger expressivity of the work.[ES] El hecho de ser escultura implica para Eduardo Chillida hablar de peso, de gravitación. Si algo está físicamente en el espacio es precisamente porque pesa, porque las leyes de la gravedad le afectan. Incluso los objetos-idea dibujados a lápiz van a sufrir los efectos de la gravedad y buscarán su estabilidad a través de otros elementos de la composición. Pero hablar de gravedad no significa poner una gran cantidad de materia en contacto sobre el suelo. Todo lo contrario. El autor intenta evadirse de su efecto de forma que su presencia se haga todavía más fuerte. Para ello, utilizará la fuerza de la levitación, una fuerza que actúa justo en sentido contrario a la de la gravedad, y que vincula el elemento con el cielo en lugar de con la tierra. Gravedad vs levitación no deja de ser el binomio cuerpo y alma. En el caso de la mesa de Luca Pacioli, estamos ante una gran superficie horizontal cercana al suelo que apoya en tres elementos que, por su posición respecto a la superficie, quedan camuflados a ojos del espectador. El hecho de no tener conciencia de esos tres apoyos a la vez puede hacer pensar que la mesa que pesa varias toneladas flota, huyendo así de las leyes de la gravedad. Y eso, sin duda, genera una gran sorpresa en el espectador. Cuanto más grande la masa, más interesante el contraste.El objetivo final de esa lucha entre gravedad y levitación es sin duda que el elemento quede en equilibrio, Pero ese equilibrio no se referirá únicamente a un equilibrio estático de fuerzas, sino también a un equilibrio formal basado en la búsqueda de los extremos que llevará a una mayor expresividad de la obraDovale Carrión, MDC. (2015). Gravedad y levitación en la obra de Eduardo Chillida. En II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN ARTE VISUALES. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 222-229. https://doi.org/10.4995/ANIAV2015.110022222

    Facilitadores e obstáculos à colaboração entre os professores titulares de turma e os professores de educação especial no 1º ciclo

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação EspecialO presente estudo visa conhecer os factores que facilitam ou dificultam o estabelecimento de uma parceria de trabalho entre os docentes titulares de turma e os de educação especial, no 1.º Ciclo do ensino básico. Foram realizadas entrevistas a dez professores titulares de turma e dez professores de educação especial de vinte escolas diferentes no distrito de Lisboa. As respostas foram agrupadas em três categorias: Imagens da Profissão, Percepção sobre o Suporte Normativo Vigente e Colaboração entre os Professores Titulares de Turma e os Professores de Educação Especial. Os principais resultados permitem-nos concluir que os factores que mais comprometem o trabalho em equipa são os de natureza pessoal e profissional e, mais especificamente, os Professores de Educação Especial expressam mais dificuldades na relação profissional com os seus pares e sentem formada sobre si uma imagem tendencialmente negativa por parte dos professores titulares de turma. Por outro lado, a recente legislação em matéria de educação especial comporta, na perspectiva dos docentes, mais limitações do que vantagens, destacando-se o desfasamento entre as medidas previstas no normativo e as condições existentes na escola para a sua efectiva implementação, para além da redução do número de alunos abrangidos pela educação especial e das consequências ao nível da gestão da sala de aula regular.Abstract This study aims to understand the factors that facilitate or hamper the establishment of a working partnership between mainstream teachers and special education teachers, on the first grade of basic education. Interviews were conducted with ten teachers holding class and ten special education teachers from twenty different schools in the District of Lisbon. Responses were grouped into three categories: Image of the profession, Perceptions about the Prevailing Regulatory Support and Collaboration among teachers who hold class and special education teachers. The main results allow us to conclude that the factors that most committed teamwork are the personal and professional ones and, more specifically, the special education teachers express more difficulties in professional relationships with peers and feel formed upon a negative image tend on the part of teachers holding class. On the other hand, the recent legislation on special education has, on teachers point of view, more limitations than advantages, specially the gap between the normative and the conditions provided in school for its effective implementation; two other limitations are also pointed: the number of students covered by special education became smaller and this fact brings consequences in managing the regular classroom

    This is My Baby Interview: an adaptation to the spanish language and culture

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    INTRODUCTION: Evaluating the emotional state of the parents is important for determining the intervention in the context of a family with a baby with Down syndrome. "This is my baby" is an interview that measures the acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence of parents towards their baby. The Spanish adaptation of this instrument helps to better understand the emotional state of parents of children with developmental disorders. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a transcultural adaptation and determination of the reliability, sensitivity to change, and internal consistency of the “This Is My Baby” interview. A cross-cultural adaptation and reliability analysis was carried out. A total of 32 families of babies with Down syndrome participated in this multicenter study. RESULTS: The values obtained for the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) indicated a good level of concordance with a significative level of p < 0.001, and the values of the standard error of measurement (SEM) and of the minimum detectable change (MDC) were reduced. The weighted Kappa coefficient showed values that were moderate to excellent. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the Spanish version of the This Is My Baby interview is a reliable instrument to measure the levels of acceptance, commitment, and awareness of influence of parents of an infant with Down syndrome.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tire crumb rubber effect on hot bituminous mixtures fatigue-cracking behaviour

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    The use of tire crumb rubber in road engineering as a modifier of bituminous mixes constitutes one of the revalorization techniques for this waste. The main objective of this research consists of analysing the possible fatigue cracking improvements in the performance of bituminous mixtures containing crumb rubber in comparison to bituminous mixtures manufactured with conventional bitumen and bitumen modified with SBS polymers. For this purpose, four different types of mixes with the same mineral skeleton but different bitumens were studied. The test used to evaluate their behaviour was the UGR-FACT with an additional system for taking pictures, which allows controlling the propagation of the cracks at every moment. The results show that the addition of crumb rubber retards the appearance of cracks; however, once it begins, the damage propagation is faster. Therefore, the fatigue cracking life of mixes with crumb rubber seems considerably longer than the fatigue cracking life of those with conventional bitumens. Moreover, in the mixes with crumb rubber added by the dry process, cracks are thinner and less ramified than in the other ones

    Exploring the use of blockchain in resource-constrained fog computing environments

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    Fog computing has become a complementary technology to cloud computing and addresses some of the cloud computing threats such as the response time and network bandwidth demand. Fog computing successes processing data and storing data near to the edge, and usually is combined with container virtualization to provide hardware isolation. Empowered by these capabilities, numerous Internet of Things (IoT) applications are developed as virtualized instances on resource-constrained fog nodes such as single-board computers (SBC). In addition, blockchain has emerged as a key technology that is transforming the way we share information. Blockchain technology represents a decentralised, distributed, and immutable database ledger and is a potential solution for the distributed ecosystem of IoT applications. The distributed structure of blockchain is naturally suitable for IoT applications. However, it introduces new challenges related to CPU overhead or response time. This paper proposes a layered architecture that integrates blockchain technology and OS-level virtualization technology to develop fog-based IoT applications. It also provides insights for future deployments through a proof-of-concept use case harnessing SBCs, in this case Raspberry Pi, as blockchain-enabled fog nodes to drive virtualized IoT applications. The study shows that the maximum CPU overhead added by a permissioned blockchain based on Ethereum on the Raspberry Pi is around a 25% under stress situations while the overhead introduced by the sealer process is negligible. These results support the feasibility of using blockchain on resource-constrained fog nodes for supporting IoT applications

    The relationship between physician and cancer patient when initiating adjuvant treatment and its association with sociodemographic and clinical variables

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to analyze differences in physician and patient satisfaction in shared decision-making (SDM); patients' emotional distress, and coping in subjects with resected, non-metastatic cancer. Methods 602 patients from 14 hospitals in Spain were surveyed. Information was collected regarding physician and patient satisfaction with SDM, participants' emotional distress and coping, as well as patient sociodemographic and clinical characteristics by means of specific, validated questionnaires. Results Overall, 11% of physicians and 19% of patients were dissatisfied with SDM; 22% of patients presented hopelessness or anxious preoccupation as coping strategies, and 56% presented emotional distress. By gender, female patients showed a higher prevalence of dissatisfaction with SDM (23 vs 14%), anxious preoccupation (26 vs 17%), and emotional distress (63 vs 44%) than males. Hopelessness was more prevalent in individuals with stage III disease than those with stages I-II (28 vs 18%). Conclusion Physicians must be mindful of the importance of emotional support and individual characteristics when communicating treatment options, benefits, and adverse effects of each alternative to oncological patients

    Exploiting the potential of autophagy in cisplatin therapy: a new strategy to overcome resistance

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    Resistance to cisplatin is a major challenge in the current cancer therapy. In order to explore new therapeutic strategies to cisplatin resistance, we evaluated, in a model of lung cancer (H1299 and H460 cell lines), the nature of the pathways leading to cell death. We observed that H1299 displayed a natural resistance to cisplatin due to an inability to trigger an apoptotic response that correlates with the induction of autophagy. However, pharmacological and genetic approaches showed how autophagy was a mechanism associated to cell death rather than to resistance. Indeed, pro-autophagic stimuli such as mTOR or Akt inhibition mediate cell death in both cell lines to a similar extent. We next evaluated the response to a novel platinum compound, monoplatin, able to promote cell death in an exclusive autophagy-dependent manner. In this case, no differences were observed between both cell lines. Furthermore, in response to monoplatin, two molecular hallmarks of cisplatin response (p53 and MAPKs) were not implicated, indicating the ability of this pro-autophagic compound to overcome cisplatin resistance. In summary, our data highlight how induction of autophagy could be used in cisplatin resistant tumours and an alternative treatment for p53 mutated patient in a synthetic lethally approach

    NRN1 Gene as a Potential Marker of Early-Onset Schizophrenia: Evidence from Genetic and Neuroimaging Approaches

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    Included in the neurotrophins family, the Neuritin 1 gene (NRN1) has emerged as an attractive candidate gene for schizophrenia (SZ) since it has been associated with the risk for the disorder and general cognitive performance. In this work, we aimed to further investigate the association of NRN1 with SZ by exploring its role on age at onset and its brain activity correlates. First, we developed two genetic association analyses using a family-based sample (80 early-onset (EO) trios (offspring onset ≤ 18 years) and 71 adult-onset (AO) trios) and an independent case control sample (120 healthy subjects (HS), 87 EO and 138 AO patients). Second, we explored the effect of NRN1 on brain activity during a working memory task (N-back task; 39 HS, 39 EO and 39 AO; matched by age, sex and estimated IQ). Different haplotypes encompassing the same three Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms(SNPs, rs3763180 rs10484320 rs4960155) were associated with EO in the two samples (GCT, TCC and GTT). Besides, the GTT haplotype was associated with worse N-back task performance in EO and was linked to an inefficient dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity in subjects with EO compared to HS. Our results show convergent evidence on the NRN1 association with EO both from genetic and neuroimaging approaches, highlighting the role of neurotrophins in the pathophysiology of SZ

    Una experiencia para fomentar la presencia de la Mujer en Informática a través del 11 de Febrero: Aprendiendo igualdad en la ciencia

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    La baja presencia de mujeres en carreras de ingeniería en general, y en informática en particular, ha sido reconocida por diferentes estudios internacionales. Esto está ocasionando un sesgo tanto en la industria como en la universidad hacia una visión única de la Informática, perdiendo la riqueza que ofrece siempre la diversidad. Así, nuestro centro, en el contexto de la iniciativa del 11 de Febrero Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, ha propuesto durante los últimos dos cursos una serie de actividades dirigidas a estudiantes de Secundaria con el fin de hacer visibles a las mujeres en el ámbito de la Ciencia, en general, y en el de la Informática, en particular. Con ello se pretende crear roles femeninos, fuera de estereotipos, y promover prácticas que favorezcan la igualdad de género. Los objetivos últimos son animar a las nuevas generaciones de alumnas a estudiar Ingeniería Informática a fin de romper la brecha de género, y desterrar falsos estereotipos entre los estudiantes sobre las capacidades o competencias de la mujer.The small number of women in engineering studies in general, and in computer science in particular, has been recognized by different international studies. This is causing a bias in both the industry and the university towards a single vision of computing, losing the wealth that diversity always offers. Thus, our Engineering School, in the context of the initiative 11 February, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, has proposed, during the last two academic courses, different activities aimed at high school students to highlight the role of women in the field of Science, in general, and Computer Science, in particular. The main aim is to foster female roles, outside all the stereotypes, and promote practices that favour gender equality. The ultimate goals are to encourage new generations of female students to study Computer Science in order to break the gender gap, and banish false stereotypes among students about the skills or competencies of women

    The evolution of the ventilatory ratio is a prognostic factor in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patients

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    Background: Mortality due to COVID-19 is high, especially in patients requiring mechanical ventilation. The purpose of the study is to investigate associations between mortality and variables measured during the first three days of mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19 intubated at ICU admission. Methods: Multicenter, observational, cohort study includes consecutive patients with COVID-19 admitted to 44 Spanish ICUs between February 25 and July 31, 2020, who required intubation at ICU admission and mechanical ventilation for more than three days. We collected demographic and clinical data prior to admission; information about clinical evolution at days 1 and 3 of mechanical ventilation; and outcomes. Results: Of the 2,095 patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU, 1,118 (53.3%) were intubated at day 1 and remained under mechanical ventilation at day three. From days 1 to 3, PaO2/FiO2 increased from 115.6 [80.0-171.2] to 180.0 [135.4-227.9] mmHg and the ventilatory ratio from 1.73 [1.33-2.25] to 1.96 [1.61-2.40]. In-hospital mortality was 38.7%. A higher increase between ICU admission and day 3 in the ventilatory ratio (OR 1.04 [CI 1.01-1.07], p = 0.030) and creatinine levels (OR 1.05 [CI 1.01-1.09], p = 0.005) and a lower increase in platelet counts (OR 0.96 [CI 0.93-1.00], p = 0.037) were independently associated with a higher risk of death. No association between mortality and the PaO2/FiO2 variation was observed (OR 0.99 [CI 0.95 to 1.02], p = 0.47). Conclusions: Higher ventilatory ratio and its increase at day 3 is associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19 receiving mechanical ventilation at ICU admission. No association was found in the PaO2/FiO2 variation