547 research outputs found

    The middle east 3 : a sentiment analysis on airline customer reviews

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceAlong with the exponential growth of social media, the world has taken a turn, and we are no longer limited to the knowledge of our network of friends and family. Word-of-Mouth became especially relevant since travel services are intangible products and when the customers are unfamiliar with a service provider they rely on sources with experience to lower their scepticism. Online reviews are important sources of the consumer experience that can be explored to get valuable insights. Sentiment analysis has been applied to almost any field of study including tourism and hospitality. The Airline industry revenues come mostly from air passengers, and the most significant impact of research on airline service quality comes from the combination of the customer’s real experience and satisfaction. This dissertation has the goal to understand the polarity distribution on the aspects that influenced the three biggest Middle Eastern airlines customer’s satisfaction from 2014 to 2016, on Skytrax and if that polarity found on Skytrax matches the one found on TripAdvisor for 2016. The database was extracted with a web scraper and analysed with Excel Add-in from MeaningCloud. In-flight Entertainment revealed to be the aspect with the most positive sentiment for Emirates and Etihad Airways, while for Qatar Airways the strength is on the Employees aspect. The Convenience of the Flight Schedule was an issue for the reviewers regardless of the airline

    Assessment of equalization effects of government transfers to Portuguese municipalities using panel data methodologies

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    The equalization effects of transfer systems has been the subject of analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of redistribution policies and of the adequacy of revenue sharing mechanisms in providing sub national governments with adequate resources to undertake their public responsibilities. Achieving vertical and horizontal equalization among municipalities is an important issue both for long-term growth and financial stability. Reducing horizontal and vertical dissimilarities and promoting efficiency and equity is a common objective of the systems set up in many countries. In this regard, Portugal is no exception having introduced several reforms in the transfer system since the final decades of the 20th Century. Using panel data for all the municipalities, for the 1997-2010 period, this paper tests and evaluates whether there has been an equalization effect in the system of transfers to the municipalities. It also tests whether the various regulatory changes introduced improved or worsened the equalization effects. The use of panel data models permitted the use of a larger number of observations, increasing the number of degrees of freedom and decreasing collinearity between the explanatory variables as well as a better control for unobserved heterogeneity. The results show that on average the municipalities with the highest GDP per capita and own revenues per capita receive more transfers per capita, which suggests that the system does not contribute to equalization. It is also concluded that the successive changes of the system, namely those undertaken in 1998 and 2007, were significant in improving the equalization impact of the system.N/

    The virtual token-passing Ethernet implementation and experimental results

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    This paper presents the design and first experimental results of VTPE (Virtual Token-passing Ethernet). VTPE \nis a deterministic protocol for real-time applications based on shared Ethernet, aimed to be used either in small \nprocessing power processors or in powerful ones. It is based on implicit token rotation similar to the virtual \ntoken-passing used in the P-NET protocol. The VTPE implementation leads to reduced program code, thus \nfitting in small microcontrollers' memory and imposing low communication overhead. \

    The roles of nutrients and herbivory in controlling the microbioerosion of tropical reefs

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    Coral reefs worldwide are suffering degradation from increasing fishing pressure, pollution, diseases, and coral bleaching. One important ecological consequence of such degradation is an increase in biological erosion, or bioerosion, of the coral framework by boring and grazing organisms. Therefore, it has become essential to understand the factors that control the processes and agents of bioerosion. The aim of my dissertation is to understand how organic and inorganic nutrients and herbivory affect the bioerosion of carbonate substrates by microbial endolithic organisms (bacteria, fungi and algae), an often overlooked component of bioerosion processes in coral reefs. Results of controlled experiments using herbivore-exclusion cages and fertilizers at Glovers Reef, Belize consistently showed significant effect of nutrients in stimulating microbial endoliths' substrate colonization and bioerosion rates of Strombus gigas shells. The addition of inorganic nutrients increased bioerosion rates by a factor of 8 to 15 in comparison to control treatments. Changes in nutrient ratios changed microbial endolithic community structure. The addition of nitrogen alone or in combination with phosphorus stimulated green algae, the addition of phosphorus alone stimulated cyanobacteria, and the addition of organic matter alone stimulated fungi. The inclusion of herbivores reduced observed bioerosion rates by half, demonstrating the importance of herbivory in modifying bioerosion processes. Field experiments on the relationship between water quality and the amount of microbioerosion in Lambis chiragra shells in nine coral reefs in East Africa demonstrated that other factors within reefs may interact with nutrients in determining bioerosion rates. Results suggested that epilithic algal cover, particularly crustose coralline algae, may decrease microborer colonization and bioerosion rates by reducing light conditions within substrates, so that no direct effects of nutrients on bioerosion rates are detected. A critical review of the evidence for nutrients as a primary control of bioerosion by different bioeroder groups (microborers, macroborers, and grazers) suggests that macroborer abundances reflect increases in nutrient conditions and may therefore represent a useful indicator of eutrophication and coral reef "health". This dissertation contributes to a better understanding of the factors affecting bioerosion by microbial endolithic organisms, which are important but often overlooked agents of bioerosion in coral reefs

    A Confissão como fio condutor : da sujeição à subjetivação no pensamento de Michel Foucault

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. André de Macedo DuarteAutor não autorizou a divulgação do arquivo digitalDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia. Defesa: Curitiba, 05/12/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Ética e políticaResumo: Partindo do notório deslocamento, não só temático mas metodológico e conceitual, ocorrido entre o primeiro volume da história da sexualidade de Michel Foucault, A vontade de saber, e seus dois volumes subsequentes, O uso dos prazeres e O cuidado de si, propõe-se tomar a problemática da confissão enquanto fio condutor capaz de elucidar os principais movimentos teóricos ocorridos durante esse ínterim. No centro desse deslocamento, acreditamos que se encontra o movimento teórico que vai da noção de poder-saber para a de governo pela verdade, o qual, por sua vez, manifesta o alargamento de horizontes que possibilitou a transição do filósofo de seus estudos sobre a sexualidade moderna, passando pelas pesquisas sobre os modos aleturgicos e de veridicção, até a ética dos prazeres na antiguidade. No primeiro capítulo, analisamos o aparecimento da noção de confissão no contexto da proposta de uma história da sexualidade e da analítica do poder, tal como estabelecido nos anos de 1975 e 1976, respectivamente, em Os anormais e em A vontade de saber. No segundo capítulo, a partir sobretudo do curso Segurança, território, população, abordamos a confissão sob o arcabouço do conceito de governo, a partir do qual Foucault se afasta de uma concepção de poder enquanto correlação de forças rumo a uma genealogia do governo dos homens, entendido enquanto condução de condutas. No terceiro capítulo nos ocupamos do curso Du gouvernement des vivants, onde a confissão aparece no centro da grade conceitualmetodológica do "governo pela verdade na forma da subjetividade". Este eixo é fundamental à genealogia dos modos de veridicção, isto é, dos modos aletúrgicos pesquisados por Foucault nos anos 1980, em que o problema do sujeito, da subjetivação e da ética são explicitamente abordados. Palavras-chave: Foucault; confissão ; veridicção; aleturgia; verdade; governo.Abstract: The Dissertation takes as its point of departure the discussion of the thematic, methodological as well as the conceptual shift occurred between the publication of volume I of Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality, and its two subsequent volumes. Our hypothesis is that the phenomenon of confession would be an important guideline to understand the theoretical moves that led the author from his previous researches on the power-knowledge relations to his later concerns on truth governing. This is the theoretical context in which Foucault placed his new interrogations concerning sexuality, overcoming his previous ideas concerning modern sexuality in order to understand certain features of sexuality in Ancient times. In the course of this theoretical shift, Foucault became interested in the question of ancient alethurgic modes of veridiction and the Antiquity's pleasure ethics. In chapter one, I discuss Foucault's understanding of confession as it appeared in the broad context of his analysis of power-knowledge relations, both in volume I of his History of Sexuality and in his Lecture course titled The Abnormals, respectively from 1976 and 1975. In chapter two, I discuss confession as it appears in the Lecture course titled Security, Territory, Population, where it is analyzed under the new conceptual framework of governance and governmentality. It is at this moment that Foucault departs from his previous understanding of power in terms of confronting power relations to understand it in terms of governing, understood as the practices that enable one to conduct its own and the others' conducts. In chapter three I discuss some aspects of the Lecture course Du gouvernement des vivants, where confession appears at the center of a new conceptual framework designed by Foucault as "truth governing under the form of subjectivity." This is the fundamental core of Foucault's later genealogy of the veridiction and alethurgic modes which interested him in his 1980's researches. It is at this very moment that Foucault explicitly discusses the problem of the subject and its ethical modes of subjectivation. Key-words: Foucault; confession; modes of veridiction; alethurgy; thruth; governing


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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar de forma sistemática os resultados iniciais da pesquisa que analisa os impactos no campo da medicina de algumas políticas públicas implementadas durante os governos de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva e Dilma Rousseff (2003-2016) e que levaram, por um lado, ao aumento substancial do número de vagas e cursos de medicina no Brasil e, por outro, permitiram a entrada sem precedentes de mão de obra médica de outros países para atuar na saúde pública brasileira. A presente reflexão busca responder questões como: Quais as consequências para a classe médica de tão abrupta transformação? Quem se beneficiou com a ampliação da oferta dessa mão de obra no país? Como entender as mudanças no mercado de trabalho médico brasileiro em um contexto de grandes transformações macroeconômicas? E, finalmente, como o campo da medicina está reagindo a essas transformações?THE MORE DOCTORS PROGRAM AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE MEDICAL JOB MARKET IN BRASILAbstractThe present article aims to presente, in a systematically way, the initial results of the research that analyzes the impacts in the medical field of some public policies implemented during the PT governments (the workers party in Brazil) of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff (2003-2016), which brought the substantial increase in the number of vacancies and medical courses in Brazil and, on the other hand, allowed the unprecedented entry of medical labor from other countries to act in brazilian public health. The present reflection seeks to answer questions such as: What are the consequences for the medical class of such abrupt transformation? Who benefited from the expansion of this labor supply in the country? How to understand the changes in the brazilian medical labor market in a context of major macroeconomic transformations? At last, how the field of medicine is reacting to these transformations?Keywords: Field of medicine. Transformations. Brazi

    Reinterpretando o Crescimento das Assembleias de Deus no Brasil

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    Os mais recentes dados publicados pelo IBGE (2010) indicam que os pentecostais continuam sendo os impulsionadores do crescimento evangélico no país e a Assembleia de Deus a igreja que mais cresce. O presente trabalho tem como foco reinterpretar estes dados e propor uma leitura alternativa a essa vigente. Para isso elegemos duas variáveis de análise: a avaliação da metodologia utilizada pelos pesquisadores que definem o que é AD e o modelo administrativo da própria instituição

    O crescimento do pentecostalismo entre quilombolas: por uma sociologia da presença pentecostal em comunidades quilombolas de Alcântara (MA)

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    Many studies debate the territorial expansion of the Alcântara launching base and the radical changes it causes to the quilombola communities that exist there. However, the present study focuses on an equally abrupt transformation, named: the conversion of these populations to the Pentecostalism. Based on a survey conducted with members from 16 villages, it was found that, in some groups, the number of evangelicals already exceeds other religious traditions; It was noticed the gradual replacement of popular roman Catholicism historically syncretized with African religions by a more radicalized Christianity which is the Pentecostalism; it was also detected the disappearance of part of the oral culture of these groups, such as: tales, legends, myths that wander the most different places in the region and the popular imagination. And finally, there were questions about the rules for common land use. It is concluded that Pentecostalism is part of the internal causes that, along with the external ones, are changing the cultural patterns of these groups.Muitos trabalhos debatem a expansão territorial da base de lançamentos de Alcântara e as radicais transformações que ela causa às comunidades quilombolas ali existentes. A presente investigação, contudo, se concentra em uma transformação igualmente abrupta, qual seja: a conversão destas populações ao pentecostalismo. A partir de um survey realizado com membros de 16 povoados, constatou-se que, em alguns grupos, o número de evangélicos já supera outras tradições religiosas; percebeu-se a substituição gradativa do catolicismo popular, historicamente sincretizado com religiões de matriz africana, por um cristianismo mais radicalizado, característico do pentecostalismo; detectou-se o desaparecimento de parte da cultura oral dos grupos, tais como: contos, lendas e mitos que povoam os mais diferentes lugares da região e o imaginário popular. E, finalmente, verificou-se o questionamento das regras de uso comum da terra. Conclui-se que o pentecostalismo é parte das causas internas que, em consonância com as externas, estão alterando os padrões culturais dos grupos