388 research outputs found

    Biographical narratives in teaching: A study of professors on postgraduate courses

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    Literature and research have shown that professional development constitutes an essential dimension in constructing both work and professional identity. An important aspect in such development is training. In the field of adult education, different authors (Pratt, 1993; Mezirow, 1985; Schön, 1996; Silva, 2007) emphasize the importance of placing trainees at the center of the learning and cognitive processes and within their corresponding social and historical contexts. Training is supported by a comprehensive adult learning theory. Therefore, the acquired knowledge is not only the result of an external and objective reality but also of a complex construction in which the appropriation of experience plays a relevant role. This paper reveals the findings obtained through biographical narratives in a five-year work program with teachers at different levels (from preschool to higher education) on postgraduate courses. The core issue is the importance of biographical narratives, as an identification strategy for personal experience, knowledge construction and professional identity. This strategy provided the opportunity for recognition of practical experience, as a provider of learning, as well as his/her own authorship, which are important conditions in the understanding of professional identity.Fil: Carneiro Costa E Silva, Ana Maria. University Of Minho; Portugal. Universidade do Minho; PortugalFil: Aparicio, Miriam Teresita. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Using a nitrilase for the surface modification of acrylic fibres

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    The surface of an acrylic fibre was modified with a commercial nitrilase (EC The effect of fibre solvents and polyols on nitrilase catalysis efficiency and stability was investigated. The nitrilase action on the acrylic fabric was improved by the combined addition of 1 M sorbitol and 4% N, N-dimethylacetamide. The colour levels for samples treated with nitrilase increased 156% comparing to the control samples. When the additives were introduced in the treatment media, the colour levels increased 199%. The enzymatic conversion of nitrile groups into the corresponding carboxylic groups, on the fibre surface, was followed by the release of ammonia and polyacrylic acid. A surface erosion phenomenon took place and determined the “oscillatory” behaviour of the amount of dye uptake with time of treatment. These results showed that the outcome of the application of the nitrilase for the acrylic treatment is intimately dependent on reaction media parameters, such as time, enzyme activity and formulation.(undefined

    Diversity in dental clinical characteristics in portuguese and spanish military populations

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    Introduction Dental characteristics were compared in population samples of Spanish and Portuguese military personnel. The main aim of this study was to identify those dental characteristics that could potentially serve to differentiate between these populations in a forensic analysis. Material and methods A sample of 5136 individuals belonging to the professional military staff of the Portuguese and Spanish armed forces was studied. Dental data were recorded with the Forensic Dental Symbols® for the Dental Encoder® database. The population sample analysed in this study consisted of 68.1% Spanish and 31.9% Portuguese individuals. Results The population was mostly male, with 86.6% men (88.1% in the Spanish sample versus 83.4% in the Portuguese sample), and 13.4% women (11.9% Spanish and 16.6% Portuguese). The frequency of unrestored teeth was lowest for first molars in all quadrants, and the highest frequency of unrestored teeth (>90%) was for the upper and lower anterior teeth and lower first premolars. The highest frequencies of restorative treatment were found for the first and second molars in all quadrants, and the highest frequencies of missing teeth were found for the third molars (always >28%). Concordance analysis showed that correlations between contralateral teeth were significantly higher than between antagonist teeth in both samples. Conclusions Our findings provide potentially useful information on the importance of dental record databases and their value for identification purposes.Introducción Se ha realizado una comparación de las características dentales de 2 poblaciones militares de Portugal y España. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar aquellas características dentales que podrían ser de utilidad para diferenciar estas poblaciones en un análisis forense. Material y métodos El estudio se realizó en una muestra compuesta por 5.136 militares profesionales de las fuerzas armadas, el 31,9% eran militares portugueses y el 68,1% del total de la muestra pertenecían a las fuerzas armadas españolas. Los datos dentales se registraron empleando los símbolos dentales descritos en Forensic Dental Symbols®, gestionados con la base de datos Dental Encoder®. Resultados La población de estudio estaba constituida por un 86,6% de hombres (88,1% en la muestra española y 83,4% en la muestra portuguesa) y un 13,4% de mujeres (11,9% en la muestra española y 16,6% en la muestra portuguesa). La frecuencia de dientes no restaurados fue menor para los primeros molares en todos los cuadrantes, mientras que la mayor frecuencia de esta característica (>90%) se observó en los dientes anteriores, superiores e inferiores, y en los primeros premolares inferiores. Las frecuencias más altas de tratamientos restauradores fueron encontradas para los primeros y segundos molares en todos los cuadrantes, y las mayores frecuencias de ausencias dentarias se observaron en los terceros molares (superior al 28% en todos los cuadrantes). El análisis de concordancia mostró que las correlaciones entre los dientes contralaterales fueron significativamente mayores que entre los dientes antagonistas, para ambas muestras poblacionales de estudio. Conclusiones Nuestros resultados proporcionan información potencialmente útil sobre la importancia de las bases de datos de registros dentales y el análisis de las características dentales con fines de identificación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Co-ingestion of amatoxins and isoxazoles-containing mushrooms and successful treatment: A case report

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    Mushroom poisonings occur when ingestion of wild mushrooms containing toxins takes place, placing the consumers at life-threatening risk. In the present case report, an unusual multiple poisoning with isoxazoles- and amatoxins-containing mushrooms in a context of altered mental state and poorly controlled hypertension is presented. A 68-year-old female was presented to São João hospital (Portugal) with complaints of extreme dizziness, hallucinations, vertigo and imbalance, 3 h after consuming a stew of wild mushrooms. The first observations revealed altered mental state and elevated blood pressure. The examination of cooked mushroom fragments allowed a preliminary identification of Amanita pantherina. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the presence of muscimol in urine. Moreover, through high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) analysis of the gastric juice, the presence of α-amanitin was found, showing that amatoxins-containing mushrooms were also included in the stew. After 4 days of supportive treatment, activated charcoal, silybin and N-acetylcysteine, the patient recovered being discharged 10 days post-ingestion with no organ complications. The prompt and appropriate therapy protocol for life-threatening amatoxins toxicity probably saved the patient's life as oral absorption was decreased and also supportive care was immediately started.This work received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through project Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2013. Juliana Garcia and Vera Marisa Costa thank FCT e Foundation for Science and Technology e for their PhD grant (SFRH/BD/74979/2010) and Post-doc grant (SFRH/BPD/63746/2009), respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An application to enrich the study of auditory emotion recognition

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    The ability to recognize emotions in spoken words is central in human communication and social relationships. When studying one's ability to perceive emotions, the standard paradigm is to have listeners choose which one of several emotion words best characterizes linguistically neutral utterances made by actors attempting to portray various emotional states. Usually, generic experiment control software are used, which may present several limitations. In this paper we present a novel approach to the problem, based on a mobile application that can be easily configured by the researcher to set up the desired protocol. This approach not only facilitates and improves study design and data collection, but also provides a plethora of new variables about the participants that, to the best of our knowledge, have never been considered before in this domain, including behavioural research.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia under projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and PTDC/MHN-PCN/3606/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Sequência Didática-Interativa (SDI) mediada pela construção de imagens : o conceito de digestão humana

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    Na Educação em Ciências o uso de imagens é uma prática inerente ao ensino. A produção e a leitura imagética, no entanto, é uma prática ainda pouco usual, mas que possibilita a reelaboração conceitual e o exercício da linguagem visual, importantes habilidades para a aprendizagem científica. Esta pesquisa envolveu uma Sequência Didática Interativa (SDI) sobre o conceito de digestão humana, mediada pela construção de imagens. Foi desenvolvido em uma turma de 40 estudantes do Ensino Médio. Como resultado observou-se um hiato entre as concepções funcionais, estruturais e comportamentais do fenômeno da digestão apresentadas pelos discentes no início e ao final da SDI

    From the monument to ruin: Santo Antônio as a garden-neighborhood in Recife

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    The neighborhood of Santo Antônio, located on the island of Antônio Vaz, has a history illustrated by the monumentality of the architecture and the art of the gardens, between the colonial and the modern, composing with the landscape of the waters. The natural attributes gave birth to gardens and tree-lined streets distributed among the institutional and religious buildings, most of which give it special prominence. Between the 18th and 20th centuries it underwent urban transformations that caused major changes in its configuration and dynamics. Even today, despite being a historic site, there is a gradual process of deterioration resulting from the decay of uses that imply the abandonment of buildings and public spaces making it perish from monument to ruin. As a record of an era of glory, this article aims to demonstrate, with urban history, to what extent the various historical layers of this palimpsest, rooted in popular culture, allied to the significant garden spaces characterized Santo Antônio as a garden-neighborhood.O bairro de Santo Antônio, localizado na ilha de Antônio Vaz, reúne uma história ilustrada pela monumentalidade na arquitetura e na arte dos jardins, entre o colonial e o moderno, compondo com a paisagem das águas. Dos atributos naturais nasceram jardins e ruas arborizadas distribuídos por entre as edificações institucionais e religiosas, na sua maioria, dando-lhe especial destaque. Entre os séculos XVIII e XX sofreu transformações urbanas que provocaram alterações de grande magnitude na sua configuração e na sua dinâmica. Ainda hoje, apesar de ser um sítio histórico, constata-se um processo gradual de deterioração resultante da decadência de usos que implicam o abandono das edificações e dos espaços públicos, fazendo-o perecer do monumento à ruína. A título de registro de uma época de glória, este artigo objetiva demonstrar, por meio da história urbana, em que medida as diversas camadas históricas desse palimpsesto, enraizadas de cultura popular, aliadas aos significativos espaços ajardinados caracterizaramSanto Antônio como um bairro-jardim


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    In post-modernity, information and knowledge are produced and disseminated through technologies, especially the internet and digital media. Students and teachers have in their hands resources that allow open access to knowledge, which inspires changes and constant inventions in the field of education. In the Internet social networks, profiles are being created to explain materials and/or study routines, in order to share experiences, inspire others and disseminate and discuss relevant topics, known as Studygams. In this sense, the objective of this study was to identify trends and contributions of Studygrams to the teaching and learning of Science and Biology, in the view of a panel of Studygrammers who produce and publish content related to Biological Sciences in Brazil. The work was developed from a qualitative approach, with elements of netnographic research such as participant observation and online fieldwork. The results showed that Studygrams have the potential to explore and develop skills and abilities in both those who post and those who access the content. It is understood that this new practice of teaching and learning in informal spaces has aroused attitudes of entrepreneurship, autonomy, organization, interaction and creativity, which allow the fixation of contents, interdisciplinarity, contextualization and training for citizenship.En la posmodernidad, la información y el conocimiento se producen y difunden a través de las tecnologías, especialmente internet y los medios digitales. Estudiantes y docentes tienen en sus manos recursos que permiten el acceso abierto al conocimiento, lo que inspira cambios e invenciones constantes en el campo de la educación. En las redes sociales de Internet se están creando perfiles para explicar materiales y/o rutinas de estudio, con el fin de compartir experiencias, inspirar a otros y difundir y discutir temas relevantes, conocidos como Studygams. En ese sentido, el objetivo de este estudio fue identificar tendencias y contribuciones de los Studygrams para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Ciencias y la Biología, en la visión de un panel de Studygrammers que producen y publican contenidos relacionados con las Ciencias Biológicas en Brasil. El trabajo se desarrolló desde un enfoque cualitativo, con elementos de investigación netnográfica como la observación participante y el trabajo de campo en línea. Los resultados mostraron que los Studygrams tienen el potencial para explorar y desarrollar habilidades y destrezas tanto en quienes publican como en quienes acceden al contenido. Se entiende que esta nueva práctica de enseñar y aprender en espacios informales ha despertado actitudes de emprendimiento, autonomía, organización, interacción y creatividad, que permiten la fijación de contenidos, la interdisciplinariedad, la contextualización y la formación ciudadana.Na pós-modernidade, informações e conhecimentos são produzidos e divulgados por meio das tecnologias, especialmente pela internet e mídias digitais. Alunos e professores têm em suas mãos recursos que permitem acesso aberto ao saber, o que inspira mudanças e constantes invenções no campo da educação. Nas redes sociais da Internet, perfis estão sendo criados para explicitar materiais e/ou rotinas de estudo, com intuito de compartilhar vivências, inspirar outras pessoas, bem como divulgar e discutir temáticas relevantes, sendo conhecidos como Studygrams. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se, com a realização deste estudo, identificar tendências e contribuições dos Studygrams para o ensino-aprendizagem de Ciências e Biologia, na visão de um painel de Studygrammers que produzem e publicam conteúdos relacionados às Ciências Biológicas no Brasil. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, com elementos de pesquisa netnográfica, como a observação participante e o trabalho de campo online. Os resultados evidenciaram que os Studygrams têm potencial para explorar e desenvolver competências e habilidades, tanto naqueles que postam, quanto nos que acessam os conteúdos. Entende-se que esta nova prática de ensinar e aprender em espaços informais tem despertado atitudes de empreendedorismo, autonomia, organização, interação e criatividade, que permitem a fixação dos conteúdos, a interdisciplinaridade, a contextualização e a formação para a cidadania


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    Objetivos: categorizar a temática segurança do paciente nas matrizes curriculares de cursos de graduação em enfermagem e obstetrícia. Método: Estudo documental, desenvolvido em nove universidades no período de junho de 2013 a março de 2014. Foram elencadas 16 palavras-chave diretas e 12 indiretas e categorizadas conforme o Patient safety curriculum guide: multi-professional edition.  Resultados: As palavras-chave diretas e indiretas foram encontradas em 168 disciplinas, sendo Segurança do Paciente (20,4%) e Lei do Exercício Profissional (13,7%) as diretas mais frequentes, enquanto que as indiretas foram Sistematização da Assistência em Enfermagem (42,1%) e Biossegurança (10,0%). Conclusão: A temática segurança do paciente foi encontrada nos conteúdos programáticos analisados, porém de maneira desarticulada; tornando-se imperativo buscar estratégias de ensino, que repercutam na formação do estudante. Descritores: Segurança do paciente; Currículo; Enfermagem; Obstetrizes