1,132 research outputs found

    Hydrogen Two-Photon Continuum Emission from the Horseshoe Filament in NGC 1275

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    Far ultraviolet emission has been detected from a knot of Halpha emission in the Horseshoe filament, far out in the NGC 1275 nebula. The flux detected relative to the brightness of the Halpha line in the same spatial region is very close to that expected from Hydrogen two-photon continuum emission in the particle heating model of Ferland et al. (2009) if reddening internal to the filaments is taken into account. We find no need to invoke other sources of far ultraviolet emission such as hot stars or emission lines from CIV in intermediate temperature gas to explain these data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Carbon superatom thin films

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    Assembling clusters on surfaces has emerged as a novel way to grow thin films with targeted properties. In particular, it has been proposed from experimental findings that fullerenes deposited on surfaces could give rise to thin films retaining the bonding properties of the incident clusters. However the microscopic structure of such films is still unclear. By performing quantum molecular dynamics simulations, we show that C_28 fullerenes can be deposited on a surface to form a thin film of nearly defect free molecules, which act as carbon superatoms. Our findings help clarify the structure of disordered small fullerene films and also support the recently proposed hyperdiamond model for solid C_28.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures available as black and white PostScript files; color PostScript and/or gif files available upon reques

    Collisional excitation of [C II], [O I] and CO in Massive Galaxies

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    Many massive galaxies at the centres of relaxed galaxy clusters and groups have vast reservoirs of cool (~10,000 K) and cold (~100 K) gas. In many low redshift brightest group and cluster galaxies this gas is lifted into the hot ISM in filamentary structures, which are long lived and are typically not forming stars. Two important questions are how far do these reservoirs cool and if cold gas is abundant what is the cause of the low star formation efficiency? Heating and excitation of the filaments from collisions and mixing of hot particles in the surrounding X-ray gas describes well the optical and near infra-red line ratios observed in the filaments. In this paper we examine the theoretical properties of dense, cold clouds emitting in the far infra-red and submillimeter through the bright lines of [C II]157 \mu m , [O I]63 \mu m and CO, exposed to these energetic ionising particles. While some emission lines may be optically thick we find this is not sufficient to model the emission line ratios. Models where the filaments are supported by thermal pressure support alone also cannot account for the cold gas line ratios but a very modest additional pressure support, either from turbulence or magnetic fields can fit the observed [O I]/[C II] line ratios by decreasing the density of the gas. This may also help stabilise the filaments against collapse leading to the low rates of star formation. Finally we make predictions for the line ratios expected from cold gas under these conditions and present diagnostic diagrams for comparison with further observations. We provide our code as an Appendix.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Developing an On-Line Interactive Health Psychology Module.

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    On-line teaching material in health psychology was developed which ensured a range of students could access appropriate material for their course and level of study. This material has been developed around the concept of smaller 'content chunks' which can be combined into whole units of learning (topics), and ultimately, a module. On the basis of the underlying philosophy that the medium is part of the message, we considered interactivity to be a key element in engaging the student with the material. Consequently, the key aim of this development was to stimulate and engage students, promoting better involvement with the academic material, and hence better learning. It was hoped that this was achieved through the development of material including linked programmes and supporting material, small Java Scripts and basic email, forms and HTML additions. This material is outlined as are some of the interactive activities introduced, and the preliminary student and tutor experience described

    Resolving the cosmic X-ray background with a next-generation high-energy X-ray observatory

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    The cosmic X-ray background (CXB), which peaks at an energy of ~30 keV, is produced primarily by emission from accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The CXB therefore serves as a constraint on the integrated SMBH growth in the Universe and the accretion physics and obscuration in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This paper gives an overview of recent progress in understanding the high-energy (>~10 keV) X-ray emission from AGNs and the synthesis of the CXB, with an emphasis on results from NASA's NuSTAR hard X-ray mission. We then discuss remaining challenges and open questions regarding the nature of AGN obscuration and AGN physics. Finally, we highlight the exciting opportunities for a next-generation, high-resolution hard X-ray mission to achieve the long-standing goal of resolving and characterizing the vast majority of the accreting SMBHs that produce the CXB.Comment: Science White paper submitted to Astro2020 Decadal Survey; 5 pages, 3 figures, plus references and cover pag

    Contrasting the beam interaction characteristics of selected lasers with a partially stabilised zirconia (PSZ) bio-ceramic

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    Differences in the beam interaction characteristics of a CO2 laser, a Nd:YAG laser, a high power diode laser (HPDL) and an excimer laser with a partially stabilised zirconia (PSZ) bio-ceramic have been studied. A derivative of Beer-Lambert’s law was applied and the laser beam absorption lengths of the four lasers were calculated as 33.55 x 10-3 cm for the CO2 laser, 18.22 x 10-3 cm for the Nd:YAG laser, 17.17 x 10-3 cm for the HPDL and 8.41 x 10-6 cm for the excimer laser. It was determined graphically that the fluence threshold values at which significant material removal was effected by the CO2 laser, the Nd:YAG laser, the HPDL and the excimer laser were 52 J/cm2, 97 J/cm2, 115 J/cm2 and 0.48 J/cm2 respectively. The thermal loading value for the CO2 laser, the Nd:YAG laser, the HPDL and the excimer laser were calculated as being 1.55 kJ/cm3, 5.32 kJ/cm3, 6.69 kJ/cm3 and 57.04 kJ/cm3 respectively

    Computer-Generated Ovaries to Assist Follicle Counting Experiments

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    Precise estimation of the number of follicles in ovaries is of key importance in the field of reproductive biology, both from a developmental point of view, where follicle numbers are determined at specific time points, as well as from a therapeutic perspective, determining the adverse effects of environmental toxins and cancer chemotherapeutics on the reproductive system. The two main factors affecting follicle number estimates are the sampling method and the variation in follicle numbers within animals of the same strain, due to biological variability. This study aims at assessing the effect of these two factors, when estimating ovarian follicle numbers of neonatal mice. We developed computer algorithms, which generate models of neonatal mouse ovaries (simulated ovaries), with characteristics derived from experimental measurements already available in the published literature. The simulated ovaries are used to reproduce in-silico counting experiments based on unbiased stereological techniques; the proposed approach provides the necessary number of ovaries and sampling frequency to be used in the experiments given a specific biological variability and a desirable degree of accuracy. The simulated ovary is a novel, versatile tool which can be used in the planning phase of experiments to estimate the expected number of animals and workload, ensuring appropriate statistical power of the resulting measurements. Moreover, the idea of the simulated ovary can be applied to other organs made up of large numbers of individual functional units

    The Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource improves performance of practical skills: A controlled trial

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    Background: E-learning is a common and popular mode of educational delivery, but little is known about its effectiveness in teaching practical skills. The aim of this study was to determine whether the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource in addition to usual teaching improved the performance of practical skills in physiotherapy students. Method: This study was a non-randomised controlled trial. The participants were graduate entry physiotherapy students enrolled in consecutive semesters of a neurological physiotherapy unit of study. The experimental group received the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource as well as usual teaching. The Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource is an online resource incorporating (i) video-clips of patient-therapist simulations; (ii) supportive text describing the aim, rationale, equipment, key points, common errors and methods of progression; and (iii) a downloadable PDF document incorporating the online text information and a still image of the video-clip for each practical skill. The control group received usual teaching only. The primary outcomes were the overall performance of practical skills as well as their individual components, measured using a practical examination. Results: The implementation of the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource resulted in an increase of 1.6 out of 25 (95% CI -0.1 to 3.3) in the experimental group compared with the control group. In addition, the experimental group scored 0.5 points out of 4 (95% CI 0 to 1.1) higher than the control group for 'effectiveness of the practical skill' and 0.6 points out of 4 (95% CI 0.1 to 1.1) higher for 'rationale for the practical skill'. Conclusion: There was improvement in performance of practical skills in students who had access to the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource in addition to usual teaching. Students considered the resource to be very useful for learning.7 page(s

    Retrieval behavior and thermodynamic properties of symmetrically diluted Q-Ising neural networks

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    The retrieval behavior and thermodynamic properties of symmetrically diluted Q-Ising neural networks are derived and studied in replica-symmetric mean-field theory generalizing earlier works on either the fully connected or the symmetrical extremely diluted network. Capacity-gain parameter phase diagrams are obtained for the Q=3, Q=4 and Q=Q=\infty state networks with uniformly distributed patterns of low activity in order to search for the effects of a gradual dilution of the synapses. It is shown that enlarged regions of continuous changeover into a region of optimal performance are obtained for finite stochastic noise and small but finite connectivity. The de Almeida-Thouless lines of stability are obtained for arbitrary connectivity, and the resulting phase diagrams are used to draw conclusions on the behavior of symmetrically diluted networks with other pattern distributions of either high or low activity.Comment: 21 pages, revte

    Current research into brain barriers and the delivery of therapeutics for neurological diseases: a report on CNS barrier congress London, UK, 2017.

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    This is a report on the CNS barrier congress held in London, UK, March 22-23rd 2017 and sponsored by Kisaco Research Ltd. The two 1-day sessions were chaired by John Greenwood and Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes, respectively, and each session ended with a discussion led by the chair. Speakers consisted of invited academic researchers studying the brain barriers in relation to neurological diseases and industry researchers studying new methods to deliver therapeutics to treat neurological diseases. We include here brief reports from the speakers