603 research outputs found

    Fast implementation of model predictive control with guaranteed performance

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    A fast implementation of a given predictive controller for nonlinear systems is introduced through a piecewise constant approximate function defined over an hyper-cube partition of the system state space. Such a state partition is obtained by maximizing the hyper-cube volumes in order to guarantee, besides stability, an a priori fixed trajectory error as well as input and state constraints satisfaction. The presented approximation procedure is achieved by solving a set of nonconvex polynomial optimization problems, whose approximate solutions are computed by means of semidefinite relaxation techniques for semialgebraic problems

    A Model Predictive approach for semi active suspension control problem of a full car

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    International audienceA suspension controller aims at enhancing the ride comfort and the handling of vehicle which are evaluated by the acceleration at center of gravity and the roll motion respectively. In this paper, a semi-active suspension Model Predictive Control (MPC) is designed for a full vehicle system equipped with 4 semi-active dampers. The main challenge in the semi-active suspension control problem is to tackle with the dissipativity constraints of the semi-active dampers, here recasted as input and state constraints. The controller is designed in the MPC framework where the effects of the unknown road disturbances are taken into account. An observer approach allows to estimate the road disturbance information to be used by the controller during the prediction step. Then, the MPC control law with road estimation (but without road preview) is computed by minimizing a quadratic cost function, giving a trade-off between the comfort and the handling, while guaranteeing some physical constraints of the semi-active dampers. Some simulation results performed on a nonlinear full car model are presented in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Low molecular weight Adiponectin increases the mortality risk in very old patients

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    Despite its beneficial role on insulin resistance and atherosclerosis, adiponectin has been frequently reported as an independent positive predictor of cardiovascular mortality. Very few information is available regarding adiponectin isoforms and mortality, in particular in advanced aging. Baseline serum levels of Total Adiponectin and its circulating isoforms (HMW-, MMW-, LMW-Adiponectin) were measured in 97 old patients (mean age: 79 years). Patients were followed up for all-cause mortality (study end-point) for an average of 76.4 ±37.3 months. A positive association was observed for LMW-Ad and all-cause mortality (HR: 1.13, 95% CI: 1.05-1,22, p: 0.002). After multivariate adjustment for age, sex and a previous history of myocardial infarction, higher levels of LMW-Ad were significantly associated with all-cause mortality (HR: 1.11, 95% CI: 1.02-1.21; p: 0.017). Interestingly neither total adiponectin neither the other two circulating isoforms (MMW- and HMW-Ad) showed any significant association with the study end-point. Our data suggest that the association between high serum adiponectin levels and increased mortality rate in elderly is contingent to an unbalanced circulating levels of adiponectin isoforms. The present results support the hypothesis that high levels of Low Molecular Weight adiponectin are a biomarker for mortality risk in very old patients

    Contadini per scelta. Esperienze e racconti di nuova agricoltura

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    Una narrazione basata su trentasei testimonianze di Contadini italiani che costituisce la visione del laboratorio dell'agricoltura del futuro. Contadini per scelta di vita, colti produttori del paesaggio e della qualità dei luoghi, capaci di relazionarsi con i contesti locali e i loro abitanti, inserendosi nella rete del mercato ma con un valore etico più elevato che manifesta una forte coscienza di appartenenza al territorio: promossi campioni per il ritorno alla terra.A narrative based on the testimonies of thirty-six Italian Farmers which is the vision of the laboratory of the future of agriculture. Farmers for lifestyle choice, competent developers of landscape and the quality of places, able to relate to local contexts and their inhabitants, plugging in the network market, but with a higher ethical value that expresses a strong sense of belonging to territories: promoted models for the return to earth

    Cambios generados por la COVID-19 en la práctica formativa e investigativa en Trabajo Social: oportunidades, dilemas y retos para la investigación social

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    Introducción. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo analizar las condiciones que docentes y estudiantes de Trabajo Social tuvieron para realizar investigaciones científicas o trabajos de fin de carrera durante la crisis de la COVID-19.  Se asumió la perspectiva comprensivista de las ciencias sociales, desde autores que debaten la racionalidad técnico-instrumental y que plantean, en contraposición, la necesidad de una racionalidad práctico-reflexiva tanto en la práctica profesional como en la formación en Trabajo Social. Los autores llamados a dialogar proceden de la Filosofía, la Sociología y el Trabajo Social, con posturas frente los conceptos de “saber práctico”, “proceso reflexivo”, “reflexividad” y “conocimiento en la acción”. Metodología. El diseño metodológico se sustentó en una lectura emic de la realidad. Se utilizó una muestra aleatoria simple por conveniencia, a partir de criterios muestrales como: ubicación geográfica, cargo ocupado en las universidades y experiencia en investigación. Como técnicas se utilizaron la revisión documental, para el análisis de 42 proyectos de tesis, y la entrevista semiestructurada a siete (7) académicos-investigadores —de cuatro (4) países de América Latina— y a once (11) estudiantes que cumplían con: encontrarse en el semestre de fin de carrera, pertenecer a una universidad de la ciudad de Guayaquil y estar investigando temas relacionados con la pandemia. Resultados. Teniendo en cuenta cuatro dimensiones: el contexto, la práctica investigativa y la producción científica de docentes, la tutoría de la producción académica de los estudiantes de fin de carrera y la formación investigativa en Trabajo Social, se hicieron evidentes las alteraciones en las voces de lo que implicó la pandemia en la cotidianidad para quienes estaban realizando algún proyecto de investigación o formando nuevos investigadores. Las dinámicas personales producto del virus han redireccionado y, sobre todo, producido aprendizajes que nutren la posibilidad de describir, explicar y comprender nuevas dinámicas para formar y producir conocimiento. Discusión y conclusiones. Se plantean nuevos retos o dilemas para la investigación en Trabajo Social, en tanto que la pandemia —como hecho sociohistórico y bio-psico-social— evidenció que las desigualdades y las vulnerabilidades sociales no necesariamente están solo en el plano de la materialidad física o de tener los recursos tecnológicos a disposición (un computador, un celular, internet, servicio de energía); esto, si acaso, modificará los presupuestos en las investigaciones para dotar de estas materialidades a las personas  vinculadas. Además, existen en otro plano: el subjetivo, en el cual la cultura, el territorio, la clase o el género, entre otros, determinan vulneraciones más complejas que en el mundo simbólico al que pertenecen y no es posible resolverlas con una simple inversión material o tecnológica

    The efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for high school students: A preliminary randomized study

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    Early onset in adolescent gambling involvement can be a precipitator of later gambling problems. The aim of the present study was to test the preliminary efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for students within a high school-based setting. Students attending a high school in Italy (N=168) participated in the present study (58% male–age, M=15.01; SD=0.60). Twelve classes were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: intervention ( N=6; 95 students) and control group (N=6; 73 students). Both groups received personalized feedback and then the intervention group received online training (interactive activities) for three weeks. At a two-month follow-up, students in the intervention group reported a reduction in gambling problems relative to those in the control group. However, there were no differences in gambling frequency, gambling expenditure, and attitudes toward the profitability of gambling between the two groups. In addition, frequent gamblers (i.e., those that gambled at least once a week at baseline) showed reductions in gambling problems and gambling frequency post- intervention. Frequent gamblers that only received personalized feedback showed significantly less realistic attitudes toward the profitability of gambling post-intervention. The present study is the first controlled study to test the preliminary efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for students within a high school-based setting. The results indicate that a brief web-based intervention delivered in the school setting may be a potentially promising strategy for a low-threshold, low-cost, preventive tool for at-risk gambling high school students

    Influence of Parental Health Locus of Control on Behavior, Self-Management and Metabolic Control, in Pediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Background: Precision medicine in type 1 diabetes (T1D) treatment considers context and environmental data to subclassify patients. Parental Health Locus of Control PHLOC) could influence behavior, self-management, and metabolic control of children with T1D. Methods: No. 135 pediatric patients with T1D (No. 57 with HbA1c ≤ 7.0%, “optimal” group, and No. 78 with >7.0%, “sub-optimal” group) were enrolled in the study. History, anthropometric and diabetes management data were collected, as well as caregiver’s data about socioeconomic status (SES). The PHLOC scale questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were administered. Results: Access to technology was lower in the “sub-optimal” group and, in particular, in the ethnic minority subgroup, only 8% used them. In the “sub-optimal” group ethnic minority status was higher (24%), the caregiver had a lower SES and showed lower internal HLOC. Conclusions: New care models have to be implemented to ensure equity in diabetes care and precision treatment, particularly for ethnic minority groups, because SES and external PHLOC are still an important barrier to “optimal” diabetes control. In the “sub-optimal” group, we have to implement strategies aimed at increasing self-efficacy, while in the “optimal” one, a personalised approach should be considered to facilitate the shifting of responsibilities within the family, avoiding psychological distress

    Impact of experimental parameters on cell-cell force spectroscopy signature

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    Atomic force microscopy is an extremely versatile technique, featuring atomic-scale imaging resolution, and also offering the possibility to probe interaction forces down to few pN. Recently, this technique has been specialized to study the interaction between single living cells, one on the substrate, and a second being adhered on the cantilever. Cell–cell force spectroscopy offers a unique tool to investigate in fine detail intra-cellular interactions, and it holds great promise to elucidate elusive phenomena in physiology and pathology. Here we present a systematic study of the effect of the main measurement parameters on cell–cell curves, showing the importance of controlling the experimental conditions. Moreover, a simple theoretical interpretation is proposed, based on the number of contacts formed between the two interacting cells. The results show that single cell–cell force spectroscopy experiments carry a wealth of information that can be exploited to understand the inner dynamics of the interaction of living cells at the molecular level

    Validation of the reasons for gambling questionnaire (RGQ) in a British population survey

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    Introduction. The aim of the study is to validate the five-dimensional structure of the Reasons for Gambling Questionnaire (RGQ) and to test the differences between different types of gamblers (i.e., offline gamblers who gambled in-person only vs.mixed-mode gamblers who gambled both online and offline) on the five dimensions of the RGQ. Methods. Data from the 2010 British Gambling Prevalence Survey (BGPS) were used. The analysed data comprised 5,677 individuals (52.7% female; mean age=47.64 years; SD=17.82). Confirmatory factor analysis and independent-samples t-tests were applied. Results. The five-dimensional structure of the RGQ wasconfirmed in the general sample and among gender and age subgroups. Furthermore, mixed-mode gamblers (MMGs) who gambled both online and offline had higher scores for enhancement, recreation and money motives than offline gamblers that gambled in-person only (IPGs). In addition among males, there was a significant difference in the scores for enhancement and recreation motives across MMGs and IPGs. Among past-year gamblers aged 16-34 years, MMGs had higher scores for enhancement, recreational and monetary motives than IPGs whilst among past-year gamblers aged 35-55years, MMGs had higher scores for enhancement and recreational motives than IPGs. Conclusions. The results are consistent with a previous test of the RGQ and the findings indicate that the RGQis a valid instrument to assess gambling motives among the general population