162 research outputs found

    El deporte escolar según la titularidad de los centros educativos

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    In this research, sport is going to be looked into from an educational perspective. We will specifically focus on sports at school. In order to develop sporting activities at school, with all their implied characteristics, it is necessary that they be organized and developed by qualified professionals. Recently, a research has been made and the purpose of this review is to analyze and describe the organization of the extra-curricular sport activities at educational centres for secondary education. Using a quantitative methodology, in which a descriptive method and a cross-sectional survey have been carried out; and by means of standard interview as a tool for gathering information, results reveal the most significant characteristics found in Comunidad de Madrid. The results point out that there are more number of extra-curricular sport activities teachers and more choice of activities in private schools than public schools.El presente trabajo se centra en el deporte desde el punto de vista educativo, más concretamente en el deporte escolar. Para poder desarrollar el deporte escolar con todas las características que éste implica, es necesario que esté organizado y se lleve a cabo por personas cualificadas. Recientemente, se ha realizado un estudio con el objetivo de analizar y describir la organización de las actividades físico-deportivas extraescolares en los centros educativos de Educación Secundaria. Mediante una metodología cuantitativa de corte descriptivo y mediante el empleo de la entrevista estandarizada como instrumento de recogida de información se reproducen aquellas características más relevantes encontradas en la Comunidad de Madrid. Los resultados muestran que existe un mayor número de profesorado y de oferta de actividades físico-deportivas extraescolares, por parte de los centros educativos privados comparado con los públicos

    Bionanocompósitos de carragenina κ con nanopartículas metálicas

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    En este trabajo se reporta la preparación de nanocompósitos a base de biopoliméricos de Carragenina tipo κ con nanopartículas metálicas de plata y oro. La síntesis de las nanopartículas se llevó a cabo in situ en presencia de Carragenina κ, seguida del secado de la dispersión coloidal por liofilización para la obtención de los nanocompósitos. La morfología de los nanocompósitos y de las nanopartículas fue analizada por microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) y microscopía electrónica de transmisión (MET). Las propiedades ópticas se evaluaron mediante espectroscopía de UV-vis mientras que la caracterización estructural se llevó a cabo mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo. Las propiedades térmicas se estudiaron mediante calorimetría diferencial de barrido (CDB). Los resultados muestran nanocompósitos con propiedades ópticas similares a las NP metálicas y con propiedades térmicas mejoradas. Estos nanocompósitos presentan potenciales aplicación como soporte biodegradable

    Using an extended Roofline Model to understand data and thread affinities on NUMA systems

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    Today’s microprocessors include multicores that feature a diverse set of compute cores and onboard memory subsystems connected by complex communication networks and protocols. The analysis of factors that affect performance in such complex systems is far from being an easy task. Anyway, it is clear that increasing data locality and affinity is one of the main challenges to reduce the access latency to data. As the number of cores increases, the influence of this issue on the performance of parallel codes is more and more important. Therefore, models to characterize the performance in such systems are broadly demanded. This paper shows the use of an extension of the well known Roofline Model adapted to the main features of the memory hierarchy present in most of the current multicore systems. Also the Roofline Model was extended to show the dynamic evolution of the execution of a given code. In order to reduce the overheads to get the information needed to obtain this dynamic Roofline Model, hardware counters present in most of the current microprocessors are used. To illustrate its use, two simple parallel vector operations, SAXPY and SDOT, were considered. Different access strides and initial location of vectors in memory modules were used to show the influence of different scenarios in terms of locality and affinity. The effect of thread migration were also considered. We conclude that the proposed Roofline Model is an useful tool to understand and characterise the behaviour of the execution of parallel codes in multicore systemsThis work has been partially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, FEDER funds under contract TIN 2010-17541, and Xunta de Galicia, EM2013/041. It has been developed in the framework of the European network HiPEAC and the Spanish network CAPAP-HS

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de zonas económicas especiales para Industrias Innovadoras en El Salvador

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    Se abordan las principales ventajas, desventajas y beneficios de crear Zonas económicas especiales, seleccionando el Municipio con mayor potencial, para que esta ZEE sea factible y pueda autosostenerse a largo plazo. Se determinan los tipos de financiamiento, estrategias, distribución adecuada, y se realizan las evaluaciones ambiental, social y económica, las cuales tienen gran relevancia a la hora de implementar un proyecto gubernamental de este tip

    Echocardiograph pulmonary venous flow patterns in congenital heart defects with increased pulmonary flow

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe pulmonary venous flow patterns using transthoracic echocardiograms on children suffering from different congenital heart defects with increased pulmonary flow. METHODS: Prospective study and consecutive selection of children suffering from congenital heart defects with increased pulmonary flow. The transthoracic, apical view, Doppler echocardiogram was used, positioning the sample-volume at the lower pulmonary vein, 4mm from its junction with the left atrium. The data analyzed included: dominant systolic or diastolic pulmonary venous flow and atrial contraction waveform characteristics, designated as A for absent and R for reversed. RESULTS: The study included twenty-nine patients with a mean age of 29.9 ± 58.9 months, suffering from the following congenital heart conditions: interatrial and interventricular communication defects, patent ductus arteriosus, atrioventricular septal defects, total transposition of the great arteries and truncus arteriosus. All the patients presented a continuous pattern of high velocity pulmonary venous flow. Nine patients presented a dominant systolic waveform (31%), eighteen presented a dominant diastolic wave form (62%) and 2 patients had systolic and diastolic wave forms of equal amplitude (7%). Six patients (21%) presented a R atrial contraction waveform and 23 (79%) presented an A atrial contraction waveform. CONCLUSION: Congenital heart diseases with increased pulmonary flow present a continuous pattern of high velocity pulmonary venous flow with alterations mainly in the atrial contraction reversal pattern.OBJETIVOS: Descrever os padrões do fluxo venoso pulmonar com ecocardiograma transtorácico em crianças com diferentes malformações cardíacas congênitas com hiperfluxo pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, de seleção consecutiva de crianças com malformações cardíacas congênitas com hiperfluxo pulmonar. Foi utilizado ecocardiograma Doppler transtorácico, plano apical, posicionando-se a amostra de volume na veia pulmonar inferior esquerda a 4 mm da sua junção com o átrio esquerdo. Os dados analisados foram: predomínio sistólico ou diastólico do fluxo venoso pulmonar, bem como as características da onda de contração atrial, sendo denominada A quando ausente e R quando reversa. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 29 pacientes, com idade média de 29,9±58,9 meses, com as seguintes malformações congênitas: comunicações interatrial e interventricular, persistência do canal arterial, defeito septal atrioventricular, transposição completa das grandes artérias e truncus arteriosus. Em todos, o fluxo venoso pulmonar apresentou um padrão contínuo, de maior velocidade, com predomínio da onda sistólica em 9 (31%) pacientes, diastólica em 18 (62%), e com igual amplitude em 2 pacientes (7%). A onda de contração atrial foi R em 6 pacientes (21%) e A em 23 (79%) pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Nas doenças cardíacas congênitas com hiperfluxo pulmonar o fluxo venoso pulmonar apresenta um padrão contínuo, de alta velocidade, com alterações, principalmente no padrão reverso da contração atrial.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de AlagoasUNIFESPSciEL

    Modelo matemático de una cámara de combustión de una caldera pirotubular utilizando la herramienta matlab-simulink

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    En este artículo se presenta la implementación del modelo matemático de la cámara de combustión de una caldera piro-tubular, por medio del planteamiento de los balances de masa, energía y estequiométrico. Estos balances fueron descritos por los componentes de entrada (aire y combustible) que se presentan en la zona de combustión, basados en el concepto de mantener la relación estequiométrica entre ellos, los cuales, fueron simulados a través de las herramientas computacionales como el ESS y Matlab®, con el fin de determinar el comportamiento de los gases de combustión dependiendo del tipo de reacción química presentada. Así mismo, fue determinado la cantidad de carbonos e hidrógenos que componen los combustibles de estudio (ACMP y Keroseno), igualmente los kmol/s que componen al aire, con el objetivo de analizar su oxidación y determinar la producción de y . Finalmente, se realizó la respectiva comparación analizando los valores de presión y temperatura en los tres tipos de combustión, estequiométrica, con presencia de inquemados y con exceso de aire. El planteamiento del modelo matemático fue aplicado para los dos tipos de combustibles de estudio.Palabras clave: modelo matemático, relación aire combustible, Simulink®. cámara de combustión, sistem


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    ResumenEl objetivo de esta investigación es proponer una estrategia de solución a la problemática de deserción de los alumnos de primer semestre del Tecnológico Nacional de México, en Celaya. El perfil muestral de 636 alumnos, representa un promedio de 13% del total de bajas definitivas en los años 2014, 2015 y 2016. Debido a este problema de deserción, los estudiantes pierden la posibilidad de concretar su plan de vida y carrera.  La recolección de datos se hizo a través de un instrumento validado. La investigación es exploratoria. La relevancia de la investigación consiste en que, una vez identificadas las causas de deserción, se implemente un modelo de gestión académica que impacte en la disminución de la misma. Este modelo será propuesto a los departamentos académicos de la institución para trabajar en su implementación.Palabras clave: deserción, modelo de gestión académica, plan de vida. Abstract The purpose of this research is to propose a strategy to solve the dropout problem of the first semester students from the Tecnológico Nacional de México in Celaya. The sample profile shows that 636 students, representing an average of 13% from the total students registered for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 periods. Due to this dropout problem, the students are not able to conclude their life and career plans. The data collection was made with a previously validated instrument through an exploratory research. The relevance of this research shows that, once the dropout causes are identified, an academic management model has to be implemented to decrease the current rate. This model will later be presented to the university´s academic departaments to work on its implementation.Keywords: dropout, academic management model, life plan

    Mutations related to Antiretroviral Resistance identified by ultra-deep sequencing in HIV-1 infected children under Structured Interruptions of HAART

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    Altres ajuts: CONACYT/GCPS/44519Although Structured Treatment Interruptions (STI) are currently not considered an alternative strategy for antiretroviral treatment, their true benefits and limitations have not been fully established. Some studies suggest the possibility of improving the quality of life of patients with this strategy; however, the information that has been obtained corresponds mostly to studies conducted in adults, with a lack of knowledge about its impact on children. Furthermore, mutations associated with antiretroviral resistance could be selected due to sub-therapeutic levels of HAART at each interruption period. Genotyping methods to determine the resistance profiles of the infecting viruses have become increasingly important for the management of patients under STI, thus low-abundance antiretroviral drug-resistant mutations (DRM's) at levels under limit of detection of conventional genotyping (<20% of quasispecies) could increase the risk of virologic failure. In this work, we analyzed the protease and reverse transcriptase regions of the pol gene by ultra-deep sequencing in pediatric patients under STI with the aim of determining the presence of high- and low-abundance DRM's in the viral rebounds generated by the STI. High-abundance mutations in protease and high- and low-abundance mutations in reverse transcriptase were detected but no one of these are directly associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs. The results could suggest that the evaluated STI program is virologically safe, but strict and carefully planned studies, with greater numbers of patients and interruption/restart cycles, are still needed to evaluate the selection of DRM's during STI

    Do Clinical Trials Meet Current Care Needs? Views of Digestive Oncology Specialists in Galicia (Spain) Using the Delphi Method

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    Background: In recent years, abundant scientific evidence has been generated based on clinical trials (CT) in the field of oncology. The general objective of this paper is to find out the extent to which decision making is based on knowledge of the most recent CT. Its specific objectives are to pinpoint difficulties with decision making based on the CT performed and find out the motivations patients and clinicians have when taking part in a CT. Methodology: Combined, prospective study, based on the Delphi method. A lack of correspondence between the people who take part in CT and patients who come for consultation has been identified. A need for training in analysing and interpreting CT has also been identified and a lack of trust in the results of CT financed by the pharmaceutical industry itself has been perceived. Conclusions: There is a difficulty in selecting oncological treatment due to the lack of correspondence between the patients included in the CT and patients seen in consultation. In this process, real world data studies may be highly useful, as they may provide this group with greater training in interpreting CT and their results.S
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