35 research outputs found

    Genotypic variation in response to extreme events may facilitate kelp adaptation under future climates

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    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have caused declines in many kelp forests globally. Although the ecological effects of these climatic extremes have been well examined, studies on the role of genotypic variation in underpinning population responses under pressures are lacking. Understanding how kelps respond to different warming profiles and, in particular, intraspecific variation in responses is necessary to confidently anticipate the future of kelp forests, yet this remains a critical knowledge gap for most species. This study examined the responses of early life stages of 9 different genotypes of the Australian kelp Ecklonia radiata to different MHW profiles, where cumulative heat intensity was kept constant: control treatment (constant 19°C), heat spikes (fluctuating 19-23°C), low intensity MHW (ramp up 23°C) and high intensity MHW (ramp up 27°C). Overall, we found significant declines in E. radiata gametophyte performance in all MHW treatments and delays in sporophyte recruitment during MHW exposure. We also found significant genotype by environment (G×E) interactions, suggesting tolerance to acute thermal stress is influenced by genetic variation. Our results showed that offspring from different genotypes within the same population respond differently to MHWs, indicating that some genotypes are susceptible to MHWs while others are more resistant. While the effects on standing genetic variation and subsequent susceptibility to other stressors are unknown, our findings suggest that in addition to immediate impacts on marine organisms, natural genotypic variation in response to thermal anomalies may facilitate the gradual evolution of populations with increased thermal tolerance under future climates.publishedVersio

    A novel adaptation facilitates seed establishment under marine turbulent flows

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    Seeds of Australian species of the seagrass genus Posidonia are covered by a membranous wing that we hypothesize plays a fundamental role in seed establishment in sandy, wave swept marine environments. Dimensions of the seed and membrane were quantified under electron microscopy and micro-CT scans, and used to model rotational, drag and lift forces. Seeds maintain contact with the seabed in the presence of strong turbulence: the larger the wing, the more stable the seed. Wing surface area increases from P. sinuosa \u3c P. australis \u3c P.coriacea correlating with their ability to establish in increasingly energetic environments. This unique seed trait in a marine angiosperm corresponds to adaptive pressures imposed on seagrass species along 7,500 km of Australia’s coastline, from open, high energy coasts to calmer environments in bays and estuaries

    Green gravel as a vector of dispersal for kelp restoration

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    Kelp forests are experiencing substantial declines due to climate change, particularly ocean warming and marine heatwaves, and active interventions are necessary to halt this decline. A new restoration approach termed “green gravel” has shown promise as a tool to combat kelp forest loss. In this approach, substrata (i.e. small gravel) are seeded with kelp propagules, reared in controlled conditions in the laboratory before out-planting to degraded reefs. Here, we tested the feasibility of cultivating Australia’s dominant kelp, Ecklonia radiata on green gravel with the aim of optimising the seeding conditions for E.radiata. We seeded substrata (i.e. gravel), that had different surface texture and size, with E. radiata gametophytes at two average seeding densities: high density of ~230 fragments mL-1 and low density of ~115 fragments mL-1. The tested substrata were small basalt, large basalt, crushed laterite and limestone. Gametophytes successfully adhered to all four tested substrata, however, gametophytes that adhered to the limestone gravel (the natural reef type off Western Australia) suffered extreme tissue bleaching likely due to dissolution and decrease in seawater pH. Gametophytes that adhered to the three other test substrata were healthy, fertilised following seeding and microscopic sporophytes were observed attaching to the gravel. Substrata and seeding density did not affect sporophyte growth (i.e. length) at the time of transferring into aquarium tanks (after three months of rearing in incubators) but over time substrata showed a significant effect on maximum lengths. After 12 months in aquarium tanks, sporophytes on both small and large basalt gravel were significantly larger than those on the crushed laterite. Gametophytes were also found to not only survive on the gravel itself but also detach from the gravel, settle successfully, fertilise and develop into healthy sporophytes ex situ on the surrounding substratum through lateral transfer. Substrata had a significant effect on density of detached gametophytes with rougher and larger gravel showing higher densities of detachment. Our results show the potential for green gravel to be a vector of dispersal for restoration in Western Australia where natural recovery of kelp forests has failed.publishedVersio

    Ion concentrations in seagrass: A comparison of results from field and controlled-environment studies

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    Osmoregulation is essential for the survival of seagrasses in marine and hypersaline environments. The aim of this study was to examine ion concentrations of four seagrass species (Posidonia australis, P. sinuosa, Amphibolis antarctica and A. griffithii) after exposure to salinity changes. Plant fragments were placed in a series of aquaria at marine salinity (35) and, after one week of acclimation, exposed for 7 days to salinities between 20 and 70. Cl−, Na+ and total ion concentration increased with salinity in leaf tissue of the four seagrasses species. These results were compared with those of P. australis and A. antarctica samples collected at three locations at Shark Bay, Western Australia where higher salinities occurred, ranging from 46 to 51. Concentrations of K+ and Ca+2 were higher in seagrass tissues from Shark Bay than in those in aquarium trials. Cl−, Na+ and total ions in P. australis and A. antarctica from Shark Bay were lowest at the highest salinity location. The K+/Na+ ratio in the aquarium trials (under ambient conditions) was in the following order: A. antarctica = A. griffithii > P. australis > P. sinuosa and Ca+2/Na+ ratio was: A. antarctica = A. griffithii > P. sinuosa > P. australis. This species order indicates a physiological capacity to tolerate variation in salinity. Furthermore, these ratios were higher in the locality with highest salinity in Shark Bay, indicating acclimation and adaptation of ion concentrations to the salinity regime in the environment.A.G. was supported by an FPI grant from Universidad de Alicante

    A cool spot in a biodiversity hotspot: why do tall Eucalyptus forests in Southwest Australia exhibit low diversity?

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    Background and aims: Southwest Australia is a biodiversity hotspot, with greatest plant species diversity on the most severely phosphorus (P)-impoverished soils. Here, non-mycorrhizal species with highly-effective carboxylate-releasing P-acquisition strategies coexist with mycorrhizal species that are less effective at accessing P on these soils. Non-mycorrhizal carboxylate-releasing species facilitate P acquisition of mycorrhizal neighbours that are better defended against pathogens. In the Southwest Australian Biodiversity Hotspot, there are also ‘cool spots’ of low-diversity tall mycorrhizal Eucalyptus communities on P-impoverished soils. These Eucalyptus trees obviously do not require facilitation of their P acquisition by carboxylate-releasing neighbours, because these are only a minor component of the low-diversity communities. We hypothesised that in low-diversity tall Eucalyptus forests, mycorrhizal species release carboxylates to acquire P. Thus, they would not depend on facilitation, and must be strong competitors. However, because they would not depend on external mycorrhizal hyphae to acquire P, they would also not be able to access soil organic nitrogen (N), for which they would need external hyphae. Methods: Since carboxylates not only mobilise P, but also manganese (Mn), we used leaf Mn concentrations ([Mn]) in the natural habitat to proxy rhizosphere carboxylates. To verify this proxy, we also measured carboxylate exudation of targeted species with high leaf [Mn] using seedlings grown in low-P nutrient solutions. Results: Using these complementary approaches, we confirmed our hypothesis that dominant Eucalyptus species in ‘cool spots’ release carboxylates. Since mineralisation of organic N is associated with fractionation of N, enriching organic N with 15N while nitrate is depleted in 15N, we measured the stable N isotope composition of leaf material. The results show that dominant Eucalyptus species did not access organic N, despite being ectomycorrhizal. Conclusions: The low diversity of tall Eucalyptus forests in southwest Australia can be explained by dominant mycorrhizal species exhibiting a carboxylate-releasing strategy. The tall eucalypts are therefore strong competitors that do not require facilitation, but also do not access organic N

    Cluster roots are common in Daviesia and allies (Mirbelioids; fabaceae)

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    Cluster roots are best known in the Proteaceae, but also occur in other plant families. Cluster roots are produced by Viminaria juncea and some species of Daviesia, which belong to the Australian Mirbelioids (Fabaceae). We searched for cluster roots in a number of species in Daviesia and its close allies Gompholobium and Sphaerolobium and found them in all studied species of these three genera. Daviesia incrassata subsp. incrassata, collected at an unusually waterlogged habitat, had no cluster roots, but they were present in D. incrassata subsp. reversifolia in a drier habitat. Cluster roots are pervasive in the Daviesia group of the Fabaceae, allowing them to persist on low-phosphorus soils