91 research outputs found

    “Matar por amor?”: estudo dos casos judiciais de femicídio na Comarca de Criciúma/SC, entre os anos de 1999 e 2009, na perspectiva dos Direitos Humanos das Mulheres.

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    Os índices de femicídio no Brasil, entendido como o assassinato de mulheres baseado na discriminação de gênero, tem se tornado cada vez mais preocupante, tendo em vista que a prática desse crime constitui grave violação dos direitos humanos das mulheres

    Servicios ecosistémicos de la cuenca alta del río Fucha

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    112 páginasEl presente estudio, desarrollado por un grupo de estudiantes del Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo IED, busca reinterpretar los servicios ecosistémicos de las coberturas vegetales de la cuenca alta del río Fucha, entre las carreras sexta y sexta Este. Este fue el tema principal de la investigación. Contiene información de los recursos naturales que nos ofrecen y que nos benefician no solo a los seres humanos, sino a toda a la biodiversidad que se encuentra sobre la cuenca del río. Entre los servicios se encuentran, por ejemplo, el agua potable limpia y los procesos de descomposición de desechos. Estos se pueden dividir en cuatro categorías amplias como aprovisionamientos (es decir la producción de agua y de alimentos), regulación (el control del clima y de las enfermedades), polinización de cultivos de aves e insectos y, finalmente, la cultural, de la que nos beneficiamos los estudiantes, vecinos y demás personas que hacemos uso de los servicios ecosistémicos que nos ofrece la cuenca. Con esta investigación se busca, por otra parte, conocer un poco más de los grandes beneficios que podemos recibir de la naturaleza y que hacen que la vida humana sea posible

    Misbehaviour of XIST RNA in Breast Cancer Cells

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    A role of X chromosome inactivation process in the development of breast cancer have been suggested. In particular, the relationship between the breast cancer predisposing gene BRCA1 and XIST, the main mediator of X chromosome inactivation, has been intensely investigated, but still remains controversial. We investigated this topic by assessing XIST behaviour in different groups of breast carcinomas and in a panel of breast cancer cell lines both BRCA1 mutant and wild type. In addition, we evaluated the occurrence of broader defects of heterochromatin in relation to BRCA1 status in breast cancer cells. We provide evidence that in breast cancer cells BRCA1 is involved in XIST regulation on the active X chromosome, but not in its localization as previously suggested, and that XIST can be unusually expressed by an active X and can decorate it. This indicates that the detection of XIST cloud in cancer cell is not synonymous of the presence of an inactive X chromosome. Moreover, we show that global heterochromatin defects observed in breast tumor cells are independent of BRCA1 status. Our observations sheds light on a possible previously uncharacterized mechanism of breast carcinogenesis mediated by XIST misbehaviour, particularly in BRCA1-related cancers. Moreover, the significant higher levels of XIST-RNA detected in BRCA1-associated respect to sporadic basal-like cancers, opens the possibility to use XIST expression as a marker to discriminate between the two groups of tumors

    Menstrual and Reproductive Factors and Risk of Gastric and Colorectal Cancer in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: Sex hormones play a role in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer etiology, however, epidemiological evidence is inconsistent. This study examines the influence of menstrual and reproductive factors over the risk of both tumors. METHODS: In this case-control study 128 women with gastric cancer and 1293 controls, as well as 562 female and colorectal cancer cases and 1605 controls were recruited in 9 and 11 Spanish provinces, respectively. Population controls were frequency matched to cases by age and province. Demographic and reproductive data were directly surveyed by trained staff. The association with gastric, colon and rectal cancer was assessed using logistic and multinomial mixed regression models. RESULTS: Our results show an inverse association of age at first birth with gastric cancer risk (five-year trend: OR = 0.69; p-value = 0.006). Ever users of hormonal contraception presented a decreased risk of gastric (OR = 0.42; 95%CI = 0.26-0.69), colon (OR = 0.64; 95%CI = 0.48-0.86) and rectal cancer (OR = 0.61; 95%CI = 0.43-0.88). Postmenopausal women who used hormone replacement therapy showed a decreased risk of colon and rectal tumors. A significant interaction of educational level with parity and months of first child lactation was also observed. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a protective role of exogenous hormones in gastric and colorectal cancer risk. The role of endogenous hormones remains unclear