34 research outputs found

    Sobaos Distribution from Spain to Mexico

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la logística de distribución del Sobao Pasiego desde Vega de Pas (España) a Ciudad de México (México). Para ello, para empezar, se han analizado las infraestructuras marítimas, terrestres y aéreas de ambos países con el objetivo de tener una visión global de los problemas que presentan. A continuación, se han estudiado las conexiones que hay entre los dos países para cada medio y los operadores logísticos mexicanos más importantes. Este análisis a priori hace que únicamente nos quedemos con dos opciones: el transporte marítimo y el transporte aéreo. En segundo lugar, se han analizado la empresa, sus principales competidores y los productos que comercializa, especialmente se ha analizado el Sobao Pasiego. Con respecto al Sobao Pasiego, se ha analizado la unidad de envío y la documentación necesaria para llevar a cabo la exportación a México. Los sobaos son vendidos en paquetes que, para evitar que se dañen los sobaos, se meten en cajas de cartón que posteriormente se meten en un pallet. Por último, se han comparado el transporte marítimo y aéreo. Se ha descartado el transporte marítimo ya que los sobaos son aptos para el consumo un periodo de 25 días desde que se hacen por lo que si se envía en barco el producto se puede caducar por el camino. En cambio, si se utiliza el avión el pallet puede llegar en menos de 2 días desde España a México, por lo que para estar seguros de que el producto llega en buenas condiciones a su lugar de destino, será mejor utilizar el transporte aéreo. Sin embargo, la empresa La Zapita es una empresa pequeña y llevar a cabo esta exportación acarrea importantes gastos para la empresa, sobre todo si el producto no es bien acogido por el mercado mexicano, es por ello por lo que no recomendaríamos a la empresa llevar a cabo esta exportación. La recomendación que haríamos a la empresa es centrase en el mercado cántabro ya que su mercado local presenta muchos menos riesgos para la empresa. Otra buena opción sería vender en algunas zonas de Burgos. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to analyze the distribution logistics of Sobao Pasiego from Vega de Pas (Spain) to Mexico City (Mexico). To this end, the maritime, land and air infrastructures of both countries have been analysed in order to have an overall view of the problems they present. Next, the connections between the two countries for each medium and the most important logistics operators in the area have been studied. This first analysis makes us choose only two options: maritime transport and air transport. Secondly, the company and its main competitors and the company products have been analysed, in particular Sobao Pasiego. With respect to Sobao Pasiego, the shipping unit and the documentation needed to export have been analyzed. The sobaos are sold in packages which, in order to prevent the sobaos from being damaged, are placed in cardboard boxes which are then placed on a pallet. Finally, maritime and air transport have been compared. Air transport has been ruled out since sobaos are suitable for consumption within a period of 25 days from when they are made if they are sent by ship the product may be expired on the way. Conversely, if the plane is used, the pallet can arrive in two days from Spain to Mexico, so to be sure that the product arrives in good condition at its destination, it will be better to use air transport. However, the company La Zapita is a small company and carrying out this export have costs for the company, especially if the product is not well received by the Mexican market, this is the reason we would not recommend this export. The recommendation we would make to the company is to focus on the Cantabrian market as it carries much less risk. Another good option would be to sell in some areas of Burgos.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Els valors organitzacionals. De com arribar als objectius empresarials implicant als treballadors.

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Carles SichesLa cultura d’empresa, a través dels seus valors organitzacionals, pot definir i exercir un control sobre els pensaments, les conductes i els sentiments del treballador. Mitjançant la persona que conforma l’organització, es manifesten unes maneres de pensar, d’actuar i de sentir enfront de clients, socis, proveïdors i de la societat. L’acceptació del treball assalariat com a forma de sobreviure, proporciona el context determinat en les companyies per a que es pugui donar tensió simbòlica entre les diferents jerarquies dins l’empresa. La tendència general actual sembla que s’apropa a la demanda d’un treballador compromès, il·lusionat i proactiu, amb un rol de subjecte empresari capaç d’autoaplicar-se directrius externes com a pròpies, aplicant una lògica d’acció concreta que s’arriba a considerar part del creixement personal. L’article es centrarà en una empresa i en part de la seva cultura corporativa, tractant d’interpretar les significacions observades tant en la seva realitat, com en entrevistes a un col·lectiu de treballadors que comenten sobre el que viuen, esperen i valoren de l’organització. Algunes d’aquestes significacions són considerades també com indicadors del projecte cultural portat a terme i en el que s’han activat canvis per tal de poder assolir objectius empresarials.// Corporate culture, through their organizational values, can be defined and exercised control over thoughts, behaviors and feelings of the worker. By the people within the organization, it expresses certain ways of thinking, acting and feeling in front of customers, partners, suppliers and society. Society’s acceptance of paid labor as a way to survive provides a particular context in companies to be able to feel a symbolic tension between different hierarchies within the company. Els valors organitzacionals L. Sancho 2 Today’s general trend seems to be moving towards the employment of committed, enthusiastic and proactive workers who adopt a role of business subject, able to self-apply external guidelines as their own, applying a particular action system seeing it as part of their personal growth. This article will focus on a company and part of its corporate culture, and will attempt to interpret observations made of both the company’s reality and in interviews with a group of workers, who explain what they live, expect from and value in the organization. Some of these interpretations will also be considered as markers for a cultural project undertaken by the company, in which changes were proposed in order to reach business goals

    Inhibition of BET proteins and epigenetic signaling as a potential treatment for osteoporosis

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    International audienceHistone modifications are important for maintaining the transcription program. BET proteins, an important class of " histone reading proteins " , have recently been described as essential in bone biology. This study presents the therapeutic opportunity of BET protein inhibition in osteoporosis. We find that the pharmacological BET protein inhibitor JQ1 rescues pathologic bone loss in a post-ovariectomy osteoporosis model by increasing the trabecular bone volume and restoring mechanical properties. The BET protein inhibition suppresses osteoclast differentiation and activity as well as the osteoblastogenesis in vitro. Moreover, we show that treated non-resorbing osteoclasts could still activate osteoblast differentiation. In addition, specific inhibition of BRD4 using RNA interference inhibits osteoclast differentiation but strongly activates osteoblast mineralization activity. Mechanistically, JQ1 inhibits expression of the master osteoclast transcription factor NFATc1 and the transcription factor of osteoblast Runx2. These findings strongly support that targeting epigenetic chromatin regulators such as BET proteins may offer a promising alternative for the treatment of bone-related disorders such as osteoporosis

    Epigenetic prediction of response to anti-PD-1 treatment in non-small-cell lung cancer: a multicenter, retrospective analysis

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    Background: Anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has improved the survival of patients. However, a substantial percentage of patients do not respond to this treatment. We examined the use of DNA methylation profiles to determine the efficacy of anti-PD-1 treatment in patients recruited with current stage IV NSCLC. Methods: In this multicentre study, we recruited adult patients from 15 hospitals in France, Spain, and Italy who had histologically proven stage IV NSCLC and had been exposed to PD-1 blockade during the course of the disease. The study structure comprised a discovery cohort to assess the correlation between epigenetic features and clinical benefit with PD-1 blockade and two validation cohorts to assess the validity of our assumptions. We first established an epigenomic profile based on a microarray DNA methylation signature (EPIMMUNE) in a discovery set of tumour samples from patients treated with nivolumab or pembrolizumab. The EPIMMUNE signature was validated in an independent set of patients. A derived DNA methylation marker was validated by a single-methylation assay in a validation cohort of patients. The main study outcomes were progression-free survival and overall survival. We used the Kaplan-Meier method to estimate progression-free and overall survival, and calculated the differences between the groups with the log-rank test. We constructed a multivariate Cox model to identify the variables independently associated with progression-free and overall survival. Findings: Between June 23, 2014, and May 18, 2017, we obtained samples from 142 patients: 34 in the discovery cohort, 47 in the EPIMMUNE validation cohort, and 61 in the derived methylation marker cohort (the T-cell differentiation factor forkhead box P1 [FOXP1]). The EPIMMUNE signature in patients with stage IV NSCLC treated with anti-PD-1 agents was associated with improved progression-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0·010, 95% CI 3·29 × 10 −4–0·0282; p=0·0067) and overall survival (0·080, 0·017–0·373; p=0·0012). The EPIMMUNE-positive signature was not associated with PD-L1 expression, the presence of CD8+ cells, or mutational load. EPIMMUNE-negative tumours were enriched in tumour-associated macrophages and neutrophils, cancer-associated fibroblasts, and senescent endothelial cells. The EPIMMUNE-positive signature was associated with improved progression-free survival in the EPIMMUNE validation cohort (0·330, 0·149–0·727; p=0·0064). The unmethylated status of FOXP1 was associated with improved progression-free survival (0·415, 0·209–0·802; p=0·0063) and overall survival (0·409, 0·220–0·780; p=0·0094) in the FOXP1 validation cohort. The EPIMMUNE signature and unmethylated FOXP1 were not associated with clinical benefit in lung tumours that did not receive immunotherapy. Interpretation: Our study shows that the epigenetic milieu of NSCLC tumours indicates which patients are most likely to benefit from nivolumab or pembrolizumab treatments. The methylation status of FOXP1 could be associated with validated predictive biomarkers such as PD-L1 staining and mutational load to better select patients who will experience clinical benefit with PD-1 blockade, and its predictive value should be evaluated in prospective studies

    Personality profiles of cultures: aggregate personality traits

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    Personality profiles of cultures can be operationalized as the mean trait levels of culture members. College students from 51 cultures rated an individual from their country whom they knew well (N = 12, 156). Aggregate scores on Revised NEO Personality Inventory scales generalized across age and gender groups, approximated the individual-level Five-Factor Model, and correlated with aggregate self-report personality scores and other culture-level variables. Results were not attributable to national differences in economic development or to acquiescence. Geographical differences in scale variances and mean levels were replicated, with Europeans and Americans generally scoring higher in Extraversion than Asians and Africans. Findings support the rough scalar equivalence of NEO-PI-R factors and facets across cultures, and suggest that aggregate personality profiles provide insight into cultural differences

    CARB-ES-19 Multicenter Study of Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli From All Spanish Provinces Reveals Interregional Spread of High-Risk Clones Such as ST307/OXA-48 and ST512/KPC-3

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    ObjectivesCARB-ES-19 is a comprehensive, multicenter, nationwide study integrating whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the surveillance of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (CP-Kpn) and E. coli (CP-Eco) to determine their incidence, geographical distribution, phylogeny, and resistance mechanisms in Spain.MethodsIn total, 71 hospitals, representing all 50 Spanish provinces, collected the first 10 isolates per hospital (February to May 2019); CPE isolates were first identified according to EUCAST (meropenem MIC > 0.12 mg/L with immunochromatography, colorimetric tests, carbapenem inactivation, or carbapenem hydrolysis with MALDI-TOF). Prevalence and incidence were calculated according to population denominators. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the microdilution method (EUCAST). All 403 isolates collected were sequenced for high-resolution single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing, core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST), and resistome analysis.ResultsIn total, 377 (93.5%) CP-Kpn and 26 (6.5%) CP-Eco isolates were collected from 62 (87.3%) hospitals in 46 (92%) provinces. CP-Kpn was more prevalent in the blood (5.8%, 50/853) than in the urine (1.4%, 201/14,464). The cumulative incidence for both CP-Kpn and CP-Eco was 0.05 per 100 admitted patients. The main carbapenemase genes identified in CP-Kpn were blaOXA–48 (263/377), blaKPC–3 (62/377), blaVIM–1 (28/377), and blaNDM–1 (12/377). All isolates were susceptible to at least two antibiotics. Interregional dissemination of eight high-risk CP-Kpn clones was detected, mainly ST307/OXA-48 (16.4%), ST11/OXA-48 (16.4%), and ST512-ST258/KPC (13.8%). ST512/KPC and ST15/OXA-48 were the most frequent bacteremia-causative clones. The average number of acquired resistance genes was higher in CP-Kpn (7.9) than in CP-Eco (5.5).ConclusionThis study serves as a first step toward WGS integration in the surveillance of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in Spain. We detected important epidemiological changes, including increased CP-Kpn and CP-Eco prevalence and incidence compared to previous studies, wide interregional dissemination, and increased dissemination of high-risk clones, such as ST307/OXA-48 and ST512/KPC-3

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Funder: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013347Funder: Flemish Society for Critical Care NursesAbstract: Purpose: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are particularly susceptible to developing pressure injuries. Epidemiologic data is however unavailable. We aimed to provide an international picture of the extent of pressure injuries and factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries in adult ICU patients. Methods: International 1-day point-prevalence study; follow-up for outcome assessment until hospital discharge (maximum 12 weeks). Factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injury and hospital mortality were assessed by generalised linear mixed-effects regression analysis. Results: Data from 13,254 patients in 1117 ICUs (90 countries) revealed 6747 pressure injuries; 3997 (59.2%) were ICU-acquired. Overall prevalence was 26.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.9–27.3). ICU-acquired prevalence was 16.2% (95% CI 15.6–16.8). Sacrum (37%) and heels (19.5%) were most affected. Factors independently associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries were older age, male sex, being underweight, emergency surgery, higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Braden score 3 days, comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency), organ support (renal replacement, mechanical ventilation on ICU admission), and being in a low or lower-middle income-economy. Gradually increasing associations with mortality were identified for increasing severity of pressure injury: stage I (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI 1.2–1.8), stage II (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.9), and stage III or worse (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.3–3.3). Conclusion: Pressure injuries are common in adult ICU patients. ICU-acquired pressure injuries are associated with mainly intrinsic factors and mortality. Optimal care standards, increased awareness, appropriate resource allocation, and further research into optimal prevention are pivotal to tackle this important patient safety threat

    Elemental Composition in Female Dry Femora Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF): Association with Age and Osteoporosis

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    Pathophysiological conditions can modify the skeletal chemical concentration. This study analyzes the elemental composition in two anatomical regions from dry femoral bone using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) and evaluates its impact in the bone mineral density (BMD). The left femora of 97 female skeletons (21–95 years old individuals) from the Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collection were studied. Diagenetic biases were discarded at the outset and BMD was determined with Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Chemical measurements were performed at the midpoint of the femoral neck and at the midshaft using a pXRF device, and comparisons were made considering the age and the BMD values. Only elements with a Technical Measurement Error ≤ 5% were selected: P, S, Ca, Fe, Zn, As, Sr, Pb and the Ca/P ratio. Statistically significant differences were found between regions, with higher concentrations of P, Ca, Zn and S at the midshaft, and the Ca/P ratio at the femoral neck. The concentration of P is higher in individuals < 50 years, while S and Ca/P ratio increase in individuals ≥ 50 years. The decrease of P with age can be simultaneously related to the decline of its concentration in osteoporosis. Decreased BMD is also associated with higher levels of S and Pb. Osteoporosis enhances the absorption of osteolytic elements in specific locations. This fast and non-destructive technique has proved effective for the comprehension of chemical changes related to bone mass loss. This study highlights the potential of identified skeletal collections to improve the knowledge about bone fragility.This study was supported by the ERASMUS+ internship [SZ] performed in the Research Centre for Anthropology and Health (CIAS: PEstOE/SADG/UI0283/2020) at the University of Coimbra and the FCT-Fellowship SFRH/BD/115691/2016 [AMC]. FCT-Fellowship SFRH/BD/115691/2016 [AMC], Erasmus + Program [SZ]