127 research outputs found

    A retrospective 11-year study on lip lesions attended at an oral diagnostic service

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    The objective of this study was to describe the upper and lower lip lesion occurrence in an oral diagnostic service. Retrospective descriptive sectional study was performed. Clinical records were obtained from the archives of an Oral Diagnostic Service referral center between 2006 and 2016. Data such as gender, age, anatomical location, and diagnosis were collected and categorized. The collected data were submitted to a descriptive analysis and Pearson's chi-square test (p ? 0.05). A total of 587 patient records of lip lesions were analyzed. Most lesions were diagnosed in female (52.1%) and adults (56.9%) patients in the lower lip (76.2%). Among all lip lesions, the reactive/inflammatory lesions (n = 238; 40.5%) and oral potentially malignant disorders (n = 164; 28%) were the most frequent group lesions. Mucocele (n = 147; 25%), actinic cheilitis (n = 136; 23.1%) and vascular lesions (n = 51; 8.7%) were the most frequent lesion in the sample. Actinic cheilitis was significant in relation to gender (p < 0.001), all three most frequent lesions were significant in concerning to age group and anatomical site. Mucocele was the most common lower lip lesion in all age groups, followed by actinic cheilitis and vascular lesions, which mainly affected adults and the elderly


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    Este trabalho faz parte dossiê temático associado ao II Seminário da RP/UFT, com o tema: “Formação e prática docente – concepções, trajetórias e desafios da Residência Pedagógica da UFT"

    Identification of di-substituted ureas that prevent growth of trypanosomes through inhibition of translation initiation

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    Some 1,3-diarylureas and 1-((1,4-trans)-4-aryloxycyclohexyl)-3-arylureas (cHAUs) activate heme-regulated kinase causing protein synthesis inhibition via phosphorylation of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) in mammalian cancer cells. To evaluate if these agents have potential to inhibit trypanosome multiplication by also affecting the phosphorylation of eIF2 alpha subunit (eIF2 alpha), we tested 25 analogs of 1,3-diarylureas and cHAUs against Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. One of them (I-17) presented selectivity close to 10-fold against the insect replicative forms and also inhibited the multiplication of T. cruzi inside mammalian cells with an EC50 of 1-3 mu M and a selectivity of 17-fold. I-17 also prevented replication of African trypanosomes (Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream and procyclic forms) at similar doses. It caused changes in the T. cruzi morphology, arrested parasite cell cycle in G1 phase, and promoted phosphorylation of eIF2 alpha with a robust decrease in ribosome association with mRNA. The activity against T. brucei also implicates eIF2 alpha phosphorylation, as replacement of WT-eIF2 alpha with a non-phosphorylatable eIF2 alpha, or knocking down eIF2 protein kinase-3 by RNAi increased resistance to I-17. Therefore, we demonstrate that eIF2 alpha phosphorylation can be engaged to develop trypanosome-static agents in general, and particularly by interfering with activity of eIF2 kinases.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)CNPqFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)NIHUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, BR-04039032 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Biofis Carlos Chagas Filho, Lab Parasitol Mol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilInst Butantan, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Microbiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilBrigham & Womens Hosp, Dept Med, Hematol Lab Translat Res, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115 USAHarvard Med Sch, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115 USAUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, BR-04039032 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2015/20031-0FAPESP: 2014/01577-2CNPq: 445655/2014-3NIH: R01 CA152312Web of Scienc

    Dexamethasone during pregnancy impairs maternal pancreatic β-cell renewal during lactation

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    Pancreatic islets from pregnant rats develop a transitory increase in the pancreatic β-cell proliferation rate and mass. Increased apoptosis during early lactation contributes to the rapid reversal of those morphological changes. Exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids during pregnancy has been previously reported to impair insulin secretion, but its impacts on pancreatic islet morphological changes during pregnancy and lactation have not been described. To address this issue, we assessed the morphological and molecular characteristics of pancreatic islets from rats that underwent undisturbed pregnancy (CTL) or were treated with dexamethasone between the 14th and 19th days of pregnancy (DEX). Pancreatic islets were analyzed on the 20th day of pregnancy (P20) and on the 3rd, 8th, 14th and 21st days of lactation (L3, L8, L14 and L21, respectively). Pancreatic islets from CTL rats exhibited transitory increases in cellular proliferation and pancreatic β-cell mass at P20, which were reversed at L3, when a transitory increase in apoptosis was observed. This was followed by the appearance of morphological features of pancreatic islet neogenesis at L8. Islets from DEX rats did not demonstrate an increase in apoptosis at L3, which coincided with an increase in the expression of M2 macrophage markers relative to M1 macrophage and T lymphocyte markers. Islets from DEX rats also did not exhibit the morphological characteristics of pancreatic islet neogenesis at L8. Our data demonstrate that maternal pancreatic islets undergo a renewal process during lactation that is impaired by exposure to DEX during pregnancy

    Electroestimulação no combate a obesidade

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    Obesity is a disease that has been a worldwide concern over time, it consists mainly of the individual's high body mass. In addition to the locomotor difficulty, the disease is accompanied by other series of infirmities that can become moral for the obese individual. With this, it is known that physical activity is the method that most favors the quality of life of these individuals, however, because they have a locomotor limitation, in addition to pain, there is currently a proposal on the market, which is electrostimulation, whose objective is to help in physical performance and decreasing body mass. Therefore, this study aims to present the use of electrostimulation in the fight against obesity. With this, through bibliographical research, it is intended to present answers to the following questions: “what is obesity and what are the impacts on the health of individuals with it?”; “What is electrostimulation and how does it work in helping to fight obesity?”, “What are the results when applying electrostimulation?” and “Is this method efficient?”. For this, a bibliographical research was carried out that can answer these questions and demonstrate the efficiency of the method, as well as its importance.La obesidad es una enfermedad que ha sido una preocupación mundial a lo largo del tiempo, consiste principalmente en la elevada masa corporal del individuo. Además de la dificultad locomotora, la enfermedad se acompaña de otra serie de dolencias que pueden llegar a ser morales para el individuo obeso. Con esto, se sabe que la actividad física es el método que más favorece la calidad de vida de estos individuos, sin embargo, debido a que tienen una limitación locomotora, además del dolor, actualmente existe una propuesta en el mercado, que es la electroestimulación, cuyo objetivo es ayudar en el rendimiento físico y la disminución de la masa corporal. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar el uso de la electroestimulación en la lucha contra la obesidad. Con ello, a través de la investigación bibliográfica, se pretende presentar respuestas a las siguientes interrogantes: “¿qué es la obesidad y cuáles son los impactos en la salud de los individuos que la padecen?”; “¿Qué es la electroestimulación y cómo actúa para ayudar a combatir la obesidad?”, “¿Cuáles son los resultados al aplicar la electroestimulación?” y “¿Es eficiente este método?”. Para ello, se realizó una investigación bibliográfica que pueda dar respuesta a estos interrogantes y demostrar la importancia del método, así como su.L'obesità è una malattia che è stata una preoccupazione mondiale nel tempo, consiste principalmente nell'elevata massa corporea dell'individuo. Oltre alla difficoltà locomotoria, la malattia è accompagnata da altre serie di infermità che possono diventare morali per l'individuo obeso. Con questo, è noto che l'attività fisica è il metodo che favorisce maggiormente la qualità della vita di questi individui, tuttavia, poiché hanno una limitazione locomotoria, oltre al dolore, esiste attualmente una proposta sul mercato, che è l'elettrostimolazione, il cui obiettivo è aiutare nelle prestazioni fisiche e diminuire la massa corporea. Pertanto, questo studio si propone di presentare l'uso dell'elettrostimolazione nella lotta contro l'obesità. Con questo, attraverso la ricerca bibliografica, si intende presentare le risposte alle seguenti domande: “cos'è l'obesità e quali sono gli impatti sulla salute delle persone che ne sono affette?”; "Cos'è l'elettrostimolazione e come funziona per aiutare a combattere l'obesità?", "Quali sono i risultati quando si applica l'elettrostimolazione?" e "Questo metodo è efficiente?". Per questo è stata realizzata una ricerca bibliografica che possa rispondere a queste domande e dimostrare l'importanza del metodo, così come la sua.A obesidade é uma doença que vem sendo uma preocupação mundial ao longo do tempo, ela consiste principalmente na elevada massa corporal do indivíduo. Além da dificuldade locomotora a doença vem acompanhada de outras séries de enfermidades que podem se tornar moral para o indivíduo obeso. Com isso, sabe-se que à atividade física é o método que mais favorecem a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos, no entanto, por terem uma limitação locomotora, além de dores, há atualmente uma proposta no mercado, que é a eletroestimulação, cujo objetivo é auxiliar no desempenho físico e diminuir a massa corporal. Assim sendo, este estudo visa apresentar a utilização da eletroestimulação no combate a obesidade. Com isso, mediante pesquisa bibliográfica pretende-se apresentar respostas aos seguintes questionamentos: “o que é obesidade e quais os impactos na saúde dos indivíduos portadores?”; “O que é a eletroestimulação e como é sua atuação no auxílio ao combate a obesidade?”, “Quais os resultados diante a aplicação da eletroestimulação?” e “Esse método apresenta eficiência?”. Para isso, foi realizado uma pesquisa bibliográfica que pode responder essas questões e demonstrar a eficiência do método, bem como a importância dele

    Tuning the bioactivity of tensioactive deoxy glycosides to structure: antibacterial activity versus selective cholinesterase inhibition rationalized by molecular docking

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    New octyl/dodecyl 2,6-dideoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranosides have been synthesized by a simple but efficient methodology based on the reaction of glycals with alcohols catalysed by triphenylphosphane hydrobromide, deprotection, regioselective tosylation and reduction. Their surface-active properties were evaluated in terms of adsorption and aggregation parameters and compared with those of 2-deoxy-D-glycosides and 2,6-dideoxy-L-glycosides. Deoxygenation at the 6-position led to a decrease in the critical micelle concentration, and an increase in the adsorption efficiency (pC20) promoting aggregation more efficiently than adsorption. With regard to the antibacterial activity, dodecyl 2,6-dideoxy-α-L-arabino-hexopyranoside was the most active compound towards Bacillus anthracis (MIC 25 μM), whereas its enantiomer exhibited a MIC value of 50 μM. Both 2,6-dideoxy glycosides were active towards Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis and Listeria monocytogenes. In contrast, none of the 2-deoxy glycosides was significantly active. These results and the data on surface activity suggest that aggregation is a key issue for antimicrobial activity. Beyond infection, Alzheimer’s disease also threatens elderly populations. In the search for butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) selective inhibition, 2- deoxy glycosides were screened in vitro by using Ellman’s assay. Octyl 2-deoxy-α-D-glycoside was found to be a BChE selective inhibitor promoting competitive inhibition. Docking studies supported these results as they pinpoint the importance of the primary OH group in stabilizing the BChE inhibitor complex. A size-exclusion mechanism for inhibition has been proposed based on the fact that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) exhibits several bulky residues that hinder access to the active-site cavity. This work shows how the deoxygenation pattern, configuration and functionality of the anomeric centre can tune physical and surface properties as well as the bioactivity of these multifunctional and stereochemically rich molecules.FEDER e FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Juvenile pubic symphysiodesis associated with pectineus myectomy for treatment of hip dysplasia in dog

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    Background: Hip dysplasia (HD) is the most common non-traumatic orthopedic disease in large breed dogs. Treatment is chosen according to the severity of the condition, the age of the dog and the involvement of osteoarthritis (OA). For puppies up to 20-weeks-old, surgical treatment by the juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) technique can be performed. This procedure promotes the ventrolateral rotation of the acetabulum over the femoral head, which improves hip joint congruence and stability. The objective of this study is to report the case of a young dog with HD treated with JPS and pectineus myectomy. Clinical and radiographic outcomes were assessed for up to one year after surgery.Case: A 17-week-old Saint Bernard puppy was attended at the University Veterinary Hospital showing abnormal weight bearing and lameness in pelvic limbs, without history of previous trauma. On orthopedic examination, there was a marked hypotrophy of the pelvic limb muscles, severe pain and laxity in the hip joints, and positive feature in the Ortolani test. The hip joint subluxation angle (SA) and reduction angle (RA) were measured. A radiographic study was carried out to evaluate the hip joints and measure the Norberg angle (NA), distraction index (DI), acetabular angle (AA) and dorsal acetabular rim angle (DARA). The 20-week-old dog underwent surgical treatment by JPS technique. A ventral surgical approach to the pubis was performed and the pubic symphysis was cauterized with electrocautery. Partial pectineus myectomy technique was also performed. Drug therapy and restriction of physical activities were indicated in the early postoperative. The dog was evaluated by clinical and radiographic examinations at 4 months and 1 year after the surgical procedure. In the reassessment after 4 months of surgical treatment, the patient showed improvement in clinical signs, with mild lameness and absence of painful sensitivity in the movement of the hip joints. Radiographically, hip joint incongruity was observed, but with progressive improvement in the values of the measured variables. In the clinical examination 1 year after the procedure, the dog showed satisfactory weight bearing with slight lameness in pelvic limbs in the running gait. There was improvement in the thigh muscles and no painful signs were observed in the hip joints, but a positive result was detected in the Ortolani test. In the radiographic examination, bilateral articular incongruity was still observed, however, there was a mild improvement in the coverage of the acetabulum over the femoral head. The measured angles and indices showed favorable results regarding the recovery of hip joint stability and proper development.Discussion: Studies evaluating the JPS technique for the treatment of HD have shown to be a relatively simple and effective procedure, which allows altering the acetabular coverage, reducing the development of HD and the progression of OA. The need for an early diagnosis of this condition is essential, so that the JPS technique can be used in young dogs and offer effective results. In the present report, in the late postoperative period, the dog showed improvement in clinical signs, with favorable weight bearing and ambulation in pelvic limbs, recovery of limb muscles, absence of pain in the hip joints and decrease in RA and SA. Radiographically, the reduction in joint subluxation, improvement in acetabular coverage over femoral heads, increase in NA and AA, reduction in DI and DARA are evidence of the favorable outcome of ventrolateral rotation of the acetabulum after surgical treatment. The surgical technique used was effective, which enabled the dog to recover the functional use of the pelvic limbs and improve the quality of life.Keywords: hip dysplasia, juvenile pubic symphysiodesis, hip joint, osteoarthritis, dog.Título: Sinfisiodese púbica juvenil associada à miectomia do pectíneopara tratamento de displasia coxofemoral em cãoDescritores: displasia coxofemoral, sinfisiodese púbica juvenil, coxofemoral, osteoartrite

    Análise antropométrica e dietética de surfistas amadores

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    O Surf é um esporte popular no Brasil, porém dados referentes à antropometria e dietéticos nos surfistas brasileiros ainda são limitados. Sendo assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi verificar as características antropométricas e nutricionais de surfistas amadores brasileiros. Para tanto foram analisados seis surfistas do sexo masculino com idade média de 27,6 ± 2,7 anos, massa corporal de 75 ± 7,8 kg e estatura de 179,3 ± 5,4 cm. O percentual de gordura foi determinado por meio da bioimpedância elétrica e os valores encontrados foram de 15,6 ± 3,6 %. Para averiguar o consumo alimentar dos atletas foi utilizado o questionário Semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar. Em relação ao grupo óleos 39,1%, cereais e leguminosas 41,5%, produtos diet e light 70,6% raramente ou nunca os mesmos eram consumidos p˂0,05. Em conclusão, os sufistas do presente estudo, se apresentaram mais altos, pesados e com %G superior aos registrados pela literatura, e mostraram uma inadequação alimentar, não coerente e balanceada que contemplem as necessidades diárias de nutrientes, para sua prática esportiva. ABSTRACT Anthropometric and dietetic analysis in amateur surfersSurfing is a popular sport in Brazil, however, data on anthropometry and dietetics in Brazilian surfers are still limited. Therefore, the objective of the present research was to verify the anthropometric and nutritional characteristics of Brazilian amateur surfers. For that, six surfers were analyzed with the mean age of 27.6 ± 2.7, body mass of 75 ± 7.8 kg and 179.3 ± 5.4 cm height. The percentage of fat was determined by electrical bioimpedance and the found values were 15.6 ± 3.6 %. The semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to determine the food intake of the athletes. In relation to the group oils 39.1%, cereals and legumes 41.5%, diet and light products 70.6% rarely or never they were consumed p˂0.05. In conclusion, the surfers of this study, they showed higher, heavier and G% higher than recorded in the literature, and showed an inadequate diet, not consistent and balanced that address the daily nutrient requirements for your sport

    Prolonged fasting elicits increased hepatic triglyceride accumulation in rats born to dexamethasone-treated mothers

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    We investigated the effect of dexamethasone during the last week of pregnancy on glucose and lipid metabolism in male offspring. Twelve-week old offspring were evaluated after fasting for 12-hours (physiological) and 60-hours (prolonged). Physiological fasting resulted in glucose intolerance, decreased glucose clearance after pyruvate load and increased PEPCK expression in rats born to dexamethasone-treated mothers (DEX). Prolonged fasting resulted in increased glucose tolerance and increased glucose clearance after pyruvate load in DEX. These modulations were accompanied by accumulation of hepatic triglycerides (TG). Sixty-hour fasted DEX also showed increased citrate synthase (CS) activity, ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) content, and pyruvate kinase 2 (pkm2), glucose transporter 1 (slc2a1) and lactate dehydrogenase-a (ldha) expressions. Hepatic AKT2 was increased in 60-hour fasted DEX, in parallel with reduced miRNAs targeting the AKT2 gene. Altogether, we show that metabolic programming by prenatal dexamethasone is characterized by an unexpected hepatic TG accumulation during prolonged fasting. The underlying mechanism may depend on increased hepatic glycolytic flux due to increased pkm2 expression and consequent conversion of pyruvate to non-esterified fatty acid synthesis due to increased CS activity and ACLY levels. Upregulation of AKT2 due to reduced miRNAs may serve as a permanent mechanism leading to increased pkm2 expression.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq)Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level or Education Personnel (CAPES)Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Dept Physiol & Biophys, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Fac Med Sci, Dept Pharmacol, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Diadema, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Diadema, BrazilWeb of Scienc


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    Nowadays, the global water crisis poses a great challenge to humanity and a risk to be managed by future generations. In order to use this resource consciously, it is known in the area of agricultural irrigation the need to evaluate the amount of water to be used. Among the soil moisture content determination methods, sensors, coupled to a programmable logic controller, emerge as an alternative to conventional laboratory methods, making the procedure faster and less labor intensive. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the reliability and precision of a low-cost sensor to determine soil moisture content. It was concluded that the evaluated sensors did not present a known precision to estimate the level of soil moisture content. A FC-28 sensor coupled with a Arduino platform was used with three different soils (texture: low, medium and heavy), moisture ranging from 15 to 50%. The results indicated that soil texture influenced the readings, even at the same humidity. In addition, the evaluated sensors did not present replicability nor accuracy for less them 10% moisture differences. Therefore, there is need to calibrate each sensor individually. Keywords: arduino; irrigation; embedded systems.   Análise de confiabilidade e calibração do sensor de umidade do solo FC-28 montado em plataforma microcontroladora   RESUMO: Atualmente, a crise hídrica mundial representa um grande desafio à humanidade e um risco a ser gerenciado pelas gerações futuras. De forma a utilizar este recurso de forma consciente, estudos na área de irrigação agrícola apontam a necessidade de se estimar com precisão a quantidade de água a ser usada. Dentre os métodos de determinação da umidade do solo, os sensores, acoplados a um controlador lógico programável, surgem como uma alternativa aos métodos convencionais de laboratório, tornando o procedimento mais rápido e menos trabalhoso. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou a confiabilidade e precisão de um sensor de baixo custo para determinação da umidade do solo. Um sensor FC-28 associado à uma plataforma Arduino foi usado em três tipos diferentes de solos (texturas: leve, média e pesada), umidades variando de 15 a 50%. Concluiu-se que os sensores avaliados não apresentaram boa precisão para estimar o grau de umidade dos solos. A textura do solo influenciou diretamente as leituras dos sensores, mesmo para a mesma umidade. Além de não apresentaram replicabilidade nem precisão para diferenças menores de 15% nos valores de umidades. Portanto, é necessário calibrar cada sensor individualmente. Palavras-chave: arduino; irrigação; plataformas embarcadas