143 research outputs found

    The internal structure of gadolinium and perfluorocarbon-loaded polymer nanoparticles affects <sup>19</sup>F MRI relaxation times

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    19F magnetic resonance imaging (19F MRI) is an emerging technique for quantitative imaging in novel therapies, such as cellular therapies and theranostic nanocarriers. Nanocarriers loaded with liquid perfluorocarbon (PFC) typically have a (single) core-shell structure with PFC in the core due to the poor miscibility of PFC with organic and inorganic solvents. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement acts only at a distance of a few angstroms. Thus, efficient modulation of the 19F signal is possible only with fluorophilic PFC-soluble chelates. However, these chelates cannot interact with the surrounding environment and they might result in image artifacts. Conversely, chelates bound to the nanoparticle shell typically have a minimal effect on the 19F signal and a strong impact on the aqueous environment. We show that the confinement of PFC in biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) with a multicore structure enables the modulation of longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) 19F relaxation, as well as proton (1H) signals, using non-fluorophilic paramagnetic chelates. We compared multicore NPs versus a conventional single core structure, where the PFC is encapsulated in the core(s) and the chelate in the surrounding polymeric matrix. This modulated relaxation also makes multicore NPs sensitive to various acidic pH environments, while preserving their stability. This effect was not observed with single core nanocapsules (NCs). Importantly, paramagnetic chelates affected both T1 and T219F relaxation in multicore NPs, but not in single core NCs. Both relaxation times of the 19F nucleus were enhanced with an increasing concentration of the paramagnetic chelate. Moreover, as the polymeric matrix remained water permeable, proton enhancement additionally was observed in MRI.</p

    Space–time dynamics of optimal wavepackets for streaks in a channel entrance flow

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    The laminar–turbulent transition of a plane channel entrance flow is revisited using global linear optimization analyses and direct numerical simulations. The investigated case corresponds to uniform upstream velocity conditions and a moderate value of Reynolds number so that the two-dimensional developing flow is linearly stable under the parallel flow assumption. However, the boundary layers in the entry zone are capable of supporting the development of streaks, which may experience secondary instability and evolve to turbulence. In this study, global optimal linear perturbations are computed and studied in the nonlinear regime for different values of streak amplitude and optimization time. These optimal perturbations take the form of wavepackets having either varicose or sinuous symmetry. It is shown that, for short optimization times, varicose wavepackets grow through a combination of Orr and lift-up effects, whereas for longer target times, both sinuous and varicose wavepackets exhibit an instability mechanism driven by the presence of inflection points in the streaky flow. In addition, while the optimal varicose modes obtained for short optimization times are localized near the inlet, where the base flow is strongly three-dimensional, when the target time is increased, the sinuous and varicose optimal modes are displaced farther downstream, in the nearly parallel streaky flow. Finally, the optimal wavepackets are found to lead to turbulence for sufficiently high initial amplitudes. It is noticed that the resulting turbulent flows have the same wall-shear stress, whether the wavepackets have been obtained for short or for long time optimization

    The DAMIC-M experiment: Status and first results

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    The DAMIC-M (DArk Matter In CCDs at Modane) experiment employs thick, fully depleted silicon charged-coupled devices (CCDs) to search for dark matter particles with a target exposure of 1 kg-year. A novel skipper readout implemented in the CCDs provides single electron resolution through multiple non-destructive measurements of the individual pixel charge, pushing the detection threshold to the eV-scale. DAMIC-M will advance by several orders of magnitude the exploration of the dark matter particle hypothesis, in particular of candidates pertaining to the so-called “hidden sector.” A prototype, the Low Background Chamber (LBC), with 20g of low background Skipper CCDs, has been recently installed at Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane and is currently taking data. We will report the status of the DAMIC-M experiment and first results obtained with LBC commissioning data

    In utero and childhood exposure to tobacco smoke and multi-layer molecular signatures in children

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    Background The adverse health effects of early life exposure to tobacco smoking have been widely reported. In spite of this, the underlying molecular mechanisms of in utero and postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke are only partially understood. Here, we aimed to identify multi-layer molecular signatures associated with exposure to tobacco smoke in these two exposure windows. Methods We investigated the associations of maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure with molecular features measured in 1203 European children (mean age 8.1 years) from the Human Early Life Exposome (HELIX) project. Molecular features, covering 4 layers, included blood DNA methylation and gene and miRNA transcription, plasma proteins, and sera and urinary metabolites. Results Maternal smoking during pregnancy was associated with DNA methylation changes at 18 loci in child blood. DNA methylation at 5 of these loci was related to expression of the nearby genes. However, the expression of these genes themselves was only weakly associated with maternal smoking. Conversely, childhood SHS was not associated with blood DNA methylation or transcription patterns, but with reduced levels of several serum metabolites and with increased plasma PAI1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1), a protein that inhibits fibrinolysis. Some of the in utero and childhood smoking-related molecular marks showed dose-response trends, with stronger effects with higher dose or longer duration of the exposure. Conclusion In this first study covering multi-layer molecular features, pregnancy and childhood exposure to tobacco smoke were associated with distinct molecular phenotypes in children. The persistent and dose-dependent changes in the methylome make CpGs good candidates to develop biomarkers of past exposure. Moreover, compared to methylation, the weak association of maternal smoking in pregnancy with gene expression suggests different reversal rates and a methylation-based memory to past exposures. Finally, certain metabolites and protein markers evidenced potential early biological effects of postnatal SHS, such as fibrinolysis

    Progress Report on Target Development

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    The present document is the D08 deliverable report of work package 1 (Target Development) from the MEGAPIE TEST project of the 5th European Framework Program. Deliverable D08 is the progress report on the activities performed within WP 1. The due date of this deliverable was the 5th month after the start of the EU project. This coincided with a technical status meeting of the MEGAPIE Initiative, that was held in March 2002 in Bologna (Italy). The content of the present document reflects the status of the MEGAPIE target development at that stage. It gives an overview of the Target Design, the related Design Support activities and the progress of the work done for the safety assessment and licensing of the target

    Topological insights in polynuclear Ni/Na coordination clusters derived from a schiff base ligand

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    This article presents the syntheses, crystal structures, topological features and magnetic properties of two NiII/NaI coordination clusters (CCs) formulated [NiII3Na(L1)3(HL1 (MeOH)2] (1) and [NiII6Na(L1)5(CO3)(MeO (MeOH)3(H2O)3]·4(MeOH) 2(H2O) [2 4(MeOH) 2(H2O)] where H2L1 is the semi rigid Schiff base ligand (E)-2-(2-hydroxy-3 methoxybenzylideneamino)-phenol). Compound 1 possesses a rare NiII3NaI cubane (3M4-1) topology and compound 2 is the first example in polynuclear Ni/Na chemistry that exhibits a 2,3,4M7-1 topology

    Nociceptors: a phylogenetic view

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    The ability to react to environmental change is crucial for the survival of an organism and an essential prerequisite is the capacity to detect and respond to aversive stimuli. The importance of having an inbuilt “detect and protect” system is illustrated by the fact that most animals have dedicated sensory afferents which respond to noxious stimuli called nociceptors. Should injury occur there is often sensitization, whereby increased nociceptor sensitivity and/or plasticity of nociceptor-related neural circuits acts as a protection mechanism for the afflicted body part. Studying nociception and nociceptors in different model organisms has demonstrated that there are similarities from invertebrates right through to humans. The development of technology to genetically manipulate organisms, especially mice, has led to an understanding of some of the key molecular players in nociceptor function. This review will focus on what is known about nociceptors throughout the Animalia kingdom and what similarities exist across phyla; especially at the molecular level of ion channels

    Labor-Market Performance in the OECD: An Assessment of Recent Evidence

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    In this paper we assess the evolution of labor-market performance in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) over the last decade. We provide a survey of the literature dealing with labor-market performance in the OECD, finding that, while this literature tends to conclude that institutions are a key part of the story, the survey's results appear far less robust and uniform than is commonly believed. We then assess the robustness of the claims made in the most recent (2005) OECD followup study within a very similar cross-country setup, and highlight the impact of unobserved heterogeneity and outliers on the policy estimates. We find that in recent OECD cross-country data, changes in labor-market performance are consistently (and inversely) linked to its lagged level. Structural changes are also important: changes in the share of construction employees are very significant, even in the presence of various kinds of policy change indicators. As far as the latter are concerned, some consistent role seems to emerge only for active labor-market policies and (to a lesser extent) unemployment benefit reforms

    A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas : the PERSEUS experience

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    PERSEUS project aims to identify the most relevant pressures exerted on the ecosystems of the Southern European Seas (SES), highlighting knowledge and data gaps that endanger the achievement of SES Good Environmental Status (GES) as mandated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A complementary approach has been adopted, by a meta-analysis of existing literature on pressure/impact/knowledge gaps summarized in tables related to the MSFD descriptors, discriminating open waters from coastal areas. A comparative assessment of the Initial Assessments (IAs) for five SES countries has been also independently performed. The comparison between meta-analysis results and IAs shows similarities for coastal areas only. Major knowledge gaps have been detected for the biodiversity, marine food web, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors. The meta-analysis also allowed the identification of additional research themes targeting research topics that are requested to the achievement of GES. 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.peer-reviewe