1,312 research outputs found

    «La parte de los crímenes» en 2666: la visibilización del concepto «feminicidio» como política de la literatura

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    This article focuses on the politics of literature and political aesthetics, in light of the literary theories of Jacques Ranciere, with an analysis of the chapter “La parte de los crímenes”, featured in 2666 (2004), written by Roberto Bolaño. This work can be read as a literary form of the “Femicide theory”. This concept, coined by Jill Radford and Diana Russel, has been adopted and developed by Latin-American academics, who grant it its present global status. In support of these theories, an analysis of Roberto Bolaños literary corpus is made, detailing the essential characteristics and methods with which the literary text gives a specific gender perspective to the book.En el presente artículo, a la luz de las teorías literarias de Jacques Rancière, en torno a la política de la literatura y las estéticas políticas, se pretende poner de manifiesto cómo “La parte de los crímenes”, capítulo de la novela 2666 (2004) de Roberto Bolaño, puede ser leída como una plasmación literaria de la «Teoría del Feminicidio». Este concepto, acuñado por Jill Radford y Diana Russel en los 90 es recibido y desarrollado por académicas feministas latinoamericanas, que le otorgan su estatus global. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de «La parte de los crímenes», detallando sus características literarias esenciales y las herramientas con las que el texto confiere una perspectiva de género a la obra

    «The part about the crimes» in 2666: visibilizing «femicide» as politics of literature

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    En el presente artículo, a la luz de las teorías literarias de Jacques Rancière, en torno a la política de la literatura y las estéticas políticas, se pretende poner de manifiesto cómo “La parte de los crímenes”, capítulo de la novela 2666 (2004) de Roberto Bolaño, puede ser leída como una plasmación literaria de la «Teoría del Feminicidio». Este concepto, acuñado por Jill Radford y Diana Russel en los 90 es recibido y desarrollado por académicas feministas latinoamericanas, que le otorgan su estatus global. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de «La parte de los crímenes», detallando sus características literarias esenciales y las herramientas con las que el texto confiere una perspectiva de género a la obra.This article focuses on the politics of literature and political aesthetics, in light of the literary theories of Jacques Ranciere, with an analysis of the chapter “La parte de los crímenes”, featured in 2666 (2004), written by Roberto Bolaño. This work can be read as a literary form of the “Femicide theory”. This concept, coined by Jill Radford and Diana Russel, has been adopted and developed by Latin-American academics, who grant it its present global status. In support of these theories, an analysis of Roberto Bolaños literary corpus is made, detailing the essential characteristics and methods with which the literary text gives a specific gender perspective to the book

    Mourning and Memory of the Absent Bodies in Antígona González

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    Una versión previa de este artículo fue presentada en el Institute for Comparative Literature and Society de la Universidad de Columbia. Queremos hacer constar nuestro agradecimiento a Marianne Hirsch y a los asistentes por sus comentarios y sugerencias.En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un análisis de uno de los textos más influyentes de la literatura mexicana reciente, Antígona González (2012) de Sara Uribe. En un primer momento, se expone el contexto social, político y estético en el que la pieza de Uribe fue escrita, para después proceder a estudiar las estrategias textuales de que se sirve Uribe para generar una autoría colectiva, con especial atención a las aportaciones teóricas llevadas a cabo por Cristina Rivera Garza y su concepto de “desapropiación”. Por último, el artículo propone una interpretación de la obra tanto en sus aspectos formales como en su aspecto éticopolítico, desarrollando su vínculo con las propuestas de Judith Butler. El presente trabajo relaciona ambas dimensiones, al ubicar la obra en una tradición de escritura militante cuyo objetivo es llevar a cabo el duelo por los desaparecidos en la frontera norte de México.This paper analyses one of the most influential texts in recent Mexican literature, Antígona González (2012) by Sara Uribe. At first, the social, political and aesthetic context in which Uribe's piece was written is presented, and then the textual strategies used by Uribe to generate collective authorship are studied, with special attention to the theoretical contributions made by Cristina Rivera Garza and her concept of “disappropriation”. Finally, the article proposes an interpretation of the work both in its formal aspects and in its ethical-political aspect, developing its link with Judith Butler's proposals. The present study relates both dimensions, locating the work in a tradition of militant writing whose goal is to carry out the mourning for the disappeared in the northern border of Mexico.El presente trabajo es parte de los resultados de los proyectos de investigación “Sujetos-emociones-estructuras: Para un proyecto de teoría social crítica” (FFI 2016-75073-R) y “El Amor y sus reversos. Pasión, deseo y dominio en las relaciones sentimentales a través del arte contemporáneo. Investigación y creación artística” (PGC2018.093404.B.100), financiados por el Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Universidades

    Notes for a history of feminist demands in and after may 1968: contradictions, alliances and challenges

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    Este artículo está pensado como un pequeño recorrido histórico que partiendo del Mayo francés y arribando en el presente, señale la tendencia del feminismo a aliarse con otros impulsos anticapitalistas. Analizaremos primero las flagrantes contradicciones que marcaron el acontecimiento parisino notando, no obstante, en qué medida supuso el pistoletazo de salida para un feminismo radical e interseccional. Seguidamente comentaremos cómo en la década de los ochenta y noventa y dado un giro neoliberal tanto en la economía como en el discurso asistimos al olvido de anteriores líneas de denuncia. Tal repaso histórico debería permitirnos comprender las razones que motivan una actual relectura de textos clásicos del feminismo radical y de los desafíos a los que el movimiento se enfrenta a la hora de rehacer un enfoque unitario.This article is intended as a short historical journey from May in France to the present, pointing out the tendency of feminism to ally with other anti-capitalist impulses. We will first analyze the blatant contradictions that marked the Parisian event, noting, however, to what extent it was the starting moment for a radical and intersectional feminism. In addition to this we will comment on how in the 1980s and 1990s, within a neo-liberal turn in both economics and discourse, we witnessed the forgetfulness of previous lines of subversion. Such a historical review should enable us to understand the reasons for a current re-reading of the classic texts of radical feminism and the challenges that the movement faces in rebuilding a unitary approach

    Nada que decir, sólo mostrar. Género y colonialismo en el fotomontaje de Hannah Höch

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    In interwar Germany, affected by deep social and economic crises, a group of Dadaist artists developed photomontage as the only political weapon to unite art and life in a world saturated with images. This article analyses the photographic collages of one of its members Hannah Höch; her work forms not only a visual record of the problems that beset her country, but also highlights the political implications harboured within the construction of an imagery of the Other (in its dual role of gender and race). In this context, we regard Höch’s work as a response to a political landscape, marked by the integration of women into the labour market and colonial imperialism; and through doing so, Hoch`s work anticipates the ideas of artists from the 1970’s, already informed by the philosophy of deconstruction and the Queer Theory.En la Alemania de entreguerras afectada por una profunda crisis económica y social, un grupo de artistas dadaístas desarrollaron el fotomontaje como única arma política con la que unir arte y vida en un mundo saturado de imágenes. El presente artículo analiza los collages fotográficos de uno de sus miembros, Hannah Höch, para conocer cómo, además de dar buena cuenta de los problemas que golpeaban a su país, pusieron de relieve las implicaciones políticas que albergaba la construcción de un imaginario del Otro (en su doble posición de género y raza). En este contexto, consideramos que las obras de Höch dan respuesta a un panorama político marcado por la inserción de la mujer en el mercado laboral y el imperialismo colonial, adelantando ideas de artistas de los años 70 informadas ya por la filosofía de la deconstrucción y la teoría queer

    Duelo y memoria de los cuerpos ausentes en Antígona González

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    En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un análisis de uno de los textos más influyentes de la literatura mexicana reciente, Antígona González (2012) de Sara Uribe. En un primer momento, se expone el contexto social, político y estético en el que la pieza de Uribe fue escrita, para después proceder a estudiar las estrategias textuales de que se sirve Uribe para generar una autoría colectiva, con especial atención a las aportaciones teóricas llevadas a cabo por Cristina Rivera Garza y su concepto de “desapropiación”. Por último, el artículo propone una interpretación de la obra tanto en sus aspectos formales como en su aspecto ético-político, desarrollando su vínculo con las propuestas de Judith Butler. El presente trabajo relaciona ambas dimensiones, al ubicar la obra en una tradición de escritura militante cuyo objetivo es llevar a cabo el duelo por los desaparecidos en la frontera norte de México.  This paper analyses one of the most influential texts in recent Mexican literature, Antígona González (2012) by Sara Uribe. At first, the social, political and aesthetic context in which Uribe's piece was written is presented, and then the textual strategies used by Uribe to generate collective authorship are studied, with special attention to the theoretical contributions made by Cristina Rivera Garza and her concept of “disappropriation”. Finally, the article proposes an interpretation of the work both in its formal aspects and in its ethical-political aspect, developing its link with Judith Butler's proposals. The present study relates both dimensions, locating the work in a tradition of militant writing whose goal is to carry out the mourning for the disappeared in the northern border of Mexico

    Amino modified metal-organic frameworks as pH-responsive nanoplatforms for safe delivery of camptothecin

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    [EN] MIL-100(Fe) and MIL-101(Fe) metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are excellent vehicles for drug delivery systems (DDSs) due to their high biocompatibility and stability in physiological fluids, as well as their pore diameter in the mesoporous range. Although they are appropriate for the internal diffusion of 20-(S)-camptothecin (CPT), a strongly cytotoxic molecule with excellent antitumor activity, no stable delivery system has been proposed so far for this drug based in MOFs. We here present novel DDSs based in amine functionalized MIL-100(Fe) and MIL-101(Fe) nanoMOFs with covalently bonded CPT. These CPT nanoplatforms are able to incorporate almost 20% of this molecule and show high stability at physiological pH, with no non-specific release. Based on their surface charge, some of these CPT loaded nanoMOFs present improved cell internalization in in vitro experiments. Moreover, a strong response to acid pH is observed, with up to four fold drug discharge at pH 5, which boost intracellular release by endosomolytic activity. These novel DDSs will help to achieve safe delivery of the very cytotoxic CPT, allowing to reduce the therapeutic dose and minimizing drug secondary effects. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects TEC2016-80976-R and SEV-2016-0683) is gratefully acknowledged. A.C.G. thanks the La Caixa Foundation for a Ph.D. scholarship. We fully appreciate the assistance of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Cabrera-García, A.; Checa-Chavarria, E.; Rivero-Buceta, EM.; Moreno Manzano, V.; Fernandez Jover, E.; Botella Asuncion, P. (2019). Amino modified metal-organic frameworks as pH-responsive nanoplatforms for safe delivery of camptothecin. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 541:163-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2019.01.042S16317454

    Engineered Contrast Agents in a Single Structure for T1-T2 Dual Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    [EN] The development of contrast agents (CAs) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with T-1-T-2 dual-mode relaxivity requires the accurate assembly of T-1 and T-2 magnetic centers in a single structure. In this context, we have synthesized a novel hybrid material by monitoring the formation of Prussian Blue analogue Gd(H2O)(4)[Fe(CN)(6)] nanoparticles with tailored shape (from nanocrosses to nanorods) and size, and further protection with a thin and homogeneous silica coating through hydrolysis and polymerization of silicate at neutral pH. The resulting Gd(H2O)(4)[Fe(CN)(6)]@SiO2 magnetic nanoparticles are very stable in biological fluids. Interestingly, this combination of Gd and Fe magnetic centers closely packed in the crystalline network promotes a magnetic synergistic effect, which results in significant improvement of longitudinal relaxivity with regards to soluble Gd3+ chelates, whilst keeping the high transversal relaxivity inherent to the iron component. As a consequence, this material shows excellent activity as MRI CA, improving positive and negative contrasts in T-1- and T-2-weighted MR images, both in in vitro (e.g., phantom) and in vivo (e.g., Sprague-Dawley rats) models. In addition, this hybrid shows a high biosafety profile and has strong ability to incorporate organic molecules on the surface with variable functionality, displaying great potential for further clinical application.Financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects TEC2016-80976-R and SEV-2016-0683) is gratefully acknowledged. Dr E. M. Rivero thanks the Cursol Foundation for a post-doctoral scholarship. A. C. G. also thanks the La Caixa Foundation for a Ph.D. scholarship. We fully appreciate the assistance of the Electron Microscopy Service of the UPV and INSCANNER S.L.Cabrera-García, A.; Checa-Chavarria, E.; Pacheco-Torres, J.; Bernabeu-Sanz, A.; Vidal Moya, JA.; Rivero-Buceta, EM.; Sastre Navarro, GI.... (2018). Engineered Contrast Agents in a Single Structure for T1-T2 Dual Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nanoscale. 10(14):6349-6360. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7nr07948fS634963601014Bolan, P. J., Nelson, M. T., Yee, D., & Garwood, M. (2005). Imaging in breast cancer: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Breast Cancer Research, 7(4). doi:10.1186/bcr1202Mitchell, R. E., Katz, M. H., McKiernan, J. M., & Benson, M. C. (2005). The evaluation and staging of clinically localized prostate cancer. Nature Clinical Practice Urology, 2(8), 356-357. doi:10.1038/ncpuro0260Colombo, M., Carregal-Romero, S., Casula, M. F., Gutiérrez, L., Morales, M. P., Böhm, I. B., … Parak, W. J. (2012). Biological applications of magnetic nanoparticles. Chemical Society Reviews, 41(11), 4306. doi:10.1039/c2cs15337hMi, P., Kokuryo, D., Cabral, H., Wu, H., Terada, Y., Saga, T., … Kataoka, K. (2016). A pH-activatable nanoparticle with signal-amplification capabilities for non-invasive imaging of tumour malignancy. 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    Insulin-like growth factor II neuroprotective effects against mitochondrial-oxidative and neuronal damage induced by CORT and MPP+ in dopaminergic neurons

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    Aims: Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects 1–3% of the population aged over 65. Stress seems to contribute to PD neuropathology, probably by dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Key factors are oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal glucocorticoid-induced toxicity. Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) has shown antioxidant and neuroprotective effects in some neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, our aim was to study IGF-II protective effects against oxidative damage on a cellular combined model of PD and mild to moderate stress, based on corticosterone (CORT) and the dopaminergic neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). Methods: The dopaminergic neuronal cell line SN4741 (RRID:CVCL_S466) derived from mouse substantia nigra were exposed to 200 μM MPP+, 0.5 μM CORT or both, with or without 25 ng/mL IGF-II, for 2.5 or 6 h. Cell viability, oxidative stress parameters, mitochondrial and dopamine markers and intracellular signaling pathways were evaluated. Results: The administration of MPP+ or CORT individually led to cell damage compared to control situations, whereas the combination of both drugs produced very considerable toxic synergistic effect. IGF-II counteracts the mitochondrial-oxidative damage, protecting dopaminergic neurons from death and neurodegeneration. IGF-II promotes PKC activation and nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 antioxidant response in a glucocorticoid receptor-dependent pathway, preventing oxidative cell damage and maintaining mitochondrial function. Conclusions: IGF-II capacity to protect nigral dopamine neurons against mitochondrial-oxidative damage induced by CORT and MPP+ was demonstrated. Thus, IGF-II is a potential therapeutic tool for prevention and treatment of PD patients suffering mild to moderate emotional stress.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Materiales Dentales. Módulo 1 : Manual de apoyo teórico

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    Índice : U.T. 1.- Estructura de los materiales -- U.T. 2.- Propiedades de los materiales -- U.T. 3.- Propiedades químicas -- U.T. 4. - Biomateriales y biocompatibilidad -- U.T. 5.- Generalidades de los materiales de Impresión. Alginato -- U.T. 6.- Yesos -- U.T. 7.- Polimerización -- U.T. 8.- Compuestos termoplásticos y cinquenólicos -- U.T. 9.- Elastómeros