240 research outputs found

    Perturbative QCD with Quark and Gluon Condensates

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    QCD perturbation theory using quark and gluon propagators that have an extra term at zero four-momentum is equivalent to standard PQCD in the presence of massless quark and gluon pairs in the perturbative vacuum. We verify at low orders in perturbation theory that ≠0 \neq 0 and that quarks acquire a constituent mass. Thus chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken, and the conservation of the axial vector current ensures a massless pion. The gluon pairs generate an expectation value and a tachyonic gluon mass. Lorentz and gauge symmetry is preserved, and the short-distance structure of PQCD is unaffected. The modified perturbative expansion thus contains relevant elements of QCD at both short and long distances.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Mechanical properties of thermally modified beech timber for structural purposes

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    The use of thermally modified timber for structural purposes is of increasing interest. In order to guarantee sufficient reliability in terms of load bearing capacity and fitness for use the strength and stiffness properties of this modified wood have to be assessed. Industrially produced, thermally modified structural timber members made of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were subject of the tests presented in this paper. Bending, tension parallel and perpendicular to grain and compression parallel and perpendicular to grain properties were determined. The derived mechanical properties were benchmarked to the European EN 338 strength class system for structural timber. It turned out that the used strong thermal treatment of the raw material resulted in a significant reduction of most of the strength properties. However, stiffness properties were not affected. In particular the strength properties perpendicular to grain suffered a lot due to the thermal modification whereas compression strength parallel to grain was unchanged. The main drawbacks found along the experiments were a pronounced brittle behaviour of the specimens and big variations in strength. For the determination of strength values it is proposed not to use correlations as provided in European standards but to test and state these properties discretely. On the basis of these results a general use of strongly thermally modified beech as structural timber cannot be recommended. However, for selected purposes, like e.g., for structural façade elements or for columns, the use of this material might be an optio

    Armaduras de lazo toledanas. Evolución de las trazas geométricas con estrellas de ocho puntas y su relación con los diferentes sistemas constructivos empleados

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    The city of Toledo, permanent seat of power for almost six centuries after the roman occupation, was dominated by visigoths and omeyas until the castilian conquest. Its architectural evolution makes it an ideal place for the development of carpentry. Its interlaced wood structures suppose a magnificent example to understand the relationship between the geometric patterns and the constructive solutions explored by those who made them. Geometrical patterns and how they get to form part of interlaced structures are analyzed from the very simple and most numerous examples with eightpointed stars to the complex patterns of radial geometry. Prefabrication method is studied applied to rafter and collar structures, showing how it will make possible to build complex lattice seven panel structures.La ciudad de Toledo, sede permanente del poder durante casi seis siglos tras la ocupación romana, fue dominada por visigodos y omeyas hasta su conquista castellana. Su evolución arquitectónica la convierte es un enclave idóneo para el desarrollo de la carpintería de armar. Sus armaduras de lazo suponen un magnífico ejemplo donde entender el oficio a través de las posibilidades geométricas y constructivas exploradas por quienes las realizaron. Se analizan las trazas geométricas y su implantación desde los ejemplos más sencillos y numerosos con estrellas de ocho puntas hasta las complejas trazas de geometría radial; la evolución de las armaduras de par y nudillo, que, mediante la prefabricación, posibilitó construir complejas armaduras de siete paños con lacería

    La reforma de la formación inicial del profesorado de ciencias de secundaria: propuesta de un diseño del currículo basado en competencias

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un mecanismo de selección de competencias específicas para la formación inicial del profesorado de ciencias experimentales, contando para ello con distintas fuentes relevantes para dicha formación. Con tal fin hemos hecho uso de un procedimiento consistente en ir incorporando de forma crítica las competencias procedentes de las siguientes fuentes curriculares: los modelos de formación inicial del profesorado vigentes en la literatura educativa, el currículo actual de ciencias en la educación secundaria obligatoria en España, el Programa internacional de evaluación PISA, la opinión del profesorado en activo mediante una encuesta cuyos resultados más relevantes son mostrados, las concepciones epistemológicas del profesorado, la profesionalización docente y las demandas que genera y, finalmente, la dimensión social de la ciencia.The primary objective of this paper is to propose a mechanism for selecting specific competences for preservice science teacher training, referring to relevant sources for such training. To this end we have used an trans-disciplinary procedure consistent with incorporating critical competences from the following curricular sources: Models of current preservice teacher training in educational literature, the current curriculum of Science in Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the views of in-service secondary school teachers (through a survey whose most relevant results are given), teachers' epistemological conceptions, the professionalization of teaching and the demands it generates and, finally the social dimension of science

    Shell isolated nanoparticles for enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies in lithium-oxygen cells

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    A critical and detailed assessment of using Shell Isolated Nanoparticles for Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SHINERS) on different electrode substrates was carried out, providing relative enhancement factors, as well as an evaluation of the distribution of shell-isolated nanoparticles upon the electrode surfaces. The chemical makeup of surface layers formed upon lithium metal electrodes and the mechanism of the oxygen reduction reaction on carbon substrates relevant to lithium–oxygen cells are studied with the employment of the SHINERS technique. SHINERS enhanced the Raman signal at these surfaces showing a predominant Li2O based layer on lithium metal in a variety of electrolytes. The formation of LiO2and Li2O2, as well as degradation reactions forming Li2CO3, upon planar carbon electrode interfaces and upon composite carbon black electrodes were followed under potential control during the reduction of oxygen in a non-aqueous electrolyte based on dimethyl sulfoxide.</p

    miRNA profiling during antigen-dependent T cell activation: A role for miR-132-3p

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are tightly regulated during T lymphocyte activation to enable the establishment of precise immune responses. Here, we analyzed the changes of the miRNA profiles of T cells in response to activation by cognate interaction with dendritic cells. We also studied mRNA targets common to miRNAs regulated in T cell activation. pik3r1 gene, which encodes the regulatory subunits of PI3K p50, p55 and p85, was identified as target of miRNAs upregulated after T cell activation. Using 3'UTR luciferase reporter-based and biochemical assays, we showed the inhibitory relationship between miR-132-3p upregulation and expression of the pik3r1 gene. Our results indicate that specific miRNAs whose expression is modulated during T cell activation might regulate PI3K signaling in T cells.We thank Miguel Vicente-Manzanares for help with English editing and Almudena R. Ramiro for helpful discussions. We appreciate help from Gloria Martinez del Hoyo on DCs experiments set up. We also thank the CNIC Genomics, Bioinformatics and Cellomics Units for technical support. This work was supported by grants SAF2014-55579R from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain, ERC-2011-AdG 294340-GENTRIS, CIBER CARDIOVASCULAR (FEDER and Instituto de Salud Carlos III), PIE-13-00041 and INDISNET S2011-BMD-2332 (F.S.M.). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC, Spain) is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain and the Pro-CNIC Foundation.S

    Kerr gated Raman spectroscopy of LiPF6 salt and LiPF6-based organic carbonate electrolyte for Li-ion batteries

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    Fluorescent species are formed during cycling of lithium ion batteries as a result of electrolyte decomposition due to the instability of the non-aqueous electrolytes and side reactions that occur at the electrode surface. The increase in the background fluorescence due to the presence of these components makes it harder to analyse data due to the spectroscopic overlap of Raman scattering and fluorescence. Herein, Kerr gated Raman spectroscopy was shown to be an effective technique for the isolation of the scattering effect from the fluorescence enabling the collection of the Raman spectra of LiPF6 salt and LiPF6-based organic carbonate electrolyte, without the interference of the fluorescence component. Kerr gated Raman was able to identify POF3 on the LiPF6 particle surface, after the addition of trace water

    The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM-P8) as a model for the study of vascular functional alterations during aging

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    We studied vascular function in quiescent aortas from senescence- accelerated resistant (SAM-R1) and prone (SAM-P8) mice. Myographical studies of thoracic aorta segments from 6-7 month-old mice showed that the contractility of SAM-P8 aortas was markedly higher than that of SAM-R1 after KCl depolarization or phenylephrine addition. Acetylcholine dose-response relaxation curves revealed that SAM-R1 vessels were slightly more sensitive than those of SAM-P8. In the presence of the NO synthase inhibitor, L-NAME, all vessels displayed contractions to acetylcholine, but these were more distinct in the SAM-R1. Phenylephrine plus L-NAME displayed stronger contractions in both animal strains, but were markedly more pronounced in SAM-R1. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin did not change the vessel responses to acetylcholine or phenylephrine. These data indicate that NO synthase, not cyclooxygenase, was responsible for the differences in contractility. Standard histology and immunohistochemistry of endothelial NO synthase revealed no differences in the expression of this protein. In contrast, increased levels of malondialdehyde were found in SAM-P8 vessels. We conclude that SAM-P8 vessels exhibit higher contractility than those of SAM-R1. Furthermore, our results suggest that the endothelium of SAM-P8 vessels is dysfunctional and lacks normal capability to counteract smooth muscle contraction. Therefore, our findings support SAM-P8 as a suitable model for the study of vascular physiological changes during agingAcknowledgments This work was supported by: The Spanish Ministry of Science (SAF2005-02157 and SAF2005-07919-C02-01), JCCM (04048-00 and 04005-00) and FIS-FEDER (01/3018). A.P-M. and Y.M. were supported by grants from JCCM (JI 03001 and 06016-00). We thank M.A. Olivares and A. Pérez (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete) and A.L. Salewski for English revision of the manuscript
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