92 research outputs found

    Common physical framework explains phase behavior and dynamics of atomic, molecular, and polymeric network formers

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    We show that the self-assembly of a diverse collection of building blocks can be understood within a common physical framework. These building blocks, which form periodic honeycomb networks and nonperiodic variants thereof, range in size from atoms to micron-scale polymers and interact through mechanisms as different as hydrogen bonds and covalent forces. A combination of statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics shows that one can capture the physics that governs the assembly of these networks by resolving only the geometry and strength of building-block interactions. The resulting framework reproduces a broad range of phenomena seen experimentally, including periodic and nonperiodic networks in thermal equilibrium, and nonperiodic supercooled and glassy networks away from equilibrium. Our results show how simple “design criteria” control the assembly of a wide variety of networks and suggest that kinetic trapping can be a useful way of making functional assemblies

    Studying manganese carbonyl photochemistry in a permanently porous metal–organic framework

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    First published 15 Aug 2023. OnlinePublMn(diimine)(CO)₃X (X = halide) complexes are critical components of chromophores, photo- and electrocatalysts, and photoactive CO-releasing molecules (photoCORMs). While these entities have been incorporated into metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), a detailed understanding of the photochemical and chemical processes that occur in a permanently porous support is lacking. Here we site-isolate and study the photochemistry of a Mn(diimine)(CO)₃Br moiety anchored within a permanently porous MOF support, allowing for not only the photo-liberation of CO from the metal but also its escape from the MOF crystals. In addition, the high crystallinity and structural flexibility of the MOF allows crystallographic snapshots of the photolysis products to be obtained. We report these photo-crystallographic studies in the presence of coordinating solvents, THF and acetonitrile, showing the changing coordination environment of the Mn species as CO loss proceeds. Using time resolved experiments, we report complementary spectroscopic studies of the photolysis chemistry and characterize the final photolysis product as a possible Mn(II) entity. These studies inform the chemistry that occurs in MOF-based photoCORMs and where these moieties are employed as catalysts.Rosemary J. Young, Michael T. Huxley, Lingjun Wu, Jack Hart, James O'Shea, Christian J. Doonan, Neil R. Champness and Christopher J. Sumb

    Photochemistry of framework-supported M(diimine)(CO)₃X complexes in 3D Lithium-Carboxylate metal−organic frameworks: monitoring the effect of framework cations

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    The structures and photochemical behaviour of two new metal-organic frameworks are reported. Reaction of Re(2,2ʹ-bipyʹ-5,5ʹ-dicarboxylic acid)(CO)₃Cl or Mn(2,2ʹ-bipyʹ-5,5ʹ- dicarboxylic acid)(CO)₃Br with either LiCl or LiBr, respectively, produces single crystals of {Li₂(DMF)₂[(2,2ʹ-bipyʹ-5,5ʹ-dicarboxylate)Re(CO)₃Cl]}n (ReLi) or {Li₂(DMF)₂[(2,2ʹ-bipyʹ- 5,5ʹ-dicarboxylate)Mn(CO)₃Br]}n (MnLi). The structures formed by the two MOFs comprise one-dimensional chains of carboxylate-bridged Li(I) cations that are cross-linked by units of Re(2,2ʹ-bipyʹ-5,5ʹ-dicarboxylate)(CO)₃Cl (ReLi) or Mn(2,2ʹ-bipyʹ-5,5ʹ- dicarboxylate)(CO)₃Br (MnLi). The photophysical and photochemical behaviour of both ReLi and MnLi are probed. The rhenium-containing MOF, ReLi, exhibits luminescence and the excited state behaviour, as established by time-resolved infra-red measurements, are closer in behaviour to that of unsubstituted [Re(bipy)(CO)₃Cl] rather than a related MOF where the Li(I) cations are replaced by Mn(II) cations. These observations are further supported by DFT calculations. Upon excitation MnLi forms a dicarbonyl species which rapidly recombines with the dissociated CO, in a fashion consistent with the majority of the photoejected CO not escaping the MOF channels

    2021 roadmap on lithium sulfur batteries

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    Abstract: Batteries that extend performance beyond the intrinsic limits of Li-ion batteries are among the most important developments required to continue the revolution promised by electrochemical devices. Of these next-generation batteries, lithium sulfur (Li–S) chemistry is among the most commercially mature, with cells offering a substantial increase in gravimetric energy density, reduced costs and improved safety prospects. However, there remain outstanding issues to advance the commercial prospects of the technology and benefit from the economies of scale felt by Li-ion cells, including improving both the rate performance and longevity of cells. To address these challenges, the Faraday Institution, the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage science and technology, launched the Lithium Sulfur Technology Accelerator (LiSTAR) programme in October 2019. This Roadmap, authored by researchers and partners of the LiSTAR programme, is intended to highlight the outstanding issues that must be addressed and provide an insight into the pathways towards solving them adopted by the LiSTAR consortium. In compiling this Roadmap we hope to aid the development of the wider Li–S research community, providing a guide for academia, industry, government and funding agencies in this important and rapidly developing research space

    Minimising fear and anxiety in working dogs:a review

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    The causes of fear and anxiety in working dogs are multifactorial and may include inherited characteristics that differ between individuals (e.g. Goddard and Beilharz, 1982; 1984a,b ), influences of the environment ( Lefebvre et al., 2007 ), and learned experiences during particular sensitive periods ( Appleby et al., 2002 ) and throughout life. Fear-related behavior compromises performance, leads to significant numbers of dogs failing to complete training (e.g., Murphy, 1995; Batt et al., 2008 ), early withdrawals from working roles ( Caron-Lormier et al., 2016 ), and can jeopardize dog and handler safety. Hence, amelioration of fear and anxiety is critical to maintain dogs in working roles and to ensure their well-being. Although current methods of selection and training are seemingly effective at producing many dogs which work in a remarkable array of environments, some dogs do not make the grade, and longevity of service is not always maximized. Programs should strive for optimal efficiency and they need to continually analyze the value of each component of their program, seek evidence for its value and explore potential evidence-based improvements. Here we discuss scientific evidence for methods and strategies which may be of value in reducing the risk of fear behaviors developing in the working dog population and suggest potentially valuable techniques and future research to explore the benefit of these approaches. The importance of environmental influences, learning opportunities, and effects of underlying temperament on the outward expression of fear and anxiety should not be underestimated. Identification of characteristics which predict resilience to stress are valuable, both to enable careful breeding for these traits and to develop predictive tests for puppies and procured animals. It is vitally important to rear animals in optimal environments and introduce them to a range of stimuli in a positive, controlled, and gradual way, as these can all help minimize the number of dogs which develop work-inhibiting fears. Future research should explore innovative methods to best measure the relative resilience of dogs to stressful events. This could include developing optimal exposure protocols to minimize the development of fear and anxiety, and exploring the influence of social learning and the most effective elements of stimulus presentation