30 research outputs found

    Using Bayesian networks to guide the assessment of new evidence in an appeal case.

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    When new forensic evidence becomes available after a conviction there is no systematic framework to help lawyers to determine whether it raises sufficient questions about the verdict in order to launch an appeal. This paper presents such a framework driven by a recent case, in which a defendant was convicted primarily on the basis of audio evidence, but where subsequent analysis of the evidence revealed additional sounds that were not considered during the trial. The framework is intended to overcome the gap between what is generally known from scientific analyses and what is hypothesized in a legal setting. It is based on Bayesian networks (BNs) which have the potential to be a structured and understandable way to evaluate the evidence in a specific case context. However, BN methods suffered a setback with regards to the use in court due to the confusing way they have been used in some legal cases in the past. To address this concern, we show the extent to which the reasoning and decisions within the particular case can be made explicit and transparent. The BN approach enables us to clearly define the relevant propositions and evidence, and uses sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of the evidence under different assumptions. The results show that such a framework is suitable to identify information that is currently missing, yet clearly crucial for a valid and complete reasoning process. Furthermore, a method is provided whereby BNs can serve as a guide to not only reason with incomplete evidence in forensic cases, but also identify very specific research questions that should be addressed to extend the evidence base and solve similar issues in the future.This research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK through the Security Science Doctoral Research Training Centre (UCL SECReT) based at University College London (EP/G037264/1), and the European Research Council (ERC-2013-AdG339182-BAYES_KNOWLEDGE)

    Surface plasmon resonance imaging of cells and surface-associated fibronectin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A critical challenge in cell biology is quantifying the interactions of cells with their extracellular matrix (ECM) environment and the active remodeling by cells of their ECM. Fluorescence microscopy is a commonly employed technique for examining cell-matrix interactions. A label-free imaging method would provide an alternative that would eliminate the requirement of transfected cells and modified biological molecules, and if collected nondestructively, would allow long term observation and analysis of live cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRI), the deposition of protein by vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMC) cultured on fibronectin was quantified as a function of cell density and distance from the cell periphery. We observed that as much as 120 ng/cm<sup>2 </sup>of protein was deposited by cells in 24 h.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SPRI is a real-time, low-light-level, label-free imaging technique that allows the simultaneous observation and quantification of protein layers and cellular features. This technique is compatible with live cells such that it is possible to monitor cellular modifications to the extracellular matrix in real-time.</p

    Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care, Scoping review

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    Background The integral model of Palliative Care recognizes the community as essential element in improving quality of life of patients and families. It is necessary to find a formula that allows the community to have a voice. The aim of this scoping review is to identify barriers and facilitators to engage community in PC.Methods Systematic search was conducted in NICE, Cochrane Library, Health Evidence, CINAHL and PubMed database. Keywords: Palliative care, End of life care, community networks, community engagement, public engagement, community participation, social participation, barriers and facilitators.Results Nine hundred seventy-one results were obtained. Search strategy and inclusion criteria yielded 13 studies that were read in detail to identify factors influencing community engagement in palliative care, categorized into: Public health and public engagement; Community attitudes towards palliative care, death and preferences at the end of life; Importance of volunteers in public engagement programs; Compassionate communities.Conclusion Societal awareness must be a facilitated process to catalyse public engagement efforts. National policy initiatives and regional system support provide legitimacy and focus is essential for funding. The first step is to get a sense of what is important to society, bearing in mind cultural differences and to channel those aspects through health care professionals; connecting the most assistential part with community resources. The process and long-term results need to be systematically evaluated

    Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care, Scoping review

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    Background The integral model of Palliative Care recognizes the community as essential element in improving quality of life of patients and families. It is necessary to find a formula that allows the community to have a voice. The aim of this scoping review is to identify barriers and facilitators to engage community in PC.Methods Systematic search was conducted in NICE, Cochrane Library, Health Evidence, CINAHL and PubMed database. Keywords: Palliative care, End of life care, community networks, community engagement, public engagement, community participation, social participation, barriers and facilitators.Results Nine hundred seventy-one results were obtained. Search strategy and inclusion criteria yielded 13 studies that were read in detail to identify factors influencing community engagement in palliative care, categorized into: Public health and public engagement; Community attitudes towards palliative care, death and preferences at the end of life; Importance of volunteers in public engagement programs; Compassionate communities.Conclusion Societal awareness must be a facilitated process to catalyse public engagement efforts. National policy initiatives and regional system support provide legitimacy and focus is essential for funding. The first step is to get a sense of what is important to society, bearing in mind cultural differences and to channel those aspects through health care professionals; connecting the most assistential part with community resources. The process and long-term results need to be systematically evaluated

    Live well, die well – an international cohort study on experiences, concerns and preferences of patients in the last phase of life: the research protocol of the iLIVE study

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    Introduction Adequately addressing the needs of patients at the end of life and their relatives is pivotal in preventing unnecessary suffering and optimising their quality of life. The purpose of the iLIVE study is to contribute to high-quality personalised care at the end of life in different countries and cultures, by investigating the experiences, concerns, preferences and use of care of terminally ill patients and their families. Methods and analysis The iLIVE study is an international cohort study in which patients with an estimated life expectancy of 6 months or less are followed up until they die. In total, 2200 patients will be included in 11 countries, that is, 200 per country. In addition, one relative per patient is invited to participate. All participants will be asked to fill in a questionnaire, at baseline and after 4 weeks. If a patient dies within 6 months of follow-up, the relative will be asked to fill in a post-bereavement questionnaire. Healthcare use in the last week of life will be evaluated as well; healthcare staff who attended the patient will be asked to fill in a brief questionnaire to evaluate the care that was provided. Qualitative interviews will be conducted with patients, relatives and healthcare professionals in all countries to gain more in-depth insights. Ethics and dissemination The cohort study has been approved by ethics committees and the institutional review boards (IRBs) of participating institutes in all countries. Results will be disseminated through the project website, publications in scientific journals and at conferences. Within the project, there will be a working group focusing on enhancing the engagement of the community at large with the reality of death and dying. Trial registration number NCT04271085