55 research outputs found

    Genetic aspects of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a family with multiple affected members: a research article

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The etiology of idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown and different factors have been suggested as causal. Hereditary factors can also determine the etiology of the disease; however, the pattern of inheritance remains unknown. Autosomal dominant, X-linked and multifactorial patterns of inheritances have been reported. Other studies have suggested possible chromosome regions related to the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis. We report the genetic aspects of and investigate chromosome regions for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a Brazilian family.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Evaluation of 57 family members, distributed over 4 generations of a Brazilian family, with 9 carriers of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The proband presented a scoliotic curve of 75 degrees, as determined by the Cobb method. Genomic DNA from family members was genotyped.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Locating a chromosome region linked to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was not possible in the family studied.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While it was not possible to determine a chromosome region responsible for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis by investigation of genetic linkage using microsatellites markers during analysis of four generations of a Brazilian family with multiple affected members, analysis including other types of genomic variations, like single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) could contribute to the continuity of this study.</p

    Peruvian Red Uakaris (Cacajao calvus ucayalii) Are Not Flooded-Forest Specialists

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    In the literature, particularly in primatological books, the Peruvian red uakari (Cacajao calvus ucayalii) is generally considered as a species that is specialized on living in flooded forest, despite existing evidence to the contrary. Here we review all available information on habitats where Cacajao calvus ucayalii have been observed. Most sightings are from terra firme, including palm swamps, or from mixed habitats, including terra firme and flooded forest. Therefore, we conclude that the species is not a flooded-forest specialist, but is flexible in its habitat requirements and generally uses terra firme forests or a mixture of habitats. Proper recognition of habitat requirements is important for understanding the ecoethological adaptations of a species and for appropriate conservation measures

    Social Correlates of and Reasons for Primate Meat Consumption in Central Amazonia

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    Traditionally, humans have consumed nonhuman primates in many places, including throughout the Amazon region. However, primate consumption rates are changing with rising urbanization and market access. We characterize primate consumption in central Amazonia using 192 qualitative interviews with inhabitants in three rural villages and in the city of Tefé. We used a generalized linear model to investigate how individual consumer characteristics, such as age and gender, and livelihoods affected primate consumption. We also used principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), and word clouds and network text analyses, to describe reasons people gave for eating or avoiding primates. Our results show that men were more likely to say that they eat primates than women, and that the probability that a person said that they eat primates correlated positively with the percentage of their life lived in rural areas. People gave sentiment and ethical reasons not to eat primates. Custom influenced whether people said they eat primates both positively and negatively, while taste positively influenced whether people said they eat primates. A preference for other wild meats in rural areas, and for domestic meats in cities negatively influenced whether people said they eat primates. People also cited the perceptions that primates have a human-like appearance and that primate meat is unhealthy as reasons not to eat primates. People in urban areas also cited conservation attitudes as reasons for not eating primates. Our findings provide an understanding of factors influencing primate consumption in our study area and will be useful for designing tailored conservation initiatives by reducing hunting pressure on primates in rural settings and increasing the effectiveness of outreach campaigns in urban centers

    The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

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    194 pages, 103 figures, bib files for the citation references are available from: https://muon-gm2-theory.illinois.eduWe review the present status of the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is performed in a perturbative expansion in the fine-structure constant α\alpha and is broken down into pure QED, electroweak, and hadronic contributions. The pure QED contribution is by far the largest and has been evaluated up to and including O(α5)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^5) with negligible numerical uncertainty. The electroweak contribution is suppressed by (mμ/MW)2(m_\mu/M_W)^2 and only shows up at the level of the seventh significant digit. It has been evaluated up to two loops and is known to better than one percent. Hadronic contributions are the most difficult to calculate and are responsible for almost all of the theoretical uncertainty. The leading hadronic contribution appears at O(α2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^2) and is due to hadronic vacuum polarization, whereas at O(α3)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^3) the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution appears. Given the low characteristic scale of this observable, these contributions have to be calculated with nonperturbative methods, in particular, dispersion relations and the lattice approach to QCD. The largest part of this review is dedicated to a detailed account of recent efforts to improve the calculation of these two contributions with either a data-driven, dispersive approach, or a first-principle, lattice-QCD approach. The final result reads aμSM=116591810(43)×1011a_\mu^\text{SM}=116\,591\,810(43)\times 10^{-11} and is smaller than the Brookhaven measurement by 3.7σ\sigma. The experimental uncertainty will soon be reduced by up to a factor four by the new experiment currently running at Fermilab, and also by the future J-PARC experiment. This and the prospects to further reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the near future-which are also discussed here-make this quantity one of the most promising places to look for evidence of new physics

    Established and proposed roles of xanthine oxidoreductase in oxidative and reductive pathways in plants

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    Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is among the most-intensively studied enzymes known to participate in the consumption of oxygen in cells. However, it attracted the attention of researchers due its participation in free radical production in vivo, mainly through the production of superoxide radicals. In plants, XOR is a key enzyme in purine degradation where it catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and of xanthine to uric acid. Both reactions are accompanied by electron transfer to either NAD+ with simultaneous formation of NADH or to molecular oxygen, which results in formation of superoxides. Characterization of plant XOR mutants and isolated XOR proteins from various plant species provided evidence that the enzyme plays significant roles in plant growth, leaf senescence, fruit size, synthesis of nitrogen storage compounds, and plant-pathogen interactions. Moreover, the ability of XOR to carry out redox reactions as NADH oxidase and to produce reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, together with a possible complementary role in abscisic acid synthesis have raised further attention on the importance of this enzyme. Based on these established and proposed functions, XOR is discussed as regulator of different processes of interest in plant biology and agriculture.The authors acknowledge the support of the research grants AGL2010-16167 to J.F.M. from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Bi 1075/5-1 to F.B. by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. R.E. received a JAE-Doctor grant from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC).