554 research outputs found


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    Applications of Direct Injection Soft Chemical Ionisation-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Pre-blast Smokeless Powder Organic Additives

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    Analysis of smokeless powders is of interest from forensics and security perspectives. This article reports the detection of smokeless powder organic additives (in their pre-detonation condition), namely the stabiliser diphenylamine and its derivatives 2-nitrodiphenylamine and 4-nitrodiphenylamine, and the additives (used both as stabilisers and plasticisers) methyl centralite and ethyl centralite, by means of swab sampling followed by thermal desorption and direct injection soft chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry. Investigations on the product ions resulting from the reactions of the reagent ions H3O+ and O2+ with additives as a function of reduced electric field are reported. The method was comprehensively evaluated in terms of linearity, sensitivity and precision. For H3O+, the limits of detection (LoD) are in the range of 41-88 pg of additive, for which the accuracy varied between 1.5 and 3.2%, precision varied between 3.7 and 7.3% and linearity showed R20.9991. For O2+, LoD are in the range of 72 to 1.4 ng, with an accuracy of between 2.8 and 4.9% and a precision between 4.5 and 8.6% and R20.9914. The validated methodology was applied to the analysis of commercial pre-blast gun powders from different manufacturers.(VLID)4826148Accepted versio

    CP violation Beyond the MSSM: Baryogenesis and Electric Dipole Moments

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    We study electroweak baryogenesis and electric dipole moments in the presence of the two leading-order, non-renormalizable operators in the Higgs sector of the MSSM. Significant qualitative and quantitative differences from MSSM baryogenesis arise due to the presence of new CP-violating phases and to the relaxation of constraints on the supersymmetric spectrum (in particular, both stops can be light). We find: (1) spontaneous baryogenesis, driven by a change in the phase of the Higgs vevs across the bubble wall, becomes possible; (2) the top and stop CP-violating sources can become effective; (3) baryogenesis is viable in larger parts of parameter space, alleviating the well-known fine-tuning associated with MSSM baryogenesis. Nevertheless, electric dipole moments should be measured if experimental sensitivities are improved by about one order of magnitude.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    Alkali activation of vitreous calcium aluminosilicate derived from glass fiber waste

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    The properties and microstructure of alkali-activated (AA) vitreous calcium aluminosilicate (VCAS) are presented in this paper. VCAS is manufactured from a by-product of the glass fiber industry and has been activated using NaOH and KOH solutions. The microstructure and mechanical properties of AA VCAS pastes and mortars are reported. The results show that depending on the type and concentration of hydroxide solution used, mortar samples with compressive strengths up to 77 MPa can be formed after curing for three days at 65 °C. The research demonstrates the potential of VCAS to produce AA cements and the importance of alkali type and concentration in optimizing properties and microstructure.Mitsuuchi Tashima, M.; Soriano Martinez, L.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Cheeseman, CR.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2012). Alkali activation of vitreous calcium aluminosilicate derived from glass fiber waste. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials. 1(3):83-93. doi:10.1080/21650373.2012.742610S839313Mahasenan N, Smith S, Humphreys K. The cement industry and global climate change: current and potential future cement industry CO2emissions. Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies – 6th International Conference. Oxford: Pergamon; 2003. p. 995–1000.Schneider, M., Romer, M., Tschudin, M., & Bolio, H. (2011). Sustainable cement production—present and future. Cement and Concrete Research, 41(7), 642-650. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2011.03.019WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Cement industry energy and CO2performance – Getting numbers right. Edited by WBCSD, Geneva-Switzerland (ISBN 978-3-940388-48-3). 2009.Shi, C., Jiménez, A. F., & Palomo, A. (2011). New cements for the 21st century: The pursuit of an alternative to Portland cement. Cement and Concrete Research, 41(7), 750-763. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2011.03.016Duxson, P., Fernández-Jiménez, A., Provis, J. L., Lukey, G. C., Palomo, A., & van Deventer, J. S. J. (2006). Geopolymer technology: the current state of the art. Journal of Materials Science, 42(9), 2917-2933. doi:10.1007/s10853-006-0637-zFernández-Jiménez, A., Palomo, A., & Criado, M. (2005). Microstructure development of alkali-activated fly ash cement: a descriptive model. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(6), 1204-1209. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.08.021Hossain, A. B., Shirazi, S. A., Persun, J., & Neithalath, N. (2008). Properties of Concrete Containing Vitreous Calcium Aluminosilicate Pozzolan. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2070(1), 32-38. doi:10.3141/2070-05Neithalath, N., Persun, J., & Hossain, A. (2009). Hydration in high-performance cementitious systems containing vitreous calcium aluminosilicate or silica fume. Cement and Concrete Research, 39(6), 473-481. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.03.006Tashima MM, Soriano L, Borrachero MV, Monzó J, Payá J. Effect of curing time on the microstructure and mechanical strength development of alkali activated nbinders based on vitreous calcium aluminosilicate (VCAS). Bull. Mater. Sci. in press.Hemmings RT, Nelson RD, Graves PL, Cornelius BJ. White pozzolan composition and blended cements containing same. Patent US6776838. 2004.Provis, J. L., Lukey, G. C., & van Deventer, J. S. J. (2005). Do Geopolymers Actually Contain Nanocrystalline Zeolites? A Reexamination of Existing Results. Chemistry of Materials, 17(12), 3075-3085. doi:10.1021/cm050230iCriado, M., Fernández-Jiménez, A., de la Torre, A. G., Aranda, M. A. G., & Palomo, A. (2007). An XRD study of the effect of the SiO2/Na2O ratio on the alkali activation of fly ash. Cement and Concrete Research, 37(5), 671-679. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2007.01.013Rees, C. A., Provis, J. L., Lukey, G. C., & van Deventer, J. S. J. (2007). In Situ ATR-FTIR Study of the Early Stages of Fly Ash Geopolymer Gel Formation. Langmuir, 23(17), 9076-9082. doi:10.1021/la701185gLee, W. K. W., & van Deventer, J. S. J. (2003). Use of Infrared Spectroscopy to Study Geopolymerization of Heterogeneous Amorphous Aluminosilicates. Langmuir, 19(21), 8726-8734. doi:10.1021/la026127eGarcía-Lodeiro, I., Fernández-Jiménez, A., Blanco, M. T., & Palomo, A. (2007). FTIR study of the sol–gel synthesis of cementitious gels: C–S–H and N–A–S–H. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 45(1), 63-72. doi:10.1007/s10971-007-1643-6Barbosa VFF. Sintese e caracterização de polissialatos (Synthesis and characterization of polysialates) [PhD thesis] (in Portuguese). Instituto Militar de Engenharia. Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. 190 p. 1999.Bernal, S. A., Rodríguez, E. D., Mejía de Gutiérrez, R., Gordillo, M., & Provis, J. L. (2011). Mechanical and thermal characterisation of geopolymers based on silicate-activated metakaolin/slag blends. Journal of Materials Science, 46(16), 5477-5486. doi:10.1007/s10853-011-5490-zBoccaccini, A. R., Bücker, M., Bossert, J., & Marszalek, K. (1997). Glass matrix composites from coal flyash and waste glass. Waste Management, 17(1), 39-45. doi:10.1016/s0956-053x(97)00035-4Kourti, I., Rani, D. A., Deegan, D., Boccaccini, A. R., & Cheeseman, C. R. (2010). Production of geopolymers using glass produced from DC plasma treatment of air pollution control (APC) residues. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 176(1-3), 704-709. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.11.089Lampris, C., Lupo, R., & Cheeseman, C. R. (2009). Geopolymerisation of silt generated from construction and demolition waste washing plants. Waste Management, 29(1), 368-373. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2008.04.007Wu, H.-C., & Sun, P. (2007). New building materials from fly ash-based lightweight inorganic polymer. Construction and Building Materials, 21(1), 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2005.06.052Kourti, I., Amutha Rani, D., Boccaccini, A. R., & Cheeseman, C. R. (2011). Geopolymers from DC Plasma–Treated Air Pollution Control Residues, Metakaolin, and Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 23(6), 735-740. doi:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.000017

    An Open-Source Social Robot Based on Compliant Soft Robotics for Therapy with Children with ASD

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    Therapy with robotic tools is a promising way to help improve verbal and nonverbal communication in children. The robotic tools are able to increase aspects such as eye contact and the ability to follow instructions and to empathize with others. This work presents the design methodology, development, and experimental validation of a novel social robot based on CompliAnt SofT Robotics called the CASTOR robot, which intends to be used as an open-source platform for the long-term therapy of children with autism spectrum disorder (CwASD). CASTOR integrates the concepts of soft actuators and compliant mechanisms to create a replicable robotic platform aimed at real therapy scenarios involving physical interaction between the children and the robot. The validation shows promising results in terms of robustness and the safety of the user and robot. Likewise, mechanical tests assess the robot’s response to blocking conditions for two critical modules (i.e., neck and arm) in interaction scenarios. Future works should focus on the validation of the robot’s effectiveness in the therapy of CwASD.</jats:p

    Fatal gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity in metastatic gallbladder adenocarcinoma

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    Gemcitabine is a chemotherapy agent that may cause unpredictable side effects. In this report, we describe a fatal gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity in a patient with gallbladder metastatic adenocarcinoma. A 72-year-old patient was submitted to an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and a tubular adenocarcinoma in the gallbladder was incidentally diagnosed. CT scan and ultrasound before the surgery did not show any tumor. After the surgery a Pet scan was positive for a hot-spot in the left colon. The colonic lesion was conveniently removed and the histology evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma tubular. The patient was then submitted to three sections of 1,600 mg/m2 of gemcitabine with intervals of 1 week. Three weeks later he developed severe respiratory distress. A helicoidal CT scan showed diffuse and severe interstitial pneumonitis, and lung biopsy confirmed accelerated usual interstitial pneumonia consistent with drug-induced toxicity. The patient presented unfavorable evolution with progressive worsening of respiratory function, hypotension, and renal failure. He died 1 month later in spite of methylprednisolone pulse therapy, large spectrum antimicrobial therapy, and full support of respiratory, hemodynamic and renal systems. Gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity is usually a dramatic condition. Physicians should suspect pulmonary toxicity in patients with respiratory distress after gemcitabine chemotherapy, mainly in elderly patients

    Chilean sport sciences scientific production indexed in the Web of Science (1981-2016)

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    9 p.Objetivo: realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica chilena de Ciencias del deporte indexada en la Web of Science hasta 2016. Métodos: se analizaron los artículos y revisiones de Ciencias del deporte de Chile incluidos en los índices de la Colección principal de Web of Science hasta 2016. Los datos se recopilaron y filtraron en el programa Endnote X6 y luego se exportaron a Excel 2013, Bibexcel e Histcite para su análisis. La bibliometría se centró en la productividad, los sujetos y los patrones de colaboración. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 152 documentos publicados desde 1981 hasta 2016. Las ciencias de la vida fueron el área de investigación principal (104), mientras que la fisiología (36) y la teoría del entrenamiento deportivo (30) fueron los sujetos más representados. La media de autores por artículo fue de 5,26 y el porcentaje de colaboración estuvo principalmente entre el 94% y el 100%. Ramírez-Campillo fue el autor más prolífico (24) y Caniuqueo logró el mayor índice de colaboración (10.83). Se descubrieron dos redes, con 20 y 10 académicos respectivamente y que representan 19 instituciones diferentes. Un grupo de 53 revistas diferentes ha difundido publicaciones de Ciencias del Deporte de Chile, pero 12 de ellas recolectaron el 60.53% de la producción total. Conclusión: la producción científica chilena de Ciencias del Deporte indexada en la Web of Science muestra el desarrollo progresivo y el fortalecimiento de este campo del conocimiento, claramente orientado a las Ciencias de la Vida, el trabajo en equipo y la colaboración internacional. También se debe destacar el establecimiento de una red que incluye académicos de Australia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile y España, que está impulsando la investigación de Ciencias del Deporte en este paísS