786 research outputs found

    The normal-to-planar superfluid transition in Helium 3

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    We study the nature of the Helium-3 superfluid transition from the normal to the planar phase, which is expected to be stabilized by the dipolar interactions. We determine the RG flow of the corresponding Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson theory by exploiting two fixed-dimension perturbative schemes: the massive zero-momentum scheme and the minimal-subtraction scheme without ϵ\epsilon expansion. The analysis of the corresponding six-loop and five-loop series shows the presence of a stable fixed point in the relevant coupling region. Therefore, we predict the transition to be continuous. We also compute critical exponents. The specific-heat exponent α\alpha is estimated as α=0.20(15)\alpha = 0.20(15), while the magnetic susceptibility and magnetization exponents γH\gamma_H and βH\beta_H for Helium 3 are γH=−0.34(5)\gamma_H = -0.34(5), βH=1.07(9)\beta_H = 1.07(9).Comment: 19 pages, 4 fig

    3D Printable Conducting and Biocompatible PEDOT-graft-PLA Copolymers by Direct Ink Writing

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    Tailor-made polymers are needed to fully exploit the possibilities of additive manufacturing, constructing complex, and functional devices in areas such as bioelectronics. In this paper, the synthesis of a conducting and biocompatible graft copolymer which can be 3D printed using direct melting extrusion methods is shown. For this purpose, graft copolymers composed by conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and a biocompatible polymer polylactide (PLA) are designed. The PEDOT-g-PLA copolymers are synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization between 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and PLA macromonomers. PEDOT-g-PLA copolymers with different compositions are obtained and fully characterized. The rheological characterization indicates that copolymers containing below 20 wt% of PEDOT show the right complex viscosity values suitable for direct ink writing (DIW). The 3D printing tests using the DIW methodology allows printing different parts with different shapes with high resolution (200\ua0\ub5m). The conductive and biocompatible printed patterns of PEDOT-g-PLA show excellent cell growth and maturation of neonatal cardiac myocytes cocultured with fibroblasts

    IR Detection of Low-Mass Secondaries in Spectroscopic Binaries

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    This paper outlines an infrared spectroscopic technique to measure the radial velocities of faint secondaries in known single-lined binaries. The paper presents our H-band observations with the CSHELL and Phoenix spectrographs and describes detections of three low-mass secondaries in main-sequence binaries: G147-36, G164-67, and HD144284 with mass ratios of 0.562+-0.011, 0.423+-0.042, and 0.380+-0.013, respectively. The latter is one of the smallest mass ratios derived to date

    Silica in Protoplanetary Disks

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    Mid-infrared spectra of a few T Tauri stars (TTS) taken with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope show prominent narrow emission features indicating silica (crystalline silicon dioxide). Silica is not a major constituent of the interstellar medium; therefore, any silica present in the circumstellar protoplanetary disks of TTS must be largely the result of processing of primitive dust material in the disks surrouding these stars. We model the silica emission features in our spectra using the opacities of various polymorphs of silica and their amorphous versions computed from earth-based laboratory measurements. This modeling indicates that the two polymorphs of silica, tridymite and cristobalite, which form at successively higher temperatures and low pressures, are the dominant forms of silica in the TTS of our sample. These high temperature, low pressure polymorphs of silica present in protoplanetary disks are consistent with a grain composed mostly of tridymite named Ada found in the cometary dust samples collected from the STARDUST mission to Comet 81P/Wild 2. The silica in these protoplanetary disks may arise from incongruent melting of enstatite or from incongruent melting of amorphous pyroxene, the latter being analogous to the former. The high temperatures of 1200K-1300K and rapid cooling required to crystallize tridymite or cristobalite set constraints on the mechanisms that could have formed the silica in these protoplanetary disks, suggestive of processing of these grains during the transient heating events hypothesized to create chondrules.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the 1 January, 2009 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    Spatially extended PAHs in circumstellar disks around T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars

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    Our aim is to determine the presence and location of the emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) towards low and intermediate mass young stars with disks using large aperture telescopes. VLT-VISIR N-band spectra and VLT-ISAAC and VLT-NACO L-band spectra of 29 sources are presented, spectrally resolving the 3.3, 8.6, 11.2, and 12.6 micron PAH features. Spatial-extent profiles of the features and the continuum emission are derived and used to associate the PAH emission with the disks. The results are discussed in the context of recent PAH-emission disk models. The 3.3, 8.6, and 11.2 micron PAH features are detected toward a small fraction of the T Tauri stars, with typical upper limits between 1E-15 and 5E-17 W/m^2. All 11.2 micron detections from a previous Spitzer survey are confirmed with (tentative) 3.3 micron detections, and both the 8.6 and the 11.2 micron features are detected in all PAH sources. For 6 detections, the spatial extent of the PAH features is confined to scales typically smaller than 0.12-0.34'', consistent with the radii of 12-60 AU disks at their distances (typically 150 pc). For 3 additional sources, WL 16, HD 100546, and TY CrA, one or more of the PAH features are more extended than the hot dust continuum of the disk, whereas for Oph IRS 48, the size of the resolved PAH emission is confirmed as smaller than for the large grains. For HD 100546, the 3.3 micron emission is confined to a small radial extent of 12 +- 3 AU, most likely associated with the outer rim of the gap in this disk. Gaps with radii out to 10-30 AU may also affect the observed PAH extent for other sources. For both Herbig Ae and T Tauri stars, the small measured extents of the 8.6 and 11.2 micron features are consistent with larger (>= 100 carbon atoms) PAHs.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A metagenomics study on Hirschsprung's disease associated enterocolitis: Biodiversity and gut microbial homeostasis depend on resection length and patient's clinical history

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    Objectives: Since 2010, several researches demonstrated that microbiota dynamics correlate and can even predispose to Hirschsprung (HSCR) associated enterocolitis (HAEC). This study aims at assessing the structure of the microbiota of HSCR patients in relation to extent of aganglionosis and HAEC status. Methods: All consecutive HSCR patients admitted to Gaslini Institute (Genova, Italy) between May 2012 and November 2014 were enrolled. Institutional review board (IRB) approval was obtained. Stools were sampled and 16S rDNA V3-V4 regions were sequenced using the Illumina-MiSeq. Taxonomy assignments were performed using QIIME RDP. Alpha diversity indexes were analyzed by Shannon and Simpson Indexes, and Phylogenetic Diversity. Results: We enrolled 20 patients. Male to female ratio was 4:1. Six patients suffered from Total Colonic Aganglionosis (TCSA). Considering sample site (i.e., extent of aganglionosis), we confirmed the known relationship between sample site and both biodiversity and composition of intestinal microbiota. Patients with TCSA showed lower biodiversity and increased Proteobacteria/Bacteroidetes relative abundance ratio. When addressing biodiversity, composition and dynamics of TCSA patients we could not find any significant relationship with regard to HAEC occurrences. Conclusions: The composition of HAEC predisposing microbiota is specific to each patient. We could confirm that total colon resections can change the composition of intestinal microbiota and to dramatically reduce microbial diversity. The subsequent reduction of system robustness could expose TCSA patients to environmental microbes that might not be part of the normal microbiota. Future long-term studies should investigate both patients and their family environment, as well as their disease history

    Protoplanetary Disk Structures in Ophiuchus II: Extension to Fainter Sources

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    We present new results from a significant extension of our previous high angular resolution (0.3" = 40 AU) Submillimeter Array survey of the 880 um continuum emission from dusty circumstellar disks in the ~1 Myr-old Ophiuchus star-forming region. An expanded sample is constructed to probe disk structures that emit significantly lower millimeter luminosities (hence dust masses), down to the median value for T Tauri stars. Using a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, the millimeter visibilities and broadband spectral energy distribution for each disk are simultaneously reproduced with a two-dimensional parametric model for a viscous accretion disk. We find wide ranges of characteristic radii (14-198 AU) and disk masses (0.004-0.143 M_sun), but a narrow distribution of surface density gradients (0.4-1.1) that is consistent with a uniform value γ\gamma = 0.9 +/- 0.2 and independent of mass (or millimeter luminosity). In this sample, we find a correlation between the disk luminosity/mass and characteristic radius, such that fainter disks are both smaller and less massive. We suggest that this relationship is an imprint of the initial conditions inherited by the disks at their formation epoch, compare their angular momenta with those of molecular cloud cores, and speculate on how future observations can help constrain the distribution of viscous evolution timescales. No other correlations between disk and star properties are found. The inferred disk structures are briefly compared with theoretical models for giant planet formation, although resolution limitations do not permit us to directly comment on material inside R = 20 AU. However, there is some compelling evidence for dust evolution in the planet formation region: 4/17 disks in the sample show resolved regions of significantly reduced optical depths within ~20-40 AU of their central stars.Comment: accepted in ApJ, 39 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of single low dose of dexamethasone before noncardiac and nonneurologic surgery and general anesthesia on postoperative cognitive dysfunction : a phase III double blind, randomized clinical trial

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    Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a multifactorial adverse event most frequently in elderly patients. This study evaluated the effect of dexamethasone on POCD incidence after noncardiac and nonneurologic surgery. METHODS: One hundred and forty patients (ASA I-II; age 60–87 years) took part in a prospective phase III, double blind, randomized study involving the administration or not of 8 mg of IV dexamethasone before general anesthesia under bispectral index (BIS) between 35–45 or 46–55. Neuropsychological tests were applied preoperatively and on the 3rd, 7th, 21st, 90th and 180th days after surgery and compared with normative data. S100β was evaluated before and 12 hours after induction of anesthesia. The generalized estimating equations (GEE) method was applied, followed by the posthoc Bonferroni test considering P<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: On the 3rd postoperative day, POCD was diagnosed in 25.2% and 15.3% of patients receiving dexamethasone, BIS 35–45, and BIS 46–55 groups, respectively. Meanwhile, POCD was present in 68.2% and 27.2% of patients without dexamethasone, BIS 35–45 and BIS 46–55 groups (p<0.0001). Neuropsychological tests showed that dexamethasone associated to BIS 46–55 decreased the incidence of POCD, especially memory and executive function. The administration of dexamethasone might have prevented the postoperative increase in S100β serum levels. CONCLUSION: Dexamethasone can reduce the incidence of POCD in elderly patients undergoing surgery, especially when associated with BIS 46–55. The effect of dexamethasone on S100β might be related with some degree of neuroprotection

    Multi-disciplinary Insights from the First European Forum on Visceral Myopathy 2022 Meeting

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    Visceral myopathy is a rare, life-threatening disease linked to identified genetic mutations in 60% of cases. Mostly due to the dearth of knowledge regarding its pathogenesis, effective treatments are lacking. The disease is most commonly diagnosed in children with recurrent or persistent disabling episodes of functional intestinal obstruction, which can be life threatening, often requiring long-term parenteral or specialized enteral nutritional support. Although these interventions are undisputedly life-saving as they allow affected individuals to avoid malnutrition and related complications, they also seriously compromise their quality of life and can carry the risk of sepsis and thrombosis. Animal models for visceral myopathy, which could be crucial for advancing the scientific knowledge of this condition, are scarce. Clearly, a collaborative network is needed to develop research plans to clarify genotype–phenotype correlations and unravel molecular mechanisms to provide targeted therapeutic strategies. This paper represents a summary report of the first ‘European Forum on Visceral Myopathy’. This forum was attended by an international interdisciplinary working group that met to better understand visceral myopathy and foster interaction among scientists actively involved in the field and clinicians who specialize in care of people with visceral myopathy. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.
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