142 research outputs found

    Secular evolution of a satellite by tidal effect. Application to Triton

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    Some of the satellites in the Solar System, including the Moon, appear to have been captured from heliocentric orbits at some point in their past, and then have evolved to the present configurations. The exact process of how this trapping occurred is unknown, but the dissociation of a planetesimal binary in the gravitational field of the planet, gas drag, or a massive collision seem to be the best candidates. However, all these mechanisms leave the satellites in elliptical orbits that need to be damped to the present almost circular ones. Here we give a complete description of the secular tidal evolution of a satellite just after entering a bounding state with the planet. In particular, we take into account the spin evolution of the satellite, which has often been assumed synchronous in previous studies. We apply our model to Triton and successfully explain some geophysical properties of this satellite, as well as the main dynamical features observed for the Neptunian system.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Improved resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in laser-ultrasonics by SAFT processing.

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    Laser-ultrasonics is an emerging nondestructive technique using lasers for the generation and detection of ultrasound which presents numerous advantages for industrial inspection. In this paper, the problem of detection by laser-ultrasonics of small defects within a material is addressed. Experimental results obtained with laser-ultrasonics are processed using the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT), yielding improved flaw detectability and spatial resolution. Experiments have been performed on an aluminum sample with a contoured back surface and two flat-bottom holes. Practical interest of coupling SAFT to laser-ultrasonics is also discussed

    Arithmetic Spacetime Geometry from String Theory

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    An arithmetic framework to string compactification is described. The approach is exemplified by formulating a strategy that allows to construct geometric compactifications from exactly solvable theories at c=3c=3. It is shown that the conformal field theoretic characters can be derived from the geometry of spacetime, and that the geometry is uniquely determined by the two-dimensional field theory on the world sheet. The modular forms that appear in these constructions admit complex multiplication, and allow an interpretation as generalized McKay-Thompson series associated to the Mathieu and Conway groups. This leads to a string motivated notion of arithmetic moonshine.Comment: 36 page

    Key components of the eight classes of type IV secretion systems involved in bacterial conjugation or protein secretion

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    Conjugation of DNA through a type IV secretion system (T4SS) drives horizontal gene transfer. Yet little is known on the diversity of these nanomachines. We previously found that T4SS can be divided in eight classes based on the phylogeny of the only ubiquitous protein of T4SS (VirB4). Here, we use an ab initio approach to identify protein families systematically and specifically associated with VirB4 in each class. We built profiles for these proteins and used them to scan 2262 genomes for the presence of T4SS. Our analysis led to the identification of thousands of occurrences of 116 protein families for a total of 1623 T4SS. Importantly, we could identify almost always in our profiles the essential genes of well-studied T4SS. This allowed us to build a database with the largest number of T4SS described to date. Using profile-profile alignments, we reveal many new cases of homology between components of distant classes of T4SS. We mapped these similarities on the T4SS phylogenetic tree and thus obtained the patterns of acquisition and loss of these protein families in the history of T4SS. The identification of the key VirB4-associated proteins paves the way toward experimental analysis of poorly characterized T4SS classes.Funding. Spanish Ministry of Economy [BFU2011-26608]; European Seventh Framework Program [282004/FP7-HEALTH.2011, 612146/FP7-ICT-2013]; European Research Council Grant [EVOMOBILOME no. 281605]. Source of open access funding: European Research Council grant to the PI

    Wave Number of Maximal Growth in Viscous Magnetic Fluids of Arbitrary Depth

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    An analytical method within the frame of linear stability theory is presented for the normal field instability in magnetic fluids. It allows to calculate the maximal growth rate and the corresponding wave number for any combination of thickness and viscosity of the fluid. Applying this method to magnetic fluids of finite depth, these results are quantitatively compared to the wave number of the transient pattern observed experimentally after a jump--like increase of the field. The wave number grows linearly with increasing induction where the theoretical and the experimental data agree well. Thereby a long-standing controversy about the behaviour of the wave number above the critical magnetic field is tackled.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, RevTex; revised version with a new figure and references added. submitted to Phys Rev

    Tate Form and Weak Coupling Limits in F-theory

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    We consider the weak coupling limit of F-theory in the presence of non-Abelian gauge groups implemented using the traditional ansatz coming from Tate's algorithm. We classify the types of singularities that could appear in the weak coupling limit and explain their resolution. In particular, the weak coupling limit of SU(n) gauge groups leads to an orientifold theory which suffers from conifold singulaties that do not admit a crepant resolution compatible with the orientifold involution. We present a simple resolution to this problem by introducing a new weak coupling regime that admits singularities compatible with both a crepant resolution and an orientifold symmetry. We also comment on possible applications of the new limit to model building. We finally discuss other unexpected phenomena as for example the existence of several non-equivalent directions to flow from strong to weak coupling leading to different gauge groups.Comment: 34 page

    Tidal dissipation within hot Jupiters: a new appraisal

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    Eccentricity or obliquity tides have been proposed as the missing energy source that may explain the anomalously large radius of some transiting ``hot Jupiters''. To maintain a non-zero and large obliquity, it was argued that the planets can be locked in a Cassini state, i.e. a resonance between spin and orbital precessions. We compute the tidal heating within ``inflated'' close-in giant planets with a non-zero eccentricity or obliquity. We further inspect whether the spin of a ``hot Jupiter'' could have been trapped and maintained in a Cassini state during its early despinning and migration. We estimate the capture probability in a spin-orbit resonance between \sim 0.5 AU (a distance where tidal effects become significant) and 0.05 AU for a wide range of secular orbital frequencies and amplitudes of gravitational perturbations. Numerical simulations of the spin evolution are performed to explore the influence of tidal despinning and migration processes on the resonance stability. We find that tidal heating within a non-synchronous giant planet is about twice larger than previous estimates based on the hypothesis of synchronization. Chances of capture in a spin-orbit resonance are very good around 0.5 AU but they decrease dramatically with the semi-major axis. Furthermore, even if captured, both tidal despinning and migration processes cause the tidal torque to become large enough that the obliquity ultimately leaves the resonance and switches to near 00^{\circ}. Locking a ``hot Jupiter'' in an isolated spin-orbit resonance is unlikely at 0.05 AU but could be possible at larger distances. Another mechanism is then required to maintain a large obliquity and create internal heating through obliquity tidesComment: 4 pages & 2 Figure

    A Digital Repository and Execution Platform for Interactive Scholarly Publications in Neuroscience

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    The CARMEN Virtual Laboratory (VL) is a cloud-based platform which allows neuroscientists to store, share, develop, execute, reproduce and publicise their work. This paper describes new functionality in the CARMEN VL: an interactive publications repository. This new facility allows users to link data and software to publications. This enables other users to examine data and software associated with the publication and execute the associated software within the VL using the same data as the authors used in the publication. The cloud-based architecture and SaaS (Software as a Service) framework allows vast data sets to be uploaded and analysed using software services. Thus, this new interactive publications facility allows others to build on research results through reuse. This aligns with recent developments by funding agencies, institutions, and publishers with a move to open access research. Open access provides reproducibility and verification of research resources and results. Publications and their associated data and software will be assured of long-term preservation and curation in the repository. Further, analysing research data and the evaluations described in publications frequently requires a number of execution stages many of which are iterative. The VL provides a scientific workflow environment to combine software services into a processing tree. These workflows can also be associated with publications and executed by users. The VL also provides a secure environment where users can decide the access rights for each resource to ensure copyright and privacy restrictions are met