297 research outputs found

    Efek Pajanan Timbal Terhadap Infertilitas Pria

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    Industrial and technological advances have brought a great benefit in human life, but these also bring negative effects to human and environment. Several toxic agents often influence human health, one of them is lead which give toxic effect on male reproductive  system. Lead can cause male infertility through two main mechanisms. First, lead reduces the mannose receptors so that the sperms are unable to conduct the acrosome recation, or cause premature acrosome reaction. Secondly, lead competes with zinc in binding protamine, as the result, it will interfere the chromatin stability of the sperms which are closely related to  male fertility.  &nbsp

    O direito à memória e o ensino da História do conflito armado colombiano em um ambiente museal.

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    O direito à memória é o direito que tem a sociedade de conhecer, lembrar e procurar a verdade sobre seu próprio passado, sobretudo em situações de violência recente como é o conflito armado colombiano. O direito à memória pode ser garantido ou negado no campo da didatização da história. O ensino de história também acontece em espaços não escolarizados como os museus. O tema da pesquisa é: como os estudantes constroem explicações históricas sobre o conflito armado colombiano em um ambiente museal, e sua relação com o direito à memória. O trabalho de campo se desenvolve na Casa Museu Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (Bogotá - Colômbia), com estudantes das três últimas séries do sistema escolar colombiano. Partimos do pressuposto de que a Casa Museu Gaitán está vinculada não só a um passado doloroso, mas também a um presente conflituoso. As temporalidades superpostas deste espaço museal, são analisadas através das relações entre história acadêmica, história escolar e história cotidiana. Por isto, dialoga-se também com os conteúdos propostos para à área de Ciências Sociais e o livro didático. Garantir um direito à memória através do ensino de história, passa por combater as pretensões oficiais de impor uma memória única do passado, e oferecer ferramentas para que os estudantes possam construir explicações históricas a partir do raciocínio crítico. Isto é possível quando os estudantes confrontam as diferentes vozes que relatam o passado recente. No caso colombiano, garantir o direito à memória através do ensino de história da violência recente, é ainda mais complexo pela função que desenvolve o próprio Estado colombiano no meio do conflito armado

    Analysis of the existing correlations of effective friction angle for eastern piedmont soils of Bogota from in situ tests

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    Estimar el ángulo de fricción efectivo del suelo a partir de ensayos in situ es una tarea complicada debido a las altas tasas de deformación existentes en este tipo de ensayos, que tienden a ser demasiado invasivos y perturban las vecindades de la profundidad del ensayo y aún la muestra que eventualmente se toma en el sitio. Así mismo, la mayoría de correlaciones encontradas en la literatura actual, para obtener el ángulo de fricción efectivo, usando ensayos de campo han sido desarrolladas para suelos de otras latitudes, por tal razón al ser implementadas en suelos tropicales presentan alta dispersión, cuando se desea comparar los valores de parámetros de campo, con los resultados reales obtenidos en el laboratorio. Esta investigación busca mediante el uso de ensayos in situ, definir por medio de análisis de diferentes correlaciones, cuál de estas se ajusta mejor a las condiciones propias de suelos del piedemonte de la ciudad de Bogotá, la cual se considera la problemática primordial a resolver en el artículo. Para el presente estudio serán utilizados datos provenientes del SPT - Standard Penetration Test (de amplio uso en Colombia) y SPT-T Standard Penetration Test + Torque (nunca antes llevado a cabo en el país), realizados teniendo en cuenta la normativa acorde para cada ensayo. Considerando que para el SPT-T no existe norma local que rija este tipo de ensayos. Las correcciones por procedimientos de campo de los ensayos que se implementaron fueron realizadas por confinamiento efectivo y transferencia de energía del martillo golpeador, ya que en el estado del arte del tema son definidos como los que influyen de manera directa en la confiabilidad de los resultados. Los resultados finales muestran la tendencia de cada una de las metodologías usadas para obtener la correlación, en relación con el valor real del ángulo de fricción efectivo, obtenido de ensayos de laboratorio.To estimate the effective friction angle of soil from in situ test is a complicated job, due to high rates of strain existing in this kind of tests, which tend to be too invasive and disturb the vicinities of test depth, even the sample that eventually is taken at the site. Likewise, the most of the correlations found in the current bibliography to obtain the effective friction angle using field tests, have been developed for soils from different regions. For that reason when are implemented on tropical soils present high scatter, to compare the field parameter values with real results obtained at the lab. This research aims to use in situ tests define through of analysis of different correlations, which fits adequately to the specific conditions of the piedmont soils of Bogota. For the present study will be utilized data from SPT (widely used in Colombia) and SPT-T (never before conducted in the country), carried out considering the appropriated norms to each test, taking in account to SPT-T, doesn’t exist local standard governing such tests. The correlations for field procedures of the tests implemented were for effective confining and energy transference of the SPT hammer, since the state-of-the-art mentions it as the most affect the reliability of the final results. The final results show the tendency of the methodologies used to obtain the correlation, in relation with the real value of effective friction angle from of lab tests

    Synthesis, leishmanicidal, trypanocidal and cytotoxic activities of quinoline-chalcone and quinoline-chromone hybrids

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    We report herein the synthesis and biological activities (cytotoxicity, leishmanicidal and trypanocidal) of six quinoline-chalcone and five quinoline-chromone hybrids. The synthesized compounds were evaluated against amastigotes forms of Leishmania (V) panamensis, which is the most prevalent Leishmania species in Colombia and Trypanosoma cruzi, which is the major pathogenic species to humans. Cytotoxicity was evaluated against human U-937 macrophages. Compounds 8–12, 20, 23 and 24 showed activity against Leishmania (V) panamensis, while compounds 9, 10, 12, 20 and 23 had activity against Trypanosoma cruzi with EC50 values lower than 18 mg mL−1. 20 was the most active compound for both Leishmania (V) panamensis and Trypanosoma cruzi with EC50 of 6.11 ± 0.26 μg mL−1 (16.91 μM) and 4.09 ± 0.24 (11.32 μM), respectively. All hybrids compounds showed better activity than the anti-leishmanial drug meglumine antimoniate. Compounds 20 and 23 showed higher activity than benznidazole, the current anti-trypanosomal drug. Although these compounds showed toxicity for mammalian U-937 cells,they still have the potential to be considered as candidates to antileishmanial or trypanocydal drug development


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    El artículo trata sobre la investigación y el desarrollo de una nueva metodología el desarrollo de modelos nanotecnológicos de acuerdo a una metodología de diseño, implementación de recubrimientos y mantenimiento, para la captura, transformación, almacenamiento y extracción de datos, de la piel artificial con nanopartículas para el recubrimiento de prótesis; equipándolo con un sistema de adquisición de datos que tome las señales de su par biológico y luego sean replicadas en la prótesis usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial

    Health related quality of life in ANCA associated vasculitis and item generation for a disease specific patient reported outcome measure

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    ABSTRACTObjective: The anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAVs) are multisystem diseases of the small blood vessels. Patients experience irreversible damage and psychological effects from AAV and its treatment. An international collaboration was created to investigate the impact of AAV on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and develop a disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure to assess outcomes of importance to patients.Methods: Patients with AAV from the UK, US, and Canada were interviewed to identify salient aspects of HRQoL affected by AAV. The study was overseen by a steering committee including four patient research partners. Purposive sampling of interviewees ensured representation of a range of disease manifestations and demographics. Inductive analysis was used to identify themes of importance to patients; these were further confirmed by a free-listing exercise in the US. Individual themes were recast into candidate items, which were scrutinized by patients, piloted through cognitive interviews and received a linguistic and translatability evaluation. Results: Fifty interviews, conducted to saturation, with patients from the UK, US and Canada, identified 55 individual themes of interest within seven broad domains: general health perceptions, impact on function, psychological perceptions, social perceptions, social contact, social role and symptoms. Individual themes were constructed into >100 candidate questionnaire items which were then reduced and refined to 35 candidate items.Conclusion: This is the largest international qualitative analysis of health related quality of life in ANCA associated vasculitis to date, the results have underpinned the development of 35 candidate items for a disease-specific, patient-reported outcome questionnaire

    Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation

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    [EN] The point of departure for this study is the understanding of customer relationship management (CRM) as a set of technological solutions key for efficient business management, the benefits of which, highlighted by previous works, are presented and defined here as crucial for entrepreneurial success. Of particular interest for this purpose are the existing studies on sustainability, which provide a viable research model to assess and validate the potential effect of each CRM component (sales, marketing, and services) on the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social). Upon confirmation of our hypotheses, the subsequent validation of such model should bring a better understanding of the way in which CRM-related benefits may increase the positive impact of its components on each dimension of sustainability. CRM can hence be considered a sort of Green IT, oriented toward digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Indeed, this research model may be the basis for a more specific methodology to measure the impact and benefits of applying CRM, understood, as we will contend, both in terms of sustainable business models and innovation.Gil Gómez, H.; Guerola-Navarro, V.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Lozano Quilis, JA. (2020). Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra ivanja. 33(1):2733-2750. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2019.1676283S27332750331Abson, D. J., Fischer, J., Leventon, J., Newig, J., Schomerus, T., Vilsmaier, U., … Lang, D. J. (2016). Leverage points for sustainability transformation. Ambio, 46(1), 30-39. doi:10.1007/s13280-016-0800-yAlegre, J., Sengupta, K., & Lapiedra, R. (2011). Knowledge management and innovation performance in a high-tech SMEs industry. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 31(4), 454-470. doi:10.1177/0266242611417472Arsić, S., Banjević, K., Nastasić, A., Rošulj, D., & Arsić, M. (2018). Family Business Owner as a Central Figure in Customer Relationship Management. Sustainability, 11(1), 77. doi:10.3390/su11010077Bose, R. (2002). Customer relationship management: key components for IT success. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 102(2), 89-97. doi:10.1108/02635570210419636Bradshaw, D., & Brash, C. (2001). Managing customer relationships in the e‐business world: how to personalise computer relationships for increased profitability. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29(12), 520-530. doi:10.1108/09590550110696969Cantner, U., Joel, K., & Schmidt, T. (2009). The use of knowledge management by German innovators. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 187-203. doi:10.1108/13673270910971923Chen, A. J. W., Boudreau, M., & Watson, R. T. (2008). 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    "A little theatrical but mostly athletic": The mutable erotics of Miranda July's The First Bad Man

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    By attending to the inherent flux of sexual fantasy, Miranda July’s first novel The First Bad Man reveals a mobile and mutable erotics capable of generating an enlarged range of self-identification and relational intimacy, far from any essentialist assumptions of stable or coherent sexual identity. July focuses specifically upon role-play as the means to unpack the normative categories of hetero/homosexuality, masculinity and femininity, celebrating rather than pathologising qualities like superficiality and inconsistency. The novel touches upon many polarising issues (for example, sexual violence, sadomasochism and assisted reproductive technology), deftly avoiding the conventional language which colours perception. Both erotic and humorous, The First Bad Man helps to redefine the often highly charged discourse around sex and sexuality

    Photographed Rapid HIV Test Results Pilot Novel Quality Assessment and Training Schemes

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    HIV rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are now used widely in non-laboratory settings by non-laboratory-trained operators. Quality assurance programmes are essential in ensuring the quality of HIV RDT outcomes. However, there is no cost-effective means of supplying the many operators of RDTs with suitable quality assurance schemes. Therefore, it was examined whether photograph-based RDT results could be used and correctly interpreted in the non-laboratory setting. Further it was investigated if a single training session improved the interpretation skills of RDT operators. The photographs were interpreted, a 10-minute tutorial given and then a second interpretation session was held. It was established that the results could be read with accuracy. The participants (n = 75) with a range of skills interpreted results (>80% concordance with reference results) from a panel of 10 samples (three negative and seven positive) using four RDTs. Differences in accuracy of interpretation before and after the tutorial were marked in some cases. Training was more effective for improving the accurate interpretation of more complex results, e.g. results with faint test lines or for multiple test lines, and especially for improving interpretation skills of inexperienced participants. It was demonstrated that interpretation of RDTs was improved using photographed results allied to a 10-minute training session. It is anticipated that this method could be used for training but also for quality assessment of RDT operators without access to conventional quality assurance or training schemes requiring wet samples