36 research outputs found

    The Top Ten solar analogs in the ELODIE library

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    Several solar analogs have been identified in the library of high resolution stellar spectra taken with the echelle spectrograph ELODIE. A purely differential method has been used, based on the chi2 comparison of a large number of G dwarf spectra to 8 spectra of the Sun, taken on the Moon and Ceres. HD 146233 keeps its status of closest ever solar twin (Porto de Mello & da Silva 1997). Some other spectroscopic analogs have never been studied before, while the two planet-host stars HD095128 and HD186427 are also part of the selection. The fundamental parameters found in the literature for these stars show a surprising dispersion, partly due to the uncertainties which affect them. We discuss the advantages and drawbacks of photometric and spectroscopic methods to search for solar analogs and conclude that they have to be used jointly to find real solar twins.Comment: 12 pages, accepted in A&

    How Do Black Holes Predict the Sign of the Fourier Coefficients of Siegel Modular Forms?

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    Single centered supersymmetric black holes in four dimensions have spherically symmetric horizon and hence carry zero angular momentum. This leads to a specific sign of the helicity trace index associated with these black holes. Since the latter are given by the Fourier expansion coefficients of appropriate meromorphic modular forms of Sp(2,Z) or its subgroup, we are led to a specific prediction for the signs of a subset of these Fourier coefficients which represent contributions from single centered black holes only. We explicitly test these predictions for the modular forms which compute the index of quarter BPS black holes in heterotic string theory on T^6, as well as in Z_N CHL models for N=2,3,5,7.Comment: LaTeX file, 17 pages, 1 figur

    Analysis of Peculiarities of the Stellar Velocity Field in the Solar Neighborhood

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    Based on a new version of the Hipparcos catalogue and an updated Geneva-Copenhagen survey of F and G dwarfs, we analyze the space velocity field of about 17000 single stars in the solar neighborhood. The main known clumps, streams, and branches (Pleiades, Hyades, Sirius, Coma Berenices, Hercules, Wolf 630-alpha Ceti, and Arcturus) have been identified using various approaches. The evolution of the space velocity field for F and G dwarfs has been traced as a function of the stellar age. We have managed to confirm the existence of the recently discovered KFR08 stream. We have found 19 Hipparcos stars, candidates for membership in the KFR08 stream, and obtained an isochrone age estimate for the stream, 13 Gyr. The mean stellar ages of the Wolf 630-alpha Ceti and Hercules streams are shown to be comparable, 4--6 Gyr. No significant differences in the metallicities of stars belonging to these streams have been found. This is an argument for the hypothesis that these streams owe their origin to a common mechanism.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Finding benchmark brown dwarfs to probe the IMF as a function of time

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    Using a simulated disk brown dwarf (BD) population, we find that new large area infrared surveys are expected to identify enough BDs covering wide enough mass--age ranges to potentially measure the mass function down to ~0.03Mo, and the BD formation history out to 10 Gyr, at a level capable of establishing if BD formation follows star formation. We suggest these capabilities are best realised by spectroscopic calibration of BD properties (Teff, g and [M/H]) which, when combined with a measured luminosity and an evolutionary model can give BD mass and age relatively independent of BD atmosphere models. Such calibration requires an empirical understanding of how BD spectra are affected by variations in these properties, and thus the identification and study of "benchmark BDs" whose age and composition can be established independently. We identify the best sources of benchmark BDs as young open cluster members, moving group members, and wide (>1000AU) BD companions to both subgiant stars and high mass white dwarfs (WDs). We have used 2MASS to measure a wide L dwarf companion fraction of 2.7(+0.7/-0.5)%, which equates to a BD companion fraction of 34(+9/-6)% for an alpha~1 companion mass function. Using this value we simulate populations of wide BD binaries, and estimate that 80(+21/-14) subgiant--BD binaries, and 50(+13/-10) benchmark WD--BD binaries could be identified using current and new facilities. The WD--BD binaries should all be identifiable using the Large Area Survey component of UKIDSS combined with Sloan. Discovery of the subgiant--BD binaries will require a NIR imaging campaign around a large (~900) sample of Hipparcos subgiants. If identified, spectral studies of these benchmark brown dwarfs could reveal the spectral sensitivities across the Teff, g and [M/H] space probed by new surveys.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Ultracool dwarf benchmarks with \emph{Gaia} primaries

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We explore the potential of \emph{Gaia} for the field of benchmark ultracool/brown dwarf companions, and present the results of an initial search for metal-rich/metal-poor systems. A simulated population of resolved ultracool dwarf companions to \emph{Gaia} primary stars is generated and assessed. Of order \sim24,000 companions should be identifiable outside of the Galactic plane (b>10|b| > 10\,deg) with large-scale ground- and space-based surveys including late M, L, T, and Y types. Our simulated companion parameter space covers 0.02M/M0.10.02 \le M/M_{\odot} \le 0.1, 0.1age/Gyr140.1 \le {\rm age/Gyr} \le 14, and 2.5[Fe/H]0.5-2.5 \le {\rm [Fe/H]} \le 0.5, with systems required to have a false alarm probability 0.6\, kau}\,Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Stem Cell Therapy with Overexpressed VEGF and PDGF Genes Improves Cardiac Function in a Rat Infarct Model

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    Therapeutic potential was evaluated in a rat model of myocardial infarction using nanofiber-expanded human cord blood derived hematopoietic stem cells (CD133+/CD34+) genetically modified with VEGF plus PDGF genes (VIP).Myocardial function was monitored every two weeks up to six weeks after therapy. Echocardiography revealed time dependent improvement of left ventricular function evaluated by M-mode, fractional shortening, anterior wall tissue velocity, wall motion score index, strain and strain rate in animals treated with VEGF plus PDGF overexpressed stem cells (VIP) compared to nanofiber expanded cells (Exp), freshly isolated cells (FCB) or media control (Media). Improvement observed was as follows: VIP>Exp> FCB>media. Similar trend was noticed in the exercise capacity of rats on a treadmill. These findings correlated with significantly increased neovascularization in ischemic tissue and markedly reduced infarct area in animals in the VIP group. Stem cells in addition to their usual homing sites such as lung, spleen, bone marrow and liver, also migrated to sites of myocardial ischemia. The improvement of cardiac function correlated with expression of heart tissue connexin 43, a gap junctional protein, and heart tissue angiogenesis related protein molecules like VEGF, pNOS3, NOS2 and GSK3. There was no evidence of upregulation in the molecules of oncogenic potential in genetically modified or other stem cell therapy groups.Regenerative therapy using nanofiber-expanded hematopoietic stem cells with overexpression of VEGF and PDGF has a favorable impact on the improvement of rat myocardial function accompanied by upregulation of tissue connexin 43 and pro-angiogenic molecules after infarction

    Discovery of the benchmark metal poor T8 dwarf BD+01 2920B

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    We have searched the WISE first data release for widely separated (<10,000AU) late T dwarf companions to Hipparcos and Gliese stars. We have discovered a new binary system containing a K-band suppressed T8p dwarf WISEP J1423+0116 and the mildly metal poor ([Fe/H]=-0.38+-0.06) primary BD+01 2920 (Hip 70319), a G1 dwarf at a distance of 17.2pc. This new benchmark has Teff=680+-55K and a mass of 20-50 Mjup. Its spectral properties are well modelled except for known discrepancies in the Y and K bands. Based on the well determined metallicity of its companion, the properties of BD+01 2920B imply that the currently known T dwarfs are dominated by young low-mass objects. We also present an accurate proper motion for the T8.5 dwarf WISEP J075003.84+272544.8.Comment: MNRAS, accepted 2012 January 1