161 research outputs found

    Increasing vertical mixing to reduce Southern Ocean deep convection in NEMO3.4

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    Most CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models unrealistically form Antarctic Bottom Water by open ocean deep convection in the Weddell and Ross seas. To identify the mechanisms triggering Southern Ocean deep convection in models, we perform sensitivity experiments on the ocean model NEMO3.4 forced by prescribed atmospheric fluxes. We vary the vertical velocity scale of the Langmuir turbulence, the fraction of turbulent kinetic energy transferred below the mixed layer, and the background diffusivity and run short simulations from 1980. All experiments exhibit deep convection in the Riiser-Larsen Sea in 1987; the origin is a positive sea ice anomaly in 1985, causing a shallow anomaly in mixed layer depth, hence anomalously warm surface waters and subsequent polynya opening. Modifying the vertical mixing impacts both the climatological state and the associated surface anomalies. The experiments with enhanced mixing exhibit colder surface waters and reduced deep convection. The experiments with decreased mixing give warmer surface waters, open larger polynyas causing more saline surface waters and have deep convection across the Weddell Sea until the simulations end. Extended experiments reveal an increase in the Drake Passage transport of 4 Sv each year deep convection occurs, leading to an unrealistically large transport at the end of the simulation. North Atlantic deep convection is not significantly affected by the changes in mixing parameters. As new climate model overflow parameterisations are developed to form Antarctic Bottom Water more realistically, we argue that models would benefit from stopping Southern Ocean deep convection, for example by increasing their vertical mixing

    Material Constitutive Behavior Identification at High Strain Rates Using a Direct-Impact Hopkinson Device

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    Modern numerical simulation techniques allow nowadays obtaining accurate solutions of magnetic pulse and electrohydraulic forming/welding processes. However, one major difficulty persists: the identification of material constitutive equations behavior at levels of high strain rates reached by these processes, and which varies between 103 and 105 s-1. To address this challenge, a direct-impact Hopkinson system was developed at ECN. It permits to perform dynamic tests at very high strain rates exceeding the range of the traditional Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars and hence enable us to identify constitutive models for a wide range of strain rates. The alloy used to test this device was Ti-6Al-4V. Strain rates up to 2.5×103 s-1 were attained

    Electrohydraulic Crimping of 316L Tube in a 316L Thick Ring

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    During the electrohydraulic forming process a high current, up to one hundred of kilo amperes, is discharged between two electrodes immersed in a water tank. This creates plasma that generates a primary shock wave and secondary pressure waves. If these pressures are applied in a tube, it is then possible to deform dynamically this tube against a ring, leading to crimping. This process presents several advantages: it is possible to deform internally tubes of diameters ranging from a few millimetres to several centimetres, no lubrication is needed and because the process is dynamic, the spring back is limited and some materials can present an improved behaviour compared to quasi-static forming. In this paper, we present an original electrohydraulic crimping device. We successively present the operating principle of our system, the time evolution of the crimping pressure and the strain rate in the tube for two kinds of pulse shaper. Finally crimping tests are done to evaluate the efficiency of the process

    Phase diagram of quarter-filled band organic salts, [EDT-TTF-CONMe2]2X, X = AsF6 and Br

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    An investigation of the P/T phase diagram of the quarter-filled organic conductors, [EDT-TTF-CONMe2]2X, is reported on the basis of transport and NMR studies of two members, X=AsF6 and Br of the family. The strongly insulating character of these materials in the low pressure regime has been attributed to a remarkably stable charge ordered state confirmed by 13C NMR and the only existence of 1/4 Umklapp e-e scattering favoring a charge ordering instead of the 1D Mott localization seen in (TM)2X which are quarter-filled compounds with dimerization. A non magnetic insulating phase instead of the spin density wave state is stabilized in the deconfined regime of the phase diagram. This sequence of phases observed under pressure may be considered as a generic behavior for 1/4-filled conductors with correlations

    ASB2 is an Elongin BC-interacting protein that can assemble with Cullin 5 and Rbx1 to reconstitute an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex.

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    International audience; The ankyrin repeat-containing protein with a suppressor of cytokine signaling box-2 (ASB2) gene was identified as a retinoic acid-response gene and a target of the promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor-alpha oncogenic protein characteristic of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Expression of ASB2 in myeloid leukemia cells inhibits growth and promotes commitment, recapitulating an early step known to be critical for differentiation. Here we show that ASB2, by interacting with the Elongin BC complex, can assemble with Cullin5.Rbx1 to form an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that stimulates polyubiquitination by the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubc5. This is a first indication that a member of the ASB protein family, ASB2, is a subunit of an ECS (Elongin C-Cullin-SOCS box)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Altogether, our results strongly suggest that ASB2 targets specific proteins to destruction by the proteasome in leukemia cells that have been induced to differentiate

    The impact of Southern Ocean topographic barriers on the ocean circulation and the overlying atmosphere

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    Southern Ocean bathymetry constrains the path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), but the bathymetric influence on the coupled ocean–atmosphere system is poorly understood. Here, we investigate this impact by respectively flattening large topographic barriers around the Kerguelen Plateau, Campbell Plateau, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and Drake Passage in four simulations in a coupled climate model. The barriers impact both the wind and buoyancy forcing of the ACC transport, which increases by between 4% and 14% when barriers are removed individually and by 56% when all barriers are removed simultaneously. The removal of Kerguelen Plateau bathymetry increases convection south of the plateau and the removal of Drake Passage bathymetry reduces convection upstream in the Ross Sea. When the barriers are removed, zonal flattening of the currents leads to sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies that strongly correlate to precipitation anomalies, with correlation coefficients ranging between r = 0.92 and r = 0.97 in the four experiments. The SST anomalies correlate to the surface winds too in some locations. However, they also generate circumpolar waves of sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies, which induce remote wind speed changes that are unconnected to the underlying SST field. The meridional variability in the wind stress curl contours over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Kerguelen Plateau, and the Campbell Plateau disappears when these barriers are removed, confirming the impact of bathymetry on surface winds. However, bathymetry-induced wind changes are too small to affect the overall wave-3 asymmetry in the Southern Hemisphere westerlies. Removal of Southern Hemisphere orography is also inconsequential to the wave-3 pattern

    Finite-Temperature Properties across the Charge Ordering Transition -- Combined Bosonization, Renormalization Group, and Numerical Methods

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    We theoretically describe the charge ordering (CO) metal-insulator transition based on a quasi-one-dimensional extended Hubbard model, and investigate the finite temperature (TT) properties across the transition temperature, TCOT_{\rm CO}. In order to calculate TT dependence of physical quantities such as the spin susceptibility and the electrical resistivity, both above and below TCOT_{\rm CO}, a theoretical scheme is developed which combines analytical methods with numerical calculations. We take advantage of the renormalization group equations derived from the effective bosonized Hamiltonian, where Lanczos exact diagonalization data are chosen as initial parameters, while the CO order parameter at finite-TT is determined by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the spin susceptibility does not show a steep singularity at TCOT_{\rm CO}, and it slightly increases compared to the case without CO because of the suppression of the spin velocity. In contrast, the resistivity exhibits a sudden increase at TCOT_{\rm CO}, below which a characteristic TT dependence is observed. We also compare our results with experiments on molecular conductors as well as transition metal oxides showing CO.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    From Luttinger to Fermi liquids in organic conductors

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    This chapter reviews the effects of interactions in quasi-one dimensional systems, such as the Bechgaard and Fabre salts, and in particular the Luttinger liquid physics. It discusses in details how transport measurements both d.c. and a.c. allow to probe such a physics. It also examine the dimensional crossover and deconfinement transition occurring between the one dimensional case and the higher dimensional one resulting from the hopping of electrons between chains in the quasi-one dimensional structure.Comment: To be published In the book "The Physics of Organic Conductors and Superconductors", Springer, 2007, ed. A. Lebe

    Diversified actin protrusions promote environmental exploration but are dispensable for locomotion of leukocytes

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    Most migrating cells extrude their front by the force of actin polymerization. Polymerization requires an initial nucleation step, which is mediated by factors establishing either parallel filaments in the case of filopodia or branched filaments that form the branched lamellipodial network. Branches are considered essential for regular cell motility and are initiated by the Arp2/3 complex, which in turn is activated by nucleation-promoting factors of the WASP and WAVE families. Here we employed rapid amoeboid crawling leukocytes and found that deletion of the WAVE complex eliminated actin branching and thus lamellipodia formation. The cells were left with parallel filaments at the leading edge, which translated, depending on the differentiation status of the cell, into a unipolar pointed cell shape or cells with multiple filopodia. Remarkably, unipolar cells migrated with increased speed and enormous directional persistence, while they were unable to turn towards chemotactic gradients. Cells with multiple filopodia retained chemotactic activity but their migration was progressively impaired with increasing geometrical complexity of the extracellular environment. These findings establish that diversified leading edge protrusions serve as explorative structures while they slow down actual locomotion

    Multidecadal accumulation of anthropogenic and remineralized dissolved inorganic carbon along the Extended Ellett Line in the northeast Atlantic Ocean

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    Marine carbonate chemistry measurements have been carried out annually since 2009 during UK research cruises along the Extended Ellett Line (EEL), a hydrographic transect in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The EEL intersects several water masses that are key to the global thermohaline circulation, and therefore the cruises sample a region in which it is critical to monitor secular physical and biogeochemical changes. We have combined results from these EEL cruises with existing quality-controlled observational data syntheses to produce a hydrographic time series for the EEL from 1981 to 2013. This reveals multidecadal increases in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) throughout the water column, with a near-surface maximum rate of 1.80 ± 0.45 µmol kg−1 yr−1. Anthropogenic CO2 accumulation was assessed, using simultaneous changes in apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and total alkalinity (TA) as proxies for the biogeochemical processes that influence DIC. The stable carbon isotope composition of DIC (δ13CDIC) was also determined and used as an independent test of our method. We calculated a volume-integrated anthropogenic CO2 accumulation rate of 2.8 ± 0.4 mg C m−3 yr−1 along the EEL, which is about double the global mean. The anthropogenic CO2 component accounts for only 31 ± 6% of the total DIC increase. The remainder is derived from increased organic matter remineralization, which we attribute to the lateral redistribution of water masses that accompanies subpolar gyre contraction. Output from a general circulation ecosystem model demonstrates that spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the observations has not significantly biased our multidecadal rate of change calculations and indicates that the EEL observations have been tracking distal changes in the surrounding North Atlantic and Nordic Seas