673 research outputs found

    Hydrological and Water Quality Characteristics of Rivers Feeding into Small Earth Dams for Rural Water Supply: A Case Study of Traditional Authority Kalolo in Lilongwe District

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    The obligation to ensure adequate and clean water supply to everyone, has necessitated the development of small earth dams for rural water supply in developing countries. In Malawi, there are approximately 750 small and medium dams most of which are used multiple purposes. However, in most cases, the sustainability of these dams is challenged by gross catchment mismanagement and improper designs and set up. In this study, FDC analysis, in conjunction with water quality assessment, was used to evaluate the reliability of rivers flows that supply small earth dams designed for rural water supply in Malawi, using Kalolo area in Lilongwe district as a case study. FDC analysis showed that over 80% of the time, all rivers in the study area would not meet the target community’s water demand, without the dams in place. Water quality assessments show biological contamination as the major water quality problem. Significant seasonal variation in water quality is evident, with the dry season having generally better biological water quality. Further, the study categorized the catchments areas as moderately to largely modified using rapid ecological assessment method. Therefore, the low biological water quality may be attributed to uncontrolled anthropogenic activities in the catchment, arising from lack of proper catchment management. It is then recommended that construction of such small earth dams should be preceded by thorough scientific design through appropriate engineering and environmental studies, encompassing hydrological, geological, ecological and socio-economic factors, if the small earth dams are to result into long term outputs.Keywords: River flow; small earth dams; flow duration curve; water quality; rural water supply

    Language policy and orthographic harmonization across linguistic, ethnic and national boundaries in Southern Africa

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    Drawing on online and daily newspapers, speakers' language and writing practices, official government documents and prescribed spelling systems in Southern Africa, the paper explores the challenges and possibilities of orthographic reforms allowing for mobility across language clusters, ethnicity, regional and national borders. I argue that this entails a different theorisation of language, and for orthographies that account for the translocations and diasporic nature of late modern African identities and lifestyles. I suggest an ideological shift from prescriptivism to practice-orientated approaches to harmonisation in which orthographies are based on descriptions of observable writing practices in the mobile linguistic universe. The argument for orthographic reforms is counterbalanced with an expose on current language policies which appear designed for an increasing rare monoglot 'standard' speaker, who speaks only a 'tribal' language. The implications of the philosophical challenges this poses for linguists, language planners and policy makers are thereafter discussed.IS

    Position Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition of 25 May 2022 on the Commission's Proposal of 23 February 2022 for a Regulation on Harmonised Rules on Fair Access to and Use of Data (Data Act)

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    On 23 February 2022, the European Commission issued a Proposal for a Regulation on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Act). The overarching objective of the Proposal is to ‘ensure fairness in the digital environment, stimulate a competitive data market, open opportunities for data-driven innovation and make data available for all’. The Institute hereby presents its Position Statement that features a comprehensive analysis of whether and to what extent the proposed rules might reach the envisaged objectives. It comments on all parts of the Proposal, including the new IoT data access and use right. Finally, the Institute offers a set of recommendations as to how the proposed provisions should be amended in the legislative process to align them better with the objectives of the Data Act

    Participatory learning and action cycles with women s groups to prevent neonatal death in low-resource settings: A multi-country comparison of cost-effectiveness and affordability.

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    WHO recommends participatory learning and action cycles with women's groups as a cost-effective strategy to reduce neonatal deaths. Coverage is a determinant of intervention effectiveness, but little is known about why cost-effectiveness estimates vary significantly. This article reanalyses primary cost data from six trials in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Malawi to describe resource use, explore reasons for differences in costs and cost-effectiveness ratios, and model the cost of scale-up. Primary cost data were collated, and costing methods harmonized. Effectiveness was extracted from a meta-analysis and converted to neonatal life-years saved. Cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated from the provider perspective compared with current practice. Associations between unit costs and cost-effectiveness ratios with coverage, scale and intensity were explored. Scale-up costs and outcomes were modelled using local unit costs and the meta-analysis effect estimate for neonatal mortality. Results were expressed in 2016 international dollars. The average cost was 203(range:203 (range: 61-537)perlivebirth.Startupcostswerelarge,andspendingonstaffwasthemaincostcomponent.Thecostperneonatallifeyearsavedrangedfrom537) per live birth. Start-up costs were large, and spending on staff was the main cost component. The cost per neonatal life-year saved ranged from 135 to $1627. The intervention was highly cost-effective when using income-based thresholds. Variation in cost-effectiveness across trials was strongly correlated with costs. Removing discounting of costs and life-years substantially reduced all cost-effectiveness ratios. The cost of rolling out the intervention to rural populations ranges from 1.2% to 6.3% of government health expenditure in the four countries. Our analyses demonstrate the challenges faced by economic evaluations of community-based interventions evaluated using a cluster randomized controlled trial design. Our results confirm that women's groups are a cost-effective and potentially affordable strategy for improving birth outcomes among rural populations

    Analysis of adoption of conservation agriculture practices in southern Africa: mixed-methods approach

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 27 Apr 2023In southern Africa, conservation agriculture (CA) has been promoted to address low agricultural productivity, food insecurity, and land degradation. However, despite significant experimental evidence on the agronomic and economic benefits of CA and large scale investments by the donor community and national governments, adoption rates among smallholders remain below expectation. The main objective of this research project was thus to investigate why previous efforts and investments to scale CA technologies and practices in southern Africa have not led to widespread adoption. The paper applies a multivariate probit model and other methods to survey data from 4,373 households and 278 focus groups to identify the drivers and barriers of CA adoption in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The results show that declining soil fertility is a major constraint to maize production in Zambia and Malawi, and drought/heat is more pronounced in Zimbabwe. We also find gaps between (a) awareness and adoption, (b) training and adoption, and (c) demonstration and adoption rates of CA practices in all three countries. The gaps are much bigger between awareness and adoption and much smaller between hosting demonstration and adoption, suggesting that much of the awareness of CA practices has not translated to greater adoption. Training and demonstrations are better conduits to enhance adoption than mere awareness creation. Therefore, demonstrating the applications and benefits of CA practices is critical for promoting CA practices in all countries. Besides, greater adoption of CA practices requires enhancing farmers’ access to inputs, addressing drudgery associated with CA implementation, enhancing farmers’ technical know-how, and enacting and enforcing community bylaws regarding livestock grazing and wildfires. The paper concludes by discussing the implications for policy and investments in CA promotion

    Clinical Performance Validation of 4 Point-of-Care Cervical Cancer Screening Tests in HIV-Infected Women in Zambia

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    We sought to determine the clinical performance of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), digital cervicography (DC), Xpert HPV, and OncoE6 for cervical cancer screening in an HIV-infected population

    The treatment with the probiotic Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 of sepecimens of Solea senegalensis exposed to high stocking densities to enhance their resistance to disease

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    Aquaculture industry exposes fish to acute stress events, such as high stocking density, and a link between stress and higher susceptibility to diseases has been concluded. Several studies have demonstrated increased stress tolerance of fish treated with probiotics, but the mechanisms involved have not been elucidated. Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 is a strain isolated from healthy gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) and it is considered as probiotics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the dietary administration of this probiotics on the stress tolerance of Solea senegalensis specimens farmed under high stocking density (PHD) compared to a group fed a commercial diet and farmed under the same conditions (CHD). In addition, during the experiment, a natural infectious outbreak due to Vibrio species affected fish farmed under crowding conditions. Changes in the microbiota and histology of intestine and in the transcription of immune response genes were evaluated at 19 and 30 days of the experiment. Mortality was observed after 9 days of the beginning of the experiment in CHD and PHD groups, it being higher in the CHD group. Fish farmed under crowding stress showed reduced expression of genes at 19 day probiotic feeding. On the contrary, a significant increase in immune related gene expression was detected in CHD fish at 30 day, whereas the gene expression in fish from PHD group was very similar to that showed in specimens fed and farmed with the conventional conditions. In addition, the dietary administration of S. putrefaciens Pdp11 produced an important modulation of the intestinal microbiota, which was significantly correlated with the high number of goblet cells detected in fish fed the probiotic diet.Postprin

    Two-year impact of community-based health screening and parenting groups on child development in Zambia: Follow-up to a cluster-randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Early childhood interventions have potential to offset the negative impact of early adversity. We evaluated the impact of a community-based parenting group intervention on child development in Zambia. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We conducted a non-masked cluster-randomized controlled trial in Southern Province, Zambia. Thirty clusters of villages were matched based on population density and distance from the nearest health center, and randomly assigned to intervention (15 clusters, 268 caregiver-child dyads) or control (15 clusters, 258 caregiver-child dyads). Caregivers were eligible if they had a child 6 to 12 months old at baseline. In intervention clusters, caregivers were visited twice per month during the first year of the study by child development agents (CDAs) and were invited to attend fortnightly parenting group meetings. Parenting groups selected "head mothers" from their communities who were trained by CDAs to facilitate meetings and deliver a diverse parenting curriculum. The parenting group intervention, originally designed to run for 1 year, was extended, and households were visited for a follow-up assessment at the end of year 2. The control group did not receive any intervention. Intention-to-treat analysis was performed for primary outcomes measured at the year 2 follow-up: stunting and 5 domains of neurocognitive development measured using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Third Edition (BSID-III). In order to show Cohen's d estimates, BSID-III composite scores were converted to z-scores by standardizing within the study population. In all, 195/268 children (73%) in the intervention group and 182/258 children (71%) in the control group were assessed at endline after 2 years. The intervention significantly reduced stunting (56/195 versus 72/182; adjusted odds ratio 0.45, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.92; p = 0.028) and had a significant positive impact on language (β 0.14, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.27; p = 0.039). The intervention did not significantly impact cognition (β 0.11, 95% CI -0.06 to 0.29; p = 0.196), motor skills (β -0.01, 95% CI -0.25 to 0.24; p = 0.964), adaptive behavior (β 0.21, 95% CI -0.03 to 0.44; p = 0.088), or social-emotional development (β 0.20, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.44; p = 0.098). Observed impacts may have been due in part to home visits by CDAs during the first year of the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this trial suggest that parenting groups hold promise for improving child development, particularly physical growth, in low-resource settings like Zambia. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02234726

    Genetic determinants of the pharmacokinetic variability of rifampin in Malawian adults with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    D.J.S. was supported by a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellowship (086757/Z/08/A to D.J.S.). A.D.M. was supported by a National Institute for Health Research Integrated Clinical Academic Training Fellowship and a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellowship (105/392/B/14/Z). The Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme is supported by a strategic award from the Wellcome Trust.Variable exposure to antituberculosis (TB) drugs, partially driven by genetic factors, may be associated with poor clinical outcomes. Previous studies have suggested an influence of the SLCO1B1 locus on the plasma area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of rifampin. We evaluated the contribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SLCO1B1 and other candidate genes (AADAC and CES-1) to interindividual pharmacokinetic variability in Malawi. A total of 174 adults with pulmonary TB underwent sampling of plasma rifampin concentrations at 2 and 6 h postdose. Data from a prior cohort of 47 intensively sampled, similar patients from the same setting were available to support population pharmacokinetic model development in NONMEM v7.2, using a two-stage strategy to improve information during the absorption phase. In contrast to recent studies in South Africa and Uganda, SNPs in SLCO1B1 did not explain variability in AUC0-∞ of rifampin. No pharmacokinetic associations were identified with AADAC or CES-1 SNPs, which were rare in the Malawian population. Pharmacogenetic determinants of rifampin exposure may vary between African populations. SLCO1B1 and other novel candidate genes, as well as nongenetic sources of interindividual variability, should be further explored in geographically diverse, adequately powered cohorts.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe