404 research outputs found

    Analysis of electron-positron momentum spectra of metallic alloys as supported by first-principles calculations

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    Electron-positron momentum distributions measured by the coincidence Doppler broadening method can be used in the chemical analysis of the annihilation environment, typically a vacancy-impurity complex in a solid. In the present work, we study possibilities for a quantitative analysis, i.e., for distinguishing the average numbers of different atomic species around the defect. First-principles electronic structure calculations self-consistently determining electron and positron densities and ion positions are performed for vacancy-solute complexes in Al-Cu, Al-Mg-Cu, and Al-Mg-Cu-Ag alloys. The ensuing simulated coincidence Doppler broadening spectra are compared with measured ones for defect identification. A linear fitting procedure, which uses the spectra for positrons trapped at vacancies in pure constituent metals as components, has previously been employed to find the relative percentages of different atomic species around the vacancy [A. Somoza et al. Phys. Rev. B 65, 094107 (2002)]. We test the reliability of the procedure by the help of first-principles results for vacancy-solute complexes and vacancies in constituent metals.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on September 19 2006. Revised version submitted on November 8 2006. Published on February 14 200

    The relationship between effectiveness and throwing velocity in a handball match

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    The relationship between throwing velocity and performance is an important question in handball, but has received little research attention in competitive scenarios. The aim of the present study was to analyse the relationship between throwing velocity and player effectiveness during a match. We analysed the throws of 69 players, recording the ball velocity of 1007 goal-scoring shots. Based on their effectiveness, the players were divided into three groups: Group 1 (G1): 40% to 49.9% effectiveness; Group 2 (G2), 50% to 59.9% effectiveness; and Group 3 (G3) ≥ 60% effectiveness. No significant differences were observed between G1 and G2, but G3 presented significantly lower velocities (21.14 ± 4.97 vs 23.40 ± 6.19, p<0.001; and vs 22.41 ± 7.19, p<0.05) than G1 and G2, respectively. We also found an inverse relationship between effectiveness and throwing velocity (r=-0.48; p< 0.001), whereby faster throws reduced players’ effectiveness in competitive scenarios. All previous studies on throwing in handball have been conducted in non-competitive contexts; however, contrary to the results obtained in training contexts, we found an inverse relationship between effectiveness and high throwing velocity in competitive scenarios

    Nuclear emulsions for the detection of micrometric-scale fringe patterns: an application to positron interferometry

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    Nuclear emulsions are capable of very high position resolution in the detection of ionizing particles. This feature can be exploited to directly resolve the micrometric-scale fringe pattern produced by a matter-wave interferometer for low energy positrons (in the 10-20 keV range). We have tested the performance of emulsion films in this specific scenario. Exploiting silicon nitride diffraction gratings as absorption masks, we produced periodic patterns with features comparable to the expected interferometer signal. Test samples with periodicities of 6, 7 and 20 {\mu}m were exposed to the positron beam, and the patterns clearly reconstructed. Our results support the feasibility of matter-wave interferometry experiments with positrons.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Middle eastern genetic legacy in the paternal and maternal gene pools of Chuetas

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    Chuetas are a group of descendants of Majorcan Crypto-Jews (Balearic Islands, Spain) who were socially stigmatized and segregated by their Majorcan neighbours until recently; generating a community that, although after the seventeenth century no longer contained Judaic religious elements, maintained strong group cohesion, Jewishness consciousness, and endogamy. Collective memory fixed 15 surnames as a most important defining element of Chueta families. Previous studies demonstrated Chuetas were a differentiated population, with a considerable proportion of their original genetic make-up. Genetic data of Y-chromosome polymorphism and mtDNA control region showed, in Chuetas’ paternal lineages, high prevalence of haplogroups J2-M172 (33%) and J1-M267 (18%). In maternal lineages, the Chuetas hallmark is the presence of a new sub-branching of the rare haplogroup R0a2m as their modal haplogroup (21%). Genetic diversity in both Y-chromosome and mtDNA indicates the Chueta community has managed to avoid the expected heterogeneity decrease in their gene pool after centuries of isolation and inbreeding. Moreover, the composition of their uniparentally transmitted lineages demonstrates a remarkable signature of Middle Eastern ancestry—despite some degree of host admixture—confirming Chuetas have retained over the centuries a considerable degree of ancestral genetic signature along with the cultural memory of their Jewish origin.This work was partially supported by grant AAEE246/2014 from the Direcció General de R + D + I (Comu-nitat Autònoma de les Illes Balears) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and FCT, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Tecnology PTDC/ATP-DEM/4545/2012 project financed by European Social Funds (COMPETE-FEDER). We are grateful to Maria Trinidad Garcia (from the Serveis Cientificotècnics of the Uni-versitat de les Illes Balears) for her assistance and help with capillary electrophoresis procedures, María Luz Gómez-Barbeito for her help in mtDNA sequencing and Meryl Wyn Jones for the English language corrections. We would also like to sincerely thank all the people who volunteered to participate in this study

    Olaranbe kirol instalazioen berrikuntza

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    Laburpena: proiektu honen helburua aipatutako futbol instalazioen balorazio orokor bat egitea, gabeziak aurkitu eta hauek zuzenduko dituen proiektu bat sortzea da. Izan ere, 2002 urtean egin ziren obretatik aurrera ez da berrikuntza berririk egin, jokalari nahiz ikusleen erosotasuna eta bereziki futbolari berriekiko erakargarritasuna murriztu egin da urte hauetan. Berrikuntza honekin proiektu berrien sorrera ahalbidetzea saiatuko da, talde berrien sorrera edo maila ezberdineko txapelketak adibidez

    Quality Characteristics and Shelf-Life of Ultra-High Pressure Homogenized (UHPH) Almond Beverage

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    The effects of ultra-high-pressure homogenization (UHPH) at 200 MPa, in combination with different inlet temperatures (55 or 75 °C) during storage at 4 °C were studied and compared with pasteurized (90 °C, 90 s) almond beverage. Microbiological analysis of the physical (particle sedimentation and color) and volatile profile of the most relevant compound in almond beverages was performed at days 1, 7, 14, and 21 of cold storage. UHPH treatment 200 at 75 °C led to higher microbiological reduction after treatment and higher stability during cold storage in almond beverages than pasteurization or UHPH 200 at 55 °C. Physical characteristics of UHPH-treated samples exhibited a high stability during storage with a stable color. Volatile compounds extracted by solid phase microextraction were identified by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The effect of UHPH treatment significantly (p < 0.05) affected the volatile profile compared with pasteurized beverages, although UHPH conditions applied produced similar effects in almond beverages. Benzaldehyde was the most abundant compound detected in all treatments. Hexanal was more abundant in UHPH-treated samples, indicating a higher lipid oxidation compared to pasteurized almond beverages

    Position Specific Anthropometry and Throwing Velocity of Elite female Water Polo Players.

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    This study was conducted with the following aims: (a) to describe the effect of playing position on anthropometrics and throwing velocity in elite female water polo players and (b) to observe any relationships between anthropometric parameters and throwing velocity. To achieve these aims, we analyzed a total of 46 female elite players (age: 22.5 ± 5.1 years; height: 172.0 ± 6.9 cm, body mass: 67.4 ± 7.5 kg) members of the top 4 teams of the Spanish Honour Division women league (21 offensive wings players, 17 center, and 8 goalkeepers). Wings were significantly shorter and had smaller arm spans than goalkeepers and center players. Goalkeepers demonstrated longer forearm lengths than wing and center players. No other significant differences were evident between positions in terms of anthropometric, strength, or throwing velocity variables The somatotype of the offensive wing players was mesomorphic, whereas centers were endomorph (classified as endomesomorphic). Height, arm span, muscular mass, biepicondylar breadth of the humerus, arm girth (relaxed and tensed), and forearm girth were related to throwing velocity. In conclusion, only a small number of anthropometric differences exist between players of different positions in elite female water polo. Shorter players with smaller arm spans may be better suited to the wings, whereas athletes with longer forearms may be better suited to the goalkeeper position. Taller, more muscular athletes with wider arm spans, broader humeri, and wider arms (relaxed and flexed) tended to throw with increased velocity. Trainers should focus on increasing the modifiable characteristics (muscle mass and arm girths) that contribute to throwing velocity in this population.Actividad Física y Deport
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