397 research outputs found

    Notícia d’una mística catalana de principi del segle XVIII: Teresa Mir i March i la seva autobiografia espiritual Rahó de l’esperit.

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    Resum: En aquest article es presenta l’autobiografia espiritual en català Rahó de l’esperit (1709-1714) de la mística d’Olot Teresa Mir i March (1681-1764) i la Relació introductòria del seu pare espiritual, Esteve Gay, conservades en un testimoni únic, el manuscrit número 6 de la Biblioteca de Reserva de la Universitat de Barcelona. Se’n detalla l’estat de la qu?estió, la descripció i estructura del còdex, així com una anàlisi sumària dels diferents elements que el componen. S’aprofundeix en les dades biogràfiques de la beata a partir de la recerca arxivística. Es detallen les lectures de Mir durant els anys de redacció de Rahó de l’esperit (devocionaris i tractats espirituals), i es fa esment de com, a vegades, les representacions pictòriques i la imatgeria que tenia al seu abast l’ajudaven a formar les visions amb el seu poder evocador.Paraules clau: Estudis de gènere, Literatura catalana moderna, Autobiografia, MísticaAbstract: The article presents the spiritual autobiography in Catalan Rahó de l’esperit (1709-1714) by Teresa Mir i March (1681-1764), the mystic from Olot, and the introductory panegyric text by Esteve Gay, her spiritual father. The source is the unique documented testimonial: the manuscript number 6, Rare Book and Manuscript Library of the University of Barcelona. Further details on the issue are a description and the codex structure as well as a summary analysis of its different elements and a further learning of the blessed young lady‘s biography through archive research. A listing of Mir’s readings at the time Rahó de l’esperit (prayer books and spiritual treatises) was written and details of how sometimes the powerful evocative pictorial representations and imagery she had access to, helped her conform her visions.Keywords: Gender studies, Modern Catalan literature, Autobiography, Mysticis

    Targeting the endocannabinoid system for therapeutic purposes

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    The endocannabinoid system is an endogenous neuromodulatory system that regulates a plethora of physiological functions, including the modulation of memory, anxiety, pain, synaptic plasticity and neuronal excitability, among others. The activation of this system through exogenous or endogenous cannabinoid agonists has been proposed as a therapeutic strategy in different pathological states, although an important caveat to their use is the possible central adverse effects, such as memory impairment, anxiety and tolerance. The activity of the endocannabinoid system has been recently found involved in the pathophysiological conditions leading to obesity and fragile X syndrome, and the blockade of this system has also been investigated as a possible therapeutic approach. This thesis mainly focuses on the behavioral, paying more attention on the cognitive effects, cellular and molecular effects of exogenous and endogenous cannabinoids in order to identify potential therapeutic effects minimizing the negative consequences associated to the cannabinoid activation. This experimental research has been centered on the modulation of the positive and negative effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive component of the Cannabis sativa plant, the possibility to enhance the endogenous tone of specific endocannabinoids to improve certain therapeutic applications of cannabinoids, and the effects of inhibiting the endocannabinoid system in the amelioration of different traits associated to fragile X syndrome. The combination of behavioral, cellular and molecular approaches allowed the elucidation of different important aspects of the endocannabinoid system as an interesting therapeutic target.El sistema endocannabinoid és un sistema neuromodulador endogen que regula diferents funcions fisiològiques com la memòria, l’ansietat, el dolor i l’excitabilitat neuronal entre altres. L’activació d’aquest sistema per agonistes exògens o endògens ha estat usada com a estratègica terapèutica en diferents estats patològics tot i que els efectes adversos, com la pèrdua de memòria, l’ansietat o la tolerància, són el principal problema pel seu ús. El sistema endocannabinoid també s’ha trobat alterat en malalties com la obesitat o la síndrome del cromosoma X fràgil i, per tant, el bloqueig d’aquest sistema també s’ha emprat com a aproximació terapèutica. Aquesta tesis es centra en els efectes comportamentals i moleculars de l’administració exògena del Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, el component principal de la planta Cannabis sativa, i en la modulació endògena del sitema endocannabinoid per tal de potenciar els efectes terapèutics minimitzant els efectes adversos dels cannabinoids. A més, en aquesta tesis també hem estudiat els posibles efectes terapèutics del bloqueig dels receptors cannabinoides en la síndrome del cromosoma X fràgil. La combinació d’aproximacions moleculars, farmacològiques, electrofisiològiques i comportamentals han permès el descobriment de diferents aspectes importants que permeten demostrar que el sistema endocannabinoid és una diana terapèutica molt interessant

    Propuesta innovadora en el marco de la formación del profesorado para la enseñanza secundaria en la especialidad biologia geologia        

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    Strategies to train students in cooperative work through leadership are developed in the Máster de Formación del Profesorado. Aims are to motivate learning within a working team with a leader and leader assistant. The leader will encourage team work, accept responsibilities and organize commands properly by planning the study personally and collectively. The leader assistant's should execute jobs commanded by the leader. The teacher will never be its main source of information

    Proteoglycan mechanics studied by single-molecule force spectroscopy of allotypic cell adhesion glycans

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (2006): 5992-5999, doi:10.1074/jbc.M507878200.Early Metazoans had to evolve the first cell adhesion system addressed to maintaining stable interactions between cells constituting different individuals. As the oldest extant multicellular animals, sponges are good candidates to have remnants of the molecules responsible for that crucial innovation. Sponge cells associate in a species-specific process through multivalent calcium-dependent interactions of carbohydrate structures on an extracellular membrane-bound proteoglycan termed aggregation factor. Single-molecule force spectroscopy studies of the mechanics of aggregation factor self-binding indicate the existence of intermolecular carbohydrate adhesion domains. A 200-kDa aggregation factor glycan (g200) involved in cell adhesion exhibits interindividual differences in size and epitope content which suggest the existence of allelic variants. We have purified two of these g200 distinct forms from two individuals of the same sponge species. Comparison of allotypic versus isotypic g200 binding forces reveals significant differences. Surface plasmon resonance measurements show that g200 self-adhesion is much stronger than its binding to other unrelated glycans such as chondroitin sulfate. This adhesive specificity through multiple carbohydrate binding domains is a type of cooperative interaction that can contribute to explain some functions of modular proteoglycans in general. From our results it can be deduced that the binding strength/surface area between two aggregation factor molecules is comparable with that of focal contacts in vertebrate cells, indicating that strong carbohydrate-based cell adhesions evolved at the very start of Metazoan history.This work was supported in part by Grants BIO2002-00128 and BIO2005-01591 (both to X. F.-B.) from the Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia, Spain, which included Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional funds

    Application of the Zero-Order Reaction Rate Model and Transition State Theory to predict porous Ti6Al4V bending strength

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    Porous T16Al4V samples were produced by microsphere sintering. The Zero-Order Reaction Rate Model and Transition State Theory were used to model the sintering process and to estimate the bending strength of the porous samples developed. The evolution of the surface area during the sintering process was used to obtain sintering parameters (sintering constant, activation energy, frequency factor, constant of activation and Gibbs energy of activation). These were then correlated with the bending strength in order to obtain a simple model with which to estimate the evolution of the bending strength of the samples when the sintering temperature and time are modified: sigma(y) = P + B [In (T . t) - R.T./Delta G(g)]. Although the sintering parameters were obtained only for the microsphere sizes analysed here, the strength of intermediate sizes could easily be estimated following this model. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for supporting this study through project PET2008_0158_02. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and the Universitat Jaume I.Reig Cerdá, L.; Amigó Borrás, V.; Busquets Mataix, DJ.; Calero, JA.; Ortiz Rosales, JL. (2012). Application of the Zero-Order Reaction Rate Model and Transition State Theory to predict porous Ti6Al4V bending strength. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 32(6):1621-1626. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2012.04.052S1621162632

    ¿Es realmente fiable la evaluación no individualizada en el trabajo cooperativo?

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    Se presentan y discuten los resultados de una experiencia de trabajo cooperativo empleando la plataforma BSCW en alumnos de la titulación de Maestro de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Barcelona, con el fin de detectar posibles sesgos de las coevaluaciones y las autoevaluaciones, y para valorar la incidencia que tienen los comportamientos disruptivos en el proceso cooperativo de evaluación. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado es honesto en las calificaciones que otorga, y que los comportamientos disruptivos detectados en los distintos grupos de trabajo cooperativo, causados por una baja ciudadanía de equipo, no tienen una incidencia significativa en las calificaciones otorgadas por el grupo clase. Por tanto, se legitiman las coevaluaciones y las autoevaluaciones como instrumentos fiables de evaluación en un contexto de trabajo cooperativo

    A vision about lifelong learning and its barriers

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    Around 25 years ago, some researchers argued for moving towards innovative learning models characterized by being more personalized and where the students would have a more active role in deciding what to learn, when to learn and how to learn. Nowadays, there is a need for a flexible, efficient, universal and lifelong education. Lifelong learning is fully integrated into our society and, from the student point of view, it is very different from regular learning. Among these differences there is the maturity of students, the fact that the domains of interest are much broader, the way how learning occurs at different depths, the fact that the topics to study may be related both to work, family and leisure, and that students have little availability due to their necessity to conciliate home, work, leisure and learning. Lifelong learning requires personalized models that adapt to students'' needs and constraints, but lifelong learners keep suffering from models that are neither adapted to their necessities, nor to the needs of society. This paper reflects on the actual situation of lifelong learning, analyses some of the relevant literature and discusses the challenges to conceptualize, from a transdisciplinary point of view, innovative e-learning models that promote self-determination of students
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