246 research outputs found

    Comparisons of Transcriptional Profiles of Gut Genes between Cry1Ab-Resistant and Susceptible Strains of Ostrinia nubilalis Revealed Genes Possibly Related to the Adaptation of Resistant Larvae to Transgenic Cry1Ab Corn

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    Citation: Yao, J. X., Zhu, Y. C., Lu, N. Y., Buschman, L. L., & Zhu, K. Y. (2017). Comparisons of Transcriptional Profiles of Gut Genes between Cry1Ab-Resistant and Susceptible Strains of Ostrinia nubilalis Revealed Genes Possibly Related to the Adaptation of Resistant Larvae to Transgenic Cry1Ab Corn. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(2), 17. doi:10.3390/ijms18020301A microarray developed on the basis of 2895 unique transcripts from larval gut was used to compare gut gene expression profiles between a laboratory-selected Cry1Ab-resistant (R) strain and its isoline susceptible (S) strain of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) after the larvae were fed the leaves of transgenic corn (MON810) expressing Cry1Ab or its non-transgenic isoline for 6 h. We revealed 398 gut genes differentially expressed (i.e., either up- or down-regulated genes with expression ratio 2.0) in S-strain, but only 264 gut genes differentially expressed in R-strain after being fed transgenic corn leaves. Although the percentages of down-regulated genes among the total number of differentially expressed genes (50% in S-strain and 45% in R-strain) were similar between the R- and S-strains, the expression ratios of down-regulated genes were much higher in S-strain than in R-strain. We revealed that 17 and 9 significantly up- or down-regulated gut genes from S and R-strain, respectively, including serine proteases and aminopeptidases. These genes may be associated with Cry1Ab toxicity by degradation, binding, and cellular defense. Overall, our study suggests enhanced adaptation of Cry1Ab-resistant larvae on transgenic Cry1Ab corn as revealed by lower number and lower ratios of differentially expressed genes in R-strain than in S-strain of O. nubilalis

    First and second fundamental solutions of the time-fractional telegraph equation with Laplace or Dirac operators

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    In this work, we obtain the first and second fundamental solutions (FS) of the multidimensional time-fractional equation with Laplace or Dirac operators, where the two time-fractional derivatives of orders α ∈]0, 1] and β ∈]1, 2] are in the Caputo sense. We obtain representations of the FS in terms of Hankel transform, double Mellin- Barnes integrals, and H-functions of two variables. As an application, the FS are used to solve Cauchy problems of Laplace and Dirac type

    One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Integral Transforms of Buschman–Erdélyi Type with Legendre Functions in Kernels

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    This paper consists of two parts. In the first part we give a brief survey of results on Buschman–Erdélyi operators, which are transmutations for the Bessel singular operator. Main properties and applications of Buschman–Erdélyi operators are outlined. In the second part of the paper we consider multi-dimensional integral transforms of Buschman–Erdélyi type with Legendre functions in kernels. Complete proofs are given in this part, main tools are based on Mellin transform properties and usage of Fox H-functions

    The speed of parietal theta frequency drives visuospatial working memory capacity

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    The speed of theta brain oscillatory activity is thought to play a key role in determining working memory (WM) capacity. Individual differences in the length of a theta cycle (ranging between 4 and 7 Hz) might determine how many gamma cycles (>30 Hz) can be nested into a theta wave. Gamma cycles are thought to represent single memory items; therefore, this interplay could determine individual memory capacity. We directly tested this hypothesis by means of parietal transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) set at slower (4 Hz) and faster (7 Hz) theta frequencies during a visuospatial WM paradigm. Accordingly, we found that 4-Hz tACS enhanced WM capacity, while 7-Hz tACS reduced WM capacity. Notably, these effects were found only for items presented to the hemifield contralateral to the stimulation site. This provides causal evidence for a frequency-dependent and spatially specific organization of WM storage, supporting the theta–gamma phase coupling theory of WM capacity

    The need for transformative changes in the use of Indigenous knowledge along with science for environmental decision‐making in the Arctic

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    © 2020 The Authors. 1. Recent attention to the role of Indigenous knowledge (IK) in environmental monitoring, research and decision-making is likely to attract new people to this field of work. 2. Advancing the bringing together of IK and science in a way that is desirable to IK holders can lead to successful and inclusive research and decision-making. 3. We used the Delphi technique with 18 expert participants who were IK holders or working closely with IK from across the Arctic to examine the drivers of progress and limitations to the use of IK along with science to inform decision-making related to wildlife, reindeer herding and the environment. We also used this technique to identify participants' experiences of scientists' misconceptions concerning IK. 4. Participants had a strong focus on transformative change relating to the structure of institutions, politics, rights, involvement, power and agency over technical issues advancing or limiting progress (e.g. new technologies and language barriers). 5. Participants identified two modes of desirable research: coproducing knowledge with scientists and autonomous Indigenous-led research. They highlighted the need for more collaborative and coproduction projects to allow further refinement of approaches and more funding to support autonomous, Indigenous-led research. 6. Most misconceptions held by scientists concerning IK that were identified by participants related to the spatial, temporal and conceptual scope of IK, and the perceived need to validate IK using Western science. 7. Our research highlights some of the issues that need to be addressed by all participants in research and decision-making involving IK and science. While exact approaches will need to be tailored to specific social-ecological contexts, consideration of these broader concerns revealed by our analysis are likely to be central to effective partnerships.Anglia Ruskin University; EC H2020 Projects INTAROS and CAPARDUS. Grant Numbers: 727890, 869673; Nordic Council of Minister

    Impact of PGL-I Seropositivity on the Protective Effect of BCG Vaccination among Leprosy Contacts: A Cohort Study

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    Although leprosy has become a neglected disease, it is an important cause of disability, and 250,000 new cases are still diagnosed worldwide every year. The current study was carried out in Brazil, where almost 40,000 new cases of leprosy are diagnosed every year. The study targeted contacts of leprosy patients, who are at the highest risk of contracting the disease. We studied 2,135 contacts who were diagnosed at the Leprosy Outpatient Clinic at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, between 1987 and 2007. The presence of antibodies against a specific Mycobacterium leprae antigen (PGL-I) at the first examination and BCG vaccination status were evaluated. PGL-I-positive contacts had a higher risk of developing leprosy than PGL-I-negative contacts. Among the former, vaccinated contacts were at higher risk than unvaccinated contacts. Our results indicate that contact examination combined with PGL-I testing and BCG vaccination appears to justify the targeting of PGL-I-positive individuals for enhanced surveillance. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that PGL-I-positive contacts and contacts with a high familial bacterial index (i.e., the sum of results from index and co-prevalent cases), regardless of serological response, should be monitored. This group could be considered as a target for chemoprophylaxis

    Raman spectroscopy in head and neck cancer

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    In recent years there has been much interest in the use of optical diagnostics in cancer detection. Early diagnosis of cancer affords early intervention and greatest chance of cure. Raman spectroscopy is based on the interaction of photons with the target material producing a highly detailed biochemical 'fingerprint' of the sample. It can be appreciated that such a sensitive biochemical detection system could confer diagnostic benefit in a clinical setting. Raman has been used successfully in key health areas such as cardiovascular diseases, and dental care but there is a paucity of literature on Raman spectroscopy in Head and Neck cancer. Following the introduction of health care targets for cancer, and with an ever-aging population the need for rapid cancer detection has never been greater. Raman spectroscopy could confer great patient benefit with early, rapid and accurate diagnosis. This technique is almost labour free without the need for sample preparation. It could reduce the need for whole pathological specimen examination, in theatre it could help to determine margin status, and finally peripheral blood diagnosis may be an achievable target