100 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II B genes in the Barn owl (Aves: Tyto alba )

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    We isolated major histocompatibility complex class II B (MHCIIB) genes in the Barn owl (Tyto alba). A PCR-based approach combined with primer walking on genomic and complementary DNA as well as Southern blot analyses revealed the presence of two MHCIIB genes, both being expressed in spleen, liver, and blood. Characteristic structural features of MHCIIB genes as well as their expression and high non-synonymous substitution rates in the region involved in antigen binding suggest that both genes are functional. MHC organization in the Barn owl is simple compared to passerine species that show multiple duplications, and resembles the minimal essential MHC of chicke

    Eumelanin-based coloration and fitness parameters in birds: a meta-analysis

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    Although melanin is the most common pigment in animal integuments, the adaptive function of variation in melanin-based coloration remains poorly understood. The individual fitness returns associated with melanin pigments can be variable across species as these pigments can have physical and biological protective properties and genes involved in melanogenesis may vary in the intensity of pleiotropic effects. Moreover, dark and pale coloration can also enhance camouflage in alternative habitats and melanin-based coloration can be involved in social interactions. We investigated whether darker or paler individuals achieve a higher fitness in birds, a taxon wherein associations between melanin-based coloration and fitness parameters have been studied in a large number of species. A meta-analysis showed that the degree of melanin-based coloration was not significantly associated with laying date, clutch size, brood size, and survival across 26 species. Similar results were found when restricting the analyses to non-sexually dimorphic birds, colour polymorphic and monomorphic species, in passerines and non-passerines and in species for which inter-individual variation in melanism is due to colour intensity. However, eumelanic coloration was positively associated with clutch and brood size in sexually dimorphic species and those that vary in the size of black patches, respectively. Given that greater extent of melanin-based coloration was positively associated with reproductive parameters and survival in some species but negatively in other species, we conclude that in birds the sign and magnitude of selection exerted on melanin-based coloration is species- or trait-specifi

    Cichlids do not adjust reproductive skew to the availability of independent breeding options

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    Helpers in cooperatively breeding species forego all or part of their reproduction when remaining at home and assisting breeders to raise offspring. Different models of reproductive skew generate alternative predictions about the share of reproduction unrelated subordinates will get depending on the degree of ecological constraints. Concession models predict a larger share when independent breeding options are good, whereas restraint and tug-of-war models predict no effects on reproductive skew. We tested these predictions by determining the share of reproduction by unrelated male and female helpers in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher depending on experimentally manipulated possibilities for helper dispersal and independent breeding and depending on helper size and sex. We created 32 breeding groups in the laboratory, consisting of two breeders and two helpers each, where only the helpers had access to a nearby dispersal compartment with (treatment) or without (control) breeding substrate, using a repeated measures design. We determined the paternity and maternity of 1185 offspring from 47 broods using five to nine DNA microsatellite loci and found that: (1) helpers participated in reproduction equally across the treatments, (2) large male helpers were significantly more likely to reproduce than small helpers, and (3) male helpers engaged in significantly more reproduction than female helpers. Interestingly, in four broods, extragroup helper males had fertilized part of the brood. No helper evictions from the group after helper reproduction were observed. Our results suggest that tug-of-war models based on competition over reproduction within groups describe best the reproductive skew observed in our study system. Female breeders produced larger clutches in the treatment compared to the control situation when the large helpers were males. This suggests that male breeder-male helper reproductive conflicts may be alleviated by females producing larger clutches with helpers aroun

    A Phylogenomic Assessment of Processes Underpinning Convergent Evolution in Open-Habitat Chats.

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    Insights into the processes underpinning convergent evolution advance our understanding of the contributions of ancestral, introgressed, and novel genetic variation to phenotypic evolution. Phylogenomic analyses characterizing genome-wide gene tree heterogeneity can provide first clues about the extent of ILS and of introgression and thereby into the potential of these processes or (in their absence) the need to invoke novel mutations to underpin convergent evolution. Here, we were interested in understanding the processes involved in convergent evolution in open-habitat chats (wheatears of the genus Oenanthe and their relatives). To this end, based on whole-genome resequencing data from 50 taxa of 44 species, we established the species tree, characterized gene tree heterogeneity, and investigated the footprints of ILS and introgression within the latter. The species tree corroborates the pattern of abundant convergent evolution, especially in wheatears. The high levels of gene tree heterogeneity in wheatears are explained by ILS alone only for 30% of internal branches. For multiple branches with high gene tree heterogeneity, D-statistics and phylogenetic networks identified footprints of introgression. Finally, long branches without extensive ILS between clades sporting similar phenotypes provide suggestive evidence for a role of novel mutations in the evolution of these phenotypes. Together, our results suggest that convergent evolution in open-habitat chats involved diverse processes and highlight that phenotypic diversification is often complex and best depicted as a network of interacting lineages

    Seasonal migration patterns and the maintenance of evolutionary diversity in a cryptic bird radiation

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    Morphological differentiation associated with evolutionary diversification is often explained with adaptive benefits but the processes and mechanisms maintaining cryptic diversity are still poorly understood. Using genome-wide data, we show here that the pale sand martin Riparia diluta in Central and East Asia consists of three genetically deeply differentiated lineages which vary only gradually in morphology but broadly reflect traditional taxonomy. We detected no signs of gene flow along the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau between lowland south-eastern Chinese R. d. fohkienensis and high-altitude R. d. tibetana. Largely different breeding and migration timing between these low and high altitude populations as indicated by phenology data suggests that allochrony might act as prezygotic isolation mechanism in the area where their ranges abut. Mongolian populations of R. d. tibetana, however, displayed signs of limited mixed ancestries with Central Asian R. d. diluta. Their ranges meet in the area of a well-known avian migratory divide, where western lineages take a western migration route around the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau to winter quarters in South Asia, and eastern lineages take an eastern route to Southeast Asia. This might also be the case between western R. d. diluta and eastern R. d. tibetana as indicated by differing wintering grounds. We hypothesize that hybrids might have nonoptimal intermediate migration routes and selection against them might restrict gene flow. Although further potential isolation mechanisms might exist in the pale sand martin, our study points towards contrasting migration behaviour as an important factor in maintaining evolutionary diversity under morphological stasis

    An annotated chromosome-scale reference genome for Eastern black-eared wheatear (Oenanthe melanoleuca).

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    Pervasive convergent evolution and in part high incidences of hybridization distinguish wheatears (songbirds of the genus Oenanthe) as a versatile system to address questions at the forefront of research on the molecular bases of phenotypic and species diversification. To prepare the genomic resources for this venture, we here generated and annotated a chromosome-scale assembly of the Eastern black-eared wheatear (O. melanoleuca). This species is part of the O. hispanica-complex that is characterized by convergent evolution of plumage coloration and high rates of hybridization. The long-read-based male nuclear genome assembly comprises 1.04 Gb in 32 autosomes, the Z chromosome, and the mitogenome. The assembly is highly contiguous (contig N50: 12.6 Mb; scaffold N50: 70 Mb), with 96% of the genome assembled at chromosome level and 95.5% BUSCO completeness. The nuclear genome was annotated with 18,143 protein-coding genes and 31,333 mRNAs (annotation BUSCO completeness: 98.0%), and about 10% of the genome consists of repetitive DNA. The annotated chromosome-scale reference genome of Eastern black-eared wheatear provides a crucial resource for research into the genomics of adaptation and speciation in an intriguing group of passerines

    Covariation in levels of nucleotide diversity in homologous regions of the avian genome long after completion of lineage sorting

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    Closely related species may show similar levels of genetic diversity in homologous regions of the genome owing to shared ancestral variation still segregating in the extant species. However, after completion of lineage sorting, such covariation is not necessarily expected. On the other hand, if the processes that govern genetic diversity are conserved, diversity may potentially covary even among distantly related species. We mapped regions of conserved synteny between the genomes of two divergent bird speciescollared flycatcher and hooded crow-and identified more than 600 Mb of homologous regions (66% of the genome). From analyses of whole-genome resequencing data in large population samples of both species we found nucleotide diversity in 200 kb windows to be well correlated (Spearman's rho = 0.407). The correlation remained highly similar after excluding coding sequences. To explain this covariation, we suggest that a stable avian karyotype and a conserved landscape of recombination rate variation render the diversity-reducing effects of linked selection similar in divergent bird lineages. Principal component regression analysis of several potential explanatory variables driving heterogeneity in flycatcher diversity levels revealed the strongest effects from recombination rate variation and density of coding sequence targets for selection, consistent with linked selection. It is also possible that a stable karyotype is associated with a conserved genomic mutation environment contributing to covariation in diversity levels between lineages. Our observations imply that genetic diversity is to some extent predictable

    Key Contributions by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Towards New and Better Drugs for Tropical Diseases

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    Thanks to its expertise in clinical research, epidemiology, infectious diseases, microbiology, parasitology, public health, translational research and tropical medicine, coupled with deeply rooted partnerships with institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) has been a key contributor in many drug research and development consortia involving academia, pharma and product development partnerships. Our know-how of the maintenance of parasites and their life-cycles in the laboratory, plus our strong ties to research centres and disease control programme managers in LMICs with access to field sites and laboratories, have enabled systems for drug efficacy testing in vitro and in vivo, clinical research, and modelling to support the experimental approaches. Thus, Swiss TPH has made fundamental contributions towards the development of new drugs – and the better use of old drugs – for neglected tropical diseases and infectious diseases of poverty, such as Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease, food-borne trematodiasis (e.g. clonorchiasis, fascioliasis and opisthorchiasis), human African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, malaria, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis and tuberculosis. In this article, we show case the success stories of molecules to which Swiss TPH has made a substantial contribution regarding their use as anti-infective compounds with the ultimate aim to improve people’s health and well-being

    A phylogenomic assessment of processes underpinning convergent evolution in open-habitat chats

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    Insights into the processes underpinning convergent evolution advance our understanding of the contributions of ancestral, introgressed, and novel genetic variation to phenotypic evolution. Phylogenomic analyses characterizing genome-wide gene tree heterogeneity can provide first clues about the extent of ILS and of introgression and thereby into the potential of these processes or (in their absence) the need to invoke novel mutations to underpin convergent evolution. Here, we were interested in understanding the processes involved in convergent evolution in open-habitat chats (wheatears of the genus Oenanthe and their relatives). To this end, based on whole-genome resequencing data from 50 taxa of 44 species, we established the species tree, characterized gene tree heterogeneity, and investigated the footprints of ILS and introgression within the latter. The species tree corroborates the pattern of abundant convergent evolution, especially in wheatears. The high levels of gene tree heterogeneity in wheatears are explained by ILS alone only for 30% of internal branches. For multiple branches with high gene tree heterogeneity, D-statistics and phylogenetic networks identified footprints of introgression. Finally, long branches without extensive ILS between clades sporting similar phenotypes provide suggestive evidence for the role of novel mutations in the evolution of these phenotypes. Together, our results suggest that convergent evolution in open-habitat chats involved diverse processes and highlight that phenotypic diversification is often complex and best depicted as a network of interacting lineages

    Совершенствование информационного обеспечения управления краткосрочными материальными активами

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    Исследованы сущностные характеристики категорий «затраты», «расходы», особенности их трансформации по стадиям кругооборота средств коммерческой организации, обоснована авторская позиция по их идентификации. С учетом этого даны рекомендации по совершенствованию методики учета затрат по приобретению товаров, материалов и иных краткосрочных материальных активов в Республике Беларусь. Представлены новые методы распределения затрат по приобретению материалов и товаров по отчетным периодам, не включенных в их учетную цену. Также предложено уточнить состав статей затрат по приобретению материалов и товаров и осуществлять их распределение с учетом фактического времени оборота текущих активов.Essential characteristics of the categories “costs” and “expenses”, specific features of their transformation in accordance with the stages of the profit organization’s assets circulation are studied, the author’s position on their identification is validated. Taking this into consideration the recommendations about the improvement of the methods of calculation of the costs of purchasing goods, materials and other short-term tangible assets in the Republic of Belarus are given. New methods of distributing the costs of purchasing the materials and the goods by accounting periods not included in their accounting price are proposed. It is also proposed to define more exactly the structure of the items of the costs of purchasing materials and goods and provide their distribution allowing for actual time of the current assets turnover