3,614 research outputs found

    Examining the underlying complexity of free market beliefs

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    Evaluating Fertilizer Rate, Crop Rotation and Trap Crops for Effects on Onion Growth and Yield, Soil Health, Thrips Densities and Iris Yellow Spot Virus Incidence

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    Onion production in the United States is seriously affected by the tospovirus Iris Yellow Spot (IYSV), whose symptoms include lenticular-shaped lesions that reduce photosynthesis and bulb yield. Thrips tabacai Lindeman, onion thrips (OT), is the only known vector of the disease and a primary arthropod pest of onion. Frequent insecticide applications, increasing resistance in OT populations to insecticides, high nitrogen (N) fertilization rates and loss of yield to disease and insect pressure threaten sustainable onion production. The objectives of this study were to identify crop management strategies to enhance onion productivity while suppressing OT and IYSV. Three fertilizer rates and two crop rotations were assigned to replicated plots to assess effects on onion growth, yield, bulb storage quality, soil quality, thrips populations and IYSV incidence. Trap crops of carrot, buckwheat and lacey phacelia were established in commercial fields to evaluate impact on thrips populations and IYSV occurence. Reduced nitrogen (N) rates, one-third the standard grower rate (133.8 kg N ha-1), resulted in no yield loss as compared with the standard N rate, despite slower crop maturation. Onions treated with a standard N rate(401.8 kg N ha-1) had greater numbers of adult and immature OT than other treatments. Soil nitrate levels were lower and microbial activity measured as dehydrogenase and biomass were greater in reduced N treatments. Plots with buckwheat and phacelia had greater numbers of both adult and immature OT when trap crop apparancy was high (i.e. when onion plants were relatively smaller). There was no observed effect of trap crops on IYSV levels. Results suggest that reduced rate N applications lower numbers of OT while enhancing the microbial population, reducing potential for nitrate leaching while still maintaining yields. Potential for trap crops of buckwheat and lacey phacelia to attract onion thrips from onions exists with successive stands of highly apparent trap crops

    Abundant variation in microsatellites of the parasitic nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis and linkage to a tandem repeat

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    An understanding of how genes move between and within populations of parasitic nematodes is important in combating the evolution and spread of anthelmintic resistance. Much has been learned by studying mitochondrial DNA markers, but autosomal markers such as microsatellites have been applied to only a few nematode species, despite their many advantages for studying gene flow in eukaryotes. Here, we describe the isolation of 307 microsatellites from Trichostrongylus tenuis, an intestinal nematode of red grouse. High levels of variation were revealed at sixteen microsatellite loci (including three sex-lined loci) in 111 male T. tenuis nematodes collected from four hosts at a single grouse estate in Scotland (average He = 0.708; mean number of alleles = 12.2). A population genetic analysis detected no deviation from panmixia either between (F(ST) = 0.00) or within hosts (F(IS) = 0.015). We discuss the feasibility of developing microsatellites in parasitic nematodes and the problem of null alleles. We also describe a novel 146-bp repeat element, TteREP1, which is linked to two-thirds of the microsatellites sequenced and is associated with marker development failure. The sequence of TteREP1 is related to the TcREP-class of repeats found in several other trichostrongyloid species including Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Haemonchus contortus

    The 'Lindholme Advance' and the extent of the Last Glacial Maximum in the Vale of York

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    The limits of the glacier that occupied the southwest part of the southern Vale of York at the Last Glacial Maximum are defined in relation to recent temporary exposures at Lindholme and previous regional mapping by Geoff Gaunt. Erratic content of associated diamicts indicates sources in the Yorkshire Dales, over Stainmore and along the Permo-Triassic outcrops on the west side of the Vale of York. The advance is dated to an episode associated with a high level of pro-glacial Lake Humber within the Last Glacial Maximum. Lidar imagery suggests that the northeastern ice limit is concealed beneath later alluvium of the rivers Ouse and Trent

    Software requirements: Guidance and control software development specification

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    The software requirements for an implementation of Guidance and Control Software (GCS) are specified. The purpose of the GCS is to provide guidance and engine control to a planetary landing vehicle during its terminal descent onto a planetary surface and to communicate sensory information about that vehicle and its descent to some receiving device. The specification was developed using the structured analysis for real time system specification methodology by Hatley and Pirbhai and was based on a simulation program used to study the probability of success of the 1976 Viking Lander missions to Mars. Three versions of GCS are being generated for use in software error studies

    Mixture models for distance sampling detection functions

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    Funding: EPSRC DTGWe present a new class of models for the detection function in distance sampling surveys of wildlife populations, based on finite mixtures of simple parametric key functions such as the half-normal. The models share many of the features of the widely-used “key function plus series adjustment” (K+A) formulation: they are flexible, produce plausible shapes with a small number of parameters, allow incorporation of covariates in addition to distance and can be fitted using maximum likelihood. One important advantage over the K+A approach is that the mixtures are automatically monotonic non-increasing and non-negative, so constrained optimization is not required to ensure distance sampling assumptions are honoured. We compare the mixture formulation to the K+A approach using simulations to evaluate its applicability in a wide set of challenging situations. We also re-analyze four previously problematic real-world case studies. We find mixtures outperform K+A methods in many cases, particularly spiked line transect data (i.e., where detectability drops rapidly at small distances) and larger sample sizes. We recommend that current standard model selection methods for distance sampling detection functions are extended to include mixture models in the candidate set.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Increasing the Sustainability of Utah Farms by Incorporating Quinoa as a Novel Crop and Protecting Soil Health

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    Most of the western United States faces increasing water shortages in the coming years, which will prove a major challenge for maintaining sustainable farms. Incorporating an alternative crop that is well adapted to the projected climate could be a successful approach to increasing the sustainability of farms in the region. Quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa Willd., may be an ideal alternative crop to meet the demands of the Intermountain West. Before widespread adoption of this novel crop can occur, best management strategies need to be documented. This paper provides research on cropping systems, irrigation rates, and weed competition with quinoa. Additionally, the impacts of prior cropping history and compost addition on soil health parameters are presented. Quinoa responded to compost addition in an organic cropping system trial where low soil phosphorous was a limiting nutrient. Cover crops, 70% hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and 30% winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), provided sufficient nitrogen inputs for the following quinoa crop. In response to a line source irrigation trial, varieties showed optimal irrigation rate from 23- 42 cm of water for biomass accumulation, although no seed was produced by any variety. In a greenhouse weed trial, quinoa was less impacted by the presence of any other species, lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), red root pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and green foxtail (Setaria viridis), suggesting a high competitive advantage. Finally, organically managed soil increased soil health indicators, including microbial biomass and resistance to stress, regardless of compost addition. In addition, compost increased soil health indicators in conventionally managed soil. Seed set across all field trials was hindered by peak summer temperatures above 32°C, a known temperature sensitivity threshold during flowering for the varieties tested. Therefore, further work to select adapted varieties for the region must be accomplished before widespread adoption is feasible. An integrated approach involving a locallyadapted novel crop and soil health protection promises to increase future farm sustainability

    Incorporating Animal Movement Into Distance Sampling

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    Distance sampling is a popular statistical method to estimate the density of wild animal populations. Conventional distance sampling represents animals as fixed points in space that are detected with an unknown probability that depends on the distance between the observer and the animal. Animal movement can cause substantial bias in density estimation. Methods to correct for responsive animal movement exist, but none account for nonresponsive movement independent of the observer. Here, an explicit animal movement model is incorporated into distance sampling, combining distance sampling survey data with animal telemetry data. Detection probability depends on the entire unobserved path the animal travels. The intractable integration over all possible animal paths is approximated by a hidden Markov model. A simulation study shows themethod to be negligibly biased (\u3c5%) in scenarioswhere conventional distance sampling overestimates abundance by up to 100%. The method is applied to line transect surveys (1999– 2006) of spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) in the eastern tropical Pacific where abundance is shown to be positively biased by 21% on average, which can have substantial impact on the population dynamics estimated from these abundance estimates and on the choice of statistical methodology applied to future surveys. Supplementary materials for this article, including a standardized description of the materials available for reproducing the work, are available as an online supplement

    Habitat‐dependent occupancy and movement in a migrant songbird highlights the importance of mangroves and forested lagoons in Panama and Colombia

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    Climate change is predicted to impact tropical mangrove forests due to decreased rainfall, sea‐level rise, and increased seasonality of flooding. Such changes are likely to influence habitat quality for migratory songbirds occupying mangrove wetlands during the tropical dry season. Overwintering habitat quality is known to be associated with fitness in migratory songbirds, yet studies have focused primarily on territorial species. Little is known about the ecology of nonterritorial species that may display more complex movement patterns within and among habitats of differing quality. In this study, we assess within‐season survival and movement at two spatio‐temporal scales of a nonterritorial overwintering bird, the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea), that depends on mangroves and tropical lowland forests. Specifically, we (a) estimated within‐patch survival and persistence over a six‐week period using radio‐tagged birds in central Panama and (b) modeled abundance and occupancy dynamics at survey points throughout eastern Panama and northern Colombia as the dry season progressed. We found that site persistence was highest in mangroves; however, the probability of survival did not differ among habitats. The probability of warbler occupancy increased with canopy cover, and wet habitats were least likely to experience local extinction as the dry season progressed. We also found that warbler abundance is highest in forests with the tallest canopies. This study is one of the first to demonstrate habitat‐dependent occupancy and movement in a nonterritorial overwintering migrant songbird, and our findings highlight the need to conserve intact, mature mangrove, and lowland forests