13 research outputs found

    Programa de Educación Wikipedia en contextos de educación superior: Acciones y lecciones aprendidas de cuatro casos específicos en México y Argentina

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    This article presents a comparative view of efforts and results that have been accomplished by the Wikipedia Education Program working with higher education institutions. Following the idea that “Wikipedia belongs to education”, teachers from all over the world have become interested in including Wikipedia in their courses. This paper analyses experiences and lessons from Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Mexico, both chapters working with higher education institutions, in order to found similar challenges and solutions in the implementation of Wikipedia projects in academic spaces, also in the context of the Initiative for Regional Cooperation for Ibero-America (Iberocoop) that has proposed the creation of a chapter in the region, fostering collaboration and exchange of experiences.Este artículo presenta una visión comparativa de los esfuerzos y resultados del Programa de Educación de Wikipedia en el trabajo con instituciones de educación superior. Siguiendo la idea de que "Wikipedia pertenece a la educación", profesores de todo el mundo se han interesado en incluir Wikipedia en sus cursos. Este documento analiza experiencias y lecciones de Wikimedia Argentina y Wikimedia México, en el trabajo con instituciones de educación superior, para encontrar desafíos y soluciones similares en la implementación de proyectos de Wikipedia en espacios académicos, esto también en el contexto de la Iniciativa de Cooperación Regional para Iberoamérica (Iberocoop) que ha propuesto la creación de un capítulo en la región, fomentando la colaboración y el intercambio de experiencias

    Dissolving the dichotomies between online and campus‑based teaching: a collective response to The Manifesto for teaching online

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    This article is a collective response to the 2020 iteration of The Manifesto for Teach-ing Online. Originally published in 2011 as 20 simple but provocative statements, the aim was, and continues to be, to critically challenge the normalization of education as techno-corporate enterprise and the failure to properly account for digital methods in teaching in Higher Education. The 2020 Manifesto continues in the same critically pro-vocative fashion, and, as the response collected here demonstrates, its publication could not be timelier. Though the Manifesto was written before the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the responses gathered here inevitably reflect on the experiences of moving to digi-tal, distant, online teaching under unprecedented conditions. As these contributions reveal, the challenges were many and varied, ranging from the positive, breakthrough opportunities that digital learning offered to many students, including the disabled, to the problematic, such as poor digital networks and access, and simple digital poverty. Regardless of the nature of each response, taken together, what they show is that The Manifesto for Teaching Online offers welcome insights into and practical advice on how to teach online, and creatively confront the supremacy of face-to-face teaching

    Dissolving the dichotomies between online and campus-based teaching: a collective response to The manifesto for teaching online (Bayne et al. 2020)

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    This article is a collective response to the 2020 iteration of The Manifesto for Teaching Online. Originally published in 2011 as 20 simple but provocative statements, the aim was, and continues to be, to critically challenge the normalization of education as techno-corporate enterprise and the failure to properly account for digital methods in teaching in Higher Education. The 2020 Manifesto continues in the same critically provocative fashion, and, as the response collected here demonstrates, its publication could not be timelier. Though the Manifesto was written before the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the responses gathered here inevitably reflect on the experiences of moving to digital, distant, online teaching under unprecedented conditions. As these contributions reveal, the challenges were many and varied, ranging from the positive, breakthrough opportunities that digital learning offered to many students, including the disabled, to the problematic, such as poor digital networks and access, and simple digital poverty. Regardless of the nature of each response, taken together, what they show is that The Manifesto for Teaching Online offers welcome insights into and practical advice on how to teach online, and creatively confront the supremacy of face-to-face teaching

    Pensamiento computacional, estado del arte, 2018 - marzo 2019

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    De 1990 hasta 2019 se ha intentado definir el PC a partir de esfuerzos de una variedad de investigadores. Hoy se concluye que aún no se cuenta con una definición universalmente aceptada. A continuación se presentan los trabajos del periodo considerado, agrupados por los énfasis y enfoques que les subyacen. En este apartado se abordan los problemas para definir al PC, se presenta una línea de tiempo sobre las definiciones aportadas, las definiciones incluidas en los artículos revisados, y los elementos prevalentes en ellas. Al final de este apartado aparece una figura que sintetiza los elementos hallados en las definiciones, en el marco de la propuesta de Brennan y Resnick del 2009.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónFundación Ceiba

    Comunicación y colaboración en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje: MOOC

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    Resumen: En los últimos años, los Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) han tenido un gran auge dentro de instituciones educativas, pues brindan opciones de formación y actualización académica y profesional a un número significativo de personas en todo el m

    Wikipedia Education Program in higher education settings: Actions and lessons learned from four specific cases in Mexico and Argentina

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    Este artículo presenta una visión comparativa de los esfuerzos y resultados del Programa de Educación de Wikipedia en el trabajo con instituciones de educación superior. Siguiendo la idea de que "Wikipedia pertenece a la educación", profesores de todo el mundo se han interesado en incluir Wikipedia en sus cursos. Este documento analiza experiencias y lecciones de Wikimedia Argentina y Wikimedia México, en el trabajo con instituciones de educación superior, para encontrar desafíos y soluciones similares en la implementación de proyectos de Wikipedia en espacios académicos, esto también en el contexto de la Iniciativa de Cooperación Regional para Iberoamérica (Iberocoop) que ha propuesto la creación de un capítulo en la región, fomentando la colaboración y el intercambio de experiencias.This article presents a comparative view of efforts and results that have been accomplished by the Wikipedia Education Program working with higher education institutions. Following the idea that “Wikipedia belongs to education”, teachers from all over the world have become interested in including Wikipedia in their courses. This paper analyses experiences and lessons from Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Mexico, both chapters working with higher education institutions, in order to found similar challenges and solutions in the implementation of Wikipedia projects in academic spaces, also in the context of the Initiative for Regional Cooperation for Ibero-America (Iberocoop) that has proposed the creation of a chapter in the region, fostering collaboration and exchange of experiences

    Characterizing UNAM’s Open Education System Using the OOFAT Model

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    Mexico’s national university (UNAM) is a public mega university with a 46-year history in open education. This article presents an analysis based on the open, online, flexible provision of technology-enhanced higher education (OOFAT) model, developed by Orr and his colleagues (2018). The aim of this analysis was to characterize UNAM’s open and distance education system in terms of openness, flexibility, and its business model, in three distinct time periods. According to this analysis, the system has evolved in all areas, and at present has a content-focused approach in terms of flexibility and openness, which differs from the OOFAT at the center approach that is desired. The study also characterized the UNAM system’s business model as a prospector-like approach, which highlights the possibilities for instilling innovation through the schools that comprise this system. The analysis allowed for mapping the current situation and thus sheds light on defining the steps necessary for creating an integrally open system

    La comunicación y la colaboración vistas a través de la experiencia en un MOOC

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    The following text presents an analysis of communication and collaboration as two central aspects in the design of virtual learning environments, noticing that in many offered courses the design does not necessarily focus on creating learning communities, but to develop a series of learning activities that basically maintain a control scheme by teaching through moderation and instructions, which leaves little margin for autonomy and self-management among students. To this end, has been analyzed the MOOC Information and Communication Technologies in Education in the Coursera platform. The working methodology was based on the review of the main concepts (communication and collaboration) discussed in relation to the AVA, the main topics of discussion forums, management students in learning communities, participation in various communication channels, results of course approval. These results demonstrated that communication and collaboration is possible in MOOCs, and how autonomy and motivation is substantial for collaborative efforts among hundreds of participants. The study confirmed that collaborative products can be made voluntarily, if participants have a common language and similar incentives.Nesse texto refletiremos sobre a comunicação e a colaboração como dois aspectos centrais nos projetos de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem; em boa parte dos cursos oferecidos, a concepção instrucional não está direcionada à construção de comunidades de aprendizagem, mas a elaboração de uma série de atividades acadêmicas que mantêm um esquema de controle por parte do docente através da moderação dos fóruns e das instruções, o que deixa pouco espaço de autonomia e autogestão entre os alunos. Realizamos uma revisão do curso massivo aberto online (MOOC) Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Educação, ministrado na plataforma Coursera. A metodologia do trabalho esteve baseada na revisão das principais noções estudadas e a análise de quatro aspectos do curso: as linhas de discussão nos fóruns; a gestão dos alunos em comunidades de aprendizagem; a participação em vários canais de comunicação; e os resultados do curso. Isso permitiu obter resultados importantes sobre a ideia de viabilidade desses cursos; um deles foi que a comunicação entre comunidades de aprendizagem e os graus de autonomia para realizar atividades colaborativas entre centenas de participantes que gerem produtos colaborativos criados de forma voluntária, está baseada na motivação por compartilhar uma linguagem e incentivos semelhantes. En este texto reflexionamos sobre la comunicación y la colaboración como dos aspectos centrales en el diseño de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje; en buena parte de los cursos que se ofrecen, el diseño instruccional no se enfoca hacia la construcción de comunidades de aprendizaje, sino a la elaboración de una serie de actividades académicas que mantienen un esquema de control por parte del docente a través de la moderación de los foros y las instrucciones, que deja poco margen de autonomía y autogestión entre los alumnos. Llevamos a cabo una revisión del curso masivo abierto en línea (MOOC) Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en la Educación, impartido en la plataforma Coursera. La metodología de trabajo se basó en la revisión de los principales conceptos abordados y el análisis de cuatro aspectos del curso: los hilos de discusión de los foros; la gestión de los alumnos en comunidades de aprendizaje; la participación en varios canales de comunicación; y los resultados del curso. Esto permitió obtener resultados importantes sobre la idea de viabilidad de estos cursos; uno de ellos fue que la comunicación entre comunidades de aprendizaje y los grados de autonomía para realizar actividades colaborativas entre cientos de participantes, que generen productos colaborativos elaborados de manera voluntaria, se fundamenta en la motivación por compartir un lenguaje e incentivos similares