213 research outputs found

    Analytic solutions to a Marcum Q-function-based integral and application in energy detection of unknown signals over multipath fading channels

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    This work presents analytic solutions for a useful integral in wireless communications, which involves the Marcum Q−Q{-}function in combination with an exponential function and arbitrary power terms. The derived expressions have a rather simple algebraic representation which renders them convenient both analytically and computationally. Furthermore, they can be useful in wireless communications and particularly in the context of cognitive radio communications and radar systems, where this integral is often encountered. To this end, we derive novel expressions for the probability of detection in energy detection based spectrum sensing over η−Ό\eta{-}\mu fading channels. These expressions are given in closed-form and are subsequently employed in analyzing the effects of generalised multipath fading conditions in cognitive radio systems. As expected, it is shown that the detector is highly dependent upon the severity of fading conditions as even slight variation of the fading parameters affect the corresponding performance significantly.Comment: Latest/Preprint Versio

    Effective Polymer Dynamics of D-Dimensional Black Hole Interiors

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    We consider two different effective polymerization schemes applied to D-dimensional, spherically symmetric black hole interiors. It is shown that polymerization of the generalized area variable alone leads to a complete, regular, single-horizon spacetime in which the classical singularity is replaced by a bounce. The bounce radius is independent of rescalings of the homogeneous internal coordinate, but does depend on the arbitrary fiducial cell size. The model is therefore necessarily incomplete. It nonetheless has many interesting features: After the bounce, the interior region asymptotes to an infinitely expanding Kantowski-Sachs spacetime. If the solution is analytically continued across the horizon, the black hole exterior exhibits asymptotically vanishing quantum-corrections due to the polymerization. In all spacetime dimensions except four, the fall-off is too slow to guarantee invariance under Poincare transformations in the exterior asymptotic region. Hence the four-dimensional solution stands out as the only example which satisfies the criteria for asymptotic flatness. In this case it is possible to calculate the quantum-corrected temperature and entropy. We also show that polymerization of both phase space variables, the area and the conformal mode of the metric, generically leads to a multiple horizon solution which is reminiscent of polymerized mini-superspace models of spherically symmetric black holes in Loop Quantum Gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Added discussion about the dependency on auxiliary structures. Matches with the published versio

    The general dielectric tensor for bi-kappa magnetized plasmas

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    In this paper we derive the dielectric tensor for a plasma containing particles described by an anisotropic superthermal (bi-kappa) velocity distribution function. The tensor components are written in terms of the two-variables kappa plasma special functions, recently defined by Gaelzer and Ziebell [Phys. Plasmas 23, 022110 (2016)]. We also obtain various new mathematical properties for these functions, which are useful for the analytical treatment, numerical implementation and evaluation of the functions and, consequently, of the dielectric tensor. The formalism developed here and in the previous paper provides a mathematical framework for the study of electromagnetic waves propagating at arbitrary angles and polarizations in a superthermal plasma.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    The Ramanujan master theorem and its implications for special functions

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    We study a number of possible extensions of the Ramanujan master theorem, which is formulated here by using methods of Umbral nature. We discuss the implications of the procedure for the theory of special functions, like the derivation of formulae concerning the integrals of products of families of Bessel functions and the successive derivatives of Bessel type functions. We stress also that the procedure we propose allows a unified treatment of many problems appearing in applications, which can formally be reduced to the evaluation of exponential- or Gaussian-like integrals.Comment: 12 page

    Analytic Expressions and Bounds for Special Functions and Applications in Communication Theory

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    This paper is devoted to the derivation of novel analytic expressions and bounds for a family of special functions that are useful in wireless communication theory. These functions are the well-known Nuttall Q-function, incomplete Toronto function, Rice Ie-function, and incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integrals. Capitalizing on the offered results, useful identities are additionally derived between the above functions and Humbert, Ί1, function as well as for specific cases of the Kampé de Fériet function. These functions can be considered as useful mathematical tools that can be employed in applications relating to the analytic performance evaluation of modern wireless communication systems, such as cognitive radio, cooperative, and free-space optical communications as well as radar, diversity, and multiantenna systems. As an example, new closed-form expressions are derived for the outage probability over nonlinear generalized fading channels, namely, α-η-ÎŒ, α-λ-ÎŒ, and α-Îș-ÎŒ as well as for specific cases of the η-ÎŒ and λ-ÎŒ fading channels. Furthermore, simple expressions are presented for the channel capacity for the truncated channel inversion with fixed rate and corresponding optimum cutoff signal-to-noise ratio for single-antenna and multiantenna communication systems over Rician fading channels. The accuracy and validity of the derived expressions is justified through extensive comparisons with respective numerical results

    Obliquely propagating electromagnetic waves in magnetized kappa plasmas

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    Velocity distribution functions (VDFs) that exhibit a power-law dependence on the high-energy tail have been the subject of intense research by the plasma physics community. Such functions, known as kappa or superthermal distributions, have been found to provide a better fitting to the VDFs measured by spacecraft in the solar wind. One of the problems that is being addressed on this new light is the temperature anisotropy of solar wind protons and electrons. In the literature, the general treatment for waves excited by (bi-)Maxwellian plasmas is well-established. However, for kappa distributions, the wave characteristics have been studied mostly for the limiting cases of purely parallel or perpendicular propagation, relative to the ambient magnetic field. Contributions to the general case of obliquely-propagating electromagnetic waves have been scarcely reported so far. The absence of a general treatment prevents a complete analysis of the wave-particle interaction in kappa plasmas, since some instabilities can operate simultaneously both in the parallel and oblique directions. In a recent work, Gaelzer and Ziebell [J. Geophys. Res. 119, 9334 (2014)] obtained expressions for the dielectric tensor and dispersion relations for the low-frequency, quasi-perpendicular dispersive Alfv\'en waves resulting from a kappa VDF. In the present work, the formalism introduced by Ref. 1 is generalized for the general case of electrostatic and/or electromagnetic waves propagating in a kappa plasma in any frequency range and for arbitrary angles. An isotropic distribution is considered, but the methods used here can be easily applied to more general anisotropic distributions, such as the bi-kappa or product-bi-kappa.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasmas; added references for section

    Security Improvement for Energy Harvesting based Overlay Cognitive Networks with Jamming-Assisted Full-Duplex Destinations

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    This work investigates the secrecy capability of energy harvesting based overlay cognitive networks (EHOCNs). To this end, we assume that a message by a licensed transmitter is relayed by an unlicensed sender. Critically, the unlicensed sender uses energy harvested from licensed signals, enhancing the overall energy efficiency and maintaining the integrity of licensed communications. To secure messages broadcast by the unlicensed sender against the wire-tapper, full-duplex destinations - unlicensed recipient and licensed receiver - jam the eavesdropper at the same time they receive signals from the unlicensed sender. To this effect, we derive closed-form formulas for the secrecy outage probability, which then quantify the security performance of both unlicensed and licensed communications for EHOCNs with jamming-assisted full-duplex destinations, namely EHOCNwFD. In addition, optimum operating parameters are established, which can serve as essential design guidelines of such systems.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    On the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind of integer order with respect to its degree

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    In our recent works [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. A 39 (2006) 15147; corrigendum: 40 (2007) 7819; addendum: 40 (2007) 14887], we have investigated the derivative of the Legendre function of the first kind, PÎœ(z)P_{\nu}(z), with respect to its degree Îœ\nu. In the present work, we extend these studies and construct several representations of the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind, PΜ±m(z)P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z), with respect to the degree Îœ\nu, for m∈Nm\in\mathbb{N}. At first, we establish several contour-integral representations of ∂PΜ±m(z)/∂Μ\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu. They are then used to derive Rodrigues-type formulas for [∂PΜ±m(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} with n∈Nn\in\mathbb{N}. Next, some closed-form expressions for [∂PΜ±m(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} are obtained. These results are applied to find several representations, both explicit and of the Rodrigues type, for the associated Legendre function of the second kind of integer degree and order, Qn±m(z)Q_{n}^{\pm m}(z); the explicit representations are suitable for use for numerical purposes in various regions of the complex zz-plane. Finally, the derivatives [∂2PÎœm(z)/∂Μ2]Îœ=n[\partial^{2}P_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu^{2}]_{\nu=n}, [∂QÎœm(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial Q_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} and [∂QÎœm(z)/∂Μ]Îœ=−n−1[\partial Q_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=-n-1}, all with m>nm>n, are evaluated in terms of [∂PΜ−m(±z)/∂Μ]Îœ=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{-m}(\pm z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n}.Comment: LateX, 40 pages, 1 figure, extensive referencin

    Gravitational Atom in Compactified Extra Dimensions

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    We consider quantum mechanical effects of the modified Newtonian potential in the presence of extra compactified dimensions. We develop a method to solve the resulting Schroedinger equation and determine the energy shifts caused by the Yukawa-type corrections of the potential. We comment on the possibility of detecting the modified gravitational bound state Energy spectrum by present day and future experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure
