62 research outputs found

    Średniowieczne młyny wodne i ich wpływ na przemiany stosunków wodnych na przykładzie zlewni Obry Skwierzyńskiej

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    From the mid-13th century onwards, water provided energy to water mills located in the catchment of Obra Skwierzyńska. They did not only mill grain but also produced groats, malt, fulled cloth, tanned skin, cut wood, ground metal and produced paper. Their considerable growth in number in this area was observed at the end of the 14th century as a result of the Polish-Lithuanian Union. This area found itself on the main trade routes. During the period from the 13th to 19th century, water mills had a significant influence on the formation of the hydrological system of the catchment area. Their building and functioning was connected with the formation of mill-pond trough, dams, building weirs and mill ditches as well as bypass channels. The river network adaptation for the abovementioned purposes also includes: river mining, river bed cleaning, river banks strengthening with timber piles and boards, changes in the amount of water in watercourses. Water from lakes, springs and other water races was guided to watercourses on which several water -mills were built. Water mills were built in meadows or wetlands , trough-out canals and trenches gathering water in millponds were dug out. This kind of permanent dewatering of wet areas and changing them into meadows and pastures; also, water energy utilization for production influenced the evolution of society, forced it to optimize the utilization of surface water resources.A6114515

    Grußwort - 15. Thüringer Bibliothekstag

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    Solution Sanitary Instalations in the Family House

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    Import 23/07/2015Anotace Brychcy Tomáš, Řešení zdravotechniky v objektu rodinného domu VŠB-TUO, Fakulta stavební, Katedra prostředí staveb a TZB Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Ing. Petra Tymová, Ph.D. Tématem mé bakalářské práce je projekt novostavby dvoupatrového rodinného domu se suterénem pro čtyřčlennou rodinu. Konkrétním zaměřením mé práce je vnitřní kanalizace a opětovné využití šedých vod, jakožto užitkové vody v domácnosti. Kanalizace je rozdělená na dešťovou vodu odváděnou do vsakovacího zařízení. Splaškovou vodu, odvádějící se přímo do veřejné kanalizační sítě. A nakonec šedou vodu, která bude specializovanou čističkou šedých vod vyčištěna a znovu odvedena, aby byla využita jako částečná náhrada za vodu pitnou. Bakalářská práce se skládá z textové a výkresové části na úrovni provádění staveb.Annotation Brychcy Tomáš, Solution Sanitary Instalations in the Family House VŠB-TUO, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of building environment and BE Supervisor: Ing. Petra Tymová, Ph.D. The topic my bachelor work is the project of the new two-storey house with a basement for a family of four. A specific specialization of the my work is internal sewerage and reuse of gray water, as non-potable water. Sewerage is divided into rainwater discharging into the infiltration plant. Sewage water discharging directly into the public sewerage system. Finally, gray water, which will be specialized purifier cleaned gray water and then discharged to be used as a partial substitute for drinking water. The this bachelor consist of text and drawings on the level of implementation building.229 - Katedra prostředí staveb a TZBvýborn

    Antibacterial Bioactive Glass, S53P4, for Chronic Bone Infections - A Multinational Study

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    Correction: Volume: 971 Pages: 115-116 DOI: 10.1007/5584_2017_13 Published: 2017 WOS:000446017300010Osteomyelitis is an infectious process in bone that occasionally leads to bone destruction. Traditionally, the surgical treatment procedure is performed in combination with systemic and local antibiotics as a two-stage procedure that uses autograft or allograft bone for filling of the cavitary defect. Bioactive glass (BAG-S53P4) is a bone substitute with proven antibacterial and bone bonding properties. One hundred and sixteen patients who had verified chronic osteomyelitis was treated using BAG-S53P4 as part of the treatment. Most of the patients had previously undergone numerous procedures, sometimes for decades. A register of patient data obtained from 11 centers from Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Azerbaijan and Poland was set-up and continuously maintained at Helsinki University Central Hospital. The location of the osteomyelitis was mainly in the tibia followed by the femur and then the calcaneus. The median age of the patients was 48 years (15-87). The patients were either treated according to a one-stage procedure without local antibiotics (85 %) or by a two-stage procedure using antibiotic beads in the first procedure (15 %). The minimum follow-up was 1 year (12-95 months, median 31). The cure rate was 104/116, the total success rate 90 % and most of the patients showed a rapid recovery. The study shows that (BAG-S53P4) can be used in a one-stage procedure in treatment of osteomyelitis with excellent results.Peer reviewe

    Sports and Recreation Centre

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    Import 13/01/2017Tématem mé diplomové práce je projekt novostavby nízkoenergetického, třípatrového sportovního a rekreačního střediska. Konkrétním zaměřením mé práce je vytápění objektu pomoci alternativního zdroje energie. Vytápění je tedy vyřešeno teplovodní soustavou a zdrojem tepla bude tepelné čerpadlo země - voda. Dále proběhne posouzení tepelně technických vlastností konstrukcí a posouzení akustických vlastností konstrukcí. Nakonec se provede ekonomické zhodnoceni tepelného čerpadla s běžným zdrojem tepla. Diplomová práce se skládá z textové a výkresové části na úrovni provádění staveb.My thesis is a new low-energy, three-storey sports and recreation center. A particular focus of my work is heat the building alternative energy source. Heating is solved by a hot water system and a heat source heat pump earth - water. There will also be assessment the thermal properties of structures and assessment of acoustic properties of structures. Finally the economic evaluation of the heat pump with a common heat source. The thesis consist of text and drawings on the level of implementation building.229 - Katedra prostředí staveb a TZBvelmi dobř

    Analysis and verification of structural vibration nodes powerplant

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    Import 02/12/2011Péče o hmotný majetek je nezbytnou součástí každého podniku. V případě provozování strojních zařízení, kam lze zařadit také elektromotory, mluvíme o údržbářských systémech, které zahrnují mimo jiné také systém diagnostických měření. Těmito nástroji je možné prodloužit životnost stroje a zabezpečit provozní spolehlivost stroje. Jedním z problémů, které snižují životnost elektromotorů, je nesymetrie elektromagnetického pole elektromotoru. Práce je zaměřena na identifikaci nesymetrií elektromagnetických polí ve spektrech vibrací a na jejich kvantitativní vyhodnocení. Účelem práce je také ověření a porovnání výsledků zjištěných měřením na zkušebním modelu s výsledky získanými provozním měřením na problémových strojích. Součástí práce je rozbor konstrukce asynchronních elektromotorů a principu jeho činnosti s ohledem na příčiny vzniku nesymetrií v elektromagnetickém poli asynchronních elektromotorů. V rámci řešení disertační práce byl také navržen zkušební model pro stanovení vlivu nesymetrického elektromagnetického pole asynchronního elektromotoru. Tento model byl konstruován tak, aby umožnil provézt simulaci nesymetrického elektromagnetického pole, a to vyosením statoru vůči rotoru. Hlavním přínosem disertační práce je stanovení diagnostického postupu vedoucího k odhalení závad vyvolávajících nesymetrické elektromagnetické pole asynchronních elektromotorů, které je často v provozu při diagnostikování opomíjeno a je příčinou častých poruch a havárií strojů. V práci jsou rovněž prezentovány výsledky diagnostických provozních měření a měření na zkušebním modelu, v nichž se jednoznačně prokazují účinky nesymetrického elektromagnetického pole na vibrace strojů.Care of tangible assets is an essential part of every business. In the case of the operation of machinery, which can also include electric motors, we are talking about maintenance systems, which include a system of diagnostic measurements. These tools can extend the life of the machine and ensure operational reliability. One of the problems that reduce the life of electric motors, the motor asymmetry of the electromagnetic field. The work is focused on identifying unbalance electromagnetic fields in the vibration spectra and their quantitative evaluation. The purpose of this work is to verify and compare the results obtained by measuring the model on the test results obtained by measuring the traffic problem machines. The construction work is the analysis of induction motors and the principle of its activities with regard to the causes of unbalance in the electromagnetic field of induction motors. The solution of the dissertation was also designed to test a model to determine the effect of electromagnetic field unbalanced induction motor. This model was designed to allow to performance a simulation of planar electromagnetic field by offsetting the axis of the stator to the rotor. The main contribution of the dissertation is to determine the diagnostic process leading to the discovery of defects causing unbalanced electromagnetic induction electric field, which is often in use in diagnosing the cause of neglected and frequent equipment failures and accidents. The paper also presents the operating results of diagnostic measurements and measurements on the test model, which clearly demonstrate the effects of electromagnetic fields on planar vibration machines.Prezenční340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívyhově

    Essays on Financial Markets

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    1. En el primer capítulo “Impact of oil prices on international financial markets” se analiza el impacto de cambios en el precio de petróleo (barril WTI) y su volatilidad en los principales mercados de renta variable: DJIA, S&P500, FTSE100, DAX y NIKKEI225. Se investiga la relación lineal y no-lineal. Se usan los precios diarios del periodo 1984 – 2005. Se observa que los cambios en el precio de petróleo afectan negativamente a los mercados americanos (DJIA, S&P500) y DAX, este impacto es negativo y representa un tercio del retorno diario. No se observa ni un efecto de retraso en esta relación ni de asimetría. Los mercados americanos reaccionan positivamente a la alta volatilidad de los precios del petróleo en el entorno de bajada del precio que se explica por menor factor de coste para las empresas. No se detecta relación entre los retornos de las bolsas y las transformaciones no-lineales del precio del petróleo. Se observa la transmisión de los shocks del precio del petróleo a la volatilidad de las bolsas analizadas. 2. En el segundo capítulo “Changes in correlations between CEE stock markets and European stock markets” se detecta el cambio estructural en la correlación entre las bolsas de los países de Europa Central y de Este (bolsas de Varsovia, Praga, Budapest, Bratislava y Liubliana) y las principales bolsas de Europa de Oeste (Frankfurt, Londres, Vienna) alrededor de Mayo 2004, unos meses antes de la entrada de estos países a la Union Europea. Para detectar este cambio estructural se usan los precios diarios de los índices y el modelo Asymmetric Dynamic Correlation GARCH que permite modelizar las correlaciones y utilizar las pruebas del cambio estructural. EL mayor nivel de las correlaciones entre las bolsas de los países de Este y Oeste, después de la entrada de los países europeos emergentes a la UE en 2004, es una clara señal de la mayor integración de los mercados financieros de los países de Este con los mercados europeos. 3. El tercer capítulo “Structural changes in the volatility of IBEX35” investiga los cambios estructurales en la volatilidad del índice principal español. Se considera el periodo 1992 – 201, el modelo asimétrico GARCH y el algoritmo ICSS, y se detectan varios periodos de alta y baja volatilidad que corresponden a los principales acontecimientos económicos de la economía española y mundial. Estos cambios de volatilidad se detectan también para otro mercado bursátil de referencia – DJIA. Se observa que saber en qué estado de la volatilidad se encuentra el índice bursátil mejora significativamente la calidad de las predicciones de la volatilidad, una variable muy importante a lo hora de valorar derivados.Chapter 1, Impact of oil prices on international financial markets, analyzes the relation between oil price returns, volatility of oil price return and returns of stock indices. We consider daily prices of WTI crude and daily quotations of five main world stock indices - DJIA, S&P500, FTSE100, DAX and NIKKEI225. We investigate both the linear and non-linear relationship between oil price returns and stock market returns. We analyze also the links between the volatilities of the returns of oil prices and stock market returns. The changes in oil prices negatively affect DJIA, S&P500 and DAX. The increase in oil prices (positive returns) lowers the return on the stock index. Lagged oil returns have no influence on the stock market; neither there is any asymmetry in this relationship. The returns of DJIA and S&P 500 react to high volatility and falling oil prices. DAX reacts positively to low volatility of oil returns and negatively to high volatility of oil returns combined with increasing prices - the consequences of geopolitical events. In the same way NIKKEI also negatively reacts to the high oil return volatility. There is no relationship between the non-linear transformations of oil prices and the stock market returns. The positive shocks to oil price returns (thus increases in prices) are transmitted immediately to stock markets in form of negative shocks to stock market returns. There is also a feedback reaction of stock index volatility to the level of volatility of oil prices - the low level of oil volatility diminishes the volatility of stock market indexes next day. Chapter 2, Changes in correlations between CEE stock markets and European stock markets, analyses the changes in correlations among Western European and CEE stock markets before and after the EU entrance in 2004. This analysis allows investigating the benefits from EU integration. In our analysis we consider the daily prices over the period 1994-2006 for the following stock market indexes - WIG20 (Poland), PX50 (Czech Republic), BUX (Hungary), SAX (Slovakia) and SBI (Slovenia), DAX30 (Frankfurt), FTSE100 (London) and WBI (Vienna). Using the Asymmetric Dynamic Correlation GARCH Model we estimate conditional correlation series between CEE stock markets and three important European stock indexes. Then we detect a structural break in the conditional correlation series some months before May 2004 - the date of the entrance of all the countries to the EU. The successive increase in correlation of the Central and Eastern European financial markets and Western Europe is the sign of the higher integration of these markets with European stock markets. Chapter 3, Structural changes in the volatility of IBEX35, analyzes the changes in the volatility of the Spanish index IBEX 35 over all its history from 1992-2011. The changes in volatility levels of stock market indexes are important in many aspects of business and financial life. Using Quadratic GARCH model of Sentana (1995) and modified ICSS algorithm to detect the structural changes in the volatility of the index, we detect several structural breaks in the volatility of IBEX35. The subsamples defined by the breaks differ in the persistence and the asymmetry of the impact of shocks on volatility. We observe a better forecasting performance of the model with breaks than the benchmark, which is the QGARCH model estimated over the entire period of interest. We also observe the similar behavior of another important stock index – DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average)

    Diagnostický systém turbokompresoru

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta strojní. Katedra (340) výrobních strojů a konstruován

    Repair and reconstruction of counterweight bench

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    Import 02/11/2006Prezenční340 - Katedra výr. strojů a konstruován