111 research outputs found

    The impact of parasitism on resource allocation in a fungal host: the case of Cryphonectria parasitica and its mycovirus, Cryphonectria Hypovirus 1

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    International audienceParasites are known to profoundly affect resource allocation in their host. In order to investigate the effects of Cryphonectria Hypovirus 1 (CHV1) on the life-history traits of its fungal host Cryphonectria parasitica, an infection matrix was completed with the cross-infection of six fungal isolates by six different viruses. Mycelial growth, asexual sporulation, and spore size were measured in the 36 combinations, for which horizontal and vertical transmission of the viruses was also assessed. As expected by life-history theory, a significant negative correlation was found between host somatic growth and asexual reproduction in virus-free isolates. Interestingly this trade-off was found to be positive in infected isolates, illustrating the profound changes in host resource allocation induced by CHV1 infection. A significant and positive relationship was also found in infected isolates between vertical transmission and somatic growth. This last relationship suggests that in this system, high levels of virulence could be detrimental to the vertical transmission of the parasite. Those results underscore the interest of studying host–parasite interaction within the life-history theory framework, which might permit a more accurate understanding of the nature of the modifications triggered by parasite infection on host biology

    A Plasmodium membrane receptor platform integrates cues for egress and invasion in blood forms and activation of transmission stages

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    Critical events in the life cycle of malaria-causing parasites depend on cyclic guanosine monophosphate homeostasis by guanylyl cyclases (GCs) and phosphodiesterases, including merozoite egress or invasion of erythrocytes and gametocyte activation. These processes rely on a single GCalpha, but in the absence of known signaling receptors, how this pathway integrates distinct triggers is unknown. We show that temperature-dependent epistatic interactions between phosphodiesterases counterbalance GCalpha basal activity preventing gametocyte activation before mosquito blood feed. GCalpha interacts with two multipass membrane cofactors in schizonts and gametocytes: UGO (unique GC organizer) and SLF (signaling linking factor). While SLF regulates GCalpha basal activity, UGO is essential for GCalpha up-regulation in response to natural signals inducing merozoite egress and gametocyte activation. This work identifies a GC membrane receptor platform that senses signals triggering processes specific to an intracellular parasitic lifestyle, including host cell egress and invasion to ensure intraerythrocytic amplification and transmission to mosquitoes

    Plasmodium P-Type Cyclin CYC3 Modulates Endomitotic Growth during Oocyst Development in Mosquitoes

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    Cell-cycle progression and cell division in eukaryotes are governed in part by the cyclin family and their regulation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Cyclins are very well characterised in model systems such as yeast and human cells, but surprisingly little is known about their number and role in Plasmodium, the unicellular protozoan parasite that causes malaria. Malaria parasite cell division and proliferation differs from that of many eukaryotes. During its life cycle it undergoes two types of mitosis: endomitosis in asexual stages and an extremely rapid mitotic process during male gametogenesis. Both schizogony (producing merozoites) in host liver and red blood cells, and sporogony (producing sporozoites) in the mosquito vector, are endomitotic with repeated nuclear replication, without chromosome condensation, before cell division. The role of specific cyclins during Plasmodium cell proliferation was unknown. We show here that the Plasmodium genome contains only three cyclin genes, representing an unusual repertoire of cyclin classes. Expression and reverse genetic analyses of the single Plant (P)-type cyclin, CYC3, in the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, revealed a cytoplasmic and nuclear location of the GFP-tagged protein throughout the lifecycle. Deletion of cyc3 resulted in defects in size, number and growth of oocysts, with abnormalities in budding and sporozoite formation. Furthermore, global transcript analysis of the cyc3-deleted and wild type parasites at gametocyte and ookinete stages identified differentially expressed genes required for signalling, invasion and oocyst development. Collectively these data suggest that cyc3 modulates oocyst endomitotic development in Plasmodium berghei

    Plasmodium P-type cyclin CYC3 modulates endomitotic growth during oocyst development in mosquitoes

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    Cell-cycle progression and cell division in eukaryotes are governed in part by the cyclin family and their regulation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Cyclins are very well characterised in model systems such as yeast and human cells, but surprisingly little is known about their number and role in Plasmodium, the unicellular protozoan parasite that causes malaria. Malaria parasite cell division and proliferation differs from that of many eukaryotes. During its life cycle it undergoes two types of mitosis: endomitosis in asexual stages and an extremely rapid mitotic process during male gametogenesis. Both schizogony (producing merozoites) in host liver and red blood cells, and sporogony (producing sporozoites) in the mosquito vector, are endomitotic with repeated nuclear replication, without chromosome condensation, before cell division. The role of specific cyclins during Plasmodium cell proliferation was unknown. We show here that the Plasmodium genome contains only three cyclin genes, representing an unusual repertoire of cyclin classes. Expression and reverse genetic analyses of the single Plant (P)-type cyclin, CYC3, in the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, revealed a cytoplasmic and nuclear location of the GFP-tagged protein throughout the lifecycle. Deletion of cyc3 resulted in defects in size, number and growth of oocysts, with abnormalities in budding and sporozoite formation. Furthermore, global transcript analysis of the cyc3-deleted and wild type parasites at gametocyte and ookinete stages identified differentially expressed genes required for signalling, invasion and oocyst development. Collectively these data suggest that cyc3 modulates oocyst endomitotic development in Plasmodium berghei

    Two-parameters compartmental models for diffusion MRI: a comparative analysis

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    Diffusion MRI (DMRI) is able to depict cerebral tissue microstructure in-vivo. Multi-Compartment (MC) models represent the DMRI signal as a weighted sum of components relying on pre-defined biophysical substrate and represented by parametric functions. Number and type of parameters depend on assumptions on the local properties of the tissue. Recent years have seen a proliferation of MC models1. The Spherical Mean Technique (SMT)2, exploiting spherical harmonics, factors out the neurite orientation distribution providing direct estimates of the structure. Moreover, the estimation of 5 parameters has shown not to be reliable because of the ill-posedness of the problem. In consequence, the value of the (same) microstructural descriptors are model- and instance-dependent. In addition, 5-shells acquisitions would be needed which is rare in real settings. In this work we characterize such effect on four simplified 2-parameters models
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