562 research outputs found

    Programa de Residência Pedagógica: da revisão de literatura as vivências na escola pública

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the favorable and unfavorable aspects regarding the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) in scientific production, added to the authors' experiences as residents of the program in public schools. Qualitative in nature, the research is characterized as a literature review. From the perspective of favorable evaluation, it was noticed that the PRP provided the training and improvement of new teachers and the strengthening of ties between universities and public schools. In contrast, criticisms suggest that the PRP takes a pragmatic view of teacher education; it lacks understanding of teacher training in its entirety; and greater articulation with the demands of the community. In view of the critical analysis of the studies, it is noted that the proposals brought in the PRP are relevant for initial training, however, some points of this program must be reviewed, to enable critical teachers training in its entirety.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os aspectos favoráveis e desfavoráveis a respeito do Programa de Residência Pedagógica (PRP), com base na produção científica e na experiência dos autores como residentes do programa em escolas públicas. De natureza qualitativa, a pesquisa caracteriza-se como uma revisão de literatura. Na perspectiva dos aspectos favoráveis, observou-se que o PRP proporcionou a formação e o aperfeiçoamento dos novos professores, bem como o estreitamento dos laços entre universidade e escola pública. Em contraponto, as críticas sugerem que o PRP tem uma visão pragmática da formação de professores; falta-lhe compreensão da formação docente em sua totalidade e maior articulação com as demandas da comunidade. Diante das análises críticas dos estudos, nota-se que as propostas trazidas no PRP são relevantes para uma formação inicial, entretanto, alguns pontos no programa devem ser revistos para possibilitar a formação de professores críticos em sua totalidade

    Caracterização da eficiência exergética e ambiental da geração de eletricidade a partir de biomassa de algas

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.Diante da atual conjuntura mundial de aquecimento global, especialmente devido à crescente quantidade de gases de efeito estufa, têm-se buscado fontes de energia renovável. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem foco nas microalgas, as quais se inserem como uma potencial alternativa para dirimir a emissão de CO2 e gerar energia elétrica, pois tais organismos têm a capacidade de absorver carbono, da atmosfera ou de meios orgânicos, sintetizando compostos com alto poder calorífico, que podem ser queimados, em caldeiras, e gerar, assim, energia. Segue-se, então, por uma linha em que é feita uma revisão da literatura e do estado da arte acerca do tema em comento, a fim de obter uma suficiente quantidade de informação para poder optar pelo melhor conjunto de algacultura: espécies, meios de cultivo e de colheita/secagem, almejando-se à viabilidade financeira. De outra sorte, devem ser aplicados conceitos advindos da termodinâmica para realização de uma análise exergética e uma avaliação do ciclo de vida da geração de eletricidade a partir da biomassa de microalgas. Assim sendo, também é objetivo do estudo trabalhar em parceria com usinas sucroalcooleiras, por elas serem fontes de gás carbônico, devido ao processo de fermentação do melaço da cana, e terem como resíduo a vinhaça, que pode ser utilizada como fonte de nutrientes para as microalgas. O foco é trabalhar com a usina Jalles Machado S/A que, devido ao processo de cogeração de energia elétrica a partir da queima do bagaço de cana (ao qual será associada a biomassa de microalgas produzida), gera uma quantidade de dióxido de carbono superior a uma usina comum. Utilizando-se um meio de Guillard modificado, com 37,5% de vinhaça e 62,5% de água tratada, concluiu-se pela viabilidade exergética do cultivo da microalga Chlorella vulgaris em tanques raceways para fins de cogeração e pela razoabilidade do impacto ambiental, em que as microalgas contribuem como biorremediação da vinhaça utilizada, além de consumir CO2 inorgânico da atmosfera. __________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTGiven the current global warming situation in the world, mainly due to the rise of greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere, renewable energy sources have been sought. In this context, this work is focused on microalgae, which are a potential alternative to diminish the emission of CO2 and generate electricity, as these organisms are capable of absorbing carbon, from the atmosphere or from organic media, synthesizing compounds with a high calorific power which can be burned in boilers and generate, thereby, electricity. It follows, then, for a line in which is made a review of the literature and prior art on the subject under discussion, in order to obtain sufficient information to be able to choose the best set of algacultura: species, cultivation medium and harvesting, aiming to the financial viability. Otherwise, concepts from Thermodynamics should be applied to hold an exergy analysis and a life cycle assessment of electricity generation from microalgae biomass. Therefore, it is also an objective of the study working in partnership with sugarcane mills, because they are sources of carbon dioxide, due to the process of sugarcane molasses fermentation, and because they have vinasse as residue, which can be used as a source of nutrients for microalgae. The focus is to work with the Jalles Machado S/A plant, which, due to the process of cogeneration of electricity from the burning of sugarcane bagasse, generates a higher amount of carbon dioxide than a common plant. Using a modified Guillard cultivation medium, with 37.5% of vinasse and 62.5% of treated water, it was concluded by exergy viability of the cultivation of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in raceways ponds for cogeneration purposes and the reasonableness of the environmental impact, wherein the microalgae contribute to bioremediation of vinasse used, besides being an inorganic CO2 consumer

    Implementation of lean in health care environments: an update of systematic reviews

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    Purpose – Even though the implementation of Lean in healthcare environments is relatively recent, it has been receiving a lot of attention in recent years. Partly due to the fact that it is a recent field of practice and research and partly because the number of works developed in this field has grown rapidly, it is important to frequently update the perspectives on this field of investigation. Thus, this article aims to systematically review the implementation of Lean tools and techniques applied to hospital organizational areas in a 5-year period, between 2014 to 2018, complementing some of the most relevant reviews already published. The most important criteria such as tools, methods and principles, hospital areas intervened, improvements and difficulties were assessed and quantified. Methodology - As starting point for this systematic literature review, a set of selected pre-existing review publications was used to support the current work and as the ground base for the expansion of the studies about Lean Healthcare. The current study contemplated 114 articles from a 5-year period between 2014 and 2018. A subset of 58 of these articles was critically assessed to understand the application of lean tools and methods in different hospital areas. Findings - The thorough analysis of selected articles show a lack of works in Continuous Improvement approaches when compared to the application of work organization, visual management, and diagnosing and problem-solving tools. The reported improvement results demonstrate alignment with the principles and foundations of lean philosophy, but such results are presented in isolated initiatives and without robust evidence of long-term maintenance. Moreover, this study shows an evolution in the number of articles referring to lean implementation in hospital areas, but in its great majority, such articles report isolated implementations in different areas, not spreading those for the global organization. Thus, some of the main recommendations, are the need to implement studies on complete flows of patients, drugs and materials, instead of isolated initiatives, and strive to promote cultural change of hospitals through structural changes, following new visions and strategic objectives, supported by real models of continuous structural and sustained improvement. Originality – The current work develops a new perspective of the articles published under the thematic of Lean Healthcare, published in a recent period of 5 years, which are not completely covered by other works. Additionally, it explicitly applied, in an innovative way, an approach that used a set of previous reviews as the starting point for this SLR. In this way, it integrates approaches and categories from different SLRs, creating a framework of analysis that can be used by future researchers. Finally, it shows the most recent implementations of Lean Healthcare, exposing the current trends, improvements and also the main gaps.This work has been supported by FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020 and project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-03029

    As descrições das características físicas dos Imperadores romanos nas Histórias de Tácito (séc I – II d.C.)

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    Ao longo do artigo analisaremos as belezas e as características físicas dos Imperadores que constam na obra Histórias e como estas são imbuídas de caráter discursivo e imaginativo. Buscamos demonstrar como a cultura Antiga expressada por Tácito nos permite atualizar o conhecimento sobre o Homem, sobretudo quando intencionamos alguma perspectiva inovadora para se trabalhar os clássicos da Antiguidade. A perspectiva que adotamos foi a da beleza enquanto fator sócio-cultural, buscando entender como se dão as relações entre beleza e personalidade nos séculos I - II d.C, e como a interpretação da beleza interfere no julgo do governante e, respectivamente, na atuação do Imperador no poder. Ou seja, como a manutenção de poder e as características físicas dos Imperadores se relacionam para Tácito

    The bed bath according to the undergraduate nursing students' perspective

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    Objective: The aim was to identify the meaning of bed bath for the undergraduate nursing students as well as their feelings when performing it. Method: This is a descriptive study, with qualitative approach. The scenarios were a public hospital and a state university. The participants were 14 nursing students. Data was collected through a questionnaire and treated according to the Thematic Content Analysis. Results: Several meanings of the bed bath for the participants were identified, such as "care", "interpersonal relationship", "assessment of the general state", "privacy invasion" and "identification/fulfillment of human basic needs", provoking both positive and negative feelings/sensations. Conclusion: Bed bath needs to be done by trained personnel with a therapeutic approach through the use of sensitivity, avoiding a mechanistic practice and aiming wellness and faster recovery of the patient


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    Objetivo: identificar como a segurança do paciente é contemplada na passagem de plantão de equipes de Enfermagem em Unidades de Cuidados intensivos neonatais. Método: pesquisa quantitativa, exploratório-descritiva realizada entre 2012 e 2014. Amostra constituída por 51 observações não participantes em três Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais mediante formulário de observação, notas de campo e gravações em áudio. Para análise de dados utilizou-se frequência absoluta e relativa. Resultados: foram verificados comportamentos não benéficos à segurança do paciente durante a passagem de plantão, como os atrasos, saídas antecipadas, as conversas paralelas e a não utilização de recursos tecnológicos. Conclusão: existe um reconhecimento por parte dos profissionais de Enfermagem sobre a importância da passagem de plantão de forma que se garanta a continuidade e a segurança das ações de cuidado instituídas. No entanto, algumas práticas se mostraram frágeis e mudanças são necessárias para garantir segurança e nortear as práticas de cuidados realizadas.Descritores: Segurança do Paciente; Enfermagem; Comunicação; Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal.

    Novo modelo e velhos problemas : a criação de um serviço social autônomo sob a ótica da eficiência

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    A pesquisa objetiva analisar os desdobramentos da criação do Instituto Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (IHBDF) sob a ótica da eficiência do gasto com recursos humanos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com a utilização da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) e a adoção das seguintes variáveis: i) gasto com recursos humanos (GRH); ii) número de cirurgias realizadas (CIR) e iii) número de consultas ambulatoriais realizadas (CSA). A análise abrangeu 240 decision making units (DMUs), que correspondem aos meses observados. Os períodos analisados podem ser segregados em dois grupos: a) modelo tradicional (2008 - 2017), cujos dados foram fornecidos pela Secretaria de Saúde do DF e b) novo modelo (2018 – 2027), o qual abrange os dados projetados. Os resultados evidenciaram que a criação do IHBDF não promove a superação dos denominados velhos problemas, como a ineficiência e a insuficiente oferta de serviços de saúde.The research aims to analyze the development of the Instituto Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (IHBDF) from the point of view of the efficiency of human resources expenditure. It deals with a descriptive research, using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and adopting the following variables: i) human resources expenditure (GRH); ii) the number of surgeries (CIR) and iii) the number of outpatient consultations (CSA). The analysis covered 240 decision-making units (DMUs), which correspond to the observed months. The analyzed periods can be segregated into two groups: a) traditional model (2008 - 2017), whose data were provided by the Health Department of Distrito Federal and b) new model (2018 - 2027), which covers the projected data. The results showed that the creation of the IHBDF does not promote the overcoming of the so-called old problems, such as inefficiency and the insufficient availability of health services.La investigación objetiva analizar los desdoblamientos de la creación del Instituto Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (IHBDF) bajo la óptica de la eficiencia del gasto con recursos humanos. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, con la utilización del Análisis Envoltorio de Datos (DEA) y la adopción de las siguientes variables: i) gasto con recursos humanos (GRH); ii) número de cirugías realizadas (CIR) y iii) número de consultas ambulatorias realizadas (CSA). El análisis abarcó 240 decision making units (DMUs), que corresponden a los meses observados. Los períodos analizados pueden ser segregados en dos grupos: a) modelo tradicional (2008 - 2017), cuyos datos fueron suministrados por la Secretaría de Salud del DF y b) nuevo modelo (2018 - 2027), el cual abarca los datos proyectados. Los resultados evidenciaron que la creación del IHBDF no promueve la superación de los denominados viejos problemas, como la ineficiencia y la insuficiente oferta de servicios de salud

    Biostimulant and substrates on litchi tree propagation by air layering

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    The production of quality seedlings is important for the crop cycle and the main propagation type is by the air layering technique, which can be enhanced by using different substrates and plant growth regulators. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a biostimulant and substrate types in the propagation of litchi tree by air layering. The experiment was installed in a commercial area in the city of Mogi Mirim, SP, Brazil and conducted in a randomized block design with a 5x2 factorial with four replications. The treatments consisted of five Stimulate® biostimulant concentrations (0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 ml L-1) and two substrate types (Plantmax® and earthworm humus). After 120 days, the root length (cm), number of roots, calloused and rooted layers percentage (%), root fresh and dry mass (g) and root volume (cm3) were evaluated. Based on the results, it was found that the concentrations of 6.1 and 6.9 ml L-1 promoted greater success in litchi tree propagation and that the layers can be produced on both evaluated substrates.The production of quality seedlings is important for the crop cycle and the main propagation type is by the air layering technique, which can be enhanced by using different substrates and plant growth regulators. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a biostimulant and substrate types in the propagation of litchi tree by air layering. The experiment was installed in a commercial area in the city of Mogi Mirim, SP, Brazil and conducted in a randomized block design with a 5x2 factorial with four replications. The treatments consisted of five Stimulate® biostimulant concentrations (0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 ml L-1) and two substrate types (Plantmax® and earthworm humus). After 120 days, the root length (cm), number of roots, calloused and rooted layers percentage (%), root fresh and dry mass (g) and root volume (cm3) were evaluated. Based on the results, it was found that the concentrations of 6.1 and 6.9 ml L-1 promoted greater success in litchi tree propagation and that the layers can be produced on both evaluated substrates.

    Rapid stability-indicating UHPLC method for determination of lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in fixed-dose combination tablets

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    Lamivudine (3TC) and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) are antiretroviral drugs widely used for AIDS treatment. Since safety, efficacy and quality are essential for drug products, stability studies must be performed. Therefore, degradation studies must be carried out to evaluate the degradation products formed. The active pharmaceutical ingredients 3TC and TDF, as well as the tablets containing the combination of these drugs were subjected to a comprehensive forced degradation. 3TC, TDF and the degradation products were analyzed by a stability-indicating ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) method developed and validated. A C8 (100 x 2.0 mm, 2.2 μm) column and a mobile phase composed of 0.1 M ammonium acetate buffer pH 4.0, acetonitrile and methanol in gradient elution, at 0.5 mL/min, were used. The injection volume was 4 μL and detection was at 260 nm. The method was selective, precise, accurate and linear in the range 0.1-0.6 mg mL-1 for the two drugs. 3TC was degraded in acidic, alkaline and oxidative environment and in the presence of metal ions. Two degradation products were observed. TDF was degraded in the same conditions than those 3TC was labile. In addition, TDF was degraded in neutral condition. Again, two degradation products were formed. Chemical structures were proposed for the degradation products using UHPLC-QTOF/MS. The stability-indicating method developed showed to be useful in stability studies and in the quality control of fixed-dose combination tablets containing 3TC and TDF

    Analysis of Freight Trip Generation Model for Food and Beverage in Belo Horizonte (Brazil)

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    Today, one of the main challenges faced in urban logistics is the distribution of goods. In Brazil, mid to large cities have experienced consequences of unplanned urban sprawl and lack of adequate transportation infrastructure. The relationship between urban planning and transport stands out the attractiveness of some urban activities with direct impacts on the movement of people and goods and other component elements of urban space. The segment of bars and restaurants falls within this context, therefore is a vital activity responsible for significant percentage of jobs and revenue in a city. Altogether, foods & beverages commercial activities move daily large volumes of goods to meet the need of customers. This paper presents the results of a freight trip generation model developed for pubs and restaurants in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Once performed the model determined the number of trips generated per day per establishment. In order to expand the discrete result to a continuous one, the results were geographically interpolated to a continuous surface and extrapolated within the city limits. The data for the freight trip generation model were obtained by survey. For this, we designed a structured questionnaire to obtain information about goods, frequency, operational time, place of performance of the loading/unloading of goods, establishment size and the number of employees. Besides these information, we investigated the acceptance of alternative practices in the delivery of goods, such as off-peak delivery. To accomplish the proposed models, we applied a simple linear regression, correlating the following variables: (i) Number of trips versus area of the establishment; (ii) Number of trips versus number of employees; (iii) Number of trips versus operation day of the establishment. With the results of the linear regression for travel generations, conducted the data interpolation based on the standard deviation of the results to define the sample classification bands. This interpolation method was chosen because it is one of the most suitable for analysis of spatially scattered points due to the straightforwardness of the model and because it does not consider extra noise such as slope and spatial constraints as barriers. In this method, interpolation is determined by the value assigned to each point (in this case the number of trips), wherein the closer the points the higher the correlation trend. Finally, the resulting trip generation surface was analysed together with other geographic data such as demographic data, road network density and socioeconomic data. Findings indicate the importance of a mathematic-geographic model for trip generation as a feasible approach for support transportation planning & operation for urban goods distribution. Critical information such as the high concentration of pubs and restaurants in the same region can reinforce the vocation of the city for trading. However, an elevated number of freight vehicles to meet a high and growing demand becomes a problem specially in areas where urban road network is not efficient (not properly designed and parking spaces not properly used). This study also highlights the need for an urban freight mobility plan and public policies, by offering sustainable alternatives for urban goods distribution, which improve the urban environment. By using geospatial analysis, the study delivered statistics data and maps to catch the attention of decision makers and transportation managers, therefore facilitate the discussion on transportation policies in the city of Belo Horizonte