143 research outputs found

    Host habitat patchiness and the distance decay of similarity among gastro-intestinal nematode communities in two species of Mastomys (southeastern Senegal)

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    International audienceBeta-diversity, or how species composition changes with geographical distance, has seldom been studied for different habitats. We present here quantitative estimates of the relationship between geographic distance and similarity of parasitic nematode communities in two closely related rodent host species that live in habitats with very different spatial configurations. In southeastern Senegal Mastomys natalensis lives exclusively inside human villages whereas M. erythroleucus is continuously distributed outside villages. Both host species and their gastro-intestinal nematodes were sampled on the same spatial scale. Beta-diversity was found to be higher in parasite communities of M. erythroleucus than in those of M. natalensis, and significantly related to geographic distance in this first species. Even on the local spatial scale studied, host dispersal limitation, and stochastic events, may affect species turnover in nematode communities of M. erythroleucus. In M. natalensis, no relationship was found between geographic distance and nematode community similarity, however, suggesting low host dispersal rates between habitat patches. Together with previous population genetic results, this study illustrates the need for different approaches with regard to dispersal in natural populations and its effect on biodiversity

    Нове дослідження з історії Волині

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    Рецензія на книгу: Пахолок З. О., Несторук І. М. Миколай Крушевський і Волинь : каталог-довідник. – Луцьк : Волинянин, 2012. – 156 с. : іл

    Genetic structure of black rat populations in a rural plague focus in Madagascar

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    Correspondance: [email protected] genetic structure of reservoir populations is a key characteristic in understanding the persistence of infectious diseases in natural systems. In the Highlands of Madagascar, where plague has persisted since 1920, the black rat, Rattus rattus (L., 1758), is the sole species acting as a reservoir of the disease. Ecological surveys have shown a clear correlation between the locations of the plague-persistence area in Madagascar (above 800 m elevation) and the distribution area of one endemic plague vector, the flea Synopsyllus fonquerniei, which is found exclusively on rats living outdoors. This clear habitat segregation has led to the suggestion that R. rattus populations in the central highlands are divided into indoor- and outdoor-dwelling populations. Using eight microsatellite markers, we analysed the genetic structure of R. rattus populations living within a human plague focus in relation to habitat and geographic distance. We found that habitat by itself was not a structuring factor, unlike geographic distance. Nevertheless, the significant genotypic differentiation of R. rattus populations that was found at a fine spatial scale might relate to differences in population dynamics between rats in indoor and outdoor habitats

    Plague Circulation and Population Genetics of the Reservoir Rattus rattus: The Influence of Topographic Relief on the Distribution of the Disease within the Madagascan Focus.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Landscape may affect the distribution of infectious diseases by influencing the population density and dispersal of hosts and vectors. Plague (Yersinia pestis infection) is a highly virulent, re-emerging disease, the ecology of which has been scarcely studied in Africa. Human seroprevalence data for the major plague focus of Madagascar suggest that plague spreads heterogeneously across the landscape as a function of the relief. Plague is primarily a disease of rodents. We therefore investigated the relationship between disease distribution and the population genetic structure of the black rat, Rattus rattus, the main reservoir of plague in Madagascar. METHODOLOGYPRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a comparative study of plague seroprevalence and genetic structure (15 microsatellite markers) in rat populations from four geographic areas differing in topology, each covering about 150-200 km(2) within the Madagascan plague focus. The seroprevalence levels in the rat populations mimicked those previously reported for humans. As expected, rat populations clearly displayed a more marked genetic structure with increasing relief. However, the relationship between seroprevalence data and genetic structure differs between areas, suggesting that plague distribution is not related everywhere to the effective dispersal of rats. CONCLUSIONSSIGNIFICANCE: Genetic diversity estimates suggested that plague epizootics had only a weak impact on rat population sizes. In the highlands of Madagascar, plague dissemination cannot be accounted for solely by the effective dispersal of the reservoir. Human social activities may also be involved in spreading the disease in rat and human populations

    Same Invasion, Different Routes: Helminth Assemblages May Favor the Invasion Success of the House Mouse in Senegal

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    Previous field-based studies have evidenced patterns in gastrointestinal helminth (GIH) assemblages of rodent communities that are consistent with "enemy release" and "spill-back" hypotheses, suggesting a role of parasites in the ongoing invasion success of the exotic house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in Senegal (West Africa). However, these findings came from a single invasion route, thus preventing to ascertain that they did not result from stochastic and/or selective processes that could differ across invasion pathways. In the present study, we investigated the distribution of rodent communities and their GIH assemblages in three distinct zones of Northern Senegal, which corresponded to independent house mouse invasion fronts. Our findings first showed an unexpectedly rapid spread of the house mouse, which reached even remote areas where native species would have been expected to dominate the rodent communities. They also strengthened previous insights suggesting a role of helminths in the invasion success of the house mouse, such as: (i) low infestation rates of invading mice by the exotic nematode Aspiculuris tetraptera at invasion fronts except in a single zone where the establishment of the house mouse could be older than initially thought, which was consistent with the "enemy release" hypothesis; and (ii) higher infection rates by the local cestode Mathevotaenia symmetrica in native rodents with long co-existence history with invasive mice, bringing support to the "spill-back" hypothesis. Therefore, "enemy release" and "spill-back" mechanisms should be seriously considered when explaining the invasion success of the house mouse provided further experimental works demonstrate that involved GIHs affect rodent fitness or exert selective pressures. Next steps should also include evolutionary, immunological, and behavioral perspectives to fully capture the complexity, causes and consequences of GIH variations along these invasion routes

    Detection of Orientia sp. DNA in rodents from Asia, West Africa and Europe

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    Article Open AccessInternational audienceOrientia bacterium is the agent of the scrub typhus, a seriously neglected life-threatening disease in Asia. Here, we report the detection of DNA of Orientia in rodents from Europe and Africa. These findings have important implications for public health. Surveillance outside Asia, where the disease is not expected by sanitary services, needs to be improved

    Parasites and invasions: changes in gastrointestinal helminth assemblages in invasive and native rodents in Senegal

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    Understanding why some exotic species become widespread and abundant in their colonised range is a fundamental issue that still needs to be addressed. Among many hypotheses, newly established host populations may benefit from a parasite loss ("enemy release" hypothesis) through impoverishment of their original parasite communities or reduced infection levels. Moreover, the fitness of competing native hosts may be negatively affected by the acquisition of exotic taxa from invaders ("parasite spillover") and/or by an increased transmission risk of native parasites due to their amplification by invaders ("parasite spillback"). We focused on gastrointestinal helminth communities to determine whether these predictions could explain the ongoing invasion success of the commensal house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) and black rat (Rattus rattus), as well as the associated decrease in native Mastomys spp., in Senegal. For both invasive species, our results were consistent with the predictions of the enemy release hypothesis. A decrease in overall gastrointestinal helminth prevalence and infracommunity species richness was observed along the invasion gradients as well as lower specific prevalence/abundance (Aspiculuris tetraptera in Mus musculus domesticus, Hymenolepis diminuta in Rattus rattus) on the invasion fronts. Conversely, we did not find strong evidence of GIH spillover or spillback in invasion fronts, where native and invasive rodents co-occurred. Further experimental research is needed to determine whether and how the loss of gastrointestinal helminths and reduced infection levels along invasion routes may result in any advantageous effects on invader fitness and competitive advantage

    Testing the 'zero-sum game' hypothesis: An examination of school health policy and practice and inequalities in educational outcomes

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    Background: There is recognition that health and education are intrinsically linked, through for example the World Health Organizations' Health Promoting Schools' (HPS) framework. Nevertheless, promoting health via schools is seen by some as a 'zero-sum game'; that is, schools have nothing to gain, and in fact may experience detriments to the core business of academic attainment as a result of focussing resources on health. Crucially, there is a paucity of evidence around the impacts of health and well-being policy and practice on attainment, with recent Cochrane reviews highlighting this gap. This study explored the 'zero-sum game' hypothesis among schools with varying levels of deprivation; that is, the role of health and wellbeing interventions in schools in reducing, or widening, socioeconomic inequality in educational attainment. Methods: Wales-wide, school-level survey data on health policies and practices, reflective of the HPS framework, were captured in 2016 using the School Environment Questionnaire (SEQ). SEQ data were linked with routinely collected data on academic attainment. Primary outcomes included attendance and attainment at Key Stages 3 and 4. Interaction terms were fitted to test whether there was an interaction between FSM,overall HPS activity, and outcomes. Linear regression models were constructed separately for high (>15% of pupils) and low (<15%) Free School Meal (FSM) schools, adjusting for confounders. Findings: The final analyses included 48 low and 49 high FSM secondary schools. Significant interactions were observed between FSM and overall HPS for KS3 attainment (b=0.28; 95% CI: 0.09, 0.47) and attendance(b=0.05; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.09), reflecting an association between health improvement activities and education outcomes among high, but not low FSM schools. There was no significant interaction for KS4 attainment (b=0.18; 95% CI: -0.22, 0.57).Interpretation: Our findings did not support the 'zero-sum game' hypothesis; in fact, among more deprived schools, there was a tendency for better attendance and attainment at Key Stage 3. Schools must equip students with the skills required for good physical, mental health and well-being in addition to academic and cognitive skills. The study included a large, nationally representative sample of secondary schools;however, the cross-sectional nature has implications for causality

    Plague Circulation and Population Genetics of the Reservoir Rattus rattus: The Influence of Topographic Relief on the Distribution of the Disease within the Madagascan Focus.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Landscape may affect the distribution of infectious diseases by influencing the population density and dispersal of hosts and vectors. Plague (Yersinia pestis infection) is a highly virulent, re-emerging disease, the ecology of which has been scarcely studied in Africa. Human seroprevalence data for the major plague focus of Madagascar suggest that plague spreads heterogeneously across the landscape as a function of the relief. Plague is primarily a disease of rodents. We therefore investigated the relationship between disease distribution and the population genetic structure of the black rat, Rattus rattus, the main reservoir of plague in Madagascar. METHODOLOGYPRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a comparative study of plague seroprevalence and genetic structure (15 microsatellite markers) in rat populations from four geographic areas differing in topology, each covering about 150-200 km(2) within the Madagascan plague focus. The seroprevalence levels in the rat populations mimicked those previously reported for humans. As expected, rat populations clearly displayed a more marked genetic structure with increasing relief. However, the relationship between seroprevalence data and genetic structure differs between areas, suggesting that plague distribution is not related everywhere to the effective dispersal of rats. CONCLUSIONSSIGNIFICANCE: Genetic diversity estimates suggested that plague epizootics had only a weak impact on rat population sizes. In the highlands of Madagascar, plague dissemination cannot be accounted for solely by the effective dispersal of the reservoir. Human social activities may also be involved in spreading the disease in rat and human populations