342 research outputs found

    E. M. Broner: 07-13-1981

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    E. M. Broner was a Jewish-American feminist writer, best known for her books Weave of Women, Her Mothers, Journal-Nocturnal and Seven Stories, and Summer is a Foreign Land. She begins the interview by reading a passage from her novel Weave of Women. Broner continues by defining the feminist writer, discussing the intentional and unintentional exclusion of women in writing, and talking about her connections to women in her own life. She discusses the writing process behind Her Mothers and talks about the modern relationship between mothers and daughters. She concludes the interview by discussing the evolution of women as writers and by reading a passage from the end of Her Mothers.https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/writers_videos/1016/thumbnail.jp

    The impact of mobile technology-delivered interventions on youth well-being: Systematic review and 3-level meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Rates of mental health problems among youth are high and rising, whereas treatment seeking in this population remains low. Technology-delivered interventions (TDIs) appear to be promising avenues for broadening the reach of evidence-based interventions for youth well-being. However, to date, meta-analytic reviews on youth samples have primarily been limited to computer and internet interventions, whereas meta-analytic evidence on mobile TDIs (mTDIs), largely comprising mobile apps for smartphones and tablets, have primarily focused on adult samples. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of mTDIs for a broad range of well-being outcomes in unselected, at-risk, and clinical samples of youth. METHODS: The systematic review used 5 major search strategies to identify 80 studies evaluating 83 wellness- and mental health-focused mTDIs for 19,748 youth (mean age 2.93-26.25 years). We conducted a 3-level meta-analysis on the full sample and a subsample of the 38 highest-quality studies. RESULTS: Analyses demonstrated significant benefits of mTDIs for youth both at posttest (g=0.27) and follow-up (range 1.21-43.14 weeks; g=0.26) for a variety of psychosocial outcomes, including general well-being and distress, symptoms of diverse psychological disorders, psychosocial strategies and skills, and health-related symptoms and behaviors. Effects were significantly moderated by the type of comparison group (strongest for no intervention, followed by inert placebo or information-only, and only marginal for clinical comparison) but only among the higher-quality studies. With respect to youth characteristics, neither gender nor pre-existing mental health risk level (not selected for risk, at-risk, or clinical) moderated effect sizes; however, effects increased with the age of youth in the higher-quality studies. In terms of intervention features, mTDIs in these research studies were effective regardless of whether they included various technological features (eg, tailoring, social elements, or gamification) or support features (eg, orientation, reminders, or coaching), although the use of mTDIs in a research context likely differs in important ways from their use when taken up through self-motivation, parent direction, peer suggestion, or clinician referral. Only mTDIs with a clear prescription for frequent use (ie, at least once per week) showed significant effects, although this effect was evident only in the higher-quality subsample. Moderation analyses did not detect statistically significant differences in effect sizes based on the prescribed duration of mTDI use (weeks or sessions), and reporting issues in primary studies limited the analysis of completed duration, thereby calling for improved methodology, assessment, and reporting to clarify true effects. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study’s findings demonstrate that youth can experience broad and durable benefits of mTDIs, delivered in a variety of ways, and suggest directions for future research and development of mTDIs for youth, particularly in more naturalistic and ecologically valid settings

    RNA-sequencing of a mouse-model of spinal muscular atrophy reveals tissue-wide changes in splicing of U12-dependent introns

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    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disorder caused by insufficient levels of the Survival of Motor Neuron (SMN) protein. SMN is expressed ubiquitously and functions in RNA processing pathways that include trafficking of mRNA and assembly of snRNP complexes. Importantly, SMA severity is correlated with decreased snRNP assembly activity. In particular, the minor spliceosomal snRNPs are affected, and some U12-dependent introns have been reported to be aberrantly spliced in patient cells and animal models. SMA is characterized by loss of motor neurons, but the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. It is likely that aberrant splicing of genes expressed in motor neurons is involved in SMA pathogenesis, but increasing evidence indicates that pathologies also exist in other tissues. We present here a comprehensive RNA-seq study that covers multiple tissues in an SMA mouse model. We show elevated U12-intron retention in all examined tissues from SMA mice, and that U12-dependent intron retention is induced upon siRNA knock-down of SMN in HeLa cells. Furthermore, we show that retention of U12-dependent introns is mitigated by ASO treatment of SMA mice and that many transcriptional changes are reversed. Finally, we report on missplicing of several Ca2+ channel genes that may explain disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis in SMA and activation of Cdk5

    Vigilància epidemiològica de les gastroenteritis agudes per Campylobacter i Salmonella no tifòdica (Catalunya, 2005-2014)

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    Campylobacter; Salmonella no tifòdica; Toxiinfecció alimentària; Gastroenteritis aguda; Zoonosi; Resistència als antimicrobiansCampylobacter; Non-typhoid Salmonella; Food poisoning; Acute gastrointestinal; Zoonosis; Antimicrobial resistanceCampylobacter; Salmonella no tifódica; Toxiinfección alimentaria; Gastroenteritis aguda; Zoonosis; Resistencia a los antimicrobianosIntroducció:; Campylobacter i Salmonella no tifòdica són la causa principal de toxiinfeccions alimentàries (TIA) i gastroenteritis agudes (GEA) al món. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és descriure l’epidemiologia de les GEA causades per Campylobacter i Salmonella no tifòdica a Catalunya entre el 2005 i el 2014, així com l’estudi de les resistències als antimicrobians en el període 2012-2014. Mètodes: Estudi retrospectiu de les declaracions d’episodis aguts de Campylobacter i Salmonella no tifòdica declarats al sistema de notificació microbiològica de Catalunya (SNMC) durant els períodes 2005-2008 i 2009-2014. S’han estudiat les variables següents: el sexe, l’edat, el centre assistencial declarant, la quadrisetmana i l’any de declaració, la mostra, la tècnica diagnòstica, les espècies i serotips, i les resistències als antimicrobians. Resultats: Durant el període 2005-2014 s’han notificat 71.911 episodis de GEA. Campylobacter ha representat el 45,1% (32.421 casos) i Salmonella no tifòdica el 28,7% (20.630 casos). Les taxes d’incidència en el 2005 han estat de 34,9 per 100.000 habitants per a Campylobacter i de 34,5 per 100.000 habitants per a Salmonella no tifòdica, i en el 2014, de 45 per 100.000 i 24,5 per 100.000 habitants, respectivament. Del 2009 al 2014 les notificacions de Campylobacter procedents de centres d’atenció primària (CAP) han suposat el 19,5% (3.851/19.795), xifra que indica un augment de l’1,7% respecte al 2009. Les notificacions de Salmonella no tifòdica procedents de CAP han suposat el 14,5% (1.740/11.974), xifra que indica una disminució del 15,1% respecte al 2009. En el període 2012-2014 s’ha estudiat la sensibilitat antibiòtica en 3.579 soques de C. jejuni (39,4%), 190 soques de C.coli (55,9%) i 2.379 soques de Salmonella no tifòdica (37,4%). Els nivells de resistència de C. jejuni i C. coli a ciprofloxacina (93,8% i 94%, respectivament) i tetraciclina (85,4% i 100%, respectivament) han estat elevats, i a eritromicina (2,8% i 10,5%, respectivament) han estat baixos. En el cas de Salmonella no tifòdica, els nivells de resistència a ampicil·lina (69,5%) han estat elevats, i a ciprofloxacina (1,5%), baixos. Conclusions:de l’any 2005 al 2014 la incidència de Campylobacter ha augmentat encara que s’ha mantingut estable des del 2009, mentre que la incidència de Salmonella no tifòdica ha anat disminuint al llarg del període. Els nivells de resistència de C. jejuni i C. coli a ciprofloxacina i tetraciclina han estat elevats, i a eritromicina, baixos; en canvi, els nivells de resistència de Salmonella no tifòdica a ampicil·lina han estat elevats, i a ciprofloxacina, baixos.Introducción: Campylobacter y Salmonella no tifoidea son la principal causa de toxiinfecciones alimentarias (TIA) y gastroenteritis agudas (GEA) en el mundo. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la epidemiología de las GEA causadas por Campylobacter y Salmonella no tifoidea en Cataluña entre 2005 y 2014, así como el estudio de las resistencias a los antimicrobianos en el período 2012-2014. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo de les declaraciones de episodios agudos de Campylobacter y Salmonella no tifoidea declarados dos en el sistema de notificación microbiológica de Cataluña (SNMC) durante los períodos de 2005-2008 y 2009-2014. Se han estudiado las siguientes variables: el sexo, la edad, el centro asistencial declarante, la cuadrisemana y el año de declaración, la muestra, la técnica diagnóstica, las especies y serotipos, y las resistencias a los antimicrobianos. Resultados: durante el período 2005-2014 se han notificado 71.911 episodios de GEA. Campylobacter ha representado el 45,1% (32.421 casos) y Salmonella no tifoidea el 28,7% (20.630 casos). Las tasas de incidencia en el 2005 han sido de 34,9 por 100.000 habitantes para Campylobacter y de 34,5 por 100.000 habitantes para Salmonella no tifoidea, y en el 2014 de 45 por 100.000 y 24,5 por 100.000 habitantes, respectivamente. De 2009 a 2014 las notificaciones de Campylobacter procedentes de centros de atención primaria (CAP) han supuesto el 19,5% (3.851/19.795), aumentando un 1,7% respecto al 2009. Las notificaciones de Salmonella no tifoidea procedentes de CAP han supuesto el 14,5% (1.740/11.974), disminuyendo un 15,1% respecto al 2009. En el período 2012-2014 se ha estudiado la sensibilidad antibiótica en 3.579 cepas de C. jejuni (39,4%), 190 cepas de C. coli (55,9%) y 2.379 cepas de Salmonella no tifoidea (37,4%). Los niveles de resistencia de C. jejuni y C. coli a ciprofloxacino (93,8% y 94%, respectivamente) y tetraciclina (85,4% y 100%, respectivamente) han sido elevados, y a eritromicina (2,8% y 10,5%, respectivamente) han sido bajos. En el caso de Salmonella no tifoidea los niveles de resistencia a ampicilina (69,5%) han sido elevados, y a ciprofloxacino (1,5%), bajos. Conclusiones: de 2005 a 2014 la incidencia de Campylobacter ha aumentado aunque se ha mantenido estable desde 2009, mientras que la incidencia de Salmonella no tifoidea ha disminuido en todo el período. Los niveles de resistencia de C.jejuni y C. coli a ciprofloxacino y tetraciclina han sido elevados,y a eritromicina, bajos; en cambio, en Salmonella no tifoidea los niveles de resistencia a ampicilina han sido elevados, y a ciprofloxacino, bajos.Introduction: Campylobacter and non-typhoidal Salmonella are the main cause of food poisoning (FP) and acute gastroenteritis (AGE) around the world. The objective of this study is to describe the epidemiology of the AGE caused by Campylobacter and nontyphoidal Salmonella in Catalonia between 2005 and 2014, as well as the study of antimicrobial resistance during 2012-2014. Methods: retrospective study of the statements of acute episodes of Campylobacter and non-typhoidal Salmonella reported to the Catalan Microbiological Reporting System during 2005-2008 and 2009-2014. The following variables have studied: sex, age, reporting healthcare center, week and year of reporting, sample, diagnostic technique, species and serotypes, and antimicrobial resistance. Results: during 2005-2014, 71,911 episodes of AGE have been reported. Campylobacter has accounted for 45.1% (32,421 cases) and non-typhoidal Salmonella (20,630 cases) for 28.7%. Tax incidences in 2005 have been 34.9 per 100,000 inhabitants for Campylobacter and 34.5 per 100,000 inhabitants for nontyphoidal Salmonella, and in 2014 45 per 100.000 and 24.5 per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. From 2009 to 2014, reports of Campylobacter from primary health centers have been 19.5% (3,851/19,795), increasing 1.7% compared to 2009. Non-typhoidal Salmonella reports from primary health centers account for 14.5% (1,740/11,974), decreasing a 15.1% regarding 2009. During 2012-2014 antibiotic sensitivity in 3,579 strains of C. jejuni (39.4%), 190 strains of C. coli (55.9%) and 2,379 strains of non-typhoidal Salmonella (37.4%). Resistance levels of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli have been high for ciprofloxacin (93.8% and 94%, respectively) and tetracycline (85.4% and 100%, respectively) and have been low for erythromycin (2.8% and 10.5%, respectively). Non-typhoidal Salmonella has had high resistance levels for ampicillin (69.5%) and low for ciprofloxacin (1.5%). Conclusions: from 2005 to 2014 Campylobacter’s incidence has increased although it has remained stable since 2009, while the incidence of non-typhoidal Salmonella has decreased throughout the period. Antibiotic resistance levels of C. jejuni and C. coli have been elevated for ciprofloxacin and tetracycline and low for erythromycin; however, in nontyphoidal Salmonella resistance levels have been elevated for ampicillin and low for ciprofloxacin

    Utility of clinical-epidemiological profiles in outbreaks of foodborne disease, Catalonia, 2002 through 2006

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of clinical- epidemiological profiles for classifying non-laboratory-confirmed outbreaks of foodborne disease (FBD) in Catalonia between 2002 and 2006 and for elucidating associations among factors contributing to these outbreaks. A total of 275 nonfamily outbreaks were studied, of which 190 (69.1%) were laboratory confirmed and 85 (30.9%) were not. In 176 (92.6%) of laboratory-confirmed outbreaks and 69 (81.2%) of non-laboratory-confirmed outbreaks, information was obtained on contributing factors (P = 0.009). In 72% of non-laboratory-confirmed outbreaks, the etiology was assigned by using clinical-epidemiological profiles; thus, 93% of outbreaks eventually were associated with an etiology. In laboratory-confirmed outbreaks, poor personal hygiene was positively associated with norovirus (odds ratio [OR], 2.69; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.47 to 4.89; P = 0,0007) and negatively associated with Salmonella and Campylobacter (OR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.89; P = 0.01), and an unsafe source was positively associated with Salmonella and Campylobacter (OR, 4.07; 95% CI, 1.72 to 10.09; P = 0.001) and negatively associated with norovirus (OR, 0.14; 95% CI, 0.04 to 0.58; P = 0.001). No differences were found among contributing factors associated with outbreaks with a laboratoryconfirmed etiology and those associated with outbreaks with an etiology assigned according to the clinical-epidemiological profiles. Clinical-epidemiological profiles are useful for determining what prevention and control strategies are appropriate to the agents involved in each community and for designing outbreak investigations. Copyright Š, International Association for Food Protection.This work was partially funded by the Centro de Investigación BiomÊdica en Red de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Spain, and by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (project PI 030877).Peer Reviewe

    Critical analysis of the reporting quality of case reports focusing on dental traumatology using the Preferred Reporting Items for Case reports in Endodontics 2020 checklist: A baseline evaluation prior to checklist publication

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    Background/Aims: The Preferred Reporting Items for Case Reports in Endodontics (PRICE) 2020 guidelines were published to help authors produce high‐quality case reports. The aim of this study was to use the PRICE 2020 guidelines to appraise a sample of 50 case reports related to dental traumatology that were published before the guidelines were available in order to assess various parameters influencing the reporting quality. Methods: Fifty case reports published between 2015 and 2019 and related to dental traumatology were randomly selected from the PubMed database. Reports were assessed by two independent evaluators using the PRICE checklist. Each item received a score of “1” if the manuscript met all pertinent criteria, “0” if it was not reported, and “0.5” if it was reported insufficiently. “Not Applicable” (NA) was assigned to items that were irrelevant to a specific report. The estimated total PRICE score for each case report was computed by adding all the scores, with a maximum score of 47 minus any “NA” scores. Descriptive and Inferential statistics (Student's t‐test and ANOVA) were used for analysis. Results: The percentage of case reports that fully met each applicable criteria ranged from 0% to 100%. The percentage of case reports partially satisfying each applicable criterion varied from 0% to 88%. There was a significant difference in scores for case reports published in journals with an impact factor compared with those without (p = .042). No significant difference was observed between the mean scores that compared the period of publication. There was no significant difference between journals that followed the CARE guidelines and those that did not. Conclusion: Several items within the PRICE 2020 guidelines were either not reported or only partially reported in case reports related to dental traumatology prior to the checklist publication. It is recommended that authors follow the PRICE 2020 guidelines to improve the overall quality of their case reports

    Factors Associated to Duration of Hepatitis A Outbreaks: Implications for Control

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    Even though hepatitis A mass vaccination effectiveness is high, outbreaks continue to occur. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between duration and characteristics of hepatitis A outbreaks. Hepatitis A (HA) outbreaks reported between 1991 and 2007 were studied. An outbreak was defined as ≥2 epidemiologically-linked cases with ≥1 case laboratory-confirmed by detection of HA immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies. Relationships between explanatory variables and outbreak duration were assessed by logistic regression. During the study period, 268 outbreaks (rate 2.45 per million persons-year) and 1396 cases (rate 1.28 per 105 persons-year) were reported. Factors associated with shorter duration were time to intervention (OR = 0.96; 95% CI: 0.94–0.98) and school setting (OR = 0.39; 95% CI: 0.16–0.92). In person-to-person transmission outbreaks only time to intervention was associated with shorter outbreak duration (OR = 0.96; 95% CI: 0.95–0.98). The only variables associated with shorter outbreak duration were early administration of IG or vaccine and a school setting. Timely reporting HA outbreaks was associated with outbreak duration. Making confirmed HA infections statutory reportable for clinical laboratories could diminish outbreak duration

    Dasymetric distribution of votes in a dense city

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    [EN] A large proportion of electoral analyses using geography are performed on a small area basis, such as polling units. Unfortunately, polling units are frequently redrawn, provoking breaks in their data series. Previous electoral results play a key role in many analyses. They are used by political party workers and journalists to present quick assessments of outcomes, by political scientists and electoral geographers to perform detailed scrutinizes and by pollsters and forecasters to anticipate electoral results. In this paper, we study to what extent more complex geographical approaches (based on a proper location of electors on the territory using dasymetric techniques) are of value in comparison to simple methods (like areal weighting) for the problem of reallocating votes in a large, dense city. Barcelona is such a city and, having recently redrawn the boundaries of its census sections, it is an ideal candidate for further scrutiny. Although previous studies show the approaches based on dasymetric techniques outperforming simpler solutions for interpolating census figures, our results show that improvements in the process of reallocating votes are marginal. This brings into question the extra effort that entails introducing ancillary sources of information in a dense urban area for this kind of data. Additional research is required to know whether and when these results are extendable. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness under Grant CSO2013-43054-R.Pavia, JM.; Cantarino-MartĂ­, I. (2017). Dasymetric distribution of votes in a dense city. Applied Geography. 86:22-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2017.06.021S22318
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