23 research outputs found

    An Essential Role for Katanin p80 and Microtubule Severing in Male Gamete Production

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    Katanin is an evolutionarily conserved microtubule-severing complex implicated in multiple aspects of microtubule dynamics. Katanin consists of a p60 severing enzyme and a p80 regulatory subunit. The p80 subunit is thought to regulate complex targeting and severing activity, but its precise role remains elusive. In lower-order species, the katanin complex has been shown to modulate mitotic and female meiotic spindle dynamics and flagella development. The in vivo function of katanin p80 in mammals is unknown. Here we show that katanin p80 is essential for male fertility. Specifically, through an analysis of a mouse loss-of-function allele (the Taily line), we demonstrate that katanin p80, most likely in association with p60, has an essential role in male meiotic spindle assembly and dissolution and the removal of midbody microtubules and, thus, cytokinesis. Katanin p80 also controls the formation, function, and dissolution of a microtubule structure intimately involved in defining sperm head shaping and sperm tail formation, the manchette, and plays a role in the formation of axoneme microtubules. Perturbed katanin p80 function, as evidenced in the Taily mouse, results in male sterility characterized by decreased sperm production, sperm with abnormal head shape, and a virtual absence of progressive motility. Collectively these data demonstrate that katanin p80 serves an essential and evolutionarily conserved role in several aspects of male germ cell development

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Wound botulism in the UK and Ireland.

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    There are three main, naturally occurring, epidemiological types of botulism: food-borne, intestinal colonization (infant botulism) and wound botulism. The neurological signs and symptoms are the same for all three epidemiological types and may include respiratory paralysis. Wound botulism is caused by growth of cells and release of toxin in vivo, is associated with traumatic wounds and abscesses and has been reported in drug users, such as those injecting heroin or sniffing cocaine. Up to the end of 1999 there were no confirmed cases of wound botulism in the UK. Between the beginning of 2000 and the end of December 2002, there were 33 clinically diagnosed cases of wound botulism in the UK and Ireland. All cases had injected heroin into muscle or by 'skin popping'. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests in 20 of these cases. Eighteen cases were caused by type A toxin and two by type B toxin

    Molecular Characterization of Clostridium perfringens Isolates from Humans with Sporadic Diarrhea: Evidence for Transcriptional Regulation of the Beta2-Toxin-Encoding Gene

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    Clostridium perfringens type A food poisoning is caused by C. perfringens isolates carrying a chromosomal enterotoxin gene (cpe), while non-food-borne gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) and sporadic diarrhea (SD), are caused by C. perfringens plasmid cpe isolates. A recent study reported the association of beta2 toxin (CPB2) with human GI diseases, and particularly AAD/SD, by demonstrating that a large percentage of AAD/SD isolates, in contrast to a small percentage of food poisoning isolates, carry the beta2-toxin gene (cpb2). This putative relationship was further tested in the current study by characterizing 14 cpe(+) C. perfringens fecal isolates associated with recent cases of human SD in England (referred to hereafter as SD isolates). These SD isolates were all classified as cpe(+) type A, and 12 of the 14 cpe(+) isolates carry their cpe gene on the plasmid and 2 carry it on the chromosome. Interestingly, cpb2 is present in only 12 plasmid cpe isolates; 11 isolates carry cpe and cpb2 on different plasmids, but cpe and cpb2 are located on the same plasmid in one isolate. C. perfringens enterotoxin is produced by all 14 cpe(+) SD isolates. However, only 10 of the 12 cpe(+)/cpb2(+) SD isolates produced CPB2, with significant variation in amounts. The levels of cpb2 mRNA in low- to high-CPB2-producing SD isolates differed to such an extent (30-fold) that this difference could be considered a major cause of the differential level of CPB2 production in vitro by SD isolates. Furthermore, no silent or atypical cpb2 was found in a CPB2 Western blot-negative isolate, 5422/94, suggesting that the lack of CPB2 production in 5422/94 was due to low expression of cpb2 mRNA. This received support from our observation that the recombinant plasmid carrying 5422/94 cpb2, which overexpressed cpb2 mRNA, restored CPB2 production in F4969 (a cpb2-negative isolate). Collectively, our present results suggest that CPB2 merits further study as an accessory toxin in C. perfringens-associated SD

    The identification of mouse sperm-surface-associated proteins and characterization of their ability to act as decapacitation factors

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    Mammalian spermatozoa must undergo capacitation before acquiring the ability to fertilize the oocyte. This process is believed to be initiated following the release of surface-associated decapacitation factors that are elaborated by both the epididymis and the male accessory organs. Herein, we report the identification of a number of proteins that are actively released from the surface of mouse spermatozoa during capacitation in vitro. As anticipated, the addition of these factors back to suspensions of mouse spermatozoa was shown to suppress several correlates of the capacitation process. Specifically, they induced a significant, dose-dependent inhibition of the ability of spermatozoa to undergo a progesterone-induced acrosome reaction and to bind to the zona pellucida in vitro. Inhibition of these functions was associated with the suppression of tyrosine phosphorylation in the sperm plasma membrane but had no effect on the phosphorylation of internal proteins in either the sperm head or tail. This inhibitory activity was attributed to a subset of the isolated proteins compromising at least four putative decapacitation factors. These proteins were identified via tandem-mass spectrometry amino acid sequence analysis as plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein, cysteine-rich secretory protein 1 (CRISP1), phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1 (PBP), and an unnamed protein product that we have termed decapacitation factor 10 (DF10). Of these proteins, PBP was identified as a primary candidate for a decapacitation factor

    GGN1 is a binding partner of FANCL, FANCD2 and BRCC36 in the mouse testis.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) GGN1 interacted with FANCL, FANCD2 and BRCC36 in the mouse testis as determined by immunoprecipitation using spermatocyte-enriched postnatal day 20 testis lysate. (<b>B</b>) GGN1 co-immunoprecipitated with BRCC36 as determined by reciprocal pull down.</p