87 research outputs found

    Neo-Extractivism in Latin America – one side of a new phase of global capitalist dynamics

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    The aim of this text is to make sense of the emerging political-institutional, territorial, and socio-ecological dynamics and contradictions of neo-extractivism in Latin America in the context of global capitalist development. In contrast to some existing literature, we argue that the term ‘neo-extractivism’ should not be restricted to countries with progressive governments but be applied to all Latin American societies that, since the 1970s and especially since the year 2000, depend predominantly on the exploitation and exportation of nature. We argue that the often vague usage of the term neo-extractivism can be strengthened when it is seen in line with dominant development models. Therefore we refer to regulation theory and its historical heuristic of different phases of capitalist development. This enables us to look at the temporal-spatial interdependencies between shifting socio-economic and technological developments, world market structures, and political-institutional configurations that characterize neo-extractivism across scales and beyond national borders

    Perinatal Flavour Learning and Adaptation to Being Weaned: All the Pig Needs Is Smell

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    Perinatal flavour learning through the maternal diet is known to enhance flavour preference and acceptance of flavoured food in many species, yet still little is known about the mechanism underlying perinatal flavour learning. Previously we found positive effects of perinatal flavour learning on food intake, growth and behaviour of piglets postweaning, but no increased preference for the flavour. This suggests that flavour learning in pigs works through a reduction of weaning stress by the presence of the familiar flavour instead. The aim of this study was to investigate whether perinatal flavour learning reduces stress at weaning, and whether the effect is stronger when the familiar flavour is present in the food. Sows were offered an anethol-flavoured diet (Flavour treatment) or control diet (Control treatment) during late gestation and lactation. Flavour and Control piglets were provided with anethol either in their food (Food treatment) or in the air (Air treatment) after weaning. Preweaning and postweaning treatments did not affect food intake, preference or growth in the first two weeks postweaning but flavour treatment reduced the latency to eat (24 versus 35 hours, P = 0.02) and within-pen variation in growth (SD within-pen: 0.7 versus 1.2 kg, P<0.001). Salivary cortisol levels tended to be lower four and seven hours postweaning for Flavour piglets compared to Control piglets (4 hours: 2.5 versus 3.0 ng/ml, P = 0.05, 7 hours: 3.1 versus 3.4 ng/ml, P = 0.08). Flavour piglets played more and showed less damaging behaviours than Control piglets, indicating that the familiar flavour reduced stress around weaning. Few interaction effects were found between preweaning and postweaning treatment, and no effects of postweaning treatment. We conclude that in the newly weaned pig, perinatal flavour learning results in a reduction of stress when the familiar flavour is present, regardless of providing the flavour in the food or in the air

    The “Timur Movement” of the GDR in the mirror of Pedagogical Readings

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag konturiert zunĂ€chst die Herausbildung der Timurbewegung in der DDR, um dann die damit verbundenen pĂ€dagogischen und gesellschaftlichen Zielstellungen genauer zu beleuchten. Anhand der ĂŒberlieferten PĂ€dagogischen Lesungen zu diesem Thema werden Intentionen der involvierten FachkrĂ€fte und die daraus entwickelten Methoden der angeleiteten Timurarbeit in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren im diachronen Verlauf betrachtet. Dabei wird eine sich verĂ€ndernde Bezugnahme auf das legitimierende Narrativ, Gaidars Jugendroman „Timur und sein Trupp“, konturiert. Hier wird deutlich, dass die Timurarbeit mit Kindern in der DDR weniger im Dienste der praktischen UnterstĂŒtzung von BedĂŒrftigen als vielmehr zur Umsetzung von Erziehungszielen im Kontext der „Herausbildung sozialistischer Persönlichkeiten“ befördert wurde. Die Autorinnen verdeutlichen, dass sie dies nur mit starker Lenkung fĂŒr realisierbar halten und deshalb zentrale im Roman geschilderte Helferformate in eigene, stark angeleitete, organisatorische Lösungen ĂŒberfĂŒhren. Auch dieser versuchte Spagat verhindert wohl, dass das zweifellos vorhandene Potential der literarischen Vorlage fĂŒr eine hohe intrinsische Motivation der beteiligten Timurhelfer*innen wirklich zum Tragen kam. Die Timurhilfe ist und bleibt in diesen beiden Dekaden ein an Lehrkraft oder Pionierleiter*in gekoppeltes Format.This article first outlines the development of the Timur movement in the GDR and then takes a closer look at the associated pedagogical and social goals. Based on the still existing Pedagogical Readings on this topic, the intentions of the professionals involved and the methods of guided Timur work developed from them in the 1970s and 1980s are examined in diachronic progression. In doing so, a changing reference to the legitimizing narrative, Gaidar's youth novel "Timur and His Troop”, is contoured. It becomes clear that the GDR’s Timur work with children goals in the context of the "formation of socialist personalities”. It is elaborated that this is believed to be possible only with strong guidance and therefore fills central helper formats described in the novel with their own, strongly guided, organizational solutions. This attempted balancing act prevents an exploitation of the undoubted potential of the literary model for high intrinsic motivation of the Timur helpers. In these two decades, Timur assistance is and remains a format that is necessarily linked to a teacher or pioneer leader

    Benefits and resource implications of family meetings for hospitalized palliative care patients: research protocol.

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    BACKGROUND:Palliative care focuses on supporting patients diagnosed with advanced, incurable disease; it is 'family centered', with the patient and their family (the unit of care) being core to all its endeavours. However, approximately 30-50% of carers experience psychological distress which is typically under recognised and consequently not addressed. Family meetings (FM) are recommended as a means whereby health professionals, together with family carers and patients discuss psychosocial issues and plan care; however there is minimal empirical research to determine the net effect of these meetings and the resources required to implement them systematically. The aims of this study were to evaluate: (1) if family carers of hospitalised patients with advanced disease (referred to a specialist palliative care in-patient setting or palliative care consultancy service) who receive a FM report significantly lower psychological distress (primary outcome), fewer unmet needs, increased quality of life and feel more prepared for the caregiving role; (2) if patients who receive the FM experience appropriate quality of end-of-life care, as demonstrated by fewer hospital admissions, fewer emergency department presentations, fewer intensive care unit hours, less chemotherapy treatment (in last 30 days of life), and higher likelihood of death in the place of their choice and access to supportive care services; (3) the optimal time point to deliver FM and; (4) to determine the cost-benefit and resource implications of implementing FM meetings into routine practice.METHODS:Cluster type trial design with two way randomization for aims 1-3 and health economic modeling and qualitative interviews with health for professionals for aim 4.DISCUSSION:The research will determine whether FMs have positive practical and psychological impacts on the family, impacts on health service usage, and financial benefits to the health care sector. This study will also provide clear guidance on appropriate timing in the disease/care trajectory to provide a family meeting.<br/

    No "Teaching to the test"?: the relevance of the written Abitur examinations as reflected in the Pedagogical Readings of the GDR

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    Der hier vorgelegte Beitrag befragt die PĂ€dagogischen Lesungen ĂŒber die Abiturstufe darauf, inwiefern sie die schriftlichen AbiturprĂŒfungen im Fach Deutsch thematisieren und zu welchen Unterrichts- und Erziehungszielen sowie bildungspolitischen Vorgaben diese Thematisierungen in Bezug gesetzt werden. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern die Autor*innen eine gezielte PrĂŒfungsvorbereitung thematisieren, ob Aussagen zum Stellenwert dieser Examina getroffen werden und inwieweit sich hier auch Gestaltungsspiel- und ErmessensrĂ€ume einzelner Schulen oder gar LehrkrĂ€fte erkennen lassen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die schriftlichen AbituraufsĂ€tze vergleichsweise selten explizites Thema sind. Wo dies geschieht, rekurriert man auf die PrĂŒfungsergebnisse als Indikatoren fĂŒr erfolgreiche oder verbesserungsbedĂŒrftige Vermittlung fachlicher Inhalte, aber auch hinsichtlich der Erreichung ideologischer und pĂ€dagogischer Zielsetzung in der Abiturstufenzeit. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, wo sich Unterrichtsarbeit so verbessern lĂ€sst, dass sie eine bestmögliche Vorbereitung auf ein Hochschulstudium gewĂ€hrleistet, zur politischideologischen Erziehung der Lernenden beitrĂ€gt oder bei den SchĂŒler*innen Grundlagen fĂŒr eine lebenslange BeschĂ€ftigung mit Literatur legt.This article examines the Pedagogical Readings on the Abitur level in terms of the extent to which they address the written Abitur examinations in German and to which teaching and educational goals as well as educational policy guidelines these topics are related. The study examines the extent to which the authors address the issue of targeted examination preparation, whether statements are made about the significance of these examinations, and to what extent individual schools or even teachers can be seen to have room for maneuver and discretion. It becomes clear that the written Abitur essays are comparatively rarely an explicit topic. Where this happens, one recurs to the examination results as indicators of successful or needy improvement in the teaching of subject content, but also with regard to the achievement of ideological and pedagogical objectives in the Abitur period. The central question is where teaching could be improved to ensure the best possible preparation for university studies, to contribute to the political-ideological education of students, or to lay the foundations for a lifelong engagement with literature

    Interleukin-23 receptor expressing γΎ T cells locally promote early atherosclerotic lesion formation and plaque necrosis in mice

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    Aims Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the vessel wall controlled by local and systemic immune responses. The role of interleukin-23 receptor (IL-23R), expressed in adaptive immune cells (mainly T-helper 17 cells) and gamma delta T cells, in atherosclerosis is only incompletely understood. Here, we investigated the vascular cell types expressing IL-23R and addressed the function of IL-23R and gamma delta T cells in atherosclerosis. Methods and results IL-23R(+) cells were frequently found in the aortic root in contrast to the aorta in low-density lipoprotein receptor deficient IL-23R reporter mice (Ldlr(-/-)Il23r(gfp/+)), and mostly identified as gamma delta T cells that express IL-17 and GM-CSF. scRNA-seq confirmed gamma delta T cells as the main cell type expressing Il23r and Il17a in the aorta. Ldlr(-)(/)(-)Il23r(gfp/gfp) mice deficient in IL-23R showed a loss of IL-23R(+) cells in the vasculature, and had reduced atherosclerotic lesion formation in the aortic root compared to Ldlr(-/-) controls after 6 weeks of high-fat diet feeding. In contrast, Ldlr(-/-)Tcr delta(-/-) mice lacking all gamma delta T cells displayed unaltered early atherosclerotic lesion formation compared to Ldlr(-)(/-) mice. In both HFD-fed Ldlr(-/-)Il23r(gfp/gfp) and Ldlr(-/-)Tcr delta(-/-) mice a reduction in the plaque necrotic core area was noted as well as an expansion of splenic regulatory T cells. In vitro, exposure of bone marrow-derived macrophages to both IL-17A and GM-CSF induced cell necrosis, and necroptotic RIP3K and MLKL expression, as well as inflammatory mediators. Conclusions IL-23R(+) gamma delta T cells are predominantly found in the aortic root rather than the aorta and promote early atherosclerotic lesion formation, plaque necrosis, and inflammation at this site. Targeting IL-23R may thus be explored as a therapeutic approach to mitigate atherosclerotic lesion development

    Phenotypic and molecular insights into CASK-related disorders in males

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    Background: Heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the X-linked CASK gene cause progressive microcephaly with pontine and cerebellar hypoplasia (MICPCH) and severe intellectual disability (ID) in females. Different CASK mutations have also been reported in males. The associated phenotypes range from nonsyndromic ID to Ohtahara syndrome with cerebellar hypoplasia. However, the phenotypic spectrum in males has not been systematically evaluated to date. Methods: We identified a CASK alteration in 8 novel unrelated male patients by targeted Sanger sequencing, copy number analysis (MLPA and/or FISH) and array CGH. CASK transcripts were investigated by RT-PCR followed by sequencing. Immunoblotting was used to detect CASK protein in patient-derived cells. The clinical phenotype and natural history of the 8 patients and 28 CASK-mutation positive males reported previously were reviewed and correlated with available molecular data. Results: CASK alterations include one nonsense mutation, one 5-bp deletion, one mutation of the start codon, and five partial gene deletions and duplications; seven were de novo, including three somatic mosaicisms, and one was familial. In three subjects, specific mRNA junction fragments indicated in tandem duplication of CASK exons disrupting the integrity of the gene. The 5-bp deletion resulted in multiple aberrant CASK mRNAs. In fibroblasts from patients with a CASK loss-of-function mutation, no CASK protein could be detected. Individuals who are mosaic for a severe CASK mutation or carry a hypomorphic mutation still showed detectable amount of protein. Conclusions: Based on eight novel patients and all CASK-mutation positive males reported previously three phenotypic groups can be distinguished that represent a clinical continuum: (i) MICPCH with severe epileptic encephalopathy caused by hemizygous loss-of-function mutations, (ii) MICPCH associated with inactivating alterations in the mosaic state or a partly penetrant mutation, and (iii) syndromic/nonsyndromic mild to severe ID with or without nystagmus caused by CASK missense and splice mutations that leave the CASK protein intact but likely alter its function or reduce the amount of normal protein. Our findings facilitate focused testing of the CASK gene and interpreting sequence variants identified by next-generation sequencing in cases with a phenotype resembling either of the three groups

    Influenza A (H10N7) virus causes respiratory tract disease in harbor seals and ferrets

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    Avian influenza viruses sporadically cross the species barrier to mammals, including humans, in which they may cause epidemic disease. Recently such an epidemic occurred due to the emergence of avian influenza virus of the subtype H10N7 (Seal/H10N7) in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). This epidemic caused high mortality in seals along the north-west coast of Europe and represented a potential risk for human health. To characterize the spectrum of lesions and to identify the target cells and viral distribution, findings in 16 harbor seals spontaneously infected with Seal/H10N7 are described. The seals had respiratory tract inflammation extending from the nasal cavity to bronchi associated with intralesional virus antigen in respiratory epithelial cells. Virus infection was restricted to the respiratory tract. The fatal outcome of the viral infection in seals was most likely caused by secondary bacterial infections. To investigate the pathogenic potential of H10N7 infection for humans, we inoculated the seal virus intratracheally into six ferrets and performed pathological and virological analyses at 3 and 7 days post inoculation. These experimentally inoculated ferrets displayed mild clinical signs, virus excretion from the pharynx and respiratory tract inflammation extending from bronchi to alveoli that was associated with virus antigen expression exclusively in the respiratory epithelium. Virus was isolated only from the respiratory tract. In conclusion, Seal/H10N7 infection in naturally infected harbor seals and experimentally infected ferrets shows that respiratory epithelial cells are the permissive cells for viral replication. Fatal outcome in seals was caused by secondary bacterial pneumonia similar to that in fatal human cases during influenza pandemics. Productive infection of ferrets indicates that seal/H10N7 may possess a zoonotic potential. This outbreak of LPAI from wild birds to seals demonstrates the risk of such occasions for mammals and thus humans

    Complex I-Associated Hydrogen Peroxide Production Is Decreased and Electron Transport Chain Enzyme Activities Are Altered in n-3 Enriched fat-1 Mice

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    The polyunsaturated nature of n-3 fatty acids makes them prone to oxidative damage. However, it is not clear if n-3 fatty acids are simply a passive site for oxidative attack or if they also modulate mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The present study used fat-1 transgenic mice, that are capable of synthesizing n-3 fatty acids, to investigate the influence of increases in n-3 fatty acids and resultant decreases in the n-6∶n-3 ratio on liver mitochondrial H2O2 production and electron transport chain (ETC) activity. There was an increase in n-3 fatty acids and a decrease in the n-6∶n-3 ratio in liver mitochondria from the fat-1 compared to control mice. This change was largely due to alterations in the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, with only a small percentage of fatty acids in cardiolipin being altered in the fat-1 animals. The lipid changes in the fat-1 mice were associated with a decrease (p<0.05) in the activity of ETC complex I and increases (p<0.05) in the activities of complexes III and IV. Mitochondrial H2O2 production with either succinate or succinate/glutamate/malate substrates was also decreased (p<0.05) in the fat-1 mice. This change in H2O2 production was due to a decrease in ROS production from ETC complex I in the fat-1 animals. These results indicate that the fatty acid changes in fat-1 liver mitochondria may at least partially oppose oxidative stress by limiting ROS production from ETC complex I

    Beached bachelors: An extensive study on the largest recorded sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus mortality event in the North Sea

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    Between the 8th January and the 25th February 2016, the largest sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus mortality event ever recorded in the North Sea occurred with 30 sperm whales stranding in five countries within six weeks. All sperm whales were immature males. Groups were stratified by size, with the smaller animals stranding in the Netherlands, and the largest in England. The majority (n = 27) of the stranded animals were necropsied and/ or sampled, allowing for an international and comprehensive investigation into this mortality event. The animals were in fair to good nutritional condition and, aside from the pathologies caused by stranding, did not exhibit significant evidence of disease or trauma. Infectious agents were found, including various parasite species, several bacterial and fungal pathogens and a novel alphaherpesvirus. In nine of the sperm whales a variety of marine litter was found. However, none of these findings were considered to have been the primary cause of the stranding event. Potential anthropogenic and environmental factors that may have caused the sperm whales to enter the North Sea were assessed. Once sperm whales enter the North Sea and head south, the water becomes progressively shallower (<40 m), making this region a global hotspot for sperm whale strandings. We conclude that the reasons for sperm whales to enter the southern North Sea are the result of complex interactions of extrinsic environmental factors. As such, these large mortality events seldom have a single ultimate cause and it is only through multidisciplinary, collaborative approaches that potentially multifactorial large-scale stranding events can be effectively investigated
