112 research outputs found

    Discovery of Luminous Star Formation in PMN1452-5910/IRAS14482-5857: the Pterodactyl Nebula

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    We present sensitive 1-3 GHz ATCA radio continuum observations of the hitherto unresolved star forming region known as either IRAS14482-5857 or PMN1452-5910. At radio continuum frequencies, this source is characterised by a "filled-bubble" structure reminiscent of a classical HII region, dominated by three point sources, and surrounded by low-surface-brightness emission out to the 3×43'\times4' source extent observed at other frequencies in the literature. The infrared emission corresponds well to the radio emission, with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission surrounding regions of hot dust towards the radio bubbles. A bright 4.5 μ\mum point source is seen towards the centre of the radio source, suggesting a young stellar object. There is also a linear, outflow-like structure radiating brightly at 8 and 24 μ\mum towards the brightest peak of the radio continuum. In order to estimate the distance to this source, we have used Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey 12^{12}CO(1-0) and 13^{13}CO(1-0) molecular line emission data. Integrated-intensity, velocity at peak intensity and line-fitting of the spectra all point towards the peak centred at vLSRv_{LSR}=-1.1 km/s being connected to this cloud. This infers a distance to this cloud of ~12.7 kpc. Assuming this distance, we estimate a column density and mass towards IRAS14482-5857 of ~1.5×10211.5\times10^{21} cm2^{-2} and 2×1042\times10^4 MM_\odot, implying that this source is a site of massive star formation. Reinforcing this conclusion, our broadband spectral fitting infers dust temperatures of 19 and 110K, emission measures for the sub-pc radio point-source of emission measure EM1067EM\sim10^{6-7} pc cm6^{-6}, electron densities of ne103n_e\sim10^3 cm3^{-3} and photon ionisation rates of NLy 104648N_{Ly}~10^{46-48} s1^{-1}. The evidence strongly suggests that IRAS14482-5857 is a distant, and hence intense site of massive star-formation.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Arc-minute-scale studies of the interstellar gas towards HESS\,J1804-216: Still an unidentified TeV γ\gamma-ray source

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    The Galactic TeV γ\gamma-ray source HESS\,J1804-216 is currently an unidentified source. In an attempt to unveil its origin, we present here the most detailed study of interstellar gas using data from the Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey, 7 and 12\,mm wavelength Mopra surveys and Southern Galactic Plane Survey of HI. Several components of atomic and molecular gas are found to overlap HESS\,J1804-216 at various velocities along the line of sight. The CS(1-0) emission clumps confirm the presence of dense gas. Both correlation and anti-correlation between the gas and TeV γ\gamma-ray emission have been identified in various gas tracers, enabling several origin scenarios for the TeV γ\gamma-ray emission from HESS\,J1804-216. For a hadronic scenario, SNR\,G8.7-0.1 and the progenitor SNR of PSR\,J1803-2137 require cosmic ray (CR) enhancement factors of 50\mathord{\sim} 50 times the solar neighbour CR flux value to produce the TeV γ\gamma-ray emission. Assuming an isotropic diffusion model, CRs from both these SNRs require a slow diffusion coefficient, as found for other TeV SNRs associated with adjacent ISM gas. The morphology of gas located at 3.8\,kpc (the dispersion measure distance to PSR\,J1803-2137) tends to anti-correlate with features of the TeV emission from HESS\,J1804-216, making the leptonic scenario possible. Both pure hadronic and pure leptonic scenarios thus remain plausible.Comment: 29 pages, 23 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    Probing the local environment of the supernova remnant HESS J1731-347 with CO and CS observations

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    The shell-type supernova remnant HESS J1731 − 347 emits TeV gamma-rays, and is a key object for the study of the cosmic ray acceleration potential of supernova remnants. We use 0.5–1 arcmin Mopra CO/CS(1–0) data in conjunction with HI data to calculate column densities towards the HESS J1731 − 347 region. We trace gas within at least four Galactic arms, typically tracing total (atomic+molecular) line-of-sight H column densities of 2–3× 10²² cm⁻². Assuming standard X-factor values and that most of the HI/CO emission seen towards HESS J1731 − 347 is on the near-side of the Galaxy, X-ray absorption column densities are consistent with HI+CO-derived column densities foreground to, but not beyond, the Scutum–Crux Galactic arm, suggesting a kinematic distance of ∼3.2 kpc for HESS J1731 − 347. At this kinematic distance, we also find dense, infrared-dark gas traced by CS(1–0) emission coincident with the north of HESS J1731 − 347, the nearby HII region G353.43−0.37 and the nearby unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1729 − 345. This dense gas lends weight to the idea that HESS J1729 − 345 and HESS J1731 − 347 are connected, perhaps via escaping cosmic-rays.N. Maxted, M. Burton, C. Braiding, G. Rowell, H. Sano, F. Voisin, M. Capasso, G. Pühlhofer and Y. Fuku

    The Hall effect in star formation

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    Magnetic fields play an important role in star formation by regulating the removal of angular momentum from collapsing molecular cloud cores. Hall diffusion is known to be important to the magnetic field behaviour at many of the intermediate densities and field strengths encountered during the gravitational collapse of molecular cloud cores into protostars, and yet its role in the star formation process is not well-studied. We present a semianalytic self-similar model of the collapse of rotating isothermal molecular cloud cores with both Hall and ambipolar diffusion, and similarity solutions that demonstrate the profound influence of the Hall effect on the dynamics of collapse. The solutions show that the size and sign of the Hall parameter can change the size of the protostellar disc by up to an order of magnitude and the protostellar accretion rate by fifty per cent when the ratio of the Hall to ambipolar diffusivities is varied between -0.5 <= eta_H / eta_A <= 0.2. These changes depend upon the orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the axis of rotation and create a preferred handedness to the solutions that could be observed in protostellar cores using next-generation instruments such as ALMA. Hall diffusion also determines the strength and position of the shocks that bound the pseudo and rotationally-supported discs, and can introduce subshocks that further slow accretion onto the protostar. In cores that are not initially rotating Hall diffusion can even induce rotation, which could give rise to disc formation and resolve the magnetic braking catastrophe. The Hall effect clearly influences the dynamics of gravitational collapse and its role in controlling the magnetic braking and radial diffusion of the field merits further exploration in numerical simulations of star formation.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    ATLASGAL - properties of a complete sample of Galactic clumps

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    The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is an unbiased 870 μm submillimetre survey of the inner Galactic plane (|ℓ| ⊙ at a heliocentric distance of 20 kpc) and includes representative samples of all of the earliest embedded stages of high-mass star formation. Here, we present the first detailed census of the properties (velocities, distances, luminosities and masses) and spatial distribution of a complete sample of ˜8000 dense clumps located in the Galactic disc (5° 4 yr for clump masses ˜1000 M⊙ decreasing to ˜1 × 104 yr for clump masses >10000 M⊙. We find a strong correlation between the fraction of clumps associated with massive stars and peak column density. The fraction is initially small at low column densities, but reaching 100 per cent for column densities above 1023 cm-2; there are no clumps with column densities above this value that are not already associated with massive star formation. All of the evidence is consistent with a dynamic view of star formation wherein the clumps form rapidly and are initially very unstable so that star formation quickly ensues

    The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey-data release 4-complete survey

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    We present observations of the Mopra carbon monoxide (CO) survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, covering Galactic longitudes spanning l = 250◦ (−110◦) to l = 355◦ (−5◦), with a latitudinal coverage of at least |b| 210 deg2. These data have been taken at 0.6 arcmin spatial resolution and 0.1 km s−1 spectral resolution, providing an unprecedented view of the molecular gas clouds of the Southern Galactic Plane in the 109–115 GHz J = 1 − 0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O, and C17O.K. O. Cubuk ... G. Rowell ... et al