57 research outputs found

    Optimized parameter search for large datasets of the regularization parameter and feature selection for ridge regression

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    In this paper we propose mathematical optimizations to select the optimal regularization parameter for ridge regression using cross-validation. The resulting algorithm is suited for large datasets and the computational cost does not depend on the size of the training set. We extend this algorithm to forward or backward feature selection in which the optimal regularization parameter is selected for each possible feature set. These feature selection algorithms yield solutions with a sparse weight matrix using a quadratic cost on the norm of the weights. A naive approach to optimizing the ridge regression parameter has a computational complexity of the order with the number of applied regularization parameters, the number of folds in the validation set, the number of input features and the number of data samples in the training set. Our implementation has a computational complexity of the order . This computational cost is smaller than that of regression without regularization for large datasets and is independent of the number of applied regularization parameters and the size of the training set. Combined with a feature selection algorithm the algorithm is of complexity and for forward and backward feature selection respectively, with the number of selected features and the number of removed features. This is an order faster than and for the naive implementation, with for large datasets. To show the performance and reduction in computational cost, we apply this technique to train recurrent neural networks using the reservoir computing approach, windowed ridge regression, least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs) in primal space using the fixed-size LS-SVM approximation and extreme learning machines

    Can pictures have explicatures?

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    This paper considers the question of whether pictures can be understood to give rise to explicit meanings. In relevance-theoretic terms, this means asking whether pictures give rise to ‘explicatures’. The definition of the term ‘explicature’ seems to rule out this possibility except in cases where pictures include or are accompanied by material with coded meanings. The paper considers a range of non-verbal phenomena with coded meanings, including pictograms (Forceville 2011, Forceville et al 2014). It then considers whether the explicature-implicature distinction could be relevant to pictures without such elements. Some assumptions communicated by pictures seem to be more ‘explicature-like’ than others, so it is possible that the distinction will be useful. The question is not merely terminological as the discussion leads to a fuller understanding of ways in which pictures communicate

    Inferring time-derivatives including cell growth rates using Gaussian processes

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    Often the time derivative of a measured variable is of as much interest as the variable itself. For a growing population of biological cells, for example, the population's growth rate is typically more important than its size. Here we introduce a non-parametric method to infer first and second time derivatives as a function of time from time-series data. Our approach is based on Gaussian processes and applies to a wide range of data. In tests, the method is at least as accurate as others, but has several advantages: it estimates errors both in the inference and in any summary statistics, such as lag times, and allows interpolation with the corresponding error estimation. As illustrations, we infer growth rates of microbial cells, the rate of assembly of an amyloid fibril and both the speed and acceleration of two separating spindle pole bodies. Our algorithm should thus be broadly applicable

    Optimized fixed-size kernel models for large data sets

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    A modified active subset selection method based on quadratic Rényi entropy and a fast cross-validation for fixed-size least squares support vector machines is proposed for classification and regression with optimized tuning process. The kernel bandwidth of the entropy based selection criterion is optimally determined according to the solve-the-equation plug-in method. Also a fast cross-validation method based on a simple updating scheme is developed. The combination of these two techniques is suitable for handling large scale data sets on standard personal computers. Finally, the performance on test data and computational time of this fixed-size method are compared to those for standard support vector machines and [nu]-support vector machines resulting in sparser models with lower computational cost and comparable accuracy.Kernel methods Least squares support vector machines Classification Regression Plug-in estimate Entropy Cross-validation

    The Subject of Modernity / Le sujet de la modernité

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