1,354 research outputs found

    Non-L\'evy mobility patterns of Mexican Me'Phaa peasants searching for fuelwood

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    We measured mobility patterns that describe walking trajectories of individual Me'Phaa peasants searching and collecting fuelwood in the forests of "La Monta\~na de Guerrero" in Mexico. These one-day excursions typically follow a mixed pattern of nearly-constant steps when individuals displace from their homes towards potential collecting sites and a mixed pattern of steps of different lengths when actually searching for fallen wood in the forest. Displacements in the searching phase seem not to be compatible with L\'evy flights described by power-laws with optimal scaling exponents. These findings however can be interpreted in the light of deterministic searching on heavily degraded landscapes where the interaction of the individuals with their scarce environment produces alternative searching strategies than the expected L\'evy flights. These results have important implications for future management and restoration of degraded forests and the improvement of the ecological services they may provide to their inhabitants.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. First version submitted to Human Ecology. The final publication will be available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Gravitational lensing in the Kerr-Randers optical geometry

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    A new geometric method to determine the deflection of light in the equatorial plane of the Kerr solution is presented, whose optical geometry is a surface with a Finsler metric of Randers type. Applying the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to a suitable osculating Riemannian manifold, adapted from a construction by Naz\i m, it is shown explicitly how the two leading terms of the asymptotic deflection angle of gravitational lensing can be found in this way.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by Gen. Rel. Grav. Version 2: change of notation in sec.

    The effect of phase chemistry on the extent of strengthening mechanisms in model Ni-Cr-Al-Ti-Mo based superalloys

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    The exceptional mechanical properties of polycrystalline nickel-based superalloys arise through various concurrent strengthening mechanisms. Whilst these mechanisms are generally understood, consensus has yet to be established on the precise contribution of each to the overall alloy strength. Furthermore, changes in alloy chemistry influence several different mechanisms, making the assessment of individual alloying elements complex. In this study, a series of model quinary Ni-based superalloys has been investigated to systematically study the effect of varying Mo content on the contributing strengthening mechanisms. Using microstructural data, the yield strength was modelled by summing the individual effects of solid solution in both the γ and γ ' phases, coherency, grain boundary and precipitation strengthening. The total predicted yield stress increased with Mo content despite the diminishing contribution of precipitation strengthening. It is shown that solid solution strengthening of the ordered γ' precipitate phase is a key contributor to the overall strength, and that variations in composition between the tertiary and secondary γ ' lead to significant changes in mechanical properties that should be accounted for in models of alloy strength.Funding was provided by the EPSRC/Rolls-Royce Strategic Partnership under EP/M005607/1 and EP/H022309/1. The Oxford Atom Probe facility was funded by the EPSRC under EP/M022803/1. E. I. Galindo-Nava would like to acknowledge the Royal Academy of Engineering for his fellowship funding. Neutron diffraction beam time was supported through the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre under Experiment number 1258

    First direct observation of the Van Hove singularity in the tunneling spectra of cuprates

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    In two-dimensional lattices the electronic levels are unevenly spaced, and the density of states (DOS) displays a logarithmic divergence known as the Van Hove singularity (VHS). This is the case in particular for the layered cuprate superconductors. The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) probes the DOS, and is therefore the ideal tool to observe the VHS. No STM study of cuprate superconductors has reported such an observation so far giving rise to a debate about the possibility of observing directly the normal state DOS in the tunneling spectra. In this study, we show for the first time that the VHS is unambiguously observed in STM measurements performed on the cuprate Bi-2201. Beside closing the debate, our analysis proves the presence of the pseudogap in the overdoped side of the phase diagram of Bi-2201 and discredits the scenario of the pseudogap phase crossing the superconducting dome.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Visualizing the microscopic coexistence of spin density wave and superconductivity in underdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs

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    Although the origin of high temperature superconductivity in the iron pnictides is still under debate, it is widely believed that magnetic interactions or fluctuations play an important role in triggering Cooper pairing. Because of the relevance of magnetism to pairing, the question of whether long range spin magnetic order can coexist with superconductivity microscopically has attracted strong interests. The available experimental methods used to answer this question are either bulk probes or local ones without control of probing position, thus the answers range from mutual exclusion to homogeneous coexistence. To definitively answer this question, here we use scanning tunneling microscopy to investigate the local electronic structure of an underdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs near the spin density wave (SDW) and superconducting (SC) phase boundary. Spatially resolved spectroscopy directly reveal both the SDW and SC gap features at the same atomic location, providing compelling evidence for the microscopic coexistence of the two phases. The strengths of the SDW and SC features are shown to anti correlate with each other, indicating the competition of the two orders. The microscopic coexistence clearly indicates that Cooper pairing occurs when portions of the Fermi surface (FS) are already gapped by the SDW order. The regime TC < T < TSDW thus show a strong resemblance to the pseudogap phase of the cuprates where growing experimental evidences suggest a FS reconstruction due to certain density wave order. In this phase of the pnictides, the residual FS has a favorable topology for magnetically mediated pairing when the ordering moment of the SDW is small.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Memories. A Review based on the European Integrated Project "Qubit Applications (QAP)"

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    We perform a review of various approaches to the implementation of quantum memories, with an emphasis on activities within the quantum memory sub-project of the EU Integrated Project "Qubit Applications". We begin with a brief overview over different applications for quantum memories and different types of quantum memories. We discuss the most important criteria for assessing quantum memory performance and the most important physical requirements. Then we review the different approaches represented in "Qubit Applications" in some detail. They include solid-state atomic ensembles, NV centers, quantum dots, single atoms, atomic gases and optical phonons in diamond. We compare the different approaches using the discussed criteria.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Removing exogenous information using pedigree data

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    Management of certain populations requires the preservation of its pure genetic background. When, for different reasons, undesired alleles are introduced, the original genetic conformation must be recovered. The present study tested, through computer simulations, the power of recovery (the ability for removing the foreign information) from genealogical data. Simulated scenarios comprised different numbers of exogenous individuals taking partofthe founder population anddifferent numbers of unmanaged generations before the removal program started. Strategies were based on variables arising from classical pedigree analyses such as founders? contribution and partial coancestry. The ef?ciency of the different strategies was measured as the proportion of native genetic information remaining in the population. Consequences on the inbreeding and coancestry levels of the population were also evaluated. Minimisation of the exogenous founders? contributions was the most powerful method, removing the largest amount of genetic information in just one generation.However, as a side effect, it led to the highest values of inbreeding. Scenarios with a large amount of initial exogenous alleles (i.e. high percentage of non native founders), or many generations of mixing became very dif?cult to recover, pointing out the importance of being careful about introgression events in populatio

    Qualidade de vida nas pessoas com esquizofrenia: a influência das características sociodemográficas e clínicas e da satisfação com o suporte social

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    Objective: To evaluate the relationship of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and satisfaction with social support with the quality of life of schizophrenic patients. Methodology: This study included a sample of 268 participants. An interview was conducted to obtain sociodemographic and clinical data, supplemented with two assessment tools used to evaluate quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version – WHOQOL-Bref) and satisfaction with social support (Social Support Satisfaction Scale – SSSS). Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed. Results: Most individuals were male (63.4%), with a mean age of 45.4 years, single (85.4%), living with their family (62.3%) and unemployed (90.3%). As for clinical characteristics, most had the disease for less than 20 years (50.7%), and 55.6% had at least one hospitalization within the last 5 years. Being employed and having had no hospitalization within the last 5 years were positively correlated with one or more WHOQOL-Bref domains. The results of the variables intimacy (p<0.001) and satisfaction with friends (p<0.001) were independently related to the total WHOQOL-Bref score. Conclusion: Having a job, having had no hospitalization within the last 5 years and having greater satisfaction with social support are factors that positively influence quality of life among schizophrenics. It is therefore crucial that the psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia take these factors into account, increasing the support network, preventing relapses and promoting occupational activities.Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre as características sociodemográficas e clínicas e a satisfação com o suporte social com a qualidade de vida dos doentes com esquizofrenia. Métodos: A amostra do estudo é de 268 participantes. Foi realizada uma entrevista para obter os dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e aplicados dois questionários para avaliar a qualidade de vida (World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version – WHOQOL-Bref) e a satisfação com o suporte social (Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social – ESSS). Foram efetuadas análises descritivas e inferenciais. Resultados: A maioria dos indivíduos era do gênero masculino (63,4%), com uma média de idade de 45,4 anos, solteiros (85,4%), vivendo com a família (62,3%) e desempregados (90,3%). Relativamente às características clínicas, 50,7% tinham a doença há menos de 20 anos, e 55,6% estiveram internados pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 5 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que estar empregado e não ter sido internado nos últimos 5 anos estão positivamente relacionados com um ou mais domínios da WHOQOL-Bref. A satisfação com a intimidade (p<0,001) e a satisfação com os amigos (p<0,001) foram independentemente associados ao escore total da WHOQOL-Bref. Conclusão: Ter emprego, não ter hospitalizações nos últimos 5 anos e estar satisfeito com o suporte social são fatores que influenciam positivamente a qualidade de vida dos doentes com esquizofrenia. Por conseguinte, é crucial que esses fatores sejam levados em conta nos programas de reabilitação com o suporte social, aumentando a rede de suporte, evitando recaídas e promovendo atividades ocupacionais.publishe

    Disentangling Cooper-pair formation above Tc from the pseudogap state in the cuprates

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    The discovery of the pseudogap in the cuprates created significant excitement amongst physicists as it was believed to be a signature of pairing, in some cases well above the room temperature. In this "pre-formed pairs" scenario, the formation of pairs without quantum phase rigidity occurs below T*. These pairs condense and develop phase coherence only below Tc. In contrast, several recent experiments reported that the pseudogap and superconducting states are characterized by two different energy scales, pointing to a scenario, where the two compete. However a number of transport, magnetic, thermodynamic and tunneling spectroscopy experiments consistently detect a signature of phase-fluctuating superconductivity above leaving open the question of whether the pseudogap is caused by pair formation or not. Here we report the discovery of a spectroscopic signature of pair formation and demonstrate that in a region of the phase diagram commonly referred to as the "pseudogap", two distinct states coexist: one that persists to an intermediate temperature Tpair and a second that extends up to T*. The first state is characterized by a doping independent scaling behavior and is due to pairing above Tc, but significantly below T*. The second state is the "proper" pseudogap - characterized by a "checker board" pattern in STM images, the absence of pair formation, and is likely linked to Mott physics of pristine CuO2 planes. Tpair has a universal value around 130-150K even for materials with very different Tc, likely setting limit on highest, attainable Tc in cuprates. The observed universal scaling behavior with respect to Tpair indicates a breakdown of the classical picture of phase fluctuations in the cuprates.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure